ROW2011-00044 APPLICATION FOR OD 11 1 WORK IN RIGHT -OF -WAY (ROW) PERMIT Development Engineering TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639 -4171 FAX: (503) 624 -0752 FOR STAFF USE ONLY General Information: Right -of -Way Property Address /Location(s) Treehill Ct & SW 119th PI Case No.: &3 2 I / —0 t ' Treehill Partition SEA, 2 77.5' Receipt No.: Date: "[ / /// • *Applicant's Name: Natural Application Accepted By:_ r P 220 NW 2nd Av Revised • • &' (' �` / /'/ Address: 220 City /State: Portland OR Zip: 97209 Primary Contact:Patty House REQUIRED SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Fax: 503- 273 4822 x 4331 Phone: 226 -4211 X Contractor's Name: Clark Submit a scaled sketch of the 52281 proposed work to be done CCB# Expiration: Address. #A SW Cipole Rd City /State: Tualatin Zip: Professional Engineered Plans are 503 644 2137 503 - 520 -8763 Phone: required for: Fax: • Street Widening NW Natural • Subdivision Infrastructure Plans By: • Main utility line extension: Address: City /State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Description of work: lnstall 185ft of 2" poly main. Tie in at N side of Treehill Ct inside property. Cross Treehill Ct to S side and down private Dr to serve 3 new construction lots. Estimated value of work (within the public right -of -way): $ Is work related to a LAND -USE DECISION? YES NO If so please specify (MLP, SDR, SUB, etc.) case #: Is the work related to a BUILDING PERMIT? YES NO If so please specify (BUILDING PERMIT) case #: *NOTE: Person specified as "Applicant" shall be designated "Permitee" and shall provide financial assurance for the work. c \documents and settings \caw\desktop \row permit application.docx CROSS SECTIONS GENERAL NOTES N I. Call the billowing Utilities Notification Center 48 hours rior to any excavation- W E Oregon. 1- 600 -332- 2344 25' 1 < 6' D . Washmgtrn: 1 -600- 424 -5555 1 J 2 Fill out construction sketch as -bolt supplied with S d joh packet and return with walk order Only one W as -built is required. B 3 All distribution mains must have a minimum depth of 24" and servtees must have a minimum depth of lb" C CL unless there is an approved variance 4, All lransnusstun lines must have a minimum depth of CC 30" to Class 'I' locations and 36" In Clans '2.3. & 4' locations. unless thew is an approved vanance. 2' -). Ot- 5, Wnttrn dimensions on this construction sketch have precedence over waled dimensions - E/S 6 pressure Intl shall he tested in accordance will 74' standards in CFA and Engineering Standard Practice. 7 Test medium for class "a" vain shall he air, unless 14059 ( ) 07) otherwise noted. Test medium for class "C-F" main t. shall be water. unless otherwise noted 8 For Class C or higher lone. see Design Document and a VARIANCE (5) Rydrostauc Report a vanancetsl made Reasmisl 6 7 a J - TRACT E 8 C1- MtAgaeon raven (e a./ ',01'` N 8 °' g = g_ F FUSE & nnr,„at Name 'Signaler*: Date # N. I h — QJ INSTALL: #12D10 TREEVIE 6 i ❑ 1 #Anode Class "B" PRESSURE TEST INFORMATION (circle & label test area on as -built drawing) (00) (CPUT ` CT. T 7 16150 10 11 V� 12 la Test by NNG — Other_ _, _ 4 _ zn• � _ / ( / 11990 616 (YB91 STA cat .e ietiro or N u z J pl(I7, <1400o — _ ,6 _ — ^m Print I....< t . 014111 d �- (WI - t'l- � e m if!. - �� p ^ A - seal s3' - 9 / v , t a6,-) m � _ = e� g a trP'u ~O e �a rJ gl� old /� #nas7 l6 ♦14155 M " I¢ ta 1,1-/ (99) C (99) a P. REDWOOD ,,,P,6,/ '-0 +38 2 "IPI'98IJT -173' TREEHILL CT. ' ( CPUT) . �g ry > ¢ 4s`a0y '0+00 297' - � (CPUT) 2 ° t - 2 � f �.o E .. 131' 662'_ 1 1 \ , ,- } .. TR F #16199 (C I PI R(P f I 9 9 '; (99) F 483 1 L \\ �9� 1 LL WELDS \` y X- CERT. OPER. PM PM 1 2 FOOTAGE SIZE M P GRADE W.T. RAYED MAOP MAOP NOP ACTIVITY # ORDER # 7 1 +47 INSTALL 185' 2" P 8 P24 .216 60 57 45 710 03347173 3 0 50 100 INSTALL: +NW Natural Feet 0 L Engineering Department tin = 100 ft ADDRESS CITY COUNTY STATE DESIGNED L2C DATE 06/23/2011 SW TREEHILL COURT TIGARD WASHINGTON OR DRAWN KDC DATE 06/24 /2011 BETWEEN MO APPROVED DATE SW 119TH PL SW GAARDE ST NAME CREW LOA. DATE Treehi113 Lot Partition PLATTED DATE PLAT TWN RNG SEC JOB TYPE: 1-045- 017T02S R01W NW 10 New Construction Mains PM #: PROJECT/REVISION. 03347173 00005299