98th Avenue & Summerfield Drive - Summerfield 4i. ElraT gir .f.S'`=......tL.,.. 1°.=l. N RECORD < 1 i \a n A J Wr' ` av s i zI: `ict Date Set,S...a.--.,., Make \ • I',-si..\14 01:itjAftV.t „sa_21/2 _L_ 4%.13apth ca hary Elea o rel. r "a 1,� o g,:t1jr.; /. :`:a opening .....5 _Byd ar. mss L_ raanch: 3f e: � len; y,...-cti.-s.a21.:• ;:7, to__IQ.._ahs, Mai. o* _i „ . _ i th VT I 1.-- Branch valves MakJ -clnc o a .i .;, L „ .,: � 'c�:at°^�ae �� .. .tca� €3 ft.. o hydrant B levan cn: "zaarks3: 11.A41:4(a..)6-, M- .,, ,,,s--Ve '4Q4;1 Mrti1 tot T"-lta3.1Mil Itzra.1 F'i:., *'::::s. ,; i.,`::1 :4 _ '..:1. t 72 r',o Boz 2S6, Maa1atin, 0:s. 4on 97062 13YDRANT. INSEkr,MTION RECi'ZD 1C. Q A(L._ WER DIV:WM.7 r, .0..._ ocation ..cL1 91.7.....' cAi ` i...-. Date Set ):ar.:.--laMakeeyth of bury• iLH-_ .:t ... Size of ; Barrel Cr 4 Via vo op-ening 5f e 71.,.,* C):,741.6.ng c/.40•0 'ilydrEnt opens LE___ • k branch: Size: V Length 1 --- Connec:t.,1 tv IQ in. Main onca,c2i-j_with „rf A --1-; 3ranch valves Ma'keOpns_;,',....., eit# turns L. located L ft..L of hydrant. Elevation: Itemarks: Mail to: T'ualat!,.n Feral I!'ira 7.2r.e.Yttvti. r rsiotzt t P.O.)3ox 286, I'vetlatir., Oregon 97062 el . \ w ... .wa I a `r, k: D°v','..r.iiit Location ...c c\m4...A. -1 L.,lJ . S C 1 .L ,. a.�. .. . ILDate Se 112-3:, Me?...e . l.1W.. C;-}c,c:.14' : „_ �.,. 1 4 .)"'pth o .�i37Gyda 1�� anc ; size:e: " ita ` Llr) zre QT. o_29, ..........in. Mai i< on Hi/ 'fr. :). („,, L- Er h vel?311-9. M zel -(Y1S !1h1A:?xis �,x i':fl3-A.:BI ..mM1. :: �c t„ O hydrant t Eieva .c es � r. ` eR « Cu '�r 1. ,,") Mail tots T7aolatin R.xcal F;i, ,. ::_<..&:t n ....u.ritria`;. P .n,n Box 286, Trze1atin4, Orcgor 97062 Y/ , XIIP_n1,,'+,;,�{y .t inks :��LL.1.TXON REC '.?J C f 7 \•\ A, 1 d11a..zr r'it tr.5v"Yb �w.e.ww..awes g\ _ �.. ,�, ..r,..,...m�w.s..r... _„i+ . Location* c 1 -MC`c\M�tN 0,L. .. rL.Q.,... -11.:(--7.1,-.44z. .. ., c) Date Set .b .:..j... tee c�3;�.:. '�:.. ..s .2._ 111,: .a.L 4h Danth of bury Size cd: Sancel. Val.M1.- rening CII . 3;Iu. opening " Hydrant opens f Branch; Size: j 1enc;'r, z c.,r ec1.t to /< .? in. Main on kith 7-M,, Branch valves MaltA cmc., �!�..�.� t�pr�sa , ..1.7 ,,.ay,.... 'Y'ss oca d �:st. of hydrant Eyevet:s.cnt Mail to: Tva1atia 11=a1 r,- , 1?-7,,: t7..-m s .s,..:vat. P„r''. Bon 286, Tualatin, Ox-. on 97062 1MN7., 1ZS'ATI,X2-„ON =cap DllAxict Local:it:4r ...L.1..,... .L(N-Nc-Nr\c(A.,. Vt_o) cA ,& a_,1&,---c..L.Ixt.,3 nate -. . Size offt Darrel Va_ ? ores im3 2;--11 111'.!. oPe7ting 6; Hydrant opens //cc i SI ,i Branch.: .531:e: lenF.t:rt 17.*<117tea-!'v Lo In. Mal Branch vc Ire: Die.%,a. t.aat. 47.1: ;:4e L tua.-ne .jje _Locatzd . CLI:-, , ft. of hydrant Elevatifmt Fallarksz .L41-tr --- ...tea '---..,....C<P P M:',i1 tOT YrIala;:i"... 7,t'..1Tal Fi. P:7-,,t .;7t7_= DiRtrict, Po". Box 236, Tualatin, Otcgon 97062 g HYDRt.272 IN'iJAZATICH RECORD WATER DTSTR1CT Location F5 &31 \Z, Date Set maks out..0!",:n1 2% 411. Depth of burl Size al Barrel Valve opeu.17:1 Hub Cninq Ritireu C.PprT,3 Stanch: Size: Length Con-1...1 to in. Main on with Branch wave: Make Crpens, turns locrted ft. of hydrant. Elevation: Remarks: Mail to; Tualatin Rural Fire PreAsct:Eor 9i tric;t I .O.Box 286, Tualatin, Or -on 97062 11 nyDp,Am. im3rip-...71.vrioil REccxsp l Q OJ\ 1.13CER DISt"RIC'ZI Date Sek: Make Outlet.c.; Vs 41a. Depth of bury Size of; Barrel Vaivo opeuirg Hub Opmling Hydrant opare , ....—..... .,.... _.. . 141ranch: Size: Length Connect;; to in. Main on with . . .„ .. . Branch valve: Make cy,:erz turns loc,.ated ft. of hydrant. Elevation: ---------,... Remarks? Mail to; Tualatin Rural Fie PIx;1:1-vt D '..trict, P.0„2,7::x 286, Tulati.n, Oregon 97062 4 . YDRUT.:. r.'n1AYALAZION RECORD (") , , 'ATER DITMICT Location "m4411 „Ilkpcm- 1,.. .L., 6..0.0.Cia.40.00.1 0116,2k ilik 0. 11.' ' J sucmaaaeat•vm. Date Set Make cu 2,7::,: 21 4%., Depth of bury /1•10.11.0. 11W0.110.311,00.0. Size of.t Barrel Vml.vo orenArg '.-,i-cb 07.7,T!ing Hydrezt opcx ES ,,fONOVIO aranch: Size: Length Conultrs to in. Main on with . . , Branch valve: Make 01),w-us turns located ft® of hydrant. ------ Elevation: Remarks: Mail to: T'aert .n FrAral Fitfa P-ztit17-,;' Tti ':-.„fict, P.O.'80 286, TY,Ilatin, Oregop 97062