PFI2021-00462 City of Tigard • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VOID Request for Permit Action T I G A R I) 13125 SW Hall Blvd. •Tigard,Oregon 97223 • 503-718-2439 •www.tigard-or.gov TO: CITY OF TIGARD Building Division 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 Phone: 503-718-2439 Fax: 503-598-1960 TigardBuildingPermits@tigard-or.gov FROM: ❑ Owner ❑ Applicant ❑ Contractor [City Staff Check(i)one REFUND OR Name: INVOICE TO: (Business or Individual) P G E Mailing Address: 22►3 5 ) 1 3 R City/State/Zip: BeitvrN'-vr1I Phone No.: S d 3 Z - ,S91102 PLEASE TAKE ACTION FOR THE ITEM(S) CHECKED (✓): ❑ CANCEL/VOID PERMIT APPLICATION. ❑ REFUND PERMIT FEES (attach copy of original receipt and provide explanation below). ❑ INVOICE FOR FEES DUE (attach case fee schedule and provide explanation below). Permit#: Pr 12011 - O ilfiZ Site Address or Parcel #: y'D ski Ojvert-r bv�q . Pe le Name: P E m 3114f l j 2- cl Subdivision Name: Lot#: EXPLANATION: ?Fr nab- KeviEvei T ,5 'b fnv',t-r Signature: % Date: 1I`l /w2R_ Print Name: Refund Policy 1. The city's Community Development Director,Building Official or City Engineer may authorize the refund of: • Any fee which was erroneously paid or collected. • Not more than 80%of the application or plan review fee when an application is withdrawn or canceled before review effort has been expended. • Not more than 80%of the application or permit fee for issued permits prior to any inspection requests. 2. All refunds will be returned to the original payer in the form of a check via US postal service. 3. Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing refund requests. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Route to Sys Admin: Date l y 22. By TE3 Route to Records: Date By Refund Processed: Date By Invoice Processed: Date By Permit Canceled: Date \\\Z`2Z By Parcel Tag Added: Date By I:\Building\Forms\RegPemutAcrion_120518.doc V (_ a 1 1.I III City of Tigard ' PFI #: 2021-00462 C ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TIGARD Public Facilities Improvement 1PFI) Permit PROJECT INFORMATION PGE Job # M3114772 TYPE OF WORK Project name: 8 TYPE 1—Franchise Utility Work Brief description of project: **City of Tigard Permit for Traffic peormed by NWN,PGE, or utility agency Control Only on SW Washington Sq Rd** Permit needed for ❑ TYPE 2—ROW Sidewalk/Driveway/Sewer traffic control at PL 6607 across from 9640 SW Greenburg Rd Work performed for the purpose of. • Sidewalk installation or repair • Driveway approach installation and repair SITE INFORMATION • Sanitary sewer lateral installation and Location (address if available): 9640 SW Greenburg Rd line tap 0 TYPE 3—Full Scale Development Work Portland, OR 97223 performed with land use approval which indudes any of the following • Subdivisions or Partitions APPLICANT INFORMATION • Street widening Name: PGE [Nigel Khan] • Mainline installation for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, Tigard water, and Tigard Mailing address: 2213 SW 153rd Dr water service area City/State: Beaverton/OR Zip: 97003 ❑ TYPE 4—Small Cell Technology Phone: 503-672-5462 ❑ TYPE 5—Tigard Triangle Email: crewcoordination-western@pgn.com Phone: NOTE: Type 1 and 2 applications may be Contact name: Amy Sweany emailcd to j)wpermitsailigard-or.gov. Phone: 503-612-2935 Email: crewcoordination-western@pgn.