Hazelwood Lp/Schollwood Ct/Springwood Dr/Glenwood Ct/Ashwood Ct - Englewood Phase II voinii........ ,_ HYDPANT IWITILLAT/ON RECORD • a/ ,,,* water District Location :. ...44L.______ .............6.._ Date Set9-41-75- Make /e 6-7/1 yOutieta: ir A / ot.Depth of bury.±2L5 „.... Size ot: Darrel Valve opening i /7 nub opening /i Hydrant opens 4WL__ 6" *iranch: Size: lerrrth 2j:A connects to ig in. Main on12L-115fith . e l?ranch valve: Make e _ppelts LelY turns /9 located_Lft. .W of hydrant ....... Elevation: Park Mail to: Tualatin Ruzal Fire Protection Dietrict, P.r , Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 HYDRANT IMMIX/W/0N RECORD • = . 1 __„4 ` A" / Water District I li 'I • i i ;',ocationt 3-4 /1/ 45-e, rkg ---- -0, - - • lig 1.--1 A / Date Set 21....a,--2.L.Maketjeaffilliates putlets: 44.Depth of bury 7-44./7r i k Siie of: Barrl_j__ ,.. Valve opening Hub opening 4 Hyden t opens..4.44.122.____ ..emanealli• 14 Ai, * ranch: Size: length ,1151 connects to //; Main on4Z Bran .Lir_vith 4,•01•Ch valve: Make& /C)/ Opens 2e7(2/ turns.....41____located / ft.Wof hydrant 1•0.6..,100110•••••11.K.0.04611mil.01.000s 1 Elevation: ; ?Inazor ,4_74.1-z „57.1d4.41,..42., ---zi re i , r-,-,.;3 to fl,7,alatin Rural Fire Protection District, Poe'. Box 206, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 T. 11.1'DRANT iN----7-'s .... 1""immill."1"........"....".."...."1.111".""1000.ft....TALLAT/ON RECORD .„......, , i , f,r1 Water District Location .40 20 ' , di ,,, , 4rize...„&ikege 2e v e 1 L.,,t) ,asal...Z22220,17t. / N. Date Set2,-.22.2‘....M fei2e.,' Sb/es Outlets: 2 2A: / dle.Depth of bury 4,2P/ Size of: Barreli,.....A.LValve opening Hub opening co Hydrantopens 44131 We du /101-0 . / 1) S pti ii 1 4 r ranch: 32.ze: ______length IL.-L..conneota to /1,Z in. Main on C/ vithr Branch valve: Makelja.42_ e Open*.....ZZL... turns /9 located...ja_ftik f hydrant Elevation: Remarks: sc,c. .c/,-4,.."..L.....C.:Atv ..02_,.44,,,,±ize. ttc,ii to: Tualatin Ruzal Fire Protection District, Por. Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 HYDRANT INSTALLATION REOORD ' 77q&C; WATER D/STRICT '1-'ocati 01/1/.. .C.C.ef (57-V 3-4,&;49471 A e ' j. / 1.)a.te Sfie:„L-ZAIMakeZzedZe.' 31A/6-1)1th/et /? 2k / 4k. Depth of bury ,..# Sixe of,. Barrei/yalve opening .D Hub Opening Hydrant opens Z4791 //i II ze/kwod 4fiff ranch: Size: 47 Length -7/,---/ Connects to 1...........in. Main on 4' with...12/JC Branch raiver Make I/CP/Pe OpeneL47/171 turns_dLlocatell_ft.ALof hydrant. Elevationr Remarkmr Nan to, putoptfin p,.v.,0 r4.0. D.-^4-m,ltion District, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 9706, , HYDRANT I-NEATYON RECORD /144'� DISTRICT 4 WATER L,�:as:.icr�xtr'� .7L', leadZ4Zg . ./ . �i� li T Date S _/2-7 4a5se Outlets: 2 4 Depth of boxy 3 . �/ Size of: Barrel �� I/ Valve opening 5 Hub Openingh a Hydrant opens �G�Y i1 *ranch: Size: Leh�c��.�Z Connects to f� in. Main on�ze/w°Od Agip Br�h valve: Matra�/,�'. /9/be: r1 � w�_"' G /be ()lens GATT turns �/ Elevation: / � lc�cated�ft,��• f�o f Brant. Remarks: Mail to,,, 'ua.lat .ie Rural Fire Protection na Ds strict, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 HYDRANT TNSY.} TTQN f / ' RECORD ER DISTRICT Location Ddta $ ,. ,4,.. , - d' _ _. w !>O ©.. Make 1 f+;.•�s y� grates ? 2N__....../ S _ = EaeZ ii -�14Depth of tua3' Valve opening �` / Hub -� — --- - Rydrant opens Z ei LhvdaSisa: t�9th— =7 .Conn / • Main on6t Branch valve: h ems..'........-Ze/MdkeGS � Opens _ �turns /9 locatedit.,4 �oF h3dsattA.---.�.,Elevation: R m mait. to; Tualatin Rural Piro, pv.mt! 4:i,-y :a District. P.a•gax 286. Tualatin, n1.o....- ---- ----.....„..............................„.....„.............„, /- /Pid,Se i 1 6 ) IIY'DRAW ritT.u:r.r.,.:\Tiotd- aecaRD i I -.....„/ I ..............m.........,monm Rater District 1 Locati Zia4.2 - ' , i Date s,.t /? 24 ___Z__Vs-Depth of hurl, " IK Z 151 4:L. ,_ p /,,, Size off Barrel Va1-ea opening ,... _Rub opening 6o, ifyti t ris Zel ----, I , ......c, p)-in1Wed kit/ • BranC:h: S ism: length_,eaLconnects to _11____In. Main w th...".. I 1 1 i Branch valve: Make&...S. /Air __Ope:or_..Ze _turne___ZL,located 7 ft. & f hydrant ,o 1 2 levatirtn: I Remarks: ------------------__--------_--------- Mall to: Tunatin R,aral Fire Protection DIstrict, Por . Boz 286, Tua/atin, Oregon 9706, 1 1) #* 1 . I rot 4e / er i 4 7 ., , s . _ . 1 • 7, , i 4, ...„ "......„ .0 , .-•,,,„„ .,,,,..„......„ , 1 i i , 1 I . • - 1 ., ‘ : „............,................... :: / .. 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