Main Street/Scoffins Street - Payless Complex * (. HYDRANT INSTALTATION i''.i.rnAeD inctAl- 1,! ER DISTRICT -A- '-'''''j---' .., , ` „leto ,,, Depth of bary...1 — . i at fry _---- /A, / //t• Sizeo BarrelwValve openin -• ----- Rub °palling -- yydrant /0/;L) isa ^ 6, ranch; Siset, ....Length / 7-----Connecta to 42_ in, Main otltit..2;...ts1(2- /C-bei Branch valve: Make - 0.4442 Opens 2 tutna 19 lwated f t voi.--ef hydrant -- . , _ .,„,.... elovations 1 Remarks* Mall *-..).: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection Diatrict, P,.0,,Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 1 1 ' ., i : . HYDRANT INS'IRLIATTOINI RECORD ,------„, WATER DISTRICT • <B„0-4,:p..–„. Lcrat ion , e e(IA • I - (- Date Sa,t.. ,11 It.,'.ake : &Ise of% Barrel w-- Valve opsnimi ....5--1/1" Bub Openingie.2.-4-'‘ Hydrant operA ,a_i1.21 fib-, K, ranch: Sise r L/L-- Lengtk5)-14y--- Connects to _.L...., in, Main on ' .4.1.. ( Branch valveMake E levat ion Remarks I Mail to: Tualatin Rural I Ire Pt-oteeti or nistriat, P.0„Box 286, Tualatin, Oref,lon 97062 4 _ _ HYDRANT INSTY4121-- •'• " c ' - ._ 1 v".1E R DTSMICT Lmatian .....i,. .E. cl.t „..............,.. _ . -‘..........,,.\-. ......„L.-?S:,. .- Data Se;LIQ 91tike.ficik- ies,put, to ts / Slate of: Barrel_6_4__Valve open 1 nq 5- Fur, C•c* .,0 I nn 40,- 60,—ifydrant opens ' ,....11001.....ta ise.#1910,17.4-1 ik fit' ranah: s ie t -- Lengtb — Connects to (r in. main Branch valve t mak.6t,,,,s, -,...":2/24,4), _ ,01,tr.ti_ _ _turns ,12_,Iocateelecr .„,_ *„....n•I' hyd rutt. , I Elevation: 1 Remarks: i . mail el:It Tualatin Ruleal Fire Protection District, P..0,,Box 286, Tualatin, Oeon 97062 1 1 , 4