Brookline Lane Specs Lots 19-24 Scale: 1/8" Date: 05 -23 -2004 9,01:°::::::°'-:C';'-:(°°°°_:°::' . BONITA TOWNHDMIS UNIT A OUTSIDE Tv :s,' . 8/12 / 9 - 1° -00 (A *. -m N LID I- k k ■ C7_1 `.- � ;II N >- o a i o �, o O' O I - - -- Q 1 G7 __ u \ 1 ■ Q tS Cr) '§ II - 4 ■ k I I N j , t.,n_�,.,�,.,,, 9 1 y 1 I, -00 —D0 7 -08 -00 20-00 Copyr ignt (c) CompuTrus. Inc. Scale: 1/8" Date: 05 -23 -2004 BONITA TOWNNOMES UNIT A OUTSIDE �4 9-10-00 00 T n ' v A> 3. k.4 _ S 1 I ti�.�, _� __ >. - �� -_,ti 1 S i h. i _ I Pc. —1. T S. H _ _ --- V cfJ rn CD I ILA CD § O I O CD O --- -- r-) 1 i 1 N. t. O ND Z sl \ i \ e ,.... .„ 1 1 ,k I i b _ _ I S S & v 90000 N I _ I 7 -08 -00 20 -00 -00 y Copyright I c) Comp. Inc. 11111F11 1111 Com ur'u� �37f;. This design prepared .rom corpurer input by I IIIIIIIJ1IOIIIIIIlII IIIH1II iI Ifs TYans ID: 51 021 P PACIFIC LUMBER / BC 7.1.0T(1L) -E LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPCA 4' 0,0" LOAD DURATION INCREASE -- 1.15 SI2.F, SPECIE GRADE SPACP.D 29.0" O.C. _1 TOP CHORDS: - 2 IC . 4 - -DE -_ -- - , nBTR - _ — -- - - __ ---- immix; patrols CHORDS: LL( 25.0H -DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PSF `r' 2x 4 OF II fiBTR DL ON W TTOM CHORD = 10.0 PSI � WEBS: c TOTAL LOAD = 4'2.0 PSI 1 --C" , 21( 4 DE STAND _- TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "0C, UUN. IBC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "0C. BON. 12 0.007 C- 1.5x4.3 to C- 2.5x9.3 ` PROVIDE SUPPORT o t I A �r d '''''' C- 1.5x43 J. 2 -00 -00 2 -00 -00 ), 1 -00 -00 4 -00 -00 lr P' far I J 4 Cc a 1 v - r `126 t.. Scale: 1/2 cv JOB NAME: SAgEI,A7 BO1IITA ONIT A - JACK -CAN ,. ©r SO ' VIA RtinGS: General itM.es, sniff otherwise oared. rr 1. Read et Gen war Tiues w! RternhlO4 bOce+ eoOstirmli n attnts5.s• 1. Design to supp>art loads as sfimm. - C� '..C/ r ' t ti 2 Bolder rind emotion ooroae tar stvn/d es edvind at a Gerwt.ltnxn, mid 2. Design assumea the top and beacon clouds to be laterally braced at "�' � �Q FILE NO.: JACK We rebvsbaf®x crnrimebrancum"n roes: 2 - Q • o.a. and at 12 o.c. respecvefy. A r "J , ix1 orninseion deb bracing must w Inclabedxhne Cnam.e. 3 2z4'Impadl bridgirig or lateral brad �q required where s f , hams + t � 4. N itcarac face nest ing mane fief. as temporary and pommel* bracing, 4. Instaita4on o(4vss is fire sespansit i Li the respei'l contractor. ,,! a 1� t DA3 E : 5/ 2 5/ 2 00 4 mud be dress} *•d end ad desg..r of o . zu uU [a 5. n assumes trusses are W be used in a rroncorroses my ann ' f1. , , v F+ by atpi� arid 'are tor'dry rendition of ose _ ' r,�D Companies assumes na n rponsL6ty foe noon tosu.g. 6. Ds n.assumrs full bearing at all suppods atrovm. Shin or wedge if lr � _ , 5, Ho load abeaM be rippled to any catpon ln, urn. aA.T al be and ppec. -- r t ±1l pt/ -- DES. BY: i[C faslerxrs ern onrryilate, end et no Elva ,hndd any Ronde eaater Pen design 7. Dtlgn assumes adeTJate drainage i5 prcmdad. bads be rippled to W component. II. Plates shall to 1ocates on bale f aces ct truss, and pieced so their center 6. his hes no controlnver and asrw»s no responabiey for the D i gits in nrade bdC ii, li e 6 Go T s SEQ.: 1723045 9, lF sfcr sia r a,aue s a tnineanes. tabrtcdforg harvtx'�np, st:yxrrcat mdYtsiak>Lonoicornponarts. 