Ordinance No. 02-13 CITY OF TIGARD,OREGON ORDINANCE NO.02- 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LANGUAGE OF THE TIGARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ALLOW FOR MORE FLEXIBILITY PERTAINING TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS AND JOINT PARKING THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF TIGARD. WHEREAS,the applicant requested a Zone Ordinance Amendment to adjust the parking requirements for religious institutions in all zones, to amend the maximum distance for shared parking in all zones, and to allow on-street parking for religious institutions in instances where the street is designed and improved to accommodate on-street parking;and WHEREAS,the City of Tigard Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 4,2002 and reccommended approval of the proposed amendment by motion and a vote of 6 in favor, 1 against,and 1 abstention. WHEREAS, the City Council held a Public Hearing on the request on March 12, 2002 and indicated they were supportive of the proposed zone change and directed staff to prepare langauge and an Ordinance for Council review and approval;and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the proposed language adequately addressed concerns regarding protecting both the residential neighborhoods,as well as,the interests of the Tualatin Valley Christian Ministries;and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines adopted under Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 197; any federal or state statutes or regulations found applicable; any applicable Metro regulations; any applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies; and any applicable provisions of the City's implementing ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found the following to be the only applicable review criteria: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380, 18.390 and 18.765; Comprehensive Plan Policies 1.1.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.3;The Metro 2040 Plan; and Statewide Planning Goals land 2; and WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that the proposed zone ordinance amendment is consistent with the applicable review criteria and that approving the request would be in the best interest of the City of Tigard. NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1: The specific text amendements attached as "EXHIBIT A" to this Ordinance are hereby adopted and approved by the City Council. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the Council, signature by the Mayor, and posting by the City Recorder. PASSED: By 1Ct. �+ tvote of all Council members present after being read by number and title on y,this `'day of -1 y)& .i e-,6 ,2002. �At .Cr- k' ,r'f� Catherine Wheatley, City Recorder ORDINANCE NO. 02- % Page 1 of 2 in APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this L�day of C C-�, - ,2002. )`rnes E. GrffRth,w A.7roved as to form: Arr�rnPy Date ORDINANCE NO. 02- Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A-1 ADDITIONS: Indicated by UNDERLINE DELETIONS. Indicated by (Additionally,a bar in the far right margin also indicates where a change has been made. Example:—> Religious Institution Parking Amendment Proposals 18.765.030 General Provisions B. Location of vehicle parking The location of off-street parking will be as follows: 1. Off-street parking spaces for single-family and duplex dwellings and single-family attached dwellings shall be located on the some lot with the dwelling(s); 2. Off-street parkiny lots for uses not listed above shall be located not further than 299 500 feet from the b0ding OF 1 property Line that they are required to serve, measured in a StFaig"+ „along the most direct publicly accessible pedestrian route trom the bumldiRg property line with the following exceptions: a. Commercial and industrial uses which require more than 40 parking spaces may provide for the spaces in excess of the required first 40 spaces up to a distance of 398 500 feet from the primary site; b. The 40 parking spaces which remain on the primary site must be available for users in the following order of priority: 1) Disabled-accessible spaces; 2) Short-term spaces; 3) Long-term preferential carpool and vanpool spaces; 4) Long-term spaces. C. Joint parking. Owners of two or more uses, structures or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same parking and loading spaces when the peak hours of operation do not overlay, subject to the following: 1 . The size of the joint parking facility shall be at least as large as the number of vehicle parking spaces required by the larger(est) use per Section 18.765.070; 2. Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented to the Director in the form of deeds, leases or contracts to establish the joint use; 3. If a joint use arranyernent is subsequently terminated, or if the uses change, the requirements of this title thereafter apply to each separately. 18.765.70 Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements D. Exclusions to minimum vehicle parking requirements. The following shall not be counted towards the computation of the minimum parking spaces as required in Section 18.765.070H: 1. On-street parking_ Parking spaces in the public street or alley shall not be eligible as fulfilling any part of the parking requirement; except; Religious Institutions may count on-street parkingaround the perimeter of the use provided''that the following criteria have been satisfied: a` The on-street parking is on a street that is designed and physically improved to accommodate parking within the right-af-wa. b. The street where on-street parking is proposed is not located on local residential streets. Table 18.765.2 Minimum and Maximum Required Off-street Vehicle and Bicycle Parking Requirements MINIMUM Religious Institutions 1.0/2-3f6i seats in main assembly area (M) [61 Religious institutions may provide 1-space for every 4 seats on site in the main assembly area provided that they supply the'Gity with a parking pian that demonstrates that the peak parking demand of 1 space for every 3 seats is met utilizing any combination of the alternatives mentioned in this chapter. Adjustments to the minimum parking of 1 space for every 3 seats may be granted per applicable provisions of the code,but shall not decrease the amount of required on-site parking to less than 1 space for every 4 seats(unless the cumulative value of all'aftstments granted results in an'adiusted requirement of less than 1 space for Ievery 4 seats.