10/19/2020 - PacketPLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA – October 19, 2020 City of Tigard | 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 | 503-639-4171 | www.tigard-or.gov | Page 1 City of Tigard Planning Commission Agenda MEETING DATE: October 19, 2020 - 7:00 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: Members Remote via Microsoft Teams Link to virtual hearing online: https://www.tigard- or.gov/city_hall/public_hearings.php Call-in number for public testimony: 503-966-4101 Public testimony call-in time is between 7:30 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. 3. COMMUNICATIONS 7:02 p.m. 4. CONSIDER MINUTES 7:04 p.m. 5. PUBLIC HEARING 7:05 p.m. PAC TRUST ZONE CHANGE (Case No. ZON2020-00002) Staff: Associate Planner Monica Bilodeau PROPOSAL PacTrust is requesting a zoning map amendment application to rezone the 4.68-acre site from Industrial Light (IL) to Industrial Park (IP) due to the additional variety of IP zone permitted uses available. No new development is proposed on the subject properties at this time. LOCATION: 15860 SW Upper Boones Ferry RD. and 15960 SW 72nd Ave. 6. BRIEFING 8:05 p.m. Staff – Associate Planner Hope Pollard Employment Lands Project 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8:35 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT 8:45 p.m. October 19, 2020 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes, October 19, 2020 Location: Members Remote via Microsoft Teams Link to virtual hearings online: https://www.tigard-or.gov/city_hall/public_hearing_feed.php Call-in number for public testimony: 503-966-4101 Public testimony call-in time was between 7:30 and 8:15 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Vice President Hu called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Vice President Hu Commissioner Brook Commissioner Jackson Commissioner Quinones Alt. Commissioner Sarman Commissioner Roberts Alt. Commissioner Schuck Commissioner (K7) Tiruvallur Commissioner Watson Commissioner Whitehurst Absent: President Feeney Staff Present: Tom McGuire, Assistant Community Development Director; Doreen Laughlin, Executive Assistant ; Monica Bilodeau, Associate Planner; Hope Pollard, Associate Planner; Lloyd Purdy, Economic Dev. Manager COMMUNICATIONS – Commissioner Jackson reported that he’d attended the first meeting of River Terrace 2.0. He said that just as an overview and FYI he’d heard a lot about walkability, affordability, range of uses and residential options. CONSIDER MINUTES Vice President Hu asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the August 31 minutes; there being none, Vice President Hu declared the minutes approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING PAC TRUST ZONE CHANGE - ZON2020-00002 QUASI-JUDICIAL October 19, 2020 Page 2 of 4 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a quasi-judicial map amendment for approximately 4.68 acres located south of SW Upper Boones Ferry on the east side of SW 72nd Avenue. The zoning designation would be changed from “I-L: Light Industrial District” to “I-P: Industrial Park District,” while the existing comprehensive plan designation of “Light Industrial” would remain unchanged. Location: 15960 SW 72nd Ave. and 15860 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING STATEMENTS Vice President Hu read the required statements and procedural items from the quasi -judicial hearing guide. There were no abstentions; there were no challenges of the commissioners for bias or conflict of interest. Ex-parte contacts: None. Site visitations: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Whitehurst had visited the site. No one in the audience wished to challenge the jurisdiction of the commission. STAFF REPORT Associate Planner Monica Bilodeau introduced herself and went over a PowerPoint (Exhibit A). The applicant is requesting approval of a quasi-judicial zoning map amendment for approximately 4.68 acres located south of SW Upper Boones Ferry on the east side of SW 72nd Avenue. These properties are currently built out with existing buildings. The proposal is to change the I-L: Light Industrial District to I-P: Industrial Park District. The Comprehensive plan designation of "Light Industrial" would remain unchanged. There’s market demand for office use in its existing buildings on the subject site, a use n ot currently allowed under the existing I-L zone. This is the reason for the request. Staff thoroughly reviewed the proposed plans and has found that: 1) The proposed zone change would follow all applicable standards of the Tigard Development Code 2) the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are satisfied, and 3) Increased market demand for office use in the area represents evidence of change in the neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed zone change. APPLICANT’S PRESENTATION Ken Sandblast of Westlake Consultants said that his company is working with Pac Trust and that Eric Sporre from Pac Trust is also at th is meeting. He asked Eric if he’d like to say anything. Eric said, “We own all the property surrounding this area as well. These buildings when built out were built more in line with the IP zone. We’re not asking for anything on a grander scale than that. We wondered whether there might be some interpretation issues in the October 19, 2020 Page 3 of 4 future – there haven’t been so far. We had Moda Healthcare who fits in the zone, express some concerns - and it got us to thinking that we should just get in there and clean it up.” Ken Sandblast noted that office use is one of the biggest changes in this IL to IP change request and there are others in the staff report on page 5 that had already been noted . He said he’s ready to answer any questions and that they support the staff report and hope the application speaks for itself. QUESTIONS OF THE APPLICANT – None. QUESTIONS OF STAFF – None. