PFI2021-00256 CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT s COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12021-00256 Data Issued: 08/25/2021 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Parcel: SEG116 Jurisdiction: Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: Willamette Water Supply Program PFI Project Description: Installation of WWSP Pipeline in ROW Class of Work: FEES Type 1 -Utilities(gas, electric,data) Description Date Amount PFI Permit Fee 08/24/2021 $300.00 Total $300.00 Owner: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Call 503-639-4175 for the IVR inspection request line or visit the City of PHONE: Tigard website atwww.tioard-or.gov to schedule inspections online. Contractor: PHONE: Applicant: CHRISTINEA WALTER 1850 SW 170TH AVE BEAVERTON, OR 97003 PHONE: Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee/Applicant Signature: See permit attached Issued By: Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PF12021-00256 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Utilities 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law,the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Utilities 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition,free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI_Utilities 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI_Utilities 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes,etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced,with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Utilities 05-TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Applied Notice Applicant shall provide traffic control according to the current edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices [MUTCD]for Streets and Highways", U.S. Dept. of Transportation, FHWA, current edition,American Traffic Safety Services Association[ATSSA], and Oregon Temporary Traffic Control Handbook[OTTCH]. PFI_Utilities 06-TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Applied Notice Submit a job specific traffic control plan. A copy of the approved traffic control plan shall be readily available at the work area. Traffic control devices, flag persons,etc., shall be in place prior to initiation of construction work and shall be effectively maintained. PFI_Utilities 07-TRAFFIC CONTROL ROAD CLOSURE Applied Notice Public roadway shall not be closed to traffic, at any time,without obtaining written approval from the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible to provide 48 hour advance notice of traffic flow disruptions to affected businesses, residents and area wide Emergency Services: 503-629-0111 (Tigard Police Dept.,Tualatin Fire& Rescue)and to 503-962-8140 (Tri-Met)and 503-431-2345(Tigard School District)and other service providers impacted by such closure. PFI_Utilities 08-TRAFFIC CONTROL ADVANCE WARNING Applied Notice Advance warning of traffic disruption shall be provided to the public by placement of an approved advance notification sign at each end of the construction area 72 hours(min.) before initiation of construction work. PFI_Utilities 09-TRAFFIC CONTROL PROPERTY ACCESS Applied Notice Access to existing properties shall be maintained at all times, including normal delivery service and mail service. Obtain City approval of any access closures. PFI_Utilities 10-TRAFFIC CONTROL WORK HOURS Applied Notice Work is permitted in daylight between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mon-Fri unless otherwise authorized by the City. PFI_Utilities 11 -TRAFFIC CONTROL LIMITED WORK HOURS Applied Notice Hours of construction work on collector and arterial roads will be limited to 9:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. Work will not be permitted on collector and arterial roads between 3:00 p.m.to 9:00 a.m. unless authorized by the City Engineer. PFI_Utilities 12-TRAFFIC CONTROL MODIFICATION Applied Notice The City reserves the right to add to or modify traffic control requirements as necessary to effectively control traffic and to assure public safety. PFI_Utilities 13-DRAINAGE CONTROL Applied Notice Drainage shall be controlled within the work site and shall not adversely affect adjacent private property, public property and the receiving system. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective drainage control. PFI_Utilities 14-UTILITY NOTIFICATION Applied Notice Oregon law requires following the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Said rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0100 through OAR 952-001-0080. Copies of said rules may be obtained from the Center by calling 503-246-1987. If you have any question about the rules, contact the Center. NOTE: Damage to utilities shall be corrected at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 15- UTILITY LOCATION CONFLICT Applied Notice Applicant must verify all existing utilities for both vertical elevation and horizontal location prior to start of work(pothole before digging if necessary). Should conflicts arise and redesign or relocation of facilities be necessary, it shall be done at the applicant's expense. Changes must be approved by the City in advance of work.Applicant shall coordinate the work with affected utility agencies. PFI_Utilities 16-TEMPORARY PATCH Applied Notice A temporary hard-surface patch shall be placed on trenches within roadways at the end of each work shift. Obtain advance approval of patching method. No trench shall be left at any time in an un-safe