Ordinance No. 77-64 CITY OF TIGA RD, OREGON Cni DINANTCF. 110. 77- 6�___ ORDITNANCE i%DOFTINCr FINDINGS 11i'Tn,, tiT;SP'CT TO AN APPLICATION BY FO: 7iRICHA D H. CAFFALL Al1M2NT TO TT 1970 'ONING MAP OF THE CITY I� ['`T *ATT^ _ ?,T,+. n t7t? - I TR LAND T S.W.r _�„�„ Ci :.� I..0 =:.>� ZO:Ti L��T.�;CTO P. TRACT OF 1�lc D Ar5 CAR- RETT !sND ASH NTI✓rE':'S A PJ'D irrICTFD OP; ;,`.ASIiI^TGTCr,T COUNTY TAX I+IAP 2S1 2CC AS TAX LOT 401 , FROM !",A SHINGTON COUNTY RU-4 TO Rz-7 SINGLE FAMILY REZIDIENTIAL AND ADOPTING E:'.I;IDITS "A" AND "3", GRANTING THE APPLICA- TION AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. TIIF CITY OF TIGARD OFDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 : Finding that the lands hereinafter described ha-ve been heretofore and are now classifled as Washington County R33- 4, and further finding that pursuant to prescribed procedures, the above--stated application for a zoning map amendment was heard in a public hearing held by the Tigard Planning Commission an June 21 , 1977, and all interested persons were there and then afforded an opportunity to be heard, and thereafter the Planning Commission filed its report and recommended approval with the City Recorder, a copy therefore hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, the Cot:ncil adopts the following substantive findings: A. There exists a public need to apply City of Tigard zoning to all parcels o.f Land in the city in order to ease the administration of land use re ulations and assure consistency throughout the City. B. The proposed R-7 ,onirg district is compatible with the surround- ing zoning and co.zforms to the Neighborhood Planning Organization #1 Plan, in that it Limits the maximum overall density to four dwelling uritisfa,j�_e aru rix+,. the attachment of appropriate ropriate condi- tions, the adequate provision of public services to serve the pro- posed de elcapment can be assured, C. The R• 7 zoning is the most appropriate designation due to there being no apparent development constraints and the need to effi- ciently utilize buildable lands in the urban area. SECTIONT-2: THEREFORE, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 18.FSf3 of the Tigard Municipal Code, the applicant's request for an amendment 6-f--the and on n :rla o-L 1970 to zone those lands des- cribed in the attache x ibi "A", fErF Singe Family Residential (R- 7) use is hereby approved, subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.20 (Single Family Residential Zone) of the Tigard Municipal Cade so em- bodied in or exhibited by the document submitted and identified as Follows ZC 21-77 3 Exhibit "A": legal Description Exhibit "B": Staff Report and further subject to the following conditions: 1 . Five feet of right-of-way be dedicated along both S.W. Ash and S.W. Garrett Streets for street proposed. 2. Because of the approximately 400 additional traffic trips which will be generated when this property is developed at the density permitted by the R-7 zone, any development proposal for this prop- erty should, therefore, include improvements to the intersection of S.W. Ash Avenue and S.W. Garrett Streets as may be necessary to accommodate this additional traffic. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall become effective on the 31st day af- ter its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED: By Ltocv)--r-44 vote of all Council members present, after being read three times by number and title only this ,2-i: day of 1977 All Recorder My of' T4gard APPROVED: By the Mayor this day of , 1977. Mayor - City of Tigard ,yr rr Page 2 Ordinance No. 77-_( ZC 21-77 Caffall Annexation 2S 1 2Cc "EXHIBIT A" The following described tract of land being situated in Lot 13, 14 and a portion of 15, "Frewing Orchard Tracts", a subdivision of record in Washington County, Oregon, located in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washingto '' County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 2" iron pipe marking the initial point of "Cresmer Hills", a sub- division of record in Washington County, Oregon, said point being located North 10°14'00" West 1602.95 feet from the Southeast corner of the George Richardson D.L.C. No. 38; thence from said point of beginning North 62°00'40" East 25,04 feet to the center line of S. W. Garrett Street, County Road 1067; thence along said centerline South 24°30'22" East 431.52 feet; thence South 65029'38" Wast 25 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of said S. W. Garrett Street; thence South 65°29'38" West 133 feet; thence South 15°40'19" East 102.83 feet; thence South 21013'21" East 100.47 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of S.W. Ash Avenue, County Road 1067; thence South 34°07'15" 26.35 feet to a point on centerline of said S.W. Ash Avenue, thence along said centerline South 74°19'41" West 518.35 to the Westerly right-of-way of S.W. 100th Avenue; thence Northwesterly along said Westerly right-of-way and the Northerly extension thereof to the North line of Lot 25 Freleon; thence South 88° 57'57" West 213.50 more or less feet to a 3/4" iron pipe marking the S.W. corner of Lot 14, "Frewing