10. Forbast4 rR^sitrnvalttesof the GornpuTnts Nate, indicated bythe prefix t. This &eon Is &aeSr6 od subject to the benhatiorx on truss dexigns sec tcatil " see LC 6.0_ R.R. 4211. by 7w Sr taa-s I or Tri iTCA in !ICU I-es ...Ors et v30a inched 11, The CompnTns Net Section Pinta is indicated by the pi e(to C t" the m Trutt up by Capu requed. designator (15) i+dr:a'e5 15 ga rnateriai is used At[ others are 20 ga. 111111111111111 Gompu 'us Inc. T'nis design prepared from computer input by 111111IIIII 11111111111111111 Trans ID: 51621 PACIFIC LJMF3ER / HC 7.1.DT (1L► -2 LUMBER SPECIFICA.TIONNS TRUSS SPAN 4'- 0,0" c5; LOAD DURATION INCRCASE = 1.. ID SIZE SPECIE GRADE SPACED 24,4" O.C. TOP CE1ORDD: -- 2x -4 - -DE-- ___ Al.1RT1 ' LOADEItG BOTTOM CHORDS: - - - - - - - - 2x 4 DE Al &B!R LL( 25•0)41)L( 7.0► ON TOP CHORD = 32 , 0 PSE `�' DL ON EOTTOt4 CHORD = 10,0 PSP n TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "OC. DON. TOTAL LOAD = 12.0 PS F L1 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"0C. UDN. Ci 12 a.aoV d Q 1 tn PROVIDE SUPPORT 1 0 t 0 0 • C- 2.5x4.3 E 1 -00 -00 4 - - • if;Q --. — „-- - /0 128 '� Scale: 1/2" ��-� - JOB DAME: SAGELAMD BONITA UNIT A - JACKS y cv, want s,: nerlerat Rotas. unlessctherwise ' 710 v Cf• k�a' 2 R l- - I. Recd a Grye ee.1 F4tes ma Vhusisl96 1,44t6 canrntcaun of tn,s�.s. 1. Design to suFq«t Amts as \ shown, "S' / ,;..,,�1: ' -c? c.> 2.SWd®r end era anon owureaor nhwli b..mdvmad at a6 cmrral W.t.s alai 2. Ut$jgn r.ssurne 1.1 tcp and boitnm Sherds to be latest/ braced at �y c > ; FILE NO. : JACKS Yfan beta,: constuetinn conwnences. 24'1 u a anal at 1Z.0' o,c. respectteely. r A a Q cv 3. , ascanrossion web tracing Mesa re i,saledMmeshwna 3 2c41rncuctbildging, orlaf.eralbracingreciieiwhete .,�, w � � - 4. M1'1'4'1 ran:. res*: tr,a et es sU% t1 as n,rrrpurery and prm <,r ''''''''''z'• � rti ''''''''''z'• 4. Ir rran of truss is the . e r e r b e ee y of the res s wntraclor. t.t, DATE . 5/25/2001 o d o tcmrpl.te irucuxe, 5 . Design assumes musses . and ate iot "dry cvndihon'ot to be used in a non- carrostve envlrormerrl, �Y+r;�a ,c.. , rec'�e.d ardp trY dcsgrrer k €Ex s 6 cal Cemp.ps w s rt rus a sim no res W pe.,s 6 any fin . .s1 aro,*Ig- 6. Design assumes MI beatirw at all s,apporls shoml. Shim or wedge if 9,. ....,.„., 5. Ho toad sho.Ai bat applied to arrj component unnt valet all bra"irg and ncCa= S4aly- >- DES. BY: MC tnel.nera sae carnhdetgarrrid norm, stirnt3d 7. Oestgnassumesedsquatedrainage v ded- (cods b..vtj"•d m hay or,mpm.