condition. Applicant is responsible for and is liable for hazards or damage resulting from the prosecution of the work. PFI_Utilities 17-REPAIR OF EXISTING FACILITIES Applied Notice Work under this permit shall include repair of existing facilities(roads,ditches, etc.)as may be necessary,as determined by the Inspector,to overcome deterioration or damage which occurred in conjunction with the work authorized by the permit. Corrective work shall be done at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 19-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity,the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name>at<Insert Phone#>,to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI_Utilities 20-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24) hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. PFI_Utilities 21 -PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms,conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI_Utilities 22-DAILY INSPECTION REPORTS Applied Notice Applicant shall submit daily inspection reports, on a weekly basis,to the City's Inspector. PFI_Utilities 23-MONUMENT PROTECTION Applied Notice Existing monuments, property corners, and survey markers shall be protected. Replacement shall be at the permit holder's expense. PFI_Utilities 24 -VALIDATION OF MATE RIAL/CONSTRUCTION Applied Notice The City's Inspector may, at his discretion, require tests and or reports from the applicant to validate claims of material or construction adequacy/compliance. Such tests/reports shall be provided at the applicant's expense. PFI_Utilities 25-EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing,the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two (2)persons who have authority to resolve problems,take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing,of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Utilities 26- RIGHT OF ENTRY/EASEMENTS Applied Notice Applicant to obtain proper right-of-entry and/or easements prior to starting work. Proof of right-of-entry or properly executed easements, shall be provided to the City. The City shall in no way be construed to be liable for the applicant's failure to obtain or provide for proof of right-of-entry or easements. PFI_Utilities 27-PRIVATE PROPERTY AGREEMENTS Applied Notice Provide the City a copy of an executed agreement[s]from the owner for each private property disturbed by construction activity. PFI_Utilities 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING Applied Notice 1,2,3,4,5 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and, also, any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). 1,2,3,4,5 28-AS-BUILT DRAWING One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and, also, any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). One as-built drawing showing all new public improvements, including any revision made to the previously approved construction plans and,also, any improvement which may impact an existing public system or facility, shall be provided to the City by a registered civil engineer along with an engineer's certification of installation compliance(Certificate of Compliance). PFI_Utilities 31 -OTHER Applied Notice Other City of Tigard PH #:.2021-00256 I-'N(;INf:l;.RTN(', DEPARTINIENT Public Facilities Improvement (PFI) Permit PROJECT INFORMATION k ,t ? ,j;c,\\r,VV. � -eQyZWY I TYPE OF WORK Project trLune: ) Ll TTFE I-I`uaidik�Ui�A tih (A po-funviudIn \AINJIGL, oruldin Brief description of project: Vm1n, Fj T111V 2-R(AN SAd(wa1kA)jikmai i.lv w,t - I)ri%,-wav appriuch itigrallarion and npaii SITE INFORMATION SEG1 16 - Sallitarym'I lait"I Invallarim and 111ain linc rap I.ocatiou (address if available)..Fax\of-C, El TIVE 3-1-till Stalt Du%vk,jAnknt \\-A, 6 C.t":i, 00�Zjo pufmin,d with land uw Appvwal which inchidtat as of rhe foll.-wilig Partitions APPLICANT INFORMATION BtnTt widoling N"alne: ,\lailingaddressIS66 '�O k%44 NVe-- .tit/State:'3>47-CW 4J`( k-6,-V-% /ip: 0 TYPE*4-Small(t lcihnohj� F) n7E 5- I it-,arc] triaugk Phone: V�K`l SLAD - :3,16a)(3 At%i -PXC!NPhone: NOTE- Tyrw I and 2 applications mac be Phone: emailed to rom j&mut4 tigntrd nr pL%, (:ontactnarriv: Phone: 5--)S LiSk -'eta CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 0 Same as applicant ,\'anie: 1\1iflitigaddress: FO @>->-lr 13510cl Citv/State:�J�2kch-y) be— zip: jlllotic::�2;, 5150 4 (0 Enuo:reV),L,00, ACD YN ► &V ENGINEER INFORMATION -aw V) cckkcQ We 0 Name: Nfailing addrvsq:(0111x�S 1,�&Ccvcpam AV C, Zip: Phoric:QID(P. �D a Lp I"mail: by-wicelcaisd C. Devi ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (NN4111iti the public right-of-awe} Is work related to LAND t'SVDF(-.lSI0N? )(Yes 0No (:ase number: .1 S rA cif'n Ck JV,-V, "X Y% &j 1200 /a -r,e.ii ,M1PDY0.AAA 07-t- Cita of - 13125S\V [all B1%d. Tigard,0rq,,t)n()72123 - wwwtigard-or.giax 5(13-7B-2421 Page I of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE,: I I, ;H crit,d a, 11(' 4$13 1 K tit'it!III,I rl I TVII'lliAhC 31 Id-Imll polio I&wimmal i low 111.31111 It. [Mt 1 ,114 1 Ill !Ili V Ill !J,it '111 rol! L Ili Ill n•.... 1,,-,1, JwAli .1, !x.11 of o-:1 , a"i. 11 it,-aq<I, ill. !w,hl I•,I n-,:"A.13. 1 .1.•,I'll... ...lk.00,no .1, .III itt. at- w. I lhir, all. I i- III, I"tto", the.1pplicant.Co,rfifoc d : • A It I Ill lic,irf of lilt I all Ificinviinnalmi, llnlvidi J i•-Iiiffnwtlt alld 't,ot l.r'lic • 'I ht ;16,I%r rclit it-1 tillk,11ITI I I(Jaw;nn rccnich-delvid rK7mik-Iiiv1II,,that 11mv h, atudled 1(II)riI"poA,julv-n fill, • 11'thi, .1111-olic.'I'm kgpalltvkl. I Ititill 4mir—cthe in s,,mkntv-.