Orchard Tracts"; thence North 00°08'16" East 473.26 feet to the Southwest corner of said "Cresmer Hills" subdivision; thence along the Southerly line of said "Cresmer Hills North 62000140" East 650.89 feet to the point of beginning b �f STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10865 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon DOCKET: Zone Change ZC 21-77 REQUEST: A zone map amendment to change the zoning designation from Washington County Zoning 11RU-4" to City of Tigard 11R-7, Single Family Residential" for a 9.7 acre parcel LOCATION: S.W. Garrett and Ash (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2CC, Tax Lot 401) APPLICANT: Richard H. Caffall Z . BASIC FACTS: 1. The applicant is requesting the application of Section18.20 (Single Family Residential) of the City of Tigard Municipal Code to a recently annexed (June 8, 1977) , 9.7 acre parcel 2• The site is designated "Urban .Low Density Residential" on the Tigard Community Plan, 1971. Applicable policies fro the plan are as follows: In a . Urban Low DensityResidential dential Objectives ' (1) To provide areas of the city having a predominately single family residential character t (2) To permit densities that will economicall su the cost of necessaryY pport ties, such as public services and facili- ues, es paved streets, pedestrian ways, and (3) To permit a variety of housing types to meet the needs of different family size and family income. t Policies and Standards (1) The maximum overall density of development will b four dwelling units or 12 e persons per gross acre. This amounts to a standard of 7,500 square feet of land per dwelling unit, allowing for streets and other open space. Some areas will have a lower ......._......_.. . ...._..... . .... ......................._._.._.. ....... ... ......... STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 2 density owing to topography, existing development patterns or the desire of individuals to own a larger lot (2) Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters, street lights, and walkways, according to City or County stand- ards. All utilities will be placed underground. (3) Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water, and sewerage facilities. These facilities shall be (a) capable of ade- quately serving all intervening properties, as well. as the proposed development and (b) designed to meet City or County standards. (4) Planned unit development will be encouraged on tracts large enough to accommodate ten or more dwellings. Planned unit development will permit a degree of flexibility in design that will enable a higher quality of development in accordance with zoning standards b. Local Streets Purpose: To provide access to properties abutting the street. Local standards: New Streets Right-of-way 50-60 feet (50 _oot minimum) Pavement width 32-36 feet Moving lanes 2 Volume 0-1,500 vehicles per day Driving speed 10-25 miles per hour Cul-de-sacs 40 foot radius turn-around and 400 feet maximum length i i 1. STAFF REPORT Elul,°NDA 5.4 "IUARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Page 3 Va?_ume : 1,000-6,000 vehicles per day Driving spee<': 20-35 miles per hour (2) The standard,.:; described above are for collector streets is built-up areas where on-street parking and direct ae.. ess to property are permitted. In special cases (such as large scale subdivisions where access c.an be controlled, parking space can be provide-d in off-street parking bays, and walk- ways can be pr,,)vided along rear lot lines), other standards may be appropriate. . A c:oll.ect.or street without on-street parking and wit-hout curb-cuts to individual properties can be developed with 24-26 feet of driving pavement. Such a stre_t serves one function--to move traffic. (3) The plan designates the following as collector st' •eets 1-forth Dakota Street from 121st Avenue to Tiodeman ',enue. (4) R-7 w(-_) .::;n allow the following uses: Jutri ;} t permitted: i f angle family dwelling, each on a sepa- rately described lot, as recorded in the County records 2 . Farring, truck gardening, orchards, and nurse-ries, provided no retail or whole- sale business sales office is maintained � on the premises and provided that no poultry or livestock, other than normal - i > household pets, are housed or any fenced t run located within 100 feet of any resi- 3enc other than the dwelling on the same lot I� 3. Ho.r,. occupations, only as strictly defined I in :;tion 18.08.250 k ; (b) Conditjooal uses: €€ 1 STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Page 4 r (1) Duplex residential, with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet: one duplex per lot (2) Boat moorage t (3) Cemetares (4) Churches and accessory uses 1 (5) Colleges (6) Community buildings (public) f (7) Governmental structure or land use, in- cluding public park, playground, recre- ation building, fire station, library or museum �. (8) Greenhouse (9) Conditional home use: Following the procedure set forth in Chapter 18.72, a IT conditional home use may be authorized for certain home occupational uses which do not strictly conform to the criteria set forth for "home