Ordinance No. 68-67 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No.68- t ORDINANCE GRANTING A ZONE CHANGE AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL- USE WITH RESPECT TO LANDS OF R. B. GRIFFIN and J. W. BRAYSON IN Section 4, T2S, RIW, W.M., WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY S-R" CLASSIFICATION TO "PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT" UNDER ILI ":INCLW-FAMILY RN:SIDENTIAL R-7" ZONE of THE CITT OF TIGARD. WHEREAS, the hereinafter described lands, by action of the Washington County Planning Commission have heret^fore been limited in use to those permitted by the ".Suburban-Residcntial S-R" classifi- cation of the Washington County Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to prescribed procedures, the owners of said lands have applied to the City of Tigard for reclassification of said property from Washington County S-R (Suburban Residential) to City of Tigard "Planned Residential Development" as a conditional use under the R-7 (Single-family Residential) zone pursuant to the zoning code of tre City of Tigard; and WHEREAS, said application was duly publicized and hearing held on August 2.0, 1968 by the C:Ity Planning Commission, after due and legal notice; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission has approved the "Planned Residential Development" conditional use and has recommended approval of a zone change to R-7 (Single-family Residential), subject to the conditional. use, and notice of City Council h^aring thereon having been duly given by publication in the Tigard Times, and the City Council having conducted said hearing at its regular meeting of September 9, 1968, the Council. finds that s,-,3.d lands are well-adapted to and meet the criteria for Planned Residential Development under the R-7 (Single-family Residential) classification, subject to the conditions prescribed by the Planning Commission,; and the Council further-finds that it is in the public interest that said conditional use and zone change be approved and granted. s NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Saction 1: That the lands described on the attached sheet headed — "DESCRIPTION" be, and the same are, hereby reclassified to permit the use thereof for Planned Residential Development under the R-7 (Single-family Residential) classification of the Zoning Code of the City of Tigard, subject to the conditions set fbrth on the attached sheet entitled "CONDITIONS" which by reference is made a part hereof. to each and all conditions and requirements the develop went of said lands shall be and remain subject. Section 2: This ordinance shall be effective on the 31st day after its enactment by the City Council of Tigard, Oregon. Page 1 ORDINANCE No 68- k PASSED: By unanimous vote of all Council members present, after being read three times by number and title only, this 9th day of September , 1968. Recorder - ty t igard APPROVED: By the Mayor, this 9th day of September , 1968. Za Mayor --City g s . ss Page 2 - ORDINANCE No.68- Y ZVI DESCRIPTION Be;1nnin?y at a poiDt marking the Norhhs49t corner of Section 4, Town- ship 2 South, Range 1 'fest of the Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; runninj thence South alone the East line of said Section 4 a distance of 1295 feet, more or less, to a point 25 feet North of the Southeast corner of the .Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4; thence East 75 feet; thence South parallel to the , Section line between Section 3 and 4 to the center line of Millera P'erry Rows?; thence Westerly following the centerline of said road to F the East line of said Section 4; thence North slon; the East line of fr_ said Vection 4 to a point that is 466.7 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the North- east quarter of said Section 4; thenca West 466.7 feet; thence South 466.7 feet to the South line of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeazt quarter of acid Section 4; thence 'o;est alon, the South r . line of the North half of the SoutheFizt quarter of the Northeast s'6 quarter 4f said Section 4 a distance of 457.3 feet, More or lea--, to a point that u^ 264 feet west of the Southwest corner of the PJortAeaat ; quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence North 660.0 feet, more or lest, to a point on die C outh line of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the xos`theast quarter of said Section 4 that is 264 feet West of the "oath- east corner of the )outhwe.:t quarter of the Northeaat quarter of the Northeast quarter of said icction 4; thence Wc3 t alon,, the South line of the .Southwest quarter of the Northeazt quarter of t:ue N,.rtheaat quarter of ;,aid>Section 4 a distance of 400 feet, more or lea;, to the .South- wC:tet coz^nei' �" t iE SCiSthu�n_` cuartcr of the Northeast nt.iarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 4; thence North 1320 feet, more or les3, along the westlineof the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter to the North line W said Section 4; thence East 1320 feet, In or less, *to the place of be,ginnin&. To_,ether with a non-exelu;3ive easement to a rinht of way and eaocment for road access and utility purposes over the following described tract (f l.ond, to +sit': L,e�innin; at the Southea3t corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northea,t quarter of Section 4, Township 2 South, Range I Wont of the Willamette Meridian,"Washin;tcm County, Ore on; runnin; hence North alone the section line 206,7 feet; thence test at right anglea to the section line 50 feet; thence South parallel to said Section line 400 feet; thence East at riht ankles to the Section line 50 feet; thence North along the section line 193.3 feet to the place of be;inning, 4 :ii.vaiE3.`kclt�: {.;,". ..b$a.u+..yar..Nc'.Lw6 �. ��•` `Ya..�u � n w2a+ .".at6�L. I CONDITIONS 1. That the preliminary plat dated August, 1968 be accepted with the exception that the lots shown as 28 through 34 be developed as garden apartments instead of the area labeled Lot 21. 2. That public access to the par.'. Zuaranteed to the City on the existing road easterly L ig the subdivision to S.W.Walnut Street until such time that tiiis road is improved. At this time public access shall be made by the developer, ;neeting the approval of the City Staff. 3. That the park land be donated to the City as shown on the preliminary plat, but also including Lot 21. 4. That the park land be cleared of brush by the developers and the area in the vicinity of Lot 21 be leveled during devel- opment of the surrounding lots and graded as shown in the attached City plan for improvement by the develope. dated August 15, 1968. 5. That improvements be made to the park as shown in thz City's ,plans dated August 15, 1968. Playground equipment meeting City approval to be installed by the developer and his cost not to exceed $1,500. 6. That the public walkways be lighted with low wattage lamps and paved 6 feet in width with concrete and planted 2 feet on each side with law-growing shrubbery -- plans for both to be approved by the City Staff. 7. That the major arterials in the development (128th and 127th) be planted with trees (one per lot, 1-11211 caliper, Cleveland Norway Maple or equivalent) along, the entire length within the development. 8. That the street right-of-way be improved to Gity standards as designated in the subdivision ordinance, including asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, street lights and underground utilities, with exception that the cul-de-sac street width may be 28 feet. 9. That Phase III of the development will be open for review as to density prior to improvement of the area. Conditions