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Vice President Hu asked IT if there were any people on the phone line waiting to testify; there were none. TESTIMONY IN FAVOR - None. TESTIMONY IN OPPOSITION – None. QUESTIONS – None. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED DELIBERATION There was a short deliberatio n: “Looks like a good thing.” “I’m a little concerned about some of the uses that will be precluded by changing the zone, but I think overall it’s still a reasonable change to be made.” “I think it looks to be a good thing; I will support the zone change myself.” No other comments. MOTION Commissioner Watson made the following motion: “I move that we approve application ZON2020-00002 to change the zoning request, and for adoption of the findings and conditions of approval contained within the staff report based on the testimony received.” The motion was seconded by Commissioner K7 Tiruvallur. VOTE - All in favor – none opposed. RESULT - Motion for approval CARRIES 8-0. BRIEFING Associate Planner Hope Pollard went over a PowerPoint (Exhibit B). Economic Development Manager Lloyd Purdy was also there to give his input and to help answer questions. October 19, 2020 Page 4 of 4 City staff is in the beginning stages of the Tigard MADE (Maintain, Advance, and Diversify Employment) project. This project seeks to revise the policies and regulations governing the City’s employment lands land located within commercial, industrial, and mixed -use zones not located in existing Plan Districts such as Downtown). The project is being conducted to accommodate job density, meet modern development trends, and build social equity and environmental sustainability into the development code. Its main objectives are to: Support a well-rounded, balanced, and scalable economy. Mitigate barriers to economic prosperity in communities of color and other historically marginalized communities. Incentivize environmentally sustainable development. Incentivize public improvements to promote connectivity and alternative modes of transportation. Commissioners shared feedback on the project, expr essing support for the overall goal of modernizing the code to allow for more flexible and innovative development. They also provided input for areas they would like to see highlighted in the project, with most input focused on protecting existing uses and approaching all updates through an equity lens. Items highlighted for importance in the project included (but were not limited to) evaluating updates for their impact on existing businesses and residents, exploring the potential impacts of gentrification and rising rents, looking at who is most impacted by proposed updates, preparing for translation in the interview process during community outreach, and assessing pollution and nuisances associated with the introduction of certain uses. OTHER BUSINESS – Tom McGuire went over the calendar and talked about upcoming hearings and briefings that may take place. The final meeting of the year will be December 7 th. ADJOURNMENT Vice President Hu adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Doreen Laughlin, Planning Commission Secretary ATTEST: Vice President Yi-Kang Hu C I T Y O F T I G A R D R e s p e c t a n d C a r e | D o t h e R i g h t T h i n g | G e t i t D o n e PacTrust Zone Change ZON2020-00002 Planning Commission Hearing Agenda Item #5 Community Development October 19, 2020 EXHIBIT A C I T Y O F T I G A R D Project Summary The applicant is requesting approval of a quasi-judicial zoning map amendment for approximately 4.68 acres located south of SW Upper Boones Ferry on the east side of SW 72nd Avenue I-L: Light Industrial District to I-P: Industrial Park District Comprehensive plan designation of "Light Industrial" would remain unchanged. Market demand for office use in its existing buildings on the subject site, a use not currently allowed under the existing I-L zone C I T Y O F T I G A R D C I T Y O F T I G A R D Findings The proposed zone change would be in compliance with all applicable standards of the Tigard Development Code. the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are satisfied. Increased market demand for office use in the area represents evidence of change in the neighborhood. C I T Y O F T I G A R D Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Zone Change. C I T Y O F T I G A R D R e s p e c t a n d C a r e | D o t h e R i g h t T h i n g | G e t i t D o n e Pac Trust Zone Change Planning Commission Hearing Agenda Item #5 Community Development October 19, 2020 C I T Y O F T I G A R D R e s p e c t a n d C a r e | D o t h e R i g h t T h i n g | G e t i t D o n e Tigard MADE Maintain, Advance, &Diversify Employment) Development Code Update October 19, 2020PresentedtoPlanningCommission By Hope Pollard, Associate Planner EXHIBIT B C I T Y O F T I G A R D PROJECT LOCATION Tigard MADE covers the City’s employment lands: all commercial, industrial, and mixed-use zones not included in existing Plan Districts. C-N: Neighborhood Commercial C-C: Community Commercial C-G: General Commercial C-P: Professional/Administrative Commercial MUE: Mixed-Use Employment I-P: Industrial Park I-L: Light Industrial