occupation" as de- fined in Section 18.08.250. It is the intent of this provision to provide the means for request for the City's consid- eration of "home occupation type uses when special circumstances are present which the applicant feels deserve this consideration. It is the intent of this title that any commercial or indus- trial operations which would ordinarily be conducted in 'a commercial or indus- trial district continue to be conducted in such dis..rict and not at home. (10) Hospital, sanitarium, rest home, home t for the aged, nursing home or convales- cent home (11) Railroad right-of-way ' STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Page 5 (12) School : nursery, primary, elementary; junior high or senior high, college or university, private, parochial or pub- lic (13) Utility substation or pumping station with no equipment storage and lines which are essential to the functioning and servicing of residential neighbor- hoods (14) Any business, service, processing, stor- age or display essential or incidental to any permitted use in this zone and not conducted entirely within an en- closed building (15) Golf course, country club, private club (16) Children 's day care II . STAFF OBSERVATIONS: 1. The site is a vacant, open parcel, with the exception of two small buildings that have been AMEEyWJ by fires. The topography ranges from 250 feet at the southeast corner of the lot to 230 feet at the northeast corner. Single family homes surround the site on the north, east, and south. An open field and apartments beyond the field are located to the west. 2. Prior to annexation of this property, the former Tax Lot 401 was partitioned into two (2) lots, now Tax Lots 400 and 401. Tax Lot 400, which is located at the southeastern end of Tax Lot 401, was not included in the rece,at annexation. A single family home is located on this parcel . 3. Access to the site is presently available from both S.W. Ash and S.W. Garrett Streets, which are both substandard in right-of-way and improvement width. In order to bring the existing right-of-way to meet the NPO #2 Plan standards, a five foot dedication on the property along S.W. Ash Street and a five foot dedication along S.W. Garrett Street would be required. r STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 6 4. nater is avuila.hle to the 0_tp_ by way of a Six inch water line along S.W. Garrett Street and a 12 inch line along S.W. Ash Street. Sewerage service is also available from 2 eight inch lines, one from S.W. Barnum Street and the other from S.W. Cresmer. Both lines are of adequate capacity to facilitate the proposed density. 5. The intersection of S.W. Garrett and Ash Streets is badly in need of improvements. Sight visibility is impaired by the present radius at the intersecting streets as well as a high earth embankment , which is covered with shrubs and trees. However, the entire intersection at this point in time is not within the jurisdiction of the city. 6. The amount of additional traffic that would be generated from the development of this parcel would further impact a substandard street system. Therefore, it is staff's opinion at such time as development of Tax Lot 401 does occur, im- provement considerations should be given for the intersec- tion of S.W.,. Garrett and Ash Streets. III . CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: 1. There exists a public need to apply City of Tigard zoning to all parcels of land in the city in order to ease the ad- ministration of land use regulations and assure consistency throughout the city. 2. The proposed R-7 zoning district is compatible with the sur- rounding zoning and conforms to the Neighborhood Planning Organization #1 Plan, which designates these parcels to de- velop at an Urban Low Density of four units per acre. With the attachment of appropriate conditions, the adequate pro- vision of public services to serve development of the site can be assured. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings of fact and conclusionary findings, the staff recommends approval of the request subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. Five feet of right-of-way be dedicated along both S.W. Ash and S.W. Garrett Streets for street purposes, i i 0 STAFF REPORT I! Z AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION June 21, 1977 - 7: 30 P.M. Page 7 2. Because of the approximately 400 additional traffic trips which will be generated when this property is developed at the density permitted by the R-7 zone, any development proposal for this property should, therefore, include im- provements to the intersection of S.W. Ash Avenue and S.W. x Garrett Street as may be necessary to accommodate this ad- ditional traffic. ' I r t. i { 7 307 • 308 t1( .f•°,C p\,�o OJ tJ G`��,.J 317 r07 4E �C G('� i` C Tl. JOI C4MCF6t E0 } 16 to f Ie s°5e 6 ,St' O \�43. IF 3•IF G C 21-.77 ;`• ? 312 n �' off . 14 31.4 �� a ta, � t z 13 r- , �! . ea 50 + 313 o,,f'.+ o " y 0 o \ 12 13 SUBJECT s - • 401 t . SITE '�A p! O� 15 400 f 1 � y r c\, r ! � tom! lr. � th' r • 2100 2200 � � k --n{' 120 ' ; c✓� CAFFA L ANILTO i. I rncsrsrs e I - II 4 i Ito 2 es5 Sege 27'r,c"N