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION El Same as applicant Name: CCB Number: Mailing address: City/State: Zip: Phone: Email: ENGINEER INFORMATION Name: PGE Mailing address: City/State: Zip: Phone: Email: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Estimated value of work is required(if over$5,000):$ (within the public right-of-way) Is work related to a LAND USE DECISION? DYes ElNo Case number: City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • www.tigard-oxgov • 503-718-2421 • Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person specified as"Applicant"shall be designated"Permittee"and shall provide financial assurance for work,if required by the city pursuant to TMC 15.04.140. * With the exception of a utility operating pursuant to a valid franchise or license with the City of Tigard,when the owner and the applicant are different people,the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a lessee in possession with written authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner. The owner must sign this application in the space provided or submit a written authorization with this application. Franchised or Licensed Utilities are not required to obtain the owner's signature on the application. I,the applicant, certify that: • To the best of my knowledge,all the information provided within this application package is complete and accurate. • The above request does not violate any recorded deed restrictions that may be attached to or imposed upon the subject property. • If the application is granted,I will exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. 4,1 Nigel Khan 12/29/2021 Applicant's o authorized signature Print name Date Property owner's signature (if required) Print name Date STAFF USE ONLY Case No: PFF2021-00462 Permit fee: Received by: SPV Date: 12/29/2021 Approved by: Date: Notified by: Date: City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • www.tigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 2 of 4 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FEES Public Facility Improvement(PFI)Permit INITIAL PFI PERMIT FEE Part 1: Required submittal fee is 10%of the Net PFI Permit Fee.See below for calculations.Minimum of$300. NET PFI PERMIT FEE Part 2: All non-water system improvements engineer's estimate X 7%(less the initial PFI Permit Fee). WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION FEE Part 3: All public water system improvements engineer's estimate X 12%. FOR STAFF USE ONLY FOR STAFF USE ONLY TYPE 4: SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY TYPE 1—3:DETAILED SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST REQUIREMENTS Does applicant have a right-of-way license? 0 Yes 0 No TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2-Must include a sketch showing: Under the wireless facilities standards,is the proposal ❑ Dimensions considered? (check all that apply): 0 Small Cell 0 Macro ❑ Street Name How many install sites are proposed as part of this permit El Site Address application? TYPE 3-Must provide 4 sets of plans (sized 24 x 36 or 22 x 34) and an electronic version of all submittal The proposed equipment is located on which of the following: items. The plans must that include: ❑Public Right-of-Way 0 Private Property ❑ Cover—Site,Vicinity,Abbreviation,Legend If equipment is to be located on private property,describe the 0 General Notes(City,Water,Sewer,etc.) type&use: ❑ Street(Plan,Profile) ❑ Water,Storm and Sanitary(Plan Profile) ❑ Water Quality Facilities ❑ Grading ❑ Landscaping/Tree Plan ❑ Composite Utility Plan(Electrical,Phone,Gas, Storm, Sanitary,Water,Signage,Street Lights,etc.) ❑ Details ❑ Traffic Sight Distance ❑ Signing and Striping ❑ Street Light Plan and Photometric ❑ Engineers seal/signature ❑ Sheet label(project land use name,revision and plan log block,dates and sheet numbers.) O Engineer's Construction Estimate Additional Submittals (per land use conditions,if applicable) ❑ Traffic Report O Storm water Drainage Calculations ❑ Geotechnical Report ❑ Preliminary Access Report(Sight Distance) ❑ Proposed Plat ❑ Pathway Design ❑ Water Provider Approval City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • w wtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 3 of 4 9 s«- '• \- '• sI Edge ofPavement Ditch Streetlight (1II - 7 T-191o'p'osrd"Seiwe iMiTir I r. ' LL I Existing House 1 1 'Q r� 1 Existing ,� I • Driveway iI V1 • a I ›C I I rI 3I rl II l • I I Existing Shop i v"Ii 1 L Powerpole I 1 ,= 1 a, I o e 1.