%it )thi iormi,and 4til-lici fii,.Ill flit 70 Ilrnlvocmv I ,,vok oil, immum- rx-yuro.d, Case No: PF 1202 1-00256 pormlil firc; Receited Ili:tM---Dow: ApproN ed bli: Nnfificd by: AL- -Bate: 'I I;!,UL I oftp-11 'I U1I111114p Aid It III I I , WWSP WASHINGTON SQUARE STAGING AREA 8/19/2021 Permit Number: 1200-CN City of Tigard Expiration Date: December 14,2020 Page 1 of 8 GENERAL PERMIT NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT 1 Oregon Department of Environmental Quality �•,� ■„�d 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland OR 97204 �'"�0"'"•"a' Telephone: (503)229-5279 or 1-800452-4011 (toll free in Oregon) �a Issued pursuant to ORS 4685.050 and Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act AUTOMATICALLY COVERED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SOURCES COVERED BY THIS PERMIT: • Coverage under this permit is not available in all jurisdictions.Coverage under this permit is available only in specific jurisdictions referred to as"1200-CN Jurisdictions." • An owner or operator that has received a local permit authorizing,construction activities meeting the conditions in Schedule A,conditions I or 2 is not required to submit an application for permit coverage to DEQ.The owner or operator must comply with all applicable local jurisdiction permit requirements, codes,and ordinances. The construction activities are automatically covered under the State 1200-CN permit,and are authorized to discharge in accordance with Schedule A,conditions 3 through 6.Construction activities covered under this permit include: o Construction activities including clearing,grading,excavation,materials or equipment staging and stockpiling that will disturb one or more acres but less than 5 acres and may discharge to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of state; and o Construction activities including clearing,grading,excavation,materials or equipment staging and stockpiling that will disturb less than one acre that are part of a common plan of development or sale if the larger common plan of development or sale will ultimately disturb one acre or more and may discharge to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of the state. DEQ retains the right to require registration(by the owner or operator)of construction activities in these jurisdictions in accordance with the 1200-C permit,when DEQ determines that registration is necessary to ensure protection of water quality. This permit does not authorize the following: • In-water or riparian work,that is regulated by other programs and agencies including the Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 permit program,the Oregon Department of State Lands,the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,the U.S.Army Corp of Engineers,the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Department of Environmental Quality Section 401 certification program. • Post-construction stormwater discharges that originate from the site after completion of construction activities and the site has undergone final stabilization. • Discharges to underground injection control(UIC)systems. f j � Zlh Effective: December 15,2015 Lydia E cr.4Administrator Expiration Date:December 14,2020 Operations Division Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date: December 14,2020 Page 2 of 8 PERMITTED ACTIVITIES Until this permit expires,is modified or revoked,the owner/operator of an automatically covered activity is authorized to construct,install,modify,or operate erosion and sediment control measures and stormwater treatment and control facilities,and to discharge stormwater and certain specified non- stormwater discharges to surface waters of the state or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of the state only in conformance with all the requirements,limitations,and conditions set forth in the permit including attached schedules as follows: CONTENTS SCHEDULE A CONTROLS AND LIMITATIONS......................................................................3 1. Disturbance Less Than 5 Acres ...........................................................................................3 2. Disturbance Less Than 1 Acre.............................................................................................4 3. Performance Measures.........................................................................................................4 4. Authorized Stormwater Discharges.....................................................................................4 5. Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges.............................................................................5 6. Prohibited Discharges..........................................................................................................5 SCHEDULE B MINIMUM MONITORING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS......5 1. Visual Monitoring................................................................................................................5 2. Recordkeeping.....................................................................................................................6 SCHEDULED SPECIAL CONDITIONS......................................................................................7 1. Standard Conditions.............................................................................................................7 2. Other