Gaarde Street - Phase I Project Management Plan 6, PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN GAARDE STREET - PHASE I CLIENT: City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon 97223 ENGINEER: Century West Engineering 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 425 Portland, Ore. 97232 Project No. 40084.003.01 June 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS +�. Number of Pages PROJECT DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DESCRIPTION OF BASIC SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PROJECT TASKS AND LABOR FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 BUDGET AND SCHEDULE TRACKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PROJECT MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 wr DRAFTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 REVIEW/CHECKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 dw wr do to No �r PROJECT DIRECTORY rr Gaarde Street Improvements - Phase I CWEC Project No. 40084.003.01 OWNER: City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Ms. Vannie Nguyen, PE Engineering Manager 503-639-4171 + E-mail vannie@ci.tigard.or.us FAX (City) 503-684-7297 FAX (Vannie) 503-624-0752 wr ENGINEER: Century West Engineering 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 425 4w Portland, Oregon 97232 J.Ned Dempsey, Principle-in-Charge 231-6078 Ron Weigel, Project Manager 231-6078 E-mail rweigel@centurywest.com Joe Roshak, Design Engineer 231-6078 E-mail jroshak@centurywest.com Brion Barnett, Project Engineer 231-6078 FAX 231-6482 SUBCONSULTANTS: Deflaas& Associates Suite 300 -AGC Center Design Survey/Easements 9450 S.W. Commerce Circle Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 Malcolm Clark, P.L.S. Survey Manager 503- 682-2450 E-mail dehaas@ethergate.com FAX 503- 682- 4018 wr wr aw +r DKS Associates 921 Washington Street, Suite 612 Traffic Engineering/Lighting Design Portland, Oregon 97205-2824 Peter Coffey, PE 243-3500 E-mail plc@dksassociates.com Brian Copeland 243-3500 .r E-mail bkc@dksassociates.com FAX 243-1934 Fujitani Hilts &Associates,Inc. wr 2255 SW Canyon Road Geotechnical Engineering Portland, Oregon 97201 �++ Frank Fujitani, PE, Principle-in-Charge 223-6147 Liane Scull, PE, Project Manager 223-6147 FAX 223-6140 Project Understanding - Phase I wr The City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan Transportation Map identifies Gaarde Street for extension to Walnut Street,when a direct connection between Scholls Ferry Road and Pacific Highway will be provided through the extension of Murray Boulevard to Walnut Street and then to Gaarde Street. Gaarde Street is classified as a Major Collector with a posted speed of 35 mph and currently carries approximately 8,000 vehicles daily between 121"Avenue and 110th Avenue. Based on the City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, the roadway should have a 60 to 80 foot right-of-way with 44 feet provided from curb-to-curb to allow for three travel lanes (two through lanes plus a center left turn lane). While the City design standards do not specifically call for bicycle lanes, the 44 feet of paved width will allow for the three travel lanes plus bike lanes(two 11 foot travel lanes, one 12 foot center left turn lane and two five foot bike lanes). Phase I extends Gaarde Street from the northerly boundary of Quail Hollow Subdivision north through two parcels of property that are owned by the City of Tigard to intersect Walnut Street approximately 200 feet east of 132nd Avenue. Two homes currently occupy the property and will be removed for construction of the new street extention. The new Walnut Street/Gaarde Street intersection requires installation of a traffic signal. A traffic study will be necessary to ++M determine traffic signal needs along the roadway, traffic signal phasing, turn lane needs, and the length of dedicated turn lanes. Walnut Street is also classified as a Major Collector and improvements to Walnut Street will be necessary to allow the traffic signal equipment to be placed in its ultimate location. Along with the widening of Walnut Street at its intersection with Gaarde Street, an existing vertical curve on Walnut Street east of Gaarde Street will likely require reconstruction to provide for adequate sight distance at the intersection. It would be desirable to reconstruct Walnut Street for at least 300 feet in each direction of Gaarde Street such that the vehicle detection and conduit associated with the new traffic signal can be installed in its .r ultimate location, thereby minimizing (or eliminating)the need for traffic signal modifications during the Washington County MSTIP 3 improvement project along Walnut Street Storm water improvements will utilize the Unified Sewerage Agency guidelines for surface water runoff incorporating existing piping where possible. Surface runoff from the improvements will be collected, detained and possibly treated prior to