Ordinance No. 66-16 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON f ORDINANCE No.66- 3.6 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 24, 1966, (SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION) WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF TIGARD OF CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY, TO BE KNOWN AS THE "SOUTHEAST ANNEXATION PROPOSAL"; DESCRIBING SAID TERRITORY AND INVITING THE VOTERS THEREOle TO VOTE UPON THE PROPOSAL; PROVIDING FOR THE USUAL PRECINCT POLLING PLACES DESIGNATED FOR THE GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION; PROVIDING THAT THE GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUDGES AND CLERKS REGULARLY DESIGNATED SHALL SERVE AS ELECTION BOARD; DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION, AND PROVIDING FOR PREPARATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTION MATERIALS THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Sectien 1: A special election is hereby called to be held between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 8:00 o'clock p.m., P.D.S.T., or May 24, 1966, (simultaneously with the general primary election, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified, regis- tered voters of the territory hereinafter described, the following ballot proposal: "Shall the territory lying within the following described boundaries, contiguous to the City of Tigard, Oregon, be annexed to the City of Tigard: (Territory within the boundaries as described on the attached sheet headed DESCRIPTION, known as the SOUTHEAST annexation proposal, which by reference herein is made a part hereof.) MARK X OR V IN THE SQUARE FOR THE ANSWER VOTED FOR: I vote in favor of the annexation proposal YES rrr---------��� I vote against the annexation proposal NO rr Section 2: The qualified, registered voters of said territory are hereby invited to vote at the election which shall be held at the regular, usual, precinct polling places designated for the general primary election of May 24, 1966, said polling places being those designated and used at the last general election as follows: Precinct 59 ) Tuality Junior High School Precinct 123 ) Tigard, Oregon Page 1 - ORDINANCE No.66- 1.6 Section 3: The judges and clerk* of election shall be the same as those dull designated to serve as such at the general primary election oRSsy 24, 1966 in conformity with the regular State election procedurea, and tie City of Tigard shall bear any additional costs arising by reason of the special election. Sec on,ft: The City Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and she is haveby, directed to give due and legal notice of said election by publication in the Tigard Timet a newspaper of general circulation within the territory pr eel to be annexed, once each week for four successive weaka acid publishings to be on April 21 and 28, May 5, 12 and 19, 1§66, and by posting notice of said election at four public and conspicuous places witin the territory proposed to to annexed for a like period of time, such notices to be in due and legal fortis and to include all requirements of Section 222.134 Oregon R wised Statutea. jpS;jW : The City Recorder of the City of Tigard b4 and she is hereby, fissther directed to cause to have the ballots prepared +sandapprowed by the Director of the Department of words and Wlactiona of Wachington County Oregon and to have all other necessary election mat .6 prepaxQ and deisvfred to the Doparts:ent oil Records and Mctiona of Washington Co"U' Oreggon for distribution to the election boards of the precincts herei.na6ove stated. Section 6: That masa;==. as it is necessary for the peace, health and safety of the people residing within that-area proposed