I-H: Heavy Industrial C I T Y O F T I G A R D PROJECT INTRODUCTION Tigard Maintain Advance Diversify Employment C I T Y O F T I G A R D PROJECT BACKGROUND Why Tigard MADE? Why now? Unanticipated changes in industrial and commercial development patterns and business operations Constrained employment land supply Loss of employment lands to development associated with the potential light rail line New Strategic Plan Objectives focused on equity, mixed-use, and connectivity C I T Y O F T I G A R D EXISTING ZONING AND HISTORIC TRENDS C I T Y O F T I G A R D NEW ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS C I T Y O F T I G A R D PROJECT OBJECTIVES Support a well-rounded, balanced, and scalable economy. Mitigate barriers to economic prosperity in communities of color and other historically marginalized communities. Incentivize environmentally sustainable development. Incentivize public improvements to promote connectivity and alternative modes of transportation. C I T Y O F T I G A R D KEY QUESTIONS What land uses should we mix and where in the city? What are existing and perceived barriers to developing or starting a business in Tigard for communities of color, marginalized groups, and small business owners? Can we remove these barriers? What are existing and perceived barriers to innovative development in the City? Can we remove them? How can we incentivize environmental sustainability in development, including eco-friendly building materials, renewable energy, and reduced emissions? C I T Y O F T I G A R D KEY QUESTIONS How can we incentivize public improvements such as sidewalks, trails, and parks? What factors attract developers, business owners, and employees to a location? What areas within the city are the most economically thriving and what factors, if any, do they share in common? Which areas are suffering and what factors do they share? Can existing places redevelop in ways that offer more value to the community? C I T Y O F T I G A R D PROJECT TASKS Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) Update Meet state requirements: analyze changing economic and development trends, constraint of available employment land Evaluate potential influence of code updates on trends and projections, make recommendations Development Code Update Expand and modernize allowed uses Build flexibility into development standards Consolidate zones C I T Y O F T I G A R D COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 3 Primary Tools: Website (surveys, polls, project information) Group meetings (presentations, Q&A) One-on-one interviews (conversational) 3 Primary Participant Groups: Residents (website only) Developers (website, group meetings, interviews) Business owners (website, group meetings, interviews) C I T Y O F T I G A R D PROJECT SCHEDULE EOA: Present-March 2021 Policy and Code Audit: Ongoing Policy and Code Update Proposals: March 2021-November 2021 Implementation and Marketing of Updates: January 2022-June 2022 C I T Y O F T I G A R D WHAT’S NEXT? Hire an Economic Opportunities Analysis consultant Set up project engagement website and initial community outreach events Continue code auditing and research C I T Y O F T I G A R D R e s p e c t a n d C a r e | D o t h e R i g h t T h i n g | G e t i t D o n e Tigard MADE Maintain, Advance, &Diversify Employment) Development Code Update October 19, 2020PresentedtoPlanningCommission By Hope Pollard, Associate Planner C I T Y O F T I G A R D ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES 3.1 Pursue land development that maximizes public health benefits while increasing connection between people and community destinations 3.2 Focus development-associated resources in parts of the city that have the capacity to serve, house, employ, and attract the most people with the least impact on Tigard’s natural systems and the climate 3.3 Understand the effects of development on vulnerable Tigard residents and mitigate these impacts within projects and over time. 3.5 Plan and create in a manner that reduces climate impacts to the maximum extent practicable, especially for those most vulnerable. C I T Y O F T I G A R D ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES 3.1 Pursue land development that maximizes public health benefits while increasing connection between people and community destinations Build resilient local economy in which residents’ health and the health of local businesses increase together Locate and grow businesses to support walkability, connectivity, and accessibility for all business location decisions Build mixed-use development that is inclusive of housing, shopping, employment, services and integrates transportation options Ensure all businesses can easily connect to resources that help them grow and add value to the community Capitalize on Tigard’s business mix, central location, and access to the region’s talent to support a healthy economy that provides employment opportunities for residents C I T Y O F T I G A R D ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES 3.2 Focus development-associated resources in parts of the city that have the capacity to serve, house, employ, and attract the most people with the least impact on Tigard’s natural systems and the climate Blend land uses to support a range of commercial and employment opportunities within and in proximity to residential neighborhoods Facilitate TOD that supports employment, housing, and community services Incorporate sustainable and low-impact building and site planning technologies into city codes and standards