11/22/2021 - Minutes Public Safety Advisory Board Meeting #23 November 22, 2021 — 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Agenda 5:00-5:05 Welcome, Centering Exercise, Roll Call Meeting is being recorded and broadcasted. Meeting called to order at 5:01 p.m. Centering and breathing exercise to bring focus to the conversation. Elevate the importance of racial justice and equity. Facilitator Kim Marshall called on to do Roll Call. Absent: - Nick Jarmer - Elise Butera - Nick Nunn (JOINED LATE) - John Trinh - Lee Landers Chair Stuhldryer proceeded to public comment. 5:05-5:20 Public Comment No requests to speak or written public comment. Future comments can be emailed to eduardor@tigard-or.gov 5:20-5:30 Chief's Update with Chief McAlpine Emergency Communication Strategies Public Information Officer sent a memo to the PSAB about the department's emergency communication strategies.The department is moving away from CodeRed and implementing new software. The Chief would like input. Support a Sergeant position dedicated to 5:30-6:10 Community Involvement in Officer On-Boarding Before they go into a formalized field training. What community groups should the new officer see? What type of interactions should they have? We are trying to set a foundation so that training continues to build off those initial interactions. What are the expectations? Who should they know? What should they know as a resource? This helps them better serve the community. The Board entered breakout rooms to answer: - What are your top 5 expectations for Tigard police officers? - How would you like to see these expectations introduced to new officers? - What community places should be introduced to new officers? - Who are the best facilitators for expectations and introductions? Large Group Discussion (started at 5:57 p.m.: Top 5 expectations for Tigard police officers: - Board member Sasaki would like to revisit questions at the next meeting. GROUP 1 o Officers need sound judgement. Avoid conflict. o At least an intro to policies and procedures as it relates to mental health and unhoused residents. o Tigard officers need comprehensive awareness and compassion. o Awareness of the role they play in the criminal justice system. o Develop an understanding of what business owners care about. GROUP 2 - Embrace guardian philosophy. - Educate the public. Speak to the dangers of what they did. Share preventative measures. - Engage in events such as coffee with the cop. - Enforce the law and solve crime. GROUP 3 - Visibility in the community. - Opportunity to connect through videos and traditional television. - Officers should continue to be warm and inviting. o Current officers have strong interactions. - Continue to participate in events such as National Night Out "Officers should be of the community" meaning involved and active beyond their duty. Define officer's interests to identify opportunities for that officer to participate. Transformation of the police force to one seen as passionate. Be visibly part of the community. Increase their value in the community. Their engagement could help encourage stronger candidates to join the Tigard Police Department. In Tigard, people frequently have 1:1 interactions with the officers. It is common for people to know who they are. How do we help officers feel welcomed in the community? The question gets at how we build the two-way street between officers and community. Create a community that fosters connection, not conflict. How would you like to see these expectations introduced to new officers? GROUP 1 - In person events: Coffee with the Cop, Open Houses, National Night Out - State of the City was a great opportunity for community members to meet officers. GROUP 2 - Spent time talking about mental health. Providing opportunities for officers to seek resources. - Connect officers with the Latino and Vietnamese communities. - Get officers out of vehicles to interact. - Have a conversation with stakeholders over lunch. GROUP 3 - Elected officials, city team,THS memberships. The values of department and community should be in sync. - Have the correct messenger with the message. Be aware of the groups/spaces. Community places to be introduced to new officers. GROUP 1 - Washington Square - Walking and biking paths. - Utilize stats and analysis to guide the ID of these spaces. Informed. GROUP 2 - A lot of things we are suggesting are already being carried out. - New officers should be introduced to the high school population because it is more diverse than the community at large and could be more at-risk for enforcement due to decision-making. GROUP 3 - Booth of officers at the Farmers Market - Use NextDoor - Get to know the elderly community (55+) - Familiarize with all the groups in our community. - Orgs: IRCO, APANO, etc. - We have youth that uses social media actively. We should be taking full advantage of those platforms to raise TPD profile. Who are the best facilitators for expectations and introductions? GROUP 1 Establish consistency across the community. Chair Stuhldryer suggested a video to unify the messaging. GROUP 2 Did not get to the question. Greene leads extracurricular activities at the high school. People like her could help connect. Groups active on NextDoor. GROUP 3 Officers with language skills other than English can help build new relationships. We need to listen to people experiencing houselessness. Commander McDonald: This topic was a special interest for the department to improve community connections. The discussion sparked new ideas and will result in changes. The Board was thanked by the department for discussing these questions and offering creative ideas to help on-board new Tigard police officers. WHICH TOPIC SHOULD BE DISCUSSED?JIMMY'S EDITS TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS ON USE OF FORCE OR PRIORITIZING TOPICS FOR THE NEW YEAR. THE BOARD CHOSE TO DISCUSS JIMMY'S EDITS. Provide increased transparency through data reporting to the broader community. Incident numbers may be small, but that does not mean that they shouldn't be examined (Board member Brown). Dichotomy between quarterly and annual reporting. If we can do quarterly reporting, it increases transparency and trust. There was concern about quarterly reports being statistically insignificant or at risk of being pulled out of context. The Department could be required to report back to City Council. Is the recommendation feasible? There is no downside to enhanced transparency. Quarterly reports help create better visibility of police interactions. The Tigard Police Department already does in-depth reporting.There was a bill passed this last legislative session which added the requirement for departments not carrying it out. The conversation will continue at the next meeting. Cut for time. 6.20_6:50 QppeF+ n ty W DiSGUSS C FFeRt Event- - Ad- ur,,.,Thr y nffeGt T g4r-J Cut for time. 6:50-7:00 Wrap Up and Next Steps Prioritizing topics is necessary. It will be an ongoing conversation. At the next meeting, we will discuss the laser shot training and the recommendation on data reporting. Motion to adjourn. Seconded. No discussion. Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.