to be ane�aed of the people within the Citof Tigard and those interested in the proposed annexation that this matter be emitted to the voters ort May 24 19", and, therefore this ordinsmee should becom effective with( the least possible May, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective upon it# passage by the Council of the City of Tigard and its approval by the Mayor. Pte: By the Council, by unanisoua vote of all Council members present, sfter baaiag read three tures b title only, this?ItI day of April J96 . �96r-"—r -' " y o -Tigard� By the Mayor, this 11t4ay of April, 1966. or - ty a gar g: Page 2 0101HAM No. 66 16 4 F L 1 i i...., f 'it 2 u,r :,-vt,1ori r,,:errce v.-est., a.•r'a1ir.1 situ the nortr: Pne al-Iec- 3 id on 1 i, tc tt„� ", rr,rnex of that. certai r. ; acrd tract conve,y'ed to (.r _ 4 r-1. ux Ly dut t: r._cord,'tl on papr. 119 in cook. %t,Ct Gr :48si i n;,trn -ount.V, Urevon, Ueed 5 �e'cord>; Lo„it:,' Scnit,t: ei"itj t•r!et t.:; the .;.G, corner of s:id 11 acro, tr•;,ct ori the north 6 i i re i� F TrkRAC,', tnence :.art to the; northeast corner of P!N.KBROOK TERRACE; 7 r.t,enee: :Joutt, t,; tole noutne,ist corm_r• of l }iBi,!E; trience lest .,Lon;, the 8 n:-,rti: i inn n'' tr,e ::r,Lorn:,n t(ichardsvr, :,.L.C. 61,11 to �i point. 3lr.2i+71, crr:irns Seat. of 9 -if, i;. corn, r of :.aid i, ;m; tr,encr: Swan, parallel witli trie :i:ast line of, said 10 aim 1�-.2(,o cr:a ins tr.ertce 3e>t. tc tiro• rort.reast x,r ver of Lot 13 of AI.LF;RL'RCUK 11 "'MY; thence •�:utn to tr;e ;out,east corner or the nortr half of said Lot. 13; thence 12 ."'eSt t:; the sn:tna,est corner Lf tut, north halt' of Lot 11, AL. RRuPOGK "ARY; tnence 13 irr,rtrt to the northwest corner of said Lot 11; tLence nest to a Point IL6.65 feet 19 west r}'' the northeast cora r of Lot 9, ALL'i?R'1ROOk FP.R!1; thence :',outh, parallel with 15 t.ite spa line cf said l,ot, 9 a W-t.ance. of 208.05 feet; thence East, Dam ile1 viith I6 trw r.ortn fln- or said l.ot ' a ui stance of 1116.t',5 feet to a point ort the east line 17 t..:er,cf; t,;ence :,;.t- tc; t.nc soutr,east corner of said 1,rit 9; thence 'rest tr, the+ scutr- 18 creat ccmter of sai(i Oot 9; tnence i'cortt, to the northeast corner of THE lAEGIF;RiTr,' 19 c:PS TritJ7.3; i-.rience :':est, tc the southwest corner of Lr-t. 12 of DEL 'i,GNTF; Y1F.UTV1:>I0N 20 PLAT P.. . 2; thence nartr. to the rortt:we;t corner of said Lot 12, thence continuing 21 nortt, ,tc: tt,e rarth Line of S.W. Del Monte t)rive in saiu sucuivision; thence east to 22 ae so ithaest corner of Lot 1 of DEL MCiNT^' T IiT1ISION; thence north to tr.e north- 23 west corner of said Lot 1; tnence east on the nortri line of said Lot 1 and the east 24 erly extension trtr_roof to a point or. tn,N west line of Lot 7 of DEL "ONT(s SIIBDTVI;IC'N- 25 f.nur,c,' nca•tf, tr, tie. oortt we>t• .curour of said Lot 7; thence east, to the northeast car- 26 'hc•r n :;'irl LciL '!; t ,r:nr;,� nort.r: a.r"ir ti,e east line or' .r?I, h"c:!d1P' SUi3J1`T'I(iN and 27 the nuri.nerly extension thereof to the :;outh Line or Lot 23 or :lt.",FU','To is i^I 4tTS; 28 tsr,tnr, . weat 1- ',r:e ,c.atnvest corner of swirl Lot 23; ttr:r;ce It orth aloriP thr east iru: } 29 of, t,ot.c; 7, 0, �, !t, 3 ai,c 2 of T1 AP..DVIL L K^TcaiT5 to the southeast corner of the 30 tract of land .in said Lot 2 conveyed to A. R. Vincent tv deed described on care 212 31 in b^erl Book 1.61; tnence west to the southirmst corner of the said Vincent tract on 32 the cast line of said Lot 1.1 of AF4FMiA-1D PLAT OF ANThi+Bigt'l i'LACE; thence North to Page J. r✓mer• yot 1, 'fT APu'l+ 1'': :' TS; t-r,ncee f< t 2 to the :t.r.=,r.tY :watt=eao-,t corner of thr, tract conveyea L', -nr; aetei t,.,= aeeri 3�. )..cora" r, ;L in deed book 2-49 thence �'.