+x. B Ptates shall be tocat. on bath tapes of true.`', and placed so their o;rmr S. COMparTrus has no canny ente and asst nrK nnr .yon:® NV for ti,. Iirxs coincide vrRla jdrR cen dine s, S Q . 7 a 4 fahria n, hanat1g e trr d :,starteen of cr.n es. 9. Ulgks indicate sn s of plate in cecile. 'n �* 1Q Re Ga daslgn values of the CornpuTrus Plate, inatcated by the prefa 7. Tads cksion is hsr■ubed sullied to the &esf E6ons m truss desllgns set teeth 'C', see I.C. ©,O. R.R. 4211, ; by YMh 116411 or rwwrcn SCSI 4-CS envies mt "inch w he Aar6bad 11. The CevnpJTns Net Sed.,or, Plate is indicated by the prefix "CO'. the by Cporpra upon request desigretor (18) inicates 18 gee- rhaterlal is useeLAD abets oru 20 ga, , 11 ill III C m �Trus inn. This design prepared from computer input by 111 1111011 1111111111111111111111111 Tram ID: 51621 P PP.CI FTC LUMBER / BC 7.1.0T [11,1 -E LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS MS SPAN 9' 0,0" U.BC 97 /TPI SINGLE 11640ER FORCES 4WR.GD \ LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 T 1= 0 B 1= 232 W 1= 97 cx> SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL S} SPAC}D 24.0 O, C. T 2= -370 0 2= 232 TOP CHORDS: T 3= -370 2x 4 DF #_1 &0T 1- 4 R - - - ... - - - -- - .. - _- LOADING- T - 0 BOTTOM - CM OS ; _ .__ . _ -- 2x 4 DF ! l &DT0 1- 2 LL( 25.0) +DL( 7.0) ON TOP CHORD = 32.0 PST WEBS: n(, ON BOTiDH CHORD = 10.0 PUT LEFT = :08 RIGHT = 378 te 2x 4 DF STAIR) 1 TOTAL 1,(1A1) = 42.0 PSF �n TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "0C. DON. BEARING AREA REQUIRED (SQ. IN) BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. BRG E 0'- 0.0" 0.60 DF / 0.93 HI / 0.89 SP E BRG & 9' 0.0" 0.60 DF / 0.93 HF / 0.89 SP 'F OVERHANGS: 12.0" 12,0" Reactions: 442 442 4 -06 -00 9 -06 -00 12 C -4x4.3 12 B . 00V 4 N8.00 al 2.." :.n cD : 4 I _ e i a a /--- r / - -� Al a ° C- 2.5x4.3 C- 1.5x4.3 C - 2.5x4.3 J . Y 71' ''4- . l 1 04 -00 4 -40 -04 1 -00 -00 t S,,, 4! P' • 1s m rs Scale: 1/2" / ^�..!� � JOR NAME.: SAGELAt1D BOHITA UNIT A - G ,.- Oc° 4vAAtWCS; General N unless othenmse rwter 0 - }` ' " ., , 9 zsr t mad aesmvd Potent m v Fot. d Weysberww a erwe>dlon ran L Design ptrort lipids asshoem. l''''''(,9,, / r. • o � q r > L Bud Cdir and ere wan coriaw ai stoned tto advisee ore tru nnnorat sts and 2 Design assures the top and bottom chords to be raterally braced ai + o FILE NO.: C warning, b.tue co nsnectio oommorrcos. TA' o c. and 5112.0 ex, respectrvely. / S, J 1: Y . ; ['u 3. 121 co dmr re6 must t x¢uteded whore s %mn n 3. 2x4 Impact btidgwi9 w lateral bracing r i ed whe n. sharrr+ F * .,, , .