Ordinance No. 68-07 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 68- AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TIGARD LANDS OF HOWARD R. ADKINS, being part of Lot 10, FREWING ORCHARD TRACTS in Sec. 2, T2S, RM W.M. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON WHEREAS, the owners of the hereinafter described lands have petitioned the City of Tigard to annex the same to the City, and have filed consent to said annexation 196D;the City Recorder under date of the Sth day of January , WHEREAS, the lands hereinafter described and proposed i:, be annexed are contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Tigard 'and are not within the corporate limits of any city and lie wholly within the County of Washington, State of Oregon, and are, in all respects, qualified to be annexed to the City of Tigard; and WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 68-1 duly enacted by the City Council of Tigard on the 8th day of January , 1968, the City Council of Tigard did elect to dispense��w E submitting the annexa- tion proposal to the registered voters of the City of Tigard, and did by said ordinance set Monday the 12thday of February , 1968 at the hour of 8:00 p.m. at the City Ham, Tigard, Oregon, as the time and place for public hearing by the Councij of said annexation proposal; and WHEREAS, said hearing of February 12, 1968 was duly publicized by notice published once sacTi-ween or two successive weeks, or three publishings in all, to-wit: On the 25 day of 8th January , 1968, the lst day of February =968 and the a _ore ruary 1598, in the Tigai�imes, a new.L)aper of genn-ia�- c p,:hnhed in the Citv of Tigard, Oregon; that an �f C1Tulatjo;. n.. affidavit of said publication is on file herein and that -�- -- said hearing was further given by posting in four public and conspic- uous places 'within the City of Tigard for a like period and that the affidavit of the City Recorder with respect to said posting is on file herein; and WHEREAS, the hearing on said proposal was duly and regularly held at the City Hall, City of Tigard, on February 12th, , 196$ at the hour of 8:00 p.m., whereat all interests persons and regis- tered voters of the City desiring to be heard, were heard, and said hearing was duly closed; and am WHEREAS, it appears that all statutory requ yex:ients for c'('e annexation of the following described area to the City of Tigard have received full compliance and that said area may be lawfully annexed to the City of Tigard, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section l:- That all of the following described lands be, and the same arz, 'hereby annexed to the City of Tigard, and the boundaries of the City of Tigard be, and they are, hereby extended to include the following described lands within the said boundaries: Page 1 - ORDINANCE No. 68- tir ' `i winning at the Southeast corner of Lot 10, FRZWIXG ORCHARD TRACTS, in Section 2, TOWnship 2 South, Range l West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, said corner being in the Center of S.W. Garrett Street (county road no. 1067)1 thence North 240 30' vest along the Easterly lino of said tract, being +' the OMtar line of said street, a distance of 134.0 feat; thence South qd�.2 00' West parallel With the Southerly line of said tract F and 4401-19 the existing corporate limits- of the City. of Tigard, to the Most line of said Lot 101 thence South 0 27' Went along the said Wool line to the Southwest corner of said Lot 101 and thence North 62 00' Best along the Southerly line of said Lot 10 a distance of 3.54 chains to the place of beginning. Section 2: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and rhe is _ hereby directed, within 10 days from the date hereof, to make and submit to the Secretary of State of Oregon: a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation b, A certified copy of the statement of concert of the landowners in the territory annexed c. A certified copy of Ordinance No. 68-1 whereby the City Council declared that no election is required in the City, end to file rain the acknowledg-ment of the Secretary of State or - said filing. Section 3: That the Recorder of the City of Tigard he, and she d s hereby directed, within 10 days frown the date hereof, to file with each of the Department of Revenue and Taxation and the Department of Records and Elections of the County of Washington, the following: a. A certified copy of this ordiiiance of annexation b. A certified copy of Ordinance'•Wo. 6$- 1 nrd that a copy of this Ordinance be dir4bted to the Office of the Washington County Surveyor, and to file.hersin the acknowledc+rments Section 4z The annexation hereby ordained shall.be effective on the date of filing with•the Secretary of State of Oregon the copies of proceedings as in Section 2 haritof required to be filed, and frons-and after said date the hereinabove described and annexed territory shall be and remain a part of the"City of Tigard. PASSED: By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after being read ;thio-O"times by number and title only ., f u 1963. Recor er - C ty of ar A!'PRO;�ED: By the Mayor, this 12 day of February 1968 x. : ^3al ty -of Ti Page 2 ORDINANCE No. 68-fir