discharge into the existing .r drainage pattern in the area. Street profiles from the extension of Gaarde through Quail Hollow Subdivision indicate that the runoff will travel north to Walnut for discharge. A deeply incised .drainage channel located directly adjacent to the southern terminus of the project is proposed to dw utilize a large diameter pipe to carry flows. Underground utility lines excluding storm drainage includes a new 12-inch pipe from Walnut to the Quail Hollow Subdivision to complete a loop. Sanitary sewer is not anticipated to be required within this section of Gaarde. .. All remaining utilities including electrical, telephone, cable, etc. will be installed underground by the respective companies. aw Ow Scope of Work Century West will perform services on the project orientation, preliminary design, final design and construction staking phases of this project. A fee schedule is provided for the project based upon the following Scope of Services. Task 1 - Project Orientation (June 10, 1999 ) ■ Review technical data supplied by City along with policy and procedure manual at a meeting concluded by a field visit to the project site. ■ Obtain all record drawings of existing City utilities including topographic maps, aerial photos, tax maps, owner-ship reports and review for preliminary design. Task 2 - Preliminary Engineering (.lune 14, 1999-August 1, 1999) This phase includes up to 60% design completion and is divided into several individual work items to successfully complete the project. 2.1 Field Location Survey ■ Research and gather surveys of record and County road records filed with the County Surveyor for existing right-of-way identification. ■ Obtain existing deed and legal descriptions of the properties within the project areas. ■ Call on (in person if possible) and send notices to all adjoining property owners or residents and notify them that we will be surveying in the area and the purpose of our survey. ■ Establish horizontal and vertical control networks and locate and tie existing monuments that can be found. The work to complete this task is not a boundary survey. ■ Conduct topographic survey making ties to all utilities, curbs, pavement edges, street " centerline, buildings within 50 feet of the right-of-way, trees, shrubs and landscape features, driveways, power/utility poles and other features which may affect the design along Gaarde from the intersection of 132nd east a distance of approximately 600 feet. Other areas to be surveyed include the extension of Gaarde through a strip of undeveloped property recently purchased by the City of Tigard and along Walnut both east and west of the proposed new intersection. - ■ Prepare a detailed topographic map which includes the following limits within the existing right-of-way and property previously identified. Gaarde; extention of SW Gaarde from the terminus of Quail Hollow Subdivision to the intersection of Walnut, a distance of approximately 650 feet; Walnut from the intersection of SW 132nd Avenue east a distance of approximately 600 feet. irr 2.2 Subsurface Investigation ■ A Geotechnical Report presenting our interpretation of the subsurface conditions together with n our recommendation with respect to asphalt pavement thickness design will be provided. ■ To evaluate the subsurface conditions, three shallow borings are proposed within the road alignment made with a trailer mounted drill rig. One of the borings will be made in the segment just south of Walnut. The borings will vary from five to 25 feet, depending upon location. The borings will be deeper where cuts or fills are anticipated. All samples obtained from the borings will be examined in the laboratory to verify the field classifications with in- place densities to be determined. A representative bulk sample will be tested to determine the moisture-dry density relationship and CBR strength of the subgrade soils for subgrade compaction and pavement support characteristics. ■ Upon completion of our explorations, laboratory tests and engineering studies, a Geotechnical Report will be provided for determination of stable cut and fill slopes, embankment settlement and to determine economical pavement sections using the AASHTO pavement design methods. Traffic counts and a breakdown of anticipated vehicular types shall be provided by the City for use in this report. 2.3 Preliminary Engineering Design .