- . .f an talcrd two re- c;E,tyyl ararnerras such as rongora+y and pxnexxra bra:�.g 4. tnst�tlation d tins is the reslnns�IRy of there o.nive tontrador t� DATE' 5/25/2001 rnus ierdf° de-1414d erol „m entssu s 5 Geeagoa.. ;susses a re re be used insnm•eorr.ive '*mo t wneral aanptala snv=an. and are ter `6cyarrrdttien" d use x f § L?f3crto c pro ccropuTna as aura no r.spons d. yfor sanwro*Mng. 8. Cosign assumes kill braring at al supports drawn Shim erwedge tr -..-a*' 3. Ho load sM,ali be oppatd to nary component is l after cd brebi'g and necessary. DES. BY ". MC test OtMx an cnmglde, and of nu tiny stre0d my bads s thm durum 7. Design assumes adequate d. nagets reen:hal 8 Plates shall be►acated of bcj faces of truss, and placed no the& tender 7:> - 6. cock b. ued nary coa�« corvettes has no o 6rnl ore, an d essearro; fro respnon6'$Cy ran ten rtainniti joint cooler lines. SEQ. . 1723042 3 0 4 2 fob ' s nrd iv{c9etlun or con warrts B. Digits indicate a of plate In i ches, rr sfira�hxxYau}. !i{xtrent o 10. For basic design ralusci the CAmpu7eus Pinto ca tad by the prefix 1. We &styli, Rrnislhad abtect to tens Lrionora art was. s*oolt w s 4 toff, 'C", one l.C.R,U- R.R. 421 t. ty Tel in Mira 4 ar TPV,'0OA In 6cs11- o3oop4as Qt .mach ac be a.reiwd 11. TheContpuTms Net Sovlire Pbte Is indicated by the piths 'UV, the � + nom . designator( 18'j indies18ga used. `®m uTrus Inc T his design prepared from computer input by IIII I ill II [II���!III� Trans ID: 51E2I f �IIIII p PACI FIC LUMBER / $C 7.I.OT(1L) -2. LUMBER SPECIPICATZONS TRUSS SPAN 14' 0.0" Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall 1----- LOAD lluFtATIOtt INCREASE = 1.15 C -1x2,6 or equal typical: at stud verticals. SIZE SPECIE GRADE P1NEI. (S) SPACED 24. D.C. Refer to CompuTrus gable end detail for TOP CHORDS: complete specifications. -� -2 4 - -UF - i1s8TR_ - _.1— .2. - - — LOADING — — BOTTOM CHORDS: .c> 2x 4 DF JI &DTR 1- 2 LL{ 25,0) +DL( 7.0} DP TOP CHORD = 32.0 PEE - WEBS DL 0)l BO'PTOM CHORD = 1Q.0 FSF m 2x 4 G B F 1PA1IO 1 'YOTAL LOAD = 4 2.0 PSF laTh C j TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC. DON.. DC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "OC. DON. 7 -00 -00 7 -00 -00 1 ' I ( 1122 C -9x4.3 12 8.00V 4.0" �8.U0 a 1 2.." k 0 Cr in 1 i 1 n — / / ' C -1.5x4 , 3 C- 2.5x4.3 PROVIDE FULL CONTINUOUSDEARING . C- 2.5x4.3 .0 �0DP(� -., 14 -00 -00 �% `< 14128 Cl— Cl ` _, .. Scale: 3J6 f7`r C��i1a i % , /r � � z. c JOB NAME: SAGELAND BONITA UNIT A - F -GE l } �� " `" • U wAatltGS: General unless oakerwsewtec w L s 2 c \' -.- .. Re ad agaar ad Norss etfenofhuans. 1 O sgg shown. O 2 ukkrr E and erectloo ccrM rxetor should he adtsa .d of an General Hetes end 2 D sagn assumes the top and bottom Pliords to be laterally to red at „ '� , t <_> FILE NO .: I• - GE 7- rx oc.andail7-17'oc. _ _ tv w. ndc ,.gs6ar «ecamu GOriurrrx4& i .. Fi ,,.��. ` g. n�axrwressym.. b bracing .mrartarr,arzite4,m».e:twrm 3. 