74th Avenue/Durham Road - Duncan Warehouse HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD WO. 1 t 6-P Water District �r Location: N. PQnt'fizy Cf')e a /6055 . 77 WEST- DL (-74 '7 y �+ y , Date Set/3 '.2'87 Make f rG�iJ4lrtutleat 21/2./...._41/2.Depth of bury Size of: Barrel Valve opening ..pub openingiocjiydrant opensLEC_ Branch: Size lengthr7,4 P4onnects to /.2_ in. Main on 114° with lY/w' 'j 7 Branch valve: Make_ /_ ) Opens "SIT turnslocated ft. of hydrant Elevation: / Remarks: .4.,N� • AIA ♦ I b& / A,V1 111, Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062