C I T Y O F T I G A R D ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES 3.3 Understand the effects of development on vulnerable Tigard residents and mitigate these impacts within projects and over time. Increase access and participation of community members who are historically underrepresented in city processes and committees Support a balanced, diverse mix of business sectors and employment opportunities Advance equitable economic opportunity C I T Y O F T I G A R D ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES 3.5 Plan and create in a manner that reduces climate impacts to the maximum extent practicable, especially for those most vulnerable. Reduce the burden of climate change on low-income populations and communities of color. Preserve and expand the city’s existing tree canopy. Evaluate development projects for their contribution to VMT reduction, compact development form, and sustainable use of resources. Require new development to demonstrate reduced or limited VMT through a TIA and appropriate transportation demand management tools. C I T Y O F T I G A R D C I T Y O F T I G A R D C I T Y O F T I G A R D C-G Pac Trust Zone Change Site STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 1 OF 7 Agenda Item: 5.2 Hearing Date: October 19, 2020 Time: 7:00 PM STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON 120 DAYS = 12/14/2020 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NO.: Zone Change (ZON) ZON2020-00002 FILE NAME: PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting approval of a quasi-judicial zoning map amendment for approximately 4.68 acres located south of SW Upper Boones Ferry on the east side of SW 72nd Avenue. The zoning designation would be changed from "I-L: Light Industrial District" to "I-P: Industrial Park District," while the existing comprehensive plan designation of "Light Industrial" would remain unchanged. The applicant finds there is market demand for office use in its existing buildings on the subject site, a use not currently allowed under the existing I-L zone. APPLICANT/ OWNER: Pacific Realty Associates, L.P. (PacTrust) c/o Eric Sporre 15350 SW Sequoia Parkway, Suite 300 Tigard OR 97224 APPLICANT’S REP: Ken Sandblast Westlake Consultants 15115 SW Sequoia Parkway, Suite 150 Tigard, OR 97224 LOCATION: 15960 SW 72nd Avenue and 15860 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road, WCTM 2S112DD00 Lots 400, 500, and 1900, and 2S113AA00 Lot 500. COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION: Light Industrial. These areas are deemed appropriate for industrial activities which include manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, or treatment of products from previously prepared materials and which are devoid of nuisance factors that would adversely affect other properties. The designation includes the I-L and I-P Zones. CURRENT ZONE: I-L: Light Industrial District. The I-L zoning district provides appropriate locations for general industrial uses including industrial service, manufacturing and production, research and development, warehousing and freight movement, and wholesale sales activities with few, if any, nuisance characteristics such as noise, glare, odor, and vibration. PROPOSED ZONE: I-P: Industrial Park District. The I-P zoning district provides appropriate locations for combining light manufacturing, office and small-scale commercial uses, e.g., restaurants, personal services and fitness centers, in a campus-like setting. Only those light industrial uses with no off-site impacts, e.g., noise, glare, odor, vibration, are permitted in the I-P zone. In addition to mandatory site development review, design and development standards in the I-P zone have been adopted to insure that developments will be well integrated, attractively landscaped, and pedestrian-friendly. STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 2 OF 7 APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.130, 18.710 and 18.790; and Comprehensive Plan Policies 1.2, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.1.15, 9.13, and 12.1.10 SECTION II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the proposed zone change. SECTION III. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Site History & Information Staff reviewed the zoning history of the site utilizing old zoning maps and searching City records. The subject site is shown as zoned I-L on the 1983 Comprehensive Plan Designations and Zoning Districts Map (Ordinance 83-24). The site has remained under this zone until the present. City records show the site was developed in the mid-1980s as a light industrial business park. Vicinity Information The subject site is surrounded by similar light industrial park development in PacTrust ownership to the north, east, and south. To the west, across SW Upper Boones Ferry, the zoning is IP. The Planning Commission approved similar zone changes in this immediate area in 2012. These zone change applications are indicative of a dynamic land use market within Tigard’s Light Industrial designated lands. Providing flexibility to accommodate these proposed zone changes is consistent with comprehensive plan policy to promote economic development opportunities through flexible and adaptive land use and regulatory practices. SECTION IV. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Statewide Planning Goals, Metro Urban Growth Management Plan, and Met ro Regional Framework Plan Policies are not applicable to this land use decision. No changes are proposed to the Comprehensive Plan and the land use action requested is not legislative. TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 18.790: Section 18.790.030.A states that the Commission will decide zone change applications which do not involve comprehensive plan map amendments. The proposed zone change application to replace the I-L zone with the I-P zone does not involve a comprehensive plan map amendment, because t he existing comprehensive plan designation of "Light Industrial" includes both the I-P and I-L zoning districts and would remain unchanged. Therefore, the Planning Commission will make a decision on the proposed zone change application by means of a Type III-PC procedure as governed by Section 18.710. Section 18.790.030.B states that a recommendation or a decision to approve, approve with conditions or to deny an application for a quasi -judicial amendment will be based on all of the following standards: Section 18.790.030.B.1 Demonstration of compliance with all applicable comprehensive plan policies and map designations. STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 3 OF 7 The Comprehensive Plan does not distinguish between the I-L and I-P zoning districts, which together comprise the Light Industrial Comp rehensive Plan Designation. The applicable Comprehensive Plan Polices are as follows: Policy 1.2: The City will define and publicize an appropriate role for citizens in each phase of the land use planning process. Public involvement and notice requirements for quasi-judicial zone changes are described in application requirements determined by the Director and section 18.710 of the Tigard Community Development Code. Pursuant to application form requirements, the applicant noticed and held a virtual neighborhood meeting on May 4, 2020. Pursuant to noticing requirements set forth in 18.710 of the development code, the public was made aware of the project and instructed on how they may participate through dir ect mailing of public hearing notices to all property owners within 500 feet, the posting of an on-site notice visible from both SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd and SW 72nd Avenue. The rule for public participation at a public hearing is set forth in 18.710, which the Planning Commission must follow when making a decision. This policy is satisfied. Policy 2.1.2: The City’s land use regulations, related plans, and implementing actions will be consistent with and implement its Comprehensive Plan. The requested zone change from the Light Industrial to the Industrial Park zoning district is consistent with the assigned Comprehensive Plan Map designation of Light Industrial because both zoning districts implement the map designation . The proposed zone change is otherwise consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan policies as reviewed in this staff report. This policy is satisfied. Policy 2.1.3: The City will coordinate the adoption, amendment, and implementation of its land use program with other potentially affected jurisdictions and agencies. As required by 18.710 of the Tigard Community Development Code, and discussed in Section V below, notice of the proposed zone change was sent to affected government agencies. This policy is satisfied. Policy 2.1.7: The City’s regulatory land use maps and development code will implement the comprehensive plan by providing for needed urban land uses including: A. Residential; B. Commercial and office employment including business parks; C. Mixed Use; D. Industrial; E. Overlay districts where natural resource protections or special planning and regulatory tools are warranted; and F. Public Services. The proposed zone change will not affect the overall mixture of land uses set forth in categories A through F above. Permitted land uses u nder the current and proposed zoning will remain light industrial in character. This policy is satisfied. Policy 2.1.8: The City will require that appropriate public facilities are made available, or committed, prior to development approval and are constructed prior to, or concurrently with, development occupancy. The subject property was fully developed in the mid-1980s multiple buildings, parking, landscaping, and public improvements. If a specific redevelopment proposal under the proposed zoning were found to impact public facilities, they would be required through the site development review process to upgrade and instal necessary facilities prior to, or concurrent with, development occupancy. This policy is satisfied. STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 4 OF 7 Policy 2.1.15: In addition to other Comprehensive Plan goals and policies deemed applicable, amendments to Tigard’s Comprehensive Plan/Zone Map will be subject to the following specific criteria: A. Transportation and other public facilities and services will be available, or committed to be made available, and of sufficient capacity to serve the land uses allowed by the proposed map designation; B. Development of land uses allowed by the new designation will not negatively affect existing or planned transportation or other public facilities and services; Section 9 of the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) allows cities to make a determination that a zone change “does not significantly affect” the transportation system if all of the following conditions are met: (a) The proposed zoning is consistent with the existing comprehensive plan map designation and the amendment does not change the comprehensive plan map; (b) The local government has an acknowledged Transportation