ROW2011-00067 tw - telecom Sep-01_11 14:18 503 416 1811 pr fr P.01 SEP 1 2011 CITY OF TIGARD :--i----_-----:,-.7 BUILDING DIVISION - liiii: x ' ■ City of Tigard ,,--, ,-,--- -- r--- - -.',' Application for Work in the Right-0f-V(4y Permit GENERAL INFORMATION ri /. I t,i1.■ I it I 1 --- „,„--- ;,- _-,. _ff- ,+, I i-1 ;::: _ 9020 SW Washington Square Rd -,1 N 1 !kilt ici :al t j_N- f -----;--‘- Property Address/Location(s); ---------- _ , Bore to take place on SW Hail Blvd, and SW Eliander Ln. --__ --_ --- — usol tiiiit —_—___ , _-----------_— _ • Traffic Conical Phut TW Telecorn (Kevin O'Conner) ____________ 'Appileant's Name] 620 SW 6TH. Avenue, Suite 400 Addtcoo: ----------__ _-------- civistotc Pcgtierice_on ____ zip: 07204 _______ 1 igopy„ i 1 -sookAtoki Dave Miner Primacy Concoct: It41"f)1)d =i I - 000 , 603-710-6 --- case th _._-------- NA'. ----------- itc to , 1non: Conttnctor's Nente:113-___-_____________------- Moe: 31 Application Accepted By: -- CCU ti: _________________ Eviration;---_— agnik40//0///ors — , 1 chy/Stote; ____------- Zip: ________ Afrt flirt ',1-004 Moat: 1 , 2, 0 , / ( p Ion s Br Brian Huddleston _______ _ Addoir 10860 SW Cit)1EILI112___________ -----------------._ 07140 cityistate: SiterWo od, Ore001L__________.—_ .. zip: _ _______ D i To bore NIE Across SW Hall Elvd. to a pole located on the North side oIS‘_AMall Blvd. _ escripton of work To Bore from same V e location N 2' back of side walk along SW titIllIvil:Ilancler IA, Bore ---- South down eland& Lit on the East side Z East of EOP, Bore West E.i.criancl'i-n. to pcast location. —. ---_—___ _—_, -- Estimated value of wotk (wIthiti the public tight B ___ is votic minted to 6 LAND-USE DECISION? 0 YES 123 I i os, please speciP; (Ist1.1 snit, SUN etc) case ft: ...--- ---. r 2 5-14' 4 V-sat Is die weak related to o BUILDING PBRIVIIT? 0 ?BS P3 If to, please specify NIA SINR, SUI3, cm) case It ; Ctly If : 11raf a 1 1312S Sli I tali Illeil.,Tigaril. Ott 91223 I sin: et4 t,74 7 • 920-01 ("Dor i4 24.- 1 ,. . . ,..‘,,.,(- i f_ te i 7(4.1-e Sep -01 -11 14:18 tw telecam 503 416 1811 P.O2 APPLICANTS: To consider an application complete, you will need to submit ALL of the REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS as described on the front of this application in the "Required S,drnthtal Elements' box. °P/Cfri31 Person specified as "Applicant" shall be designated " Nerrnittce " and shall provide financial assurance for the work. 'When the owner and the applicant arc different people, the applicant must be the purchaser of record or ti lessee in possession whit written authorisation frorn the owner or an agent of the owner. The owners) musi sign this application In the space provided or submit a written authorisation with this application. BY SIGNING BELOW, THE APPLICANT(8) SHALL anal FY THAI! • The above request does not violate any decd restrkdons that may be attached to or unposed upon the subject property. • If die application is gtanted, the applicant will exercise the rights granted In accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. • All of the above statements in the plot plan, attachments, and exhibits transmitted herewith, arc true; and the applicants to acknowledge that any permit issued based on this application, may be revoked If it is found that any such statements are false. • The applicant has read the entice contents of the application, including the policies and criteria, and Undetgtands the requirements for approving or denying the application. 1/1 /Z9 I I r App nt Signature Date . A _�__ __ °J l __ Ow r. ,i . spurt 1)atc (hvner's Signature Date Authodxcd Agent's Signature Date ir...tr5N(1 lki 0 CC; P4c) re___ 4IZ oF vie so$- Print Name 'fide Phone Number Signatures of elicit owner of the subject property are required. t4*g41Aa.uh. L.glhk r tg d.a , t:,�,\ut RV !Sum mmqc a. r r,If City •f'llg,tnl I 0125 SW FIal IShed., Tig,ud, OR 91221 1 503.716.2464 I www.tigard.nr.gov i Page 2 of 2 VI ID T3 0 1-1 I , w I-1 3-:"_;1' •Se11., N/2 N .• ..,.. WE —.. * • H f . CONSTRUCTION' NOTES 03 ere 4. N. - , ---. N ■•• ••• f' . L a •For .3G. c•-., c ,.. • ' rt , : 41, - .. ' ,7,... . ..,... ' . fk 4,15% ;•7 75 7 .1:W1, • , E , tretR CeldIF . k5- . .! ..7, "...' 0 .. 9 0 :. ,_ - : • 12 . 172 , C ' . C 4 ' 1 -j AT ' .72.t "i .::5;.2_52/1 7 23 s!m 1 c au !Ito' "... • 4'. N. ‘N " . :•‘. \ \ Sy,....,... SWELVAl205 65. N ••\.. qss ..• fp N N . NN . , .. . . 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