+. ■ Prepare preliminary base maps at horizontal scale of one inch equals 20 feet. Total length of improvements are assumed to be completed within the dimensions identified in Section 2.1, Paragraph 6. ■ Prepare preliminary design of storm drain pipes and catch basins using Chapter 3 of the USA design manual for surface water. Determine if adequate capacity exists in drainage system immediately down-stream which may require some form of on-site detention for the 25 year design storm. .. ■ Prepare preliminary street design plans within the project based upon a Major Collector street wide of 44 feet using a design speed of up 35 mph utilizing topographic survey data and Softdesk design software. Additional right-of-way on Gaarde and Walnut will be identified. The limits of work on Walnut will be within the 600 foot section surveyed to accommodate sight distance restrictions and vehicle detector loop installations. ■ Prepare preliminary design alternatives within the project based upon various street widths and vertical curves using design speeds of up to 35mph. A minimum of two conceptual alternatives utilizing topographic survey data and Softdesk design software will be used showing additional right-of-way for the new vertical curves and the widened street section with the use of retaining walls where necessary. Upon completion of the layouts, Preliminary Design Memo will be provided identifying the various options. Following review by City staff, preliminary design of the selected alignment will be initiated. Additional right-of-way ■■ to construct the improvements can be easily identified at this time. Legal descriptions for acquisition of this property or miscellaneous easements greater than the estimated number will also be negotiated as additional services. For estimating purposes a total of 10 parcels of property are assumed to require easements within Phase I. `. ■ Meet with the CIT (Citizens Involvement Teams) to present the recommended alignment from City review and to discuss impacts to local residents. Conduct two neighborhood meetings with property owners for each Phase to solicit input during preliminary design and addressing these concerns in a proactive manner to increase public support of the project. ■ Prepare preliminary erosion control plan. ■ Prepare preliminary tree planting plan for any areas that have sufficient width within the right- of-way. City approved tree standards will be followed in selection. This will not include subsurface irrigation for plant establishment. ■ Prepare itemized quantity estimates, quantity summary and cost estimates for all aspects of the improvements. 2.4 Preliminary Lighting Design ■" ■ Provide suitable light levels with new poles and luminaries to safely move pedestrians and vehicles through the new improvements. +r ■ The basis for roadway lighting design shall be the "Roadway Lighting Handbook" by the FHWA. Specifications and lighting design will conform to ODOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction and will meet the requirements of the City of Tigard. 2.5 Preliminary Traffic Engineering ■ Meet with City traffic engineering staff to coordinate requirements. ■ Prepare a detailed traffic engineering analysis which includes a traffic signal warrant analysis for the Gaarde/Walnut intersection. New 24-hour tube counts with speed data will be necessary on Walnut at Gaarde to conduct the signal warrant analysis. Traffic demand on Gaarde at Walnut will be estimated by using the City's travel demand model developed by DKS for work on the City's Transportation System Plan. ■ Other traffic engineering elements to be determined include: the need for left turn and/or right turn pockets at the Gaarde/Walnut intersection; the sight distance needs at the intersection; the length of the turn pockets (if any); and construction staging for the project. ■ Signing and striping plans will be developed along Gaarde with an emphasis on protecting pedestrians and bicycles. These plans will meet Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices standards. ■ Traffic control will be described through the use of special provisions to the contract documents and detailed drawings. irr Task 3 - Final Design (August 15, 1999 -October 15, 1999) Task 3 includes 60% to 100% completion and bid period services. It involves the following „ issues: ■ Incorporate items identified in the City's review of the drawings and specifications. ■ Revise the quantity estimate, summary of the quantity estimate and cost estimate. ■ Provide ROW and easement descriptions and maps for property acquisition including right-of- way, slope and construction easements. These will be prepared on City forms suitable for use in negotiations with the property owner. The maps will show property lines and a few easily referenced items such as existing edge of pavement or other features the property owner can easily identify. A total of 10 parcels of property adjacent to Walnut are estimated to require one or more legal descriptions. "" ■ Complete lighting design, signing and striping plan along with traffic control plan. ■ Write special provisions to the City of Tigard Standard Construction Specifications as necessary to provide a description of the work required and method of payment for all items of work and to clarify construction details. • Task 4 - Bid Period Services (Spring 2000) ■ Answer bidder's questions at the pre-bid meeting. ■ Assist the City in clarifying the intent of the contract documents for