2x4lmpadtmdghtgcvFatetalbracrngequfeelNfiere5irrrxna+ .. 4 Inslai?< atrancd the rusponsibiifiyalt , 00 ntravtra. (,:}i'7f'1�.1�'1 �"�°f l � 1....c; 4 Alt htarallcr°'iedstirgdermrYS SUChastvnpc.ary and PartnmerY t xacr3; 5 . Design assum co busses a re to be used in a non- carrosrve eniroarnent, must • + >r N D},TV• �/25/20G4 rstba d tr kh th a seen. dendurdbysigneeofcom pkte stmchPa and are tor'dryodit M O ny use- Camp./ no r ..ponokally for mach o ag r case- 6. D+n assumes full bearin at all supports sham_ Shim or v edge if • 5 - lie bad sluxDj ®n cpp6ed to any oompe.i oral slier all Lvachx} and �(�eecessaty. . d DES. BY: e 1C Instal are complain, and x ne haw shoal ar1 laadaunreel than d.ign 7 Design assumes adequate drainage Is ryVaded. - , roll be brand an by e ewers f tnns, and Placed so their center L Eoads L. �yrse+sa w awry cort�«x.n. g Prates st lines e ninrrda with jo center (irtes &, t.o rrKwTtvm t� rro osuard.ay.r arM SSA tw restursb roritw s. Digr?s mdic�t^s sae of plate in inches. SEQ.: � - 723041 febsielo handin. stipnrotendisstdletionofevngenmis. 10.Evrbarted nselu° Stith eCarrytuTrrasP !'ate,ind�atedb3'thepi firths 1. this design t 0.a r6ctsad sab}emt ■ to tM 6+trketinrss all tru desi,7r sat Fad, C`, see 1.C.B 0 R .R 4211 b nPI 14,a^, io4 TM /IC,Al. er-St 1- e3t ettmhk4. t b. Asrisl. d 11.6he_CompuTrvs,Net Section Rate la fi aced by thepreftt'CN" the b c ongcu n� acao t r.gsrast. des snator (M 0} Indic 18 ga, material es used. All Dates ate 20 ga. . .., 1 11111 { {1{{ 1{ CompuTrus Inc. This design prepared f rom lil 111111111111111 1 {I{11 { { {1{illl1lll computer input by 51621 PACIFIC LUt13ER / BC 7.1.01 Trans I (1: 51 `- DEC 07 /TPI SINGLE MEt1BRR FORCES 4NRGD "-- LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN T' 8.0" 'LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 T I. 0 0 1= 14 H 1= -166 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANELS) SPACED 24.0" O.C. T 2= 34 8 2= 1 14 2= -75 TOP CHORDS: T 3- -58 B 3= 1 W 3s -186 c .2 2x 4 DE 11EDK :4 n6---3- R1&DTR -- -1 6 - _ L4AAING --- - --- . - - 58- R _4":7 _ _. 1 ` ( - - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - B053UM C : TR 1- 4 LL( 25.0) +DL{ 7.4) 011 TOP CHORD 32.0 PSI T 5= 34 0 -- NCMpS ■ DL 011 BDTTOf4 CH900 = 10.0 PSF T 6= r `- 1 , 2rt I OF 57AttD L- J TOVAL LOAD = 42.0 PSF UM TC LATERA1. SUPPORT <= 12 "0C. DON. / CA11T 8 1' b.0" CANT 6' 2. U BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"()C. DON. LEFT 322 RIGHT ..= 322 OVEPIRGGS: 1 I306" 3 -10 -00 Reactions: 386 386 3-10-00 BEARING AREA REQUIRED (SQ. ID) i or equal (u nun strut uLr x1 vet t tica 1 12 ( BRG 6 1'- 6.0` 0.52 OF / 0.00 HF / 0.76 SPY vl members (tinny. C -4x4.3 BRG 9 6'- 2.0" 0,52 DF / 0.40 HE / 0.76 SPF ( 8.00 0.00 [7 •.4c >i1 5x4.3 111111111 a PIE C- 2.5x4.3 C- 2.5x4.3 C- 2.5x4.3 C- 2.5x4.3 ..), 1-06-00 4 -08-00 1 -06 -00 ..... �� y 1 `'pip- Fo >o• 1-00 / 7 -08 -00 1 -00 -00 141'8 __ . ... Scale: 1/2" c cv JOB NAME: SAGELB14D BONITA UHI1 A E GS ,- 2v, �C) ` t rtntwm(6s: General Notes, unl s oU(er a se noted } � st ...tun ofups%oo. 1. Desi b s� ert loads as strewn. 