Ordinance No. 68-12 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON j ORDINANCE No. 68- /J AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TIGARD LANDS Or H. C. HOFFMAN, et ux AND HOWARD S. GASS, et ux being Tax Lot 700 and a portion of Tax Lot 900 respectively, in Section 3, T2S. Rlw. W.M. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON WHEREAS, the owners of the hereinafter described lands have petitioned the City of Tigard to annex the same to the City, and have filed consent to said annexation with the City Recorder under date of the 12th day of February�, 1968; and WHE$EAS, the lands hereinafter described and prW—ev-sad t^ ws annexed are contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Tigard and are not within the corporate limits of any city and lie wholly within the County of Washington, State of Oregon; and are, in all respects, qualified to be annexed to the City of Tigard; and WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 68-5 duly enacted by the City Council of Tigard on the 12 day of February , 1968, the City Council of Tigard did elect to dispenth submit ing the annexa- tion proposal to the registered voters of the City of Tigard, and did b}� said ordinance set Monday the 11 day of March , 1968 ,a at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the City Hail, Tigard, Oregon, as the a. time and place for public hearing by the Council of said annexation proposal; and WHEREAS, said hearing of March 11, 1968 was duly publicized by notice published onee eac wee dor two successive weeks, or three publishings in all, to-wit: On the 22 day of February , 1968, the 29 day of February =, 68 and.the 7 ay o March , 1T68,in the Tigar nera Times, a newspaper of ger circulationand p`Fu lT hed in the City of Tigard, Oregon; that an affidavit of said publication is on file herein and that notice of said hearing was further given by posting in four public and conspic- uous places within the City of Tigard for a like period and that the affidavit of the City Recorder;with respect to said posting is on file herein and WHEREAS, the hearing on said proposal was duly and regularly held at the City Hall, City of Tigard, on March 11 , 1961 at the hour of 8:00 p.m., whereat all interestea persons and regis- tered voters of the City desiring to be heard, were heard, and said hearing was duly closed; and WHEREAS, it appears that all statutory requirements for the annexation of the following described area to the City of Tigard have received full compliance and that said area may be lawfully annexed to the City of Tigard, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That all of the following described lands be, and the. _ same are, hereby annexed to the City of Tigard, and the boundaries of the City of Tigard be, and they are, hereby extended to include the following described lands within the said boundaries: 1 Page 1 ORDINANCE No. 68- i ; ;= I s TT Ri 44 DESCRIPTION tMrmst' erstone of the John L. flickland < rli1 & SAO. to dme: 3�, 12#i-BIW, W.11 in Washington County, State of •- .w.wti. yslS Toy --Ct a distance of 428.7 feet to ,aid 3t�x. southwest corner of that certain tract q 6s, BT" in dead to Jack 0. Godwin and wife as S02 fes`=�" �1 CsCorda'kif Washington County, ortio' 87"o S9'-aa St a distanceof 180 feet to the southeast co ar Of said parcel II; thencm North 240 44' West along the easterly line of said parcel II a distance of 35 feet; thence North 870 sl' Bast parallel with Ponner Road 120 feet more or less to a point " on t.'� O"terly line of that tract conveyed to Mary Jane Waldo by dead Yenttirdeed i$ Book 502 pago 178, de�3 records of said county; thongs bMrth 14 48' Weet" along the easterly line of said Waldo Tract 1167 feet moue or leas to a point on centerline of county road No. 495, thence along center line of said road North 870 59' East a "Aiatame of 126.6 feet to a'point on center line of said road, thence north 630 3+8' East along center line of said road a distance of # P $92.04'feet to a point; thence North 530 35' East along center line " of said road a distance of 211.6 feet to a point; thence South 00 57' ' West a distance of 930.7 feet to a point. on the south line of the `John L. HiEklin O.L.C. No. 37, thence South 870 13' West along said Lina to the point of true beginning, ya`= tg f� As set forth on the attached sheet head "DESCRIPTION" uy reference made a part hereof. Section?: That the Recorder of the C4ty of Tigard be, and she is hereby directed, within 10 days from the date hereof, to make and submit to the Secretary of State of Oregon: a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation ' b. A certified copy of the statement of consent of a, the landowners in the territory annexed c. A certified copy of Ordinance,No. 68- 5 whereby the City Council declared that no election is required in the City, and to file herein the acknowledgment of the Secretary of State of said filing. Section 3: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she is hereby directed, within 10 days from the date hereof, to file with each of the Department of Revenue and raxation and the Department of Records and Elections of the County of Washington, the followingd a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation " b. A certified copy of Ordinance No. 68- 5 and that a copy,of this Ordinance be directed to the Office of .the at Washington County Surveyor, and to file herein the acknowledgments ,r of said Departments of said filings. ereby ordained shall be effective on Section 4: The annexation h Hay 29, _1968 after filing with the Secretary of State of Oregon the oopies'af proceedings as in Section 2 hereof required to be filed, And from and after said date the hereinabovE�d�scofbTi and and annexed territory shall be and remain a part of the y 9 cil, by unanimous vote of all Council PASSED: By the Coun members present, after being read three time sar by number and title only, This 11 day of 9 968. y! wv C1r�c� — corder - City o Bard APPROVED: $y the Mayor, this 11 day of Mar h 11968 Mayor City of Tiga _ e Page 2 - ORDINANCE N0. 68-_12 At s , I cyN 3/iii , i �lVM s �y > f ! ` , •J } cI IL W� TA OD l -- � _� -+��,- - . _ ._ __ ._ ��.:�•••.�• .. _ _ qtr t • 4 0 co ysr; ifA, ..+�• :fit � K ° � �,� 'K:•f"�� i �"jL��'+'�•w � � ,.' .."� .u•�K,(�1 _ K'F4t8 #q � � Nd'•�"•+L j r..,It �'• '� * � t1 !.•• 02 U) vj L U cl LO L- 1 I cm in LL co d !h LIJ EUj Z e