Bonita Road/Fanno Creek Drive - Bonita Firs \ HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD WO. //C-7-06 Water District rr-.�__ 101 Location: /// P/JNTiL 41/19- W. W f" A /F�' 4r 3/be,. ;t I4 (/710.5 SG.1 awl° ckEEk DIte Set/0,:e2Q-el MakePACIFIL S%/}r Outlest 2A5„1.„_4k.Depth of bury 41 _ �tI rt Size of: Barrel (//ep Valve openin�fiub openinHydrant opens 1..E Fr / Branch: Size �ir length/0�� 'Connects to l,e in. Main on qn INTO g6Fith (}ED TrE Branch valve: Make C1 L 5 ) Opens ,,,,�;,,1„r,,_ 4 Y 1.F/--"7` turns locate ft. of hydrant Elevation: Remarks:BON 'TA 1-(‘).S &'-P7 ( ,.1I ij G �. { • •r Lr Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 WO. HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD /?;-,4/e(� Water District �8 S J/ WNOCI Loc ation/ T /I yr ON Thr e6/17-- gr.,s. 04 BUG-'V? Date set JO -020 -R/ Makeq<//'!C_ Tree S Outlets 7 2' / 43/4Depth of bury 4 Size of: Barrel 66 Valve opening `j Rub opening Hydrant opens LEFT- Branch: ESBranch: Size /, length y" connects to e., in. Main on 271/2deprithgeltarTrD Z. Branch valve: Make C'LOLJ Opens LETT turn.a...0._ located // / ft. \LY.. of hydrant Elevation: Remarks:ilyz11`( . Tf I"1 R S cPJ Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O. Box 286, Tualatin, Ore. 97062 W.O. HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD 77(1,.4(6 Water. District (By 76 suJ r4tir4O Location: /V, 5 e0R140. 0� .SSU lrl�rl��� rr- � �S 3 vli Avre 'v\zieLy Date Set/O-20-4Make f c//c,.„ £ Outlets 221/2_2_41/2-Depth of bury 41 Size of: Barrel /r, f Valve opening S„ Hub openingHydrant opens LE1- 9 Branch: Size 6, length S connects to __a_ in. Main onSW FANNo CREEK with Fi4,J(j j Branch valve: MakeI1 �.bb,) Opens �f•'?' turns�locatedG (o ft. VV of hydrant. Elevation c� Remarks: 1 rn4 t R S 0 nws Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O. Box 286, Tualatin, Ore. 97062 HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD WO. 10740 Water District 19�0 s 79V Sc r-rNNO Loc at ion:s k/ rot?i4 s? 04 RN'r&r4c.. in TO $h.rc� � � 41 Date Set JO D Make / �R�(t/c s!�?r'C�tlest � 2'���4�.Depth of bury 4 _ Size of: Barrel_Valve opening.S.Dtub open{ Hydrant opens L EFT- Branch: Size to length&HZFonnects to A in. Main on eli&C iet7W DPwith g E 'r- Branch valve: Make anG1 Opens LFt`T- turns 2/ located / ft. of hydrant Elevation: Remarks: , - Fsr f/ P7hE, '!T r2 R jaP Fi4'S r1 i 4r Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062