1. Asset o01 nd a r d p en. end Yt tsh v e h be a Pp -. c> 2 &aser °rod enbicn ccrvxcm °twrnd b° adyiro.d a AI c.neres Nutcx end 2. aft-sign ocassumes 2 o G re bp/tom chcerds ba be Laterally braced at - _. - - - c> ?ZLF. PfO.' E Gi w,i��sberoocwr +stionom °c °s• 3. 2 c4 l mpadbndrnag orbieraltracingreuiredto ,beresho n+ 1t ! -- - r( s td cornpmsamn vet>br* - ®ra mu sr be installed wbern Thr ee 4, 4 Irsstt.Yatlon at trrossthe responsibility c7lMs resFectime contractor_ i�i 1`�C. S- •� 3. N ( ''''erne fret. to''6 .3 " '" """"Y end a""' "'t Lv°etig, 5. D n assumes trusses are to be used ina nun- corms. environment, F'ci L[l DATE: 5/25/2004 must tie da nce end provl .dbydeskynerofcompatemin:cur sndareFtrr'¢ryoenar�'on ;vfvse C cnrrpu Tres aosume�. no re*POSni�T Ata such brze4dg- 5- Desrgn assumes tulibeanng at al supputs shown. Shin os wedge ii 6 . to bad sh Jib. *paled go aryl oomporuM tint➢ aft ex all Waxing and 7. � }tiS1 a B �Jfnes adequate dreinaye is pro'n6!d. DES . BS MC leatmds ar, co to arty aw>be limo stw 2tl ury hams create lion ` 6, Plates shall be I on boll, laces a tress, and placeed so their caoter <3C bads pe aR to arty cornpor.ml. lints coincide with OM center lins, 6. Coapu�Yrva Fa. no walla( a Yea and eaminesn°rr paidi tiPty 9. iJ�gt�sindicalosizeof . . SEQ.: 172304 (Ark-Wien, noratki2, Ldp oral iut dration or corr.p:ne rots. 10 or haslu deslon values of the CcvnpuTnrs Rate, innfcated by the prt of 7. mi, d°sign is krrishod ssRd� tome tonnrfona en buss designs sM north 'C"', ses LC B.O. R.R. 4211. r by iPl 1.119411 or TpvN'VeA In eCSl W9oaWes of ebl.b Al 1» k+risued 11. e i Cor n o p r ( 10) (nal.rK. Section ' g l .mIs oioI is i s used. All prat( are 0 Ae ,;, by Compu6us on nq.RSr- 111111 111I / Inc. This design prepared from computer input by 131113 411111 hIII II1III1I111#IIIIIIIIIIII Trans1D 621 PACIFIC LUMBER / BC 1.1.0T(.11.)-2 r • LUMBER SPECLFICATIOI{S TRUSS SPAN 20 r- O. 0' UBC 97 /TP1 SINGLE MEMBER FORCES 4BRGD LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.15 T 1= 0 B 1= 827 W 1= -276 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL(S) SPACED 24.0" D.C. T 2= -1099 B 2= 830 W 2= 559 z%, ROP CEFORDS: T 3= -828 W 3 200 - 2x-4 - - -D£ ---- 11 161 1 TR---- 1 - - -- -- -- - -- - - --- --T- 3 -S BOT70M CURDS : ):fADZNt; •- - -- ' - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - .. T 5= -2100 _ - . . 