System Plan (TSP) and the proposed zoning is consistent with the TSP; and (c) The area subject to the zoning map amendment was not exempted from this rule at the time of an urban growth boundary amendment as permitted in OAR 660-024-0020(1)(d), or the area was exempted from this rule but the local gover nment has a subsequently acknowledged TSP amendment that accounted for urbanization of the area. All three of these conditions are met for the subject property. Therefore, the City of Tigard may choose to make a determination of “no significant effect”. The property is presently served by all necessary public services including water, wastewater, telecommunications, emergency response, garbage, and transportation. Public Works staff stated the project raised no concerns with respect to increased demand on utilities. Criteria A and B of this policy are satisfied. C. The new land use designation will fulfill a proven community need such as provision of needed commercial goods and services, employment, housing, public and community services, etc. in the particular location, versus other appropriately designated and developable properties; The proposed zone change does not affect the Comprehensive Plan land use designation of Light Industrial. Therefore, the existing community need for land areas deemed appropriate for industrial activities would remain unchanged. However, the applicant states that the pattern of demand for lease space within the PacTrust Business Center , proximate to the SW Carman Drive/I-5 interchange, has shifted in the years since it was initially developed resulting in an increasing demand for office use. The proposed I-P zone would allow office use and provide needed employment in the area where it is in demand. Criterion C of this policy is satisfied. D. Demonstration that there is an inadequate amount of developable, appropriately designated, land for the land uses that would be allowed b y the new designation; To demonstrate that the appropriate zoning for the site should be I-P, the applicant’s narrative cites a demand for office use as shown through lease offers from office employers for available space at the subject property, and other property it owns in the immediate area. Criterion D of this policy is satisfied E. Demonstration that land uses allowed in the proposed designation could be developed in compliance with all applicable regulations and the purposes of any overlay district would be fulfilled; STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 5 OF 7 Use Categories that would become allowed at the Subject Site: Commercial Lodging Eating and Drinking Establishments (Restricted) Outdoor Entertainment Indoor Entertainment Sales-Oriented (Restricted) Personal Services (Restricted) Repair-Oriented Bulk Sales (Restricted) Office Detention Facilities (Conditional Use) Use Categories that would no longer be allowed at the Subject Site: Outdoor Sales Industrial Service General Industrial Warehouse/Freight Movement Cemeteries Use Categories that would be allowed, but with more restrictions: Commercial Lodging Bulk Sales Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental (Restricted) Motor Vehicle Servicing/Repair (Conditional) Wholesale Sales (Restricted) Wireless Communication Facilities (Restricted) The bullet points cited above focus on the differences between the I-L and I-P Zones, in practice there is broad overlap because “Light Industrial” uses are allowed in both zones, allowing such employers to locate in either of the two. For that reason, the proposed change will not take the subject site’s lease space away from users in the “Light Industrial” category at all – but it will enable employers in the “Office” category to locate there. Employment patterns have shifted over time in the vicinity of the subject site, which is conveniently close to the Carman Drive/Interstate 5 interchange. While a substantial inventory of light industrial lease space exists in the vicinity—between SW 72nd and Interstate 5, to the east of the subject site, and on the west side of SW 72nd Avenue in the area north of the Carman Drive intersection —the Applicant has observed that the PacTrust Business Center is becoming inc reasingly attractive to office employers. This is based on lease offers the Applicant has received for available space at the subject site. The practical effect of the proposed zoning map amendment will be to make the existing lease space at the subject site accessible for those office users that cannot find other suitable space in the surrounding light-industrial areas in the immediate vicinity. There is no planned development or historic overlay district on the subject property. Criterion E of this policy is satisfied. F. Land uses allowed in the proposed designation would be compatible, or capable of being made compatible, with environmental conditions and surrounding land uses; and The subject property is bordered to the west by land zoned I-P. The zone change would unify the zone applicable to the business park, which the applicant desires in order to simplify its marketing o f the property. The nearest inventoried natural resources to the subject property are associated with Fanno Creek and are located over 600 feet west and separated by a railroad and an arterial street. The new land STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 6 OF 7 uses allowed in the proposed I-P zoned property would all be contained within existing buildings and can generally be characterized as being more compatible with environmental