Greens Way, Greenleaf Cout & Terrace & Highland Drive - Summerfield Townhouses Phase IIb YD3ANT INSTRLLATION RECORD 1 C-, ....rJ / / water District Location 0 Aup A. , ./LI„, . .%•.(Te!,. „,,T.7. *et , _ .. . . . .. ! •i_ , .., -- rate Set4://,',7-7v/Lpake ./ ' 732,...aput1ets: .--,2„, 2% / 4h.Depth of bury ) / Size ofe- Barrft°1 // il lva, opening ,,j // Rub opening 7, // Hydrant opens 2c7,271 AF4t Branch: Size: ‘ ' longed connects to in. Mai ' A1. Brandh valve: /9 Make_JL2 Opens - turns locatedft.,45/of hydrant Elevation: F'21/3411:52 --,I- / ? /'. 4(1--7/..,27At2414a...,Zia(CZ:d... . . L-42-- !!- 40,, 4./-, Mall t(': Tualatin 7.71ra1 Fire PrcAectIon District, Por,,„ B 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 HYDRANT INSTRIZATION RECORD _ . / 0, .L...) WATER DISTRICT ill, 0 7)---,----,—A, I Z/ 'location. • - --1-44/ .r '-) ...--4. 2:--Q....:-.Z. Alic..- 4, 4 . -di — . A ' . e, ')ate .ert4,L2.‘ake ilf , -.40LCutletes _, i') , 212 2 . 4%. Depth of bury_ -1-/Pit 227/ size of: Barrelialve openirg_6"-/' Hub Op.,..ningA:1 Hydrant opens ,. /, /- ‘„ .....),9,, / Branch: Sise:...LLength_a)1/ ".,,) connects to in. Main on fija..,.._wi I .• / Branch v:?lves Make...22.424‘1 Opens turnelocated///ft. 41 of hydrant. Elevationz Rentarka•.• ed „ i Air, I id--c:77-2,„‘ig,c a) L._ v.? i 'MUT,44of.Or Mail toz Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District; P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 HYDRIW INSTALLLTION RECORD DISTRICT Y Or ID:h4--.. / / Location . (%%iaZ ' 'w" 4 ...cZ. ' f!' 44eAr .41, 6 / — / 2 .1.447 1Y ' fir ..:- St : I . Date Set ' aka, ^ .... ..... L- 231Ix. Depth of bury , ...... 24/.44., ,11,t) Oita ofl Barrek ,.1 a1vc openirg .. /I Rub Orwaing LL_Hydrant °pans ,„./.6.21 I( C 1/ Branch: Sizes...../L_Length 12.. Connecta to__.45 in. Main on ...fzj_withW7/r/.7. &, tn Branch 'ralver Make k/ Ope tutenall located 7ft..J6L(of hyd/rant. F,--, . ... s., Elevatiort Remarks a..) 7 /------- Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fi7:a Pre:Ilvt5.o)1 District, P.O.Box 26, TtAatir, Oregon 97062 HYDRN.W2 INSTMAATION RECORD \ k. G r. l, 1,Tir.M2 Dia.TICT il 7( 4 Lccatiw:..L.L.2 Pe9/0. .... A Date Se Makq. ' ', -.0.iipr2-ktio : 2% .._/... 4%. Depth of bury 72 4W :Axe Of: Barrel Co /17alvt., oplli,g (_.) Nub opening Hydrett2opnns 44// Branch: ire: L Length k - Connyots to 67 in. Main ore4tro_jwith .11mWs0a, r r / Branch valve: Make..02.,a Opecin - turnelocated.aft.Lo hydrant. 1.c...(&--. Elevator.: Remark. : 4) Ff - -...4i 4 1 4 nail to: Tualatin Rural Fira 1,:tott:ion Iiiutrict, P.O.Boz 286, Tunlatin, Oregon 97062 -:N41•);- HYDRANT INSTALLATION RECORD , \n CLA --.) WATER DISTRICT .,... ..., 110 - ,V--) A Date S44:,:, / q .224akt- de ' ' i.,42Cutlets: ..... 2., 2%j 4 412. Depth of bury „I. f ze:L. Size of Barrel 6i "i alve openr.g c ' Hub OpRaning ydrant opens ,,, /1 branch: Sire: II 6 Length Z „,. Connecta to , in. Main one,a/kkjcwitiVii-iihe_. Branch valve: Make 1 • A , I. Opens turns P2 located..? ft.12of hydrant. 411, Elevation: Remarks: Mail to: Tualatin Rural Firrote2tion Diztrict, P.O.Box 286, Tvalatin, Oregon 97062 . }IYURPXT INSTALLATION RECORD `.. . VATER DISTRICT 15kC'r.c•cNrc) 0- 1 ocatim M . \ ---,,Lit...---\ \AIW,., \', . \11(1 Date s, ' t „Ma .e - I os,, ut:tF is s _ 41a. Depth of bury 4-o 11 Size of,; (,Barrel ( V. ve opanir r.� i Hub opning.. Hydra. t opana /lc i*ranch: Size: ' Leigth /�� Connecta cta to in. Main on with r/ -. 7 Branch valves Make Alb, dig 0 .:,. CIA _eitztliZna / 9'locatedk ft.1 of hydrant. Elevation: Re ararkzx ' ...,� �1 7 Or Mail to: Tualatin Rural Fire P ::otastion District, P.O.Box 286, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 _ N — ;• ' '4,1111Wel' . ,... ,—, •• co 0 ' , / i--'' 7 : _ , . T .., ./..-\ 1 (3 u ....,r-' r–• L-1 i 1- i . . , co. 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S.0013 W. :••• -$1 OUP 2 lit -• 1 23 4, NOO°I3'E r'J-t 3267 32 b : 326.70 8TH. ---9- 41-N4a—Iiirikur . nAir—igitir— ,...-• Aiiiifilaiiiii.-WINK —— Beg Co Rd.No 2048— 0 1 20 4 6 448.8 — ..„..... 1‘ ------:-- .4 01 !.....c 653.4 0 to 4 Z 7,1 cm .......„ 1 0 tv 0 0, 0 E0 NI i i 'Do 0: ,>_ — — 0, Cipej .. i 328.9 CO 1,11 IN) 0 , . CO 0 4 L . 0 iip tiv,,,, ni *". .1 . It limilis. 11111 .4.3 1/14 (6. r r- M z . • 326.70 : ,,...:1,14._.e....4.j.j., ‘01' N 0 Ito, ONIONo — _ /.---- CP VI ( __ CO 411, " . I: i 0) — - I •••‘ Ca. :•••• — c) CTI \ , ,.. , •,.. r)61 . „ f==. CA ‘.0 ••, _ — _........- ts._____. _ _ • __