• � I I"- 95' 1 Rio a Line '—'— I ' I AA 1 Fire\Hydrant(FH) T I Scale: 'I"=30' I I Ii I I I I I TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2: MINIUM SKETCH REQUIREMENTS (Put N/A if nit applicable) North arrow Property lines&dimensions Existing utilities locations (sewer,storm,water) Street&street names All existing structures Proposed work Existing curb or edge of pavement Utility&street light poles Existing S/W or D/W apron Slope of property Trees City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • «wwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 4 of 4 lil 0 summit Dr Summit Dr Summit Dr bo �• l • a y C , i E Q Tan ip s e• I - + �Greenburg Road \\\ ,' 0) Apartments r tr i; a 9I P -o a 0 Squats Rd SW Washington W Square Rtl C� 3-SV/.Washington Syu.: CO 9 QSight 9640 SW Greenberg .Rd•Portland,OR 97223 P ra ,Y S • Qt cz OO Z C] a • 8 SW Lehman St SW Lehman St SW Lehman St c00a, Permit needed for traffic control at PL 6607 across from Crew Notes: Remove Existing Meter 242978901N and 1PH UG Service due to demo 9640 SW Greenburg Rd PGE CONSTRUCTION DRAWING Foreman: Dale: General Foreman: Date: (SgneluM only retOr S for SEW construction chNNea) SOAVE/VG REVIEW I4SBU/LT BY DESIGNER: DATE SCALE ACCOUNT AWO {1De NO 12/15/21 IM3114772 nne Portland General Electric ATTENTION; CALL 811 BEFORE YOU DIG ` CIRCUIT SIZE OREGON LAW REQUIRES YOU TO FOLLOW RULES ADOPTED 11 X 17 RE THE OREGON UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER. THOSE RULES ARE SET FORTS IN OAR 952-001-0010 1 /THIN\ �� LOCATION 9640 SW Greenburg Rd Portland 97223 THROUGH 951-001.0030 YOU MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF RIPPOFWAY PERMIT NOTICE: ` SCF{WfON THE RULES BY CALLING THE OREGON UTILITY �r SAFETY "PE°'°T m°"THE Ln�'""D1�°^'IS REQUIRED E N^WOW mitt nestled for traffic contra at PL 8807 across from 964D SW G er R I +� IN TLE RIPRLFWAY MAY BE PERFORMED.CHY K£APPROVED COUNLYingtOn SEipy WORK WITH NOTIFICATION CENTER ADMINISTRATION THE032-198J) p CONRACBORS MP CONTRACTORS WNO NAVE MADE WIPER SPECIAL Wh ngton � I OF 1 TO REQUESTLITYNUTILITY LOCATES CALL OREGON know what's below, \IRS' AGREEMENTS WTI ME WILL N ALLOWED To PAWS UNDER PC£S PERMIT. UTILITY BUSINESS AYSPRI PRIOR TO BI3 AT LEAST WE CONTRACTORMUST NOTIFY iNELax JURISDICTION HOURS aeAYnrox DESIGN RV PHONE AIS0DHA S BY IITY NOTIFICATION CENTER, EXCAVATION Call bMae you dig. BEFORE WORK o TO BEAN.A COW OF THE PERMIT MUST OE ON SITE, N uFs eAeMpexreR Amy Sweeny 503812-2935 PFAIPRrnx on urns 0 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED www.nvarion.corn ODOT PERMIT R o o0, oWNm: PROER/AR NUAO9. I / PGE(Beaverton ICC) M3114772 350'+/- / / PROTMr NOMRG ODCATON: Cm/STATE: / 9640 SW Greenhur5 Rd Tigard,OR / 143) MAECONnNCTOR 3Oa3r / Obi tz / / PGE / CONTACT NAME/NUMa9: MAN: / 350'+/- / / PREMED BY: MOW CONTROL COPNRACTOA / / C Borden Potelco Inc 1O//ile/1i / / 1 / POTEL N CO IC 3N»�/a / DEVICE SPACING: 350 +/ / / ' / N 1 , / TAP ER:20' TANG ENT: 40' r AIN`p . II' / R 1 �/ / t `0 . /ir/ / 1 '/ / Summit Dr J -71 H-4t c . r i r r it / / 1 // / Pole 0/6607 / / / , / I to / , =SW Washington Square Rd J Hg x 7 RO'lb WO K moo All signs and devices SHALL conform to the MUTCIYOTTCH. / Will adjust to fit field conditions as needed for safety. Plan NOT toscale.