the bidders and prepare text for any needed addenda ■ Conduct a pre-construction conference with the City, Contractor and all applicable utility agencies which will be affected by the construction Task 5 - Construction Staking (summer 2000) ■ Provide one set of construction stakes for street improvements within limits of project identified under 2.1 including clearing limits, rough-cut grade, curb, storm drainage and do waterline. The fee provided must still be refined when all of the improvements are designed. ■ Provide a road monument survey with Washington County Surveyor and provide a copy to the City after construction is complete. Prior to construction also file with County a record of survey map showing locations of existing corners, which may be disturbed or destroyed during construction with a copy to the City. Documents Furnished by Century West Century West will provide the following documents to the City for each Phase: Ow ■ Ten sets of full size 22 x 34 inch preliminary drawings, cost estimate, design calculations and specifications at 60%design review stage. ■ Ten sets of full size 22 x 34 inch final construction drawings, cost estimate, design calculations and specifications at the 95% review stage. Upon approval of final design, provide one electronic copy of drawings and specifications. Electronic copy shall be in AutoCAD R14, Softdesk S8 and Word 6.0. It is anticipated that Phase I Final Plans will total 16 sheets include: Title Number Horizontal Scale Cover Sheet/Index 2 sheets n/a Street/Storm Drain Plan and Profile 2 sheets ill= 20' Walnut/Gaarde Intersection Plan 1 sheet 1"= 10' Driveway Plan and Profile 1 sheet ill= 10' Waterline Plan and Profile 1 sheet 1"= 40' Traffic Signal Plan 2 sheets 1"= 10' Signing and Striping Plan 1 sheet 1"= 40' Lighting Plan 1 sheet 1"=40' Traffic Control/Staging Plan 1 sheet 1"=40' Erosion Control Plan 1 sheet 1"=40' Cross Sections 1 sheet n/a Typical Details 2 sheets n/a Services Provided by the City Century West anticipates the City will: supply survey benchmark data in the project area; provide traffic counts at each intersection including turning movements and projections for 20 year design life; provide record drawings of existing City utilities; provide City Design Standards; and print final plans and specifications for distribution to the perspective bidders. rrr �r PROJECT TASKS AND LABOR FUNCTIONS TASK PROJECT NUMBER NUMBER DESCRIPTION 4001 40084.003.01 Project Orientation -to be used by Project Manager and Design Engineer only. Other services by Clerical and Quality Review to be approved by Project Manager. 4002 40084.003.01 Preliminary Design- includes data collection,preliminary horizontal and vertical alignments, hydraulic sizing of surface drainage, waterline design and preliminary opinion of probable construction costs. 4003 40084.003.01 Final Roadway Design- includes work performed after City review of preliminary design submittal and completion of all utility plans and specifications. Final submittal of opinion of probable construction costs. 4004 40084.003.01 Bid Period Services - includes answering contractors questions and providing ,,,, addendums for distribution by the City. irr ACTIVITY CODES DESCRIPTION 01 Principle-in-Charge- J. Ned Dempsey 01 Project Manager-Ron Weigel 02 Project Engineer-Joe Roshak 02 Design Engineer-Brion Barnett 29 Drafting/Technician - Karl Plattner Karen Wagner Joni McKeown 50 Clerical- Stacey Chapman r. 60 Quality Review Or W .r Ow BUDGET AND SCHEDULE TRACKING Attached is the initial project S-Curves based upon the schedule negotiated with the City. The S-Curves will be updated bi-weekly and distributed to the project team. If the project gets more .� than five percent behind schedule and/or budget,the project team will meet to adjust the manpower assignments, work schedule and/or other factors to bring this project back on track. rw ,w. .r wr ww s +rw � .00 Wr � Xss ��� � aYSRsss�¢nsae +err '73977SIYAYYSSY73SY f .. 71W xn j €6eS6b€ � Res � Q � Ali 9 Gag � -Y888888CCC • � ���� � €9999€69999 " P _ 66666666666 _ .= ' #r e +�r +r. ------ --------- ---- --- -------------------<--------------------- ----- ----------------- ------------------------- - - ---------- -------- --- - ------- -------- ------------------- -------- --------- ----- ----------------------------------------- - --------- ----------------------------------- rrrW ---------------- ----, -------------------- ----------------------------------- ------- ---------------------- - - ------------------------ ----------------------' F- w wr, --------- - ----------------------Q N - ----------- -------------------- ---------------- ------- ------------ ------ a --------------- -----------------------,----------------- o - ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- - 1 J ________________._.._------------------- U/ -----_------------_______--------------------- ------------------------_---------------------- _ Q 0) __________________. _ _____-._______________________________-_.