2x 4 DF Ig168TR 1- 2 LL( 25.0] +DL( 7.0) OW ROP CHORD = 32.0 PSF �- Vt%.IIS : DL ON fYJTI\IK CHORD = 10 .0 POE �- 27 4 DF STAND ] 3 TOTAL LOAD = 42.0 PSP LEFT = 941 RIGHT = 939 cj TC LAIBRAL SUPPORT <= 12 "00, DON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "0C, NON. BEARING AREA REQUIRED {Sq I1 {] ERG @ 0' 0.0" 1.35 DF / 2.00 HF / 1.98 SPF O 12.8" 0.0" ERG 8 20'- 0.0" 1.34 DF / 2.07 13F / 1.97 SPY Reacti {GS: actions: 908 836 C -1x2.6 or equal at. non - structural vertical members (non). ■ 10-00-00 10-00 -00 12 C -4x4.3 12 a_ODJ 4.0" N B.O 2, C- 1.5x4.3 C- 1.5x4.3 Lrt 0 < r .. ,, , , © C- 2.5x7.7 C- 2.5x4.; ° O PRO F' ' - C 2.5x3.3 <4. F s; � � GIN - ' l( 1 ) -00-00 20 -00 -00 14 Scale: 1/4" N JOB NAME: SBGELA1m BONITA UNIT A - D- PARTGR } y W Ard ^ .r . 6ehetat Notes, unless otherwise noted; s r y ,\ � 4 ` before cxulrtiken uftniee es. 1. Desi�n In. supped ids as sham. - - e t \° O 2 Bvldu and mason oarraacta arwurd be advised "(aAGmetal Iles a:rd 2. D�tdrt x.;suntws the lop and twttorn chords !o he laterally braced at . J � . , • :FILE LE NO. D- PARTOE Warr: rgsbe tins cor,sV.wi7en corrunenrxs. - L - CPo.c and at i2�' c e. respec #r, " � ly. - 3. 1. 3wmp en. ss tan mats bn� :ngmust bo 1r�te:51Wwhore showy s. 3 . Nd Impact bAdiiir� orIattnal bracing tequiredwfieresham ++ �- d InstaIla5en cl truss is the respmislblaty retie tesPecfi'e c�ntradtor. L� 4' "$I`rmdomensisfing stemnre[sstkl, astemporarya"dperntauiVbn..kd. 5• Design ass-s are tU L.C. use4 la a rwn lan EXPIRES C� f t l�� ?renrne "t. � _ . - - r cv DATE: 5/25/2004 mot ba ee� x:ed d a rsoVided by d"signar m cwnrr.is mruav*. and are ter 'dsy wMrtioa' of use. eoap .irus assumes w rat pareislalAy sv such Orating 6_ Design asorrn as MI beating et all supports shown, Shire or wedge if } e. Ne load should be ep0hed to any o9f11ix-Yrr"'" until tilt et el brerire aid ec rs5aty, 2deq n <L DES. BY: +`1C fastens as nerrptetn, and at ee limn ahcald ay leads gr roles M an design 7. PIa1s f be llatated u an e f • again ll and Ffacedso their center Cots 6. rrp ;, to eoe ra a oc +t+ti. in es cairr'rde With joint center tines. arty B Conq+rrTn+s tan no earsral ova and .- veers *.ss rr° rcMRy ec` ti'e 9. f}gi[s itt'3ieste size of pta:n In inches_ CQ. 1723039 ishrkatin>, > ant; tmsrczr , dinslat+Aiunu 7 rorrywrurXs. S FForbasic design values attheCompuTrus Mate, indicated byrileprefix 7. nit triton is tnrristved srLJs< to Ma inait"tierns tin buts dssr9'ct sst tufts '1, % life 1.0 B R R 4211, prep by rvr n near ow rrvmu t acne . 1.03 cop {as of .ran, ma he t n ,.a a 1. des' { 8 } Sndl ten / 8 Pinta � n a a i t e�YAP ethers e the try Car"P1T sus a ;>Kn ra+NesL II II Ills CQmpLTr u iri . This design prepared frorn computer input by IIIIIIIIII!! 11 111111111111 HI 111111 Tzars 1B 51E21 F :�1CIFTC 'LUMBER / BC 7 . 