conditions and surrounding land uses. Criterion F of this policy is satisfied. G. Demonstration that the amendment does not detract from the viability of the City’s natural systems. The nearest inventoried natural reso urce to this property is located over 600 feet west of the subject property. Future redevelopment will be required to provide landscaping and trees consistent with landscaping and urban forestry standards. Any downstream impact from surface water runoff will be avoided or mitigated by compliance with Clean Water Servic es regulations in force at the time of future redevelopment. Criterion G of this policy is satisfied. Policy 9.1.3: The City’s land use and other regulatory practices will be flexible and adaptive to promote economic development opportunities, provided t hat required infrastructure is made available. The Comprehensive Plan Map Legend indicates that the Light Industrial “Comprehensive Plan designation may be implemented through one of two zo ning districts, in order to provide flexibility for implementation. The proposed zone change would use this implementation flexibility to allow uses permitted in the I-P zone to occur on the subject site including, primarily, office use. The rezone would allow office employers increased lease options within the desirable I-5 corridor location. Existing infrastructure serving the fully developed business park is adequate as described in the previous findings for Policies 2.1.8 and 2.1.15, above. This policy is satisfied. Policy 12.1.10: The City will require all development to meet adopted transportation standards or provide appropriate mitigation measures. As discussed in the responses to Policies 2.1.8 and 2.1.15 above and agency responses in Section V below, the application meets or is expected to meet all adopted tra nsportation standards. Increased traffic generated by higher trip rates associated with office use will be mitigated through Transit Development Tax (TDT) assessments at the time new uses are permitted. This policy is satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are satisfied. 18.790.030.B.2 Demonstration that adequate public services exist to serve the property at the intensity of proposed zoning FINDING: The proposed zone change does not include a specific development proposal, but instead anticipates new allowed uses in an existing business park. The applicant provided an analysis of the existing development’s consistency with development standards for new uses allowed under the proposed I-P zone as reviewed above in the findings for Policy 2.1.15(E). Future redevelopment will be subject to Site Development Review, in which any proposed development would be required to meet all of the current applicable Tigard Development Code standards. The proposed zone change is in compliance with all applicable standards of the Tigard Development Code. This criterion is met. SECTION V. ADDITIONAL CITY STAFF AND OUTSIDE AGENCY COMMENTS City of Tigard Engineering and Building Divisions and Public Works Department have reviewed the proposal and offered no comments or objections. City of Tigard Long Range Planning Staff have reviewed the proposal and determined the proposed zone change would not significantly affect the transportation system, as described in Section 9 of the STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 19, 2020 PUBLIC HEARING ZON2020-00002/PACTRUST ZONE CHANGE PAGE 7 OF 7 Transportation Planning Rule. SECTION VI. STAFF ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION The proposed zone change from I-L to I-P does not reduce lands designated “Light Industrial” in the City of Tigard, as both zones have the same land use designation and provide implementation flexibility. The proposed zone change would use this implementation flexibility to allow uses permitted in the I-P zone to occur on the subject site including, primarily, office use. The rezone would allow office employers increased lease options within the desirable I-5 corridor location where the applicant has demonstrated there is an increasing market demand. Based on the findings above, the proposed zone change complies with the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies, City of Tigard Development Code chapters, and provides evidence of change in neighborhood. Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the proposed zone change. October 12, 2020 PREPARED BY: Monica Bilodeau DATE Associate Planner October 12, 2020 APPROVED BY: Tom McGuire DATE Assistant CD Director Attachments: Zoning Districts Map Comprehensive Plan Designations Map Zone Change Application Materials Scale: 0.04 Miles COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 www.tigard-or.gov City of Tigard, Oregon Zoning Map Generalized Zoning Categories 09/09/2020 Data is derived from multiple sources. The City of Tigard makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the content, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any of the data provided herein. The City of Tigard shall assume no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused. Map Created: Subject Site Unimproved Right of Way Zoning -General Residential Mixed Use Residential Commercial Mixed Use Triangle Mixed Use Mixed Use Employment Industrial Parks and Recreation WA-CNTY City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 www.tigard-or.gov Map Created: 10/06/2020 City of Tigard, Oregon Comp Plan Map Vicinity Map Scale: Data is derived from multiple sources. The City of Tigard makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the content, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any of the data provided herein. The City of Tigard shall assume no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused. Miles0.04 Unimproved Right of Way Comprehensive Plan Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium-High Density Residential High Density Residential Mixed Use Residential 1 Mixed Use Residential 2 Mixed Use Central Bus Dist General Commercial Professional Commercial Community Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Mixed Use Commercial Triangle Mixed Use Mixed Use Employment Mixed Use Employment 1 Mixed Use Employment 2 Light Industrial Heavy Industrial Open Space Public Institution (Washington County) City of Tigard Memorandum To: Tigard Planning Commission From: Hope Pollard, Associate Planner Re: Tigard MADE (Maintain, Advance, and Diversify Employment) Project Date: October 19, 2020 Staff is in the beginning stages of a project titled Tigard MADE (Maintain, Advance, and Diversify Employment). The project will assess and address the needs of Tigard’s employment lands, which span the commercial, industrial, and mixed-use zones listed below and shown on Attachment 1. It does not include land located within Plan Districts such as Downtown, the Tigard Triangle, or Washington Square Regional Center, although it will coordinate with ongoing projects in th ose areas. • C-N: Neighborhood Commercial zone • C-C: Community Commercial zone • C-G: General Commercial zone • C-P: Professional/Administrative Commercial zone • MUE: Mixed-Use Employment zone • I-P: Industrial Park zone • I-L: Light Industrial zone • I-H: Heavy Industrial zone Tigard MADE will seek to create a healthy and modern mix of uses (vertical or horizontal) that uses constrained lands efficiently for employment purposes, while also allowing supportive employment amenities or housing that helps Tigard remain competitive in the marketplace and supports a sustainable, resilient local economy. Many factors have come together to warrant the proposed comprehensive overhaul of the city’s regulations for employment land. These factors include unanticipated changes in industrial and commercial development patterns and business operations, a highly constrained employment land supply, the loss of employment lands to development associated with the potential light rail line, and new Strategic Plan Objectives focused on mixed-use development and connectivity. The project will analyze and address these changes, using them as opportunities for innovation. As part of the project, we will also complete an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) and propose updates to modernize the Development Code. To provide some background, Statewide Planning Goal 9 requires the City to periodically review the economy through an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). The City of Tigard’s most recent EOA was completed in 2011. While the project is in its early stages and methods are still being explored, opportunities will likely include: • Expanding and modernizing allowed uses. Opening commercial and industrial zones to more uses and allowing for more area-wide mixed-use development could encourage greater job density. This could help the City meet its employment needs without expanding the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) or re-zoning residential properties. It would also better accommodate alternative forms of transportation and shifting business trends. • Building flexibility into development standards. Business models and operations are changing rapidly and the current Development Code has not kept up. Many businesses now blur the line between traditional industrial and commercial and are not easily characterized as one or the other anymore. Building flexibility into development standards, such as density and height requirements, allows the City to incentivize desired features, such as public improvements or eco-friendly building materials, in exchange for flexibility. • Consolidating zones. As updates are considered, the distinctions between each zone will be re-evaluated. A prime candidate for consideration is the I-P zone, which currently only allows a limited number of uses and actually limits most industrial uses. A code audit will allow staff to refine definitions, boundaries, and allowed uses in each zone in order to maximize clarity and encourage development that is the best fit for each part of the city. The Tigard MADE project will be completed in the following three main stages. Community outreach is a key element of each: 1) Research: complete an EOA, research innovative economic development strategies, conduct stakeholder surveys and interviews, and audit existing policies and standards for improvement opportunities. 2) Policy and code amendments: develop a set of proposed amendments based on economic projections, research, and outreach. Conduct additional surveys and interviews throughout to ensure stakeholder responses are properly accounted for in proposed updates. 3) Implementation: train staff on updates and market to developers and business owners. In this first briefing we will: • Introduce the project and preliminary community engagement strategy • Receive input on project goals from the Planning Commission • Discuss a basic project schedule Attachment 1: Tigard MADE Project Area The Tigard MADE project area is highlighted in red. It spans all Commercial and Industrial Zones, as well as the Mixed-Use Employment Zone, but does not include Plan Districts.