___ ______.._.________._____ _ W -------------- _____________________ __________________ 5 __ _ ______________ -----------------------,------------------------_----.----------------,----------------- aw Ww -------------------- =----------------—----- - --------------------- ---------------------- - 0 ----------------------- ----- ---- -- ------------------------------- --------- -- O wrO -- ---------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- o - F- ----------- w < , ------------------------ - Q F- ew ----------------- ----- I- W ---------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------- - to W O ---------------------------------------- -- - -- ------------------- ------------------------- ------------- -,a ------------------ - . --------------- -- -------------------------- ----------- Z ---- - --------------- ------- --------------------------------------- - I— -------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------- --- - W vJ ---------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------- - w CL ______________ J - -- --- -------_ \ 000 ----------------------�-- ___--.__-______ - --------------- ____-_-_________ ___ ___________ _ _____________________,___._.________________ ....�__________..____ ---_ ------------------_---' ------------------------------ ----_------__---_--- i i 7, _____--------- - -------------_---------____ ____ ____---- ..---__--_____---------- _ ____---------- do ______. _do ---- ___---- ._.------------------ -------------- ___---- ----.-..--_---___----_.--------_______-_____ _-___ --- - ------.---- 0 0 0 0 0 O coOf0 V N O 313-ldNOO 1N302:3d No WN PROJECT MEETINGS Project team meetings will be held weekly on Thursdays at 10:00 am The agenda will include: 1. Distribute and review S-Curves 2. Update on work performed by each team member since last meeting 3. Schedule of work to be performed over next period 4. Discussion of all unresolved issues The purpose of the meeting is to facilitate communication o the project so all team members have the same understanding and to resolve project issues so the project can progress efficiently. Attendees should include project manager, design engineers, and draftspersons. Clerical staff will be requested to attend periodically. We will hold monthly coordination meetings with City of Tigard staff. The day and time has not been established. The agenda is similar to our in house meeting and will be attended by the project manager and other project staff who have a significant role in the work accomplished during that time period. dw DRAFTING All work will be completed in AutoCAD. Century West title block sheets shall be used. The final contract drawings shall be submitted on 11 x 17 sheets. Plan and profile sheets shall have a horizontal scale of 1" =20'. Consult with the Project Manager, Ron Weigel for scales on plan sheets. �r Wrr �. REVIEW / CHECKING The quality of work on this project is important. The Gaarde Street project is the second opportunity for Century West to work with the City of Tigard on a street project during the last year. Consequently, if we meet their expectations and deliver a quality project, there exists a good chance of being selected for future projects of this same nature. Thus, the project team must strive for excellence on this project. It is the responsibility of Century West to inform its employees of the expectations of quality placed on their work. This has been done with the Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Manual. Please review this resource before and during the project such that you are familiar with it. When in doubt of the expectations of Century West or the client, please consult the Project Manager, Ron Weigel, for more direction. The QA/QC review will be performed by Matt Hall. He has extensive experience in this type of engineering work. He will perform an independent review during various stages of the project and complete and in-depth 90 percent review of the plans and specifications. His review and resulting revisions will be conducted prior to submittal to the City of Tigard for their review. r. err we to PROJECT SCHEDULE The following project schedule should be used as a guide to insure the work is completed in a timely manner. Devieations from the designated time frame must be authorized by the Project Manager, Ron Weigel. +rr W rw err wo wr a. No +rr PROJECT SCHEDULE Task Number Description Beginning Completion 1 PROJECT ORIENTIATION - - - - - 6/10/99 2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 6/14/99 8/13/99 rrr 3 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING - - - - - - - - - - 3 FINAL DESIGN 8/20/99 10/29/99 Miscellaneous Subconsultant Tasks DESIGN SURVEY 6/14/99 7/2/99 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 6/14/99 7/14/99 GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS 6/28/99 7/28/99 rw wrr err .w