1 . OT (LLI -Z r LUMBER SPECIFICATID115 TRUSS SPAN 9'- 40.0" Gable end truss on continuous bearing wall. LOAD DARATION LUCREASE = 1.15 C - 1x2 .6 or equal typical at stud verticals. r� 12E SPECIE GRADE SPACED 24,0 D.C. Refer to ConipuTrus gable end detail for TOP C}{ORDS: complete specifications. - 2x 4 - -bF - - 61- 9-R• -- -- - - - . - _- - -- - -- - - - -- - - -_ . . h4ADIkkG - -- - BOTTOM CHORDS: -- --_ -- _-_ - - - `.n a 4 OF 161tBTR 55 ( 25.0) +DL ( 7.01 ON TOP 0110111 = 32.0 PSI ct- WEDS; IlL ON BOTTOM CRORU = 10.0 PSF Crl 'x 4 DE STAND TOTAL LO/D = 42.0 PSE '0 LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 'OC. 0011, - BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "OC. CON. 4-11-00 4 - - 1' 1' I 12 12 C -4x4.3 6.00 4.0" ' 18.00 Or 2.. Lo ci o 1 Z . F _ C- 1.5x4.3 /� C-2 , 5x4 , 3 PROVIDEFULLCONTINUoUSBEARING C -2 .5x4 .3 1 - - 9 -10 -00 1 -00 -00 i �5o PROEM; ✓ „ fir - c5 1- ... - ....... Scale: l /2" . .... .iZB cv JOB IHA1IE: SAGELAM BONITA UNIT A - A - =E _ N. nla,tairtcs; General Rotes. unless dtheriese noted: b JAI ( 0 • ,1 1. heel a® Geeerd Notts and Warnirys belaHe aresinKiiw e4 trusses. 1 Deergn in support loads as shmm. Q G1 ( P •C c.„., y. Bui3er ereeilon eattreeWf cloak! Mt advised of ail Gene+ei Naves end 2. Des gn e Uaee the tee and bettors chords lobe lake sBi braved at 1 2 'C) `_ 2 -O'oc. and al,Z- p'o.c. te.s Ckively, - 7, , y 4.. c°c°,4 FI Li; I'70.: A-GE WerrRagr: hsRxs omv w lion aarunarxes. 3. 2c4 hoped biidgulg lateral bracin required shvevi 4 a a te1 cones ani well bracing rug be f,sronaf .M<re a o +. 4 I s altatan of rhos Ia the resp ns bitdy at t e respecir a arn • • e 5b,4 rd ;0,0. rea'th"g d'mtrds'u 'ast mu' ra ' y °^e p ,,,,,A. M h "`i -a, 5, Design assumes busses a to be used on a riaro�rrosrve err+ironment, � O DINE; 5/25/2904 mum b r seed provided by designer of armfeet +atrtoca -rs. and are ter 'dry condition' at use, - '" .. Comp uTrus m sinn te . respan si-rc b +yfoes&a5m:»g ti, Dr ignassurnesIullhe _firiatallsupportsshurm Shim or wedge if > 5 - N t, n , eIssis ridoeeRaw component U.,t dtoraycompt, to'en ireg nnsy. ss. E XPIRES 6/30/0 ,, - .:c DES. BY: 140 fool rows un onocci.ta, and a na tim rrM arty g than e si tovfs eot.r an design 7- Design assumes adagqrate drainage is provided t be etPtwd any pampa-men 8. Pla:es shat be located as troth faces of truss, end placed so S r_ir centre B. Connput'rue tine no cmvrd oyes end eayim «a nn .espenetaNy tee'hs tries coinchfc vet)) pint center Vales. 1723036 nta &sliu,ofc rxc 9. Uigitsitidlcate size ct plats ininches, SE tah tts+>�ng, shipment oogxxrs 1 -O. For ta5ia design values at 1.1w CompoTrus Plate, indicated by the prnfin. T. YTa design b ItsmidMI svbi• a to C1e fr iiasistts ai trusce7 s dsrs sd torch '-", see La e.° R.R. 4211. by 1 Mkt He -s1 or Timm-min ta31143 eupdns of Wes h. ail be iuntnn.d 11 The er uTru$ N O Plake i s indicated e . y t h e oils 'Ca'. t e by CompuTrus upon ngJast. des tor (1fl) Intr∎ tes 18 ga. material is users- An Li ars areal ga.