DIR1990-00001 DATE: 2/22/1990 CODE SECTIONS: 18.70 (� I:TOPIC; Wholesale /Distribution: I -L Zone 1 t INTERPRETATION: The I -L zone is primarily intended to provide for wholesale and light manufacturing uses. However, a limited number of commercial retail and service uses (e.g.. veterinary services, vehicle fuel sales, and construction sales and services) are also permitted in this zone. The business in question is classified as a "light wholesale storage and distribution" use as defined in the Code. The incidental sale of merchandise to the public is not significant enough to consider the activity as a "general retail sales" use, which is not allowed in the I- L zone. Also, the minor retail sales activity, with no advertising intended to attract the general public, would not be inconsistent with other businesses that are permitted in this zone. In conclusion, the business you describe in the February 1, 1990 letter is a permitted use in the I -L zone. No Planning Division approval is necessary in this case, however, permits will be required by the Building Division to occupy the new space. •