- i ..l`1i 2'-6.1^ feet to re-entrant 4 corner .-f ..aid 17'aetel tract; ti;er,ce ; .>.y° ,"F:. 1i3l4.7b feet to t.re eantc.rl.y aouth- 5 east corner of >ai+i Pae-te1 tract; t:.ence ,;,1`.L "c, :?u= 'eet to i,nc r:ortnec:,c:t cor- 6 rrrr ui' said );rete tract on the norty Line of yect.ior. _1, T25, RIA, N.:d.; thence 7 st, i;` .bt• 1'::et to the northwest corner o:' laia oectiorr ll; tnence "i,i°":":,, i79.i, 8 rf et tc an .ir :r.; then.^e .I.e,9°291r.. ljt.37 fret t^ an rc,n cn tee west lir:,: r f, a 9 dedicated r:::: ..va;r .:r:; aescribed on mare 195 in :Deed !:cot. 1407; .nence 10 feet tc the ;•!.'A. corner 0' said re:aoway; tr,er;ce :.r,y° i+" '. 5:- feet to tr.e 11 mer of ;lid :1r:dicated roadwav; th,.-nceI.ES.; feet, to the ccrirsest corner 12 r.f RRM:- ra'%ir^.'S 11,nT 2; thence 'Sast alms tn+: rorty Line: c,f 13 2 tc t:ne .""stony h,undar:r of FR<,tiT!iG r;T+tii& D u..:mS; tnence ",ort) o::' sa'd wee>t 14 .Line: to a o:?i.nt N.2U°30"A. 1314.0 feet from the e%;cthlrl�r line of Lct 10, FRL,jj-!;G 15 `;PCH.;",. TR C;r=;; tfence 4.62°f;., parai.lel wit.). ,•,t ly Line 0' s.4,r Lot 1Q, 16 to a o:' ,t on the .,;terly lire thereof; thence rte.--ty- in trio center of S. ° 17 Garrett 5trect to r.r,t northwest corner of Lot 9, 18 dt °1r;" i,o the northeast corner of i,ot 19, FF Ifo; j iiRPJ TRACT,;; tne•ncF 19 '-C"v; ?G fFet:, more or less, to the ea:aerly botmcrar;v of Prewinf- .venue; 20 thence nort.ij,;riy don. said eastFrly boundary to tine s r_t.nr-. I rant r::,nvr .ru 1,01. k. :fine ct, ux by deed recoruel i.. 3co'r. W'(. t pace j3; trance 2 ;x>sterl; on tji r� southerly line of said bine. tract 19f eet to the srutnwe-t cerrr 3 t.hr:rr>o!'; cnr rre soutf.orl,y alon the westerly dine of Lct 22, FRFAICG CKHARu T,;CT::, 4 12`) f,(-t to a point. wt,icn bears id.3O°01t''A. 312 feet t'rca; the most southerly corner thence 'v.5lr°27rf:. a96 feet to a poi t ae2teri r'r.-•ndary of 5 of said Lot •?2; 6 %SF.ltCR',::T T::i-'VCE; Lnrrnr:e soj.itreasterl y to the most sout.i;erl•y corner of '1FACRoST TE T THE AFACF.; 7 TEfiRACF;; thence northeasterly to the most easterly corner of / .tCRES, 8 then('(, :.it3°!t"':;. to thr: moat easterly corner of Lot f;, FR`--TNG CRCHARD TRACTS; 9 nonce ±.ft2°05�i%. Brioni tre: westerly boundary of the 7J.J•', Graham u.L.C. 439 to the 10 most vac vtcrl y ccrne r of tor_ tract conveyed to henry rl. a`nnen et ux by Beed recorded 11 en pafe 179 in deed hr:ok 5,06; tnence followinp the snutrerl,y boundary of the said tttU.„% feet anr, °O?r":. 30.9 feet to the most southerly 12 inner. tract, a.63°l�rE. 13 corner thereof; tfivnice feet to an anrie in tne: easterly Line of 14 the said fi;nnen tract; tnence N.2°261E, along said easterly line 211.5 feet, more 15 or less, to ne southwest corner of the tract conveyed to G-orrS e narling et ux by 16 deed recorded on page 9 in Deed Book 210; thence S.d9°F;. along the south line of 17 tiie said Sparaing tract and the easterly extension thcreof 7.73 mains to the cen- 18 ter cf Dungy Ri-giq No. 22.1, now known as State Highwny 217; thence soutteriy in the 19 center of ;;lid Hip-may 230 feet, more or less, to the roost northerly corner of tnat 20 certain ii.6 acre tract ccmre;;ed to J. S. Grimstad et ux by deed recorded on nape 21 33b in need �ck :197; thence following th, northerly rd easterly boundary of said 22 (lrimstrul tract, 3.0*431F•. 456 deet; thence z1outtr '15 feet t.o the center of Farmo 23 Creek; tnencA down stream in the center of Fanny `.'.reek b29.5 feet, more or less, t.n Ff(:. C(W; tnencr "icst along the north line of EOC:ENOOD to the east 24 the north line of 25 live of section 1.1, T2S, )t!4, JJ.SS.; tnence Soutn alone said section line to the place 26 of oevinnint,,. 27 28 29 30 31 32 Page 3. �r. �i'r -