Ordinance No. 67-16 CITY 01' TIGAHD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 67 - - 16- All ORDINANCE A;:?EXING TO THE CI^lY OF TIGA: .D LANI'JS OF JAMES P. McGRADE et ux, C. H. KATTERMAN+�and TrG ARLETON SLE. BARTON OREGON in Sec. 34, TlS, R1W, J.M. WHERP_AS, the oviners of the hereinafter do`-c=ibedlands have ee petitioned the City of Tigard to annex the ssme o t'._ rder date have filed consent to said annexation with the City Recorder of the 23 day of January , 1967; and 1�EER '.S, the lands hereinafter described and proposed to be annexed are centi nous to the corporate limits of tt:c (:-ty of Tir;ard and are not within the corporate limits of any city a::;t lie iwholly re- within the County of Washington, State of Oregon, na are, s cts, qualified to be annexed to Lhe City Tigard; Pe by t cnc,;vu ''c o Cit•• Council . tIH REAS, by Ordinance No.67- 5 duly 19":7 City Council of of Tigard on 7:i]e 23 day of Januar_, _a-tion proposal to Tigard did elect to dispense with subraittin the sndby said ordinance the registered voters of the City of Tigard, and did by set Monday the 2Z day of Februar___, 1967• at the hour of ce o'olock p.m. at ti,c CiLy Hall, TiCardc Oregon, a.; the roposal� aldCe for public hearing by the Council of said annexation F was duly tlHEFtrAS, said hearing of — Feb publicized by notice published once ea.cn xee: for publicized o u0 F bruaryeeks, or three publishings in all, to-wit: On theof and tre 23 day of 1967, the 15 _ day of February _,; ner of general February 1967. in the Ti jar d mes a ne.+spa. circulation as.0 published in the City of Tigard, Orego:_; that an affi- davit of said publication is on file herein andbthatlic no tconspicuous hearing vias further ;riven by oost_ng nfour pi�period and that the affi- davitwithin the City of Tigard for a like p davit of the City Recorder with respect to said posting is on file herein; and WHEREAS the hearing on said proposal was dulyand regularly held at the City Fiall, City of Tigard, on FES 2� ' toros aadregistered hour of 8:00 o'clock desirin iStorbetall hear3,1wereshearde, and said hearing voters of the City g was duly closed; and ;uir�:aenG� ts for the WHEi3EF.S, it Fnoears that all statutory of Tigard have annexation of `she folio ing described aria to , City - g received full compliance and that said area may be. 1...,ful1 y annexed to the City of Tigard, NODI, T11Eitr.PORE, THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Sects? That all Of the following described lands be, and the sale are, hereby annexed to the City ofnTigard and evtendedhtobound- aries of the City of Tigard be, and they are, hereby include the fCilovling described lands within the said boundaries: PVZ0 1 - ORDINAnr No. 67 - X16 f: As set forth on the attached sheet headed "DESCRIPTION" which is by reference herein made a part hereof Section _ That the Recorder of the City of Ti art bc', and she is hereby directed, within 10 days fro!:: the uate hereof, to make and submit to the Secretary of -'tate of Orei;on: a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation b. A certified copy of the statement of co,sant of the landowners in the territory annexed C. A certified copy of Ordinance No.67_ 5 whereby the City Council declared that no election is required in the City, and to file herein the acknowledgment of the SCcrctary of State of said filing. Section 3: That the Recorder of the City of TiCard be, and she is hereby directed, within 10 days fro ,,,, date hereof, to file vtith each of the Department of Revenue and z.-a: icn and the Department of Records and Elections of the County of Washington, the following: a. A certified copy of this ordinance of annexation b. A certified copy of Ordinance NO-67. 5 , and that a cony of this Ordinance be directed to the Office of the Washington County Surveyor, and to file herein the acknowledgments of said Departrr,ents of said filings. Section 4: The annexation hereby ordained shall be effective on the date of filing with the Secretr_ry of State of Ore on the copies of proceedings as in Section 2 heraof reaui,,ed to be filed, and from and after said date the hereinabove described and annexed territory shall be and remain a part of the City of Tigard. PASSED: By the Council, by unanimous vote of all Council members present, after being read three times by title only, and number this X27 day ofFeb. i9F7, - Recorder - City bf :iea.a APPROVED: By the Mayor, this 27 day of -Fek. , 1967. May�+� Ci��/tt/ i�i?ard Page 2 - ORMiNANCC No.G 'f- 16 t r DESCRIPTION North 300' of 'Pax f.t,t 400 The Northerly 300 feet of the following described property: The West half of the West half of the Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter of Southwast quarter in Section 34, Township 1 South, of Range 1 West of Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon. North 275' of Tax Lot 300 The Northerly 275 feet of the following described property: The East half of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast truarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, in the County of Washington and State of Oregon; subject to rights of public in and to that part of the herein described premises lying within the boundaries of roads and highways. North 275' of Tax Lot 200 The Northerly 275 feet of the following described property: The West 70 feet of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian in the County of Washington and State of Oregon Subject to the rights of the public in and to any portion thereof lying within the boundaries of roads and highways along the Southerly boundary. North 275' of Tax Lot 100 The Northerly 275' of the following described property: East i Northeast t of Northeast k of Southwest w, Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, SAVE AND EXCEPT the West 70 feet thereof. East 25' of Tax Lot 100 The East 25 feet of the following described property: East k Northeast i4 of Northeast � of Southwest 'r,, _ Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, SAVE AND EXCEPT the West 70 feet thereof. i w 4'