Requirements.............................................................................................................7 3. Permit-specific Definitions..................................................................................................7 Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date: December 14,2020 Page 3 of 8 SCHEDULE A CONTROLS AND LIMITATIONS 1. Disturbance Less Than 5 Acres An owner or operator of construction activities that meet the conditions listed below automatically receives coverage under this permit. a. The owner or operator has received a local permit authorizing the construction activities;and b. The construction activities are within the jurisdictions listed below; and i. Albany ii. Corvallis iii. Eugene iv. Milwaukie v. Springfield vi. West Linn vii. Wilsonville viii.Clackamas County Water Environment Services,within its two service districts: Clackamas County Service District#1 and the Surface Water Management Agency of Clackamas County. ix. Clean Water Services,including: (1) Banks (2) Beaverton (3) Cornelius (4) Durham (5) Forest Grove (6) Hillsboro (7) King City (8) North Plains (9) Sherwood (10) Tigard (11) Tualatin (12) Washington County within the Urban Growth Boundary x. Portions of Lane County that are in Lane County's MS4 Phase II Permit area xi. Multnomah County(unincorporated portions of the county) xii. Rogue Valley Sewer Services, including: (1) Central Point (2) Phoenix (3) Talent (4) Portions of Jackson County in Rogue Valley Sewer Services' MS4 Phase II Permit area c. The construction activity does not have the potential to discharge to a portion of a waterbody listed for turbidity or sedimentation on the most recently EPA-approved Oregon 303(d)list and is not addressed by a Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) (listings are available at www.deg.state.or.us/WQ/assessment/assessment.htm);and d. Either, i. The construction activities will disturb one or more acres but less than 5 acres over the life of the project; or ii. The construction activities will disturb less than 1 acre and are part of a common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more. Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date:December 14,2020 Page 4 of 8 2. Disturbance Less Than 1 Acre An owner or operator of construction activities that meet the conditions listed below automatically receives coverage under this permit. a. The owner or operator has received a local permit authorizing the construction activities; and b. The construction activities are within the jurisdictions listed below; and i. Gresham ii. Troutdale iii. Wood Village c. The construction activity does not have the potential to discharge to a portion of a waterbody listed for turbidity or sedimentation on the most recently EPA-approved Oregon 303(d)list and is not addressed by a Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) (listings are available at www.dea.state.or.us/WO/assessment/assessment.htm);and d. The construction activities will disturb less than 1 acre and are part of a common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more. 3. Performance Measures a. An owner or operator of automatically covered construction activities must prevent the discharge of significant amounts of sediment to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters. The following conditions indicate that significant amounts of sediment has left or is likely to leave the site, and are prohibited: i. Earth slides or mud flows; ii. Concentrated flows of stormwater such as rills,rivulets or channels that cause erosion when such flows are not filtered,settled or otherwise treated to remove sediment; iii. Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that are not filtered or settled to remove sediments and turbidity; iv. Deposits of sediment at the construction site in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or to catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediment controls due to lack of maintenance or inadequate design are considered unprotected; v. Deposits of sediment from the construction site on any property(including public and private streets)outside of the construction activity covered by this permit.An owner or operator of automatically covered construction activities must not cause or contribute to a violation of in- stream water quality standards. 4. Authorized Stormwater Discharges Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, and provided that all necessary controls are implemented to minimize sediment transport,the following stormwater discharges from construction sites are authorized(unless otherwise prohibited by local ordinances): a. Stormwater associated with the automatically covered construction activity described in the "Sources Covered"section of the permit. b. Stormwater from support activities at the automatically covered construction site(for example, concrete or asphalt operations,equipment staging yards,material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas and borrow areas)provided: i. The support activity is directly related to the construction site covered by this NPDES permit; ii. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated construction projects by different owners or operators; iii. The support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity at the last construction project it supports; and iv. Appropriate control measures are used to ensure compliance with discharge and water quality requirements. Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date: December 14,2020 Page 5 of 8 5. Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges If the terns and conditions of this permit are met,all necessary controls are implemented to minimize sediment transport,the discharge is not contaminated,and the discharge is not prohibited by local ordinance,the following non-stormwater discharges from construction sites are authorized: a. Water from emergency firefighting activities; b. Fire hydrant flushings; c. Potable water including water line flushing; d. Vehicle washing and external building washing that does not use sovents, detergents or hot water; e. Pavement wash waters where stockpiled material, spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred(unless all stockpiled and spilled material has been removed)and where solvents,detergents or hot water are not used. Directing pavement wash waters into any surface water, storm drain inlet,or stormwater conveyance is prohibited,unless the conveyance is connected to a sediment basin, sediment trap, or similarly effective control; f. Water used to control dust; g. Air conditioning or compressor condensate; h. Construction dewatering activities(including groundwater dewatering and well drilling discharge associated with the automatically covered construction activity),provided that: i. The water island applied in away that results incomplete infiltration with no potential to discharge to a surface water of the state,or ii. Best Management Practices(BMPs)or an approved treatment system is used to ensure compliance with discharge and water quality requirements; i. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents;and j. Landscape irrigation. 6. Prohibited Discharges Discharges of the following are not authorized by this permit: a. Wastewater from washout and cleanout of stucco,paint,form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials; b. Fuels,oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; and c. Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. d. Concrete truck wash-out,hydro-demolition water,and saw-cutting slung. SCHEDULE B MINIMUM MONITORING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS 1. Visual Monitoring Visual monitoring is required when construction will disturb one or more acres. a. The following must be monitored visually: i. Discharge point(s).Where discharge points are inaccessible,nearby downstream locations must be inspected to the extent that such inspections are practicable. ii. BMPs. iii. Locations where vehicles enter or exit the site for evidence of off-site sediment tracking. iv. Areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation for evidence of spillage or other potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date:December 14,2020 Page 6 of 8 b. Inspect according to the following schedule: Site Condition Minimum Frequency 1. Active period Weekly when stormwater runoff,including runoff from snow melt,is occurring. At least once every month,regardless of whether stormwater runoff is occurring. 2. Prior to the site becoming inactive Once to ensure that erosion and sediment control measure or in anticipation of site are in working order. Any necessary maintenance and inaccessibility repair must be made prior to leaving the site. 3. Inactive periods greater than Once every month. fourteen(14)consecutive calendar days 4. Periods during which the site is If practical,inspections must occur daily at a relevant and inaccessible due to inclement accessible discharge point or downstream location. weather 5. Periods during which discharge is Monthly. Resume monitoring immediately upon melt,or unlikely due to frozen conditions. when weather conditions make discharges likely. c. Documentation of visual monitoring. All visual monitoring must document the following: i. Visual monitoring date and inspector's name. ii. The construction site name or address. iii. For each discharge location,record: (1) For turbidity and color,describe any apparent color and the clarity of the discharge,and any apparent difference in comparison with the surface waters. (2) Describe any sheen or floating material,or record that it is absent. if present,it could indicate concern about a possible spill or leakage from vehicles or materials storage. iv. BMPs that failed or that are in need of maintenance,including erosion and sediment controls, chemical and waste controls,locations where vehicles enter and exit the site,status of areas that are under temporary or final stabilization,soil stockpile areas,and non-stormwater pollution(for example,paints,oils,fuels,or adhesives)controls. v. Location(s)where additional BMPs are needed that did not exist at the time of inspection;and vi. Corrective action required and implementation dates. 2. Recordkeeping a. Visual Monitoring Records Retained Onsite. All inspection records must be retained on site. During inactive periods of greater than seven (7)consecutive calendar days,the records must be retained by the owner/operator but do not need to be at the construction site. b. Upon request,the permit registrant must deliver the above records to DEQ,Agent,or the local municipality within three(3)working days of the request. c. All records must be retained by the owner/operator for at least three(3)years after project completion. Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date: December 14,2020 Page 7 of 8 SCHEDULE D SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Standard Conditions Federal regulations require that the Standard Conditions at 40 CFR§122.41 be applied to all NPDES permits. You are required to comply with those Standard Conditions. In the event of any inconsistency between 40 CFR§122.41 and any other schedule of the permit, Schedules A through D take precedence. 2. Other Requirements This permit does not relieve the owner or operator from other permitting and licensing requirements. Prior to beginning construction activities,the owner/operator must obtain all other necessary approvals. 3. Permit-specific Definitions a. 1200-CN Jurisdiction means a jurisdiction in which automatic coverage under the Oregon State 1200-CN permit may apply to eligible activities. A list of these jurisdictions is available at http://www.deg.state.or.us/wq/stormwater/construction.htm. b. Best Management Practices or BMPs means schedules of activities,prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other physical, structural or managerial practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMPs include treatment systems, erosion and sediment control,source control, and operating procedures and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks,and waste disposal. c. Borrow Area means the area from which material is excavated to be used as fill material in another area. d. Clean Water Act or CWA means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Laws 95-217, 95-576,96-483, and 97-117;USC 1251 et seq. e. Conveyance System means, for the purposes of this permit,a sewer, ditch,pipe, channel, swale or similar component that is designed to carry water; or any combination of such components. f. DEQ means the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. g. Dewatering means the removal and disposal of surface water or groundwater during site construction. h. Discharge Point means the location where stormwater leaves the site. It includes the location where stormwater is discharged to surface water or a stormwater conveyance system. i. Erosion means the movement of soil particles or rock fragments by water or wind. j. Fully Stabilized means the completion of all soil disturbing activities at the site by the owner/operator, and the establishment of a final vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures(such as riprap,gabions or geotextiles)to prevent erosion. k. Hazardous Materials means the materials defined in 40 CFR part 302 Designation,Reportable Quantities, and Notification. 1. Local Jurisdiction means any county,city,town,or service district. m. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System or NPDES means the national program under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act for regulation of point source discharges of pollutants to waters of the United States. n. Owner or operator means the owner or operator of any "facility or activity" subject to regulation under the NPDES program. Owners or operators may be individuals or other legal entities. i. Operator for the purposes of this permit means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (1) The person has operational control over construction plans and specifications,including the authorityto make modifications to those plans and specifications;or P P > Permit Number: 1200-CN Expiration Date: December 14,2020 Page 8 of 8 (2) The person has day-today operational control of those activities at a project which are necessary to ensure compliance with a ESCP for the site or other permit conditions(for example,they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the ESCP or comply with other permit conditions). ii. Owner for the purposes of this permit means any person with a legal interest in the permitted activities o. Person means not only individuals,but also includes,corporations,associations, firms, partnerships,joint stock companies,public and municipal corporations,political subdivisions,the state and any agencies thereof, and the federal government and any agencies thereof. p. Pollutant as defined in 40 CFR§122.2 means dredged spoil, solid waste,incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, domestic sewage sludge(biosolids),munitions,chemical wastes,biological materials,radioactive materials,heat,wrecked or discarded equipment,rock, sand,soil,cellar dirt and industrial,municipal, and agricultural waste discharge into water. It does not mean sewage from vessels within the meaning of section 312 of the FWPCA,nor does it include dredged or fill material discharged in accordance with a permit issued under section 404 of the FWPCA. q. Pollution or Water Pollution as defined by ORS 468B.005(3)means such alteration of the physical,chemical or biological properties of any waters of the state,including change in temperature,taste,color,turbidity,silt or odor of the waters,or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous,solid,radioactive or other substance into any waters of the state,which will or tends to, either by itself or in connection with any other substance,create a public nuisance or which will or tends to render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic,commercial,industrial,agricultural,recreational or other legitimate beneficial uses or to livestock,wildlife, fish or other aquatic life or the habitat thereof. r. Sediment means mineral or organic matter,typically deposited by water,air,or ice. s. Site means the area where the construction activity is physically located or conducted. t. Stormwater Conveyance means a sewer,ditch, or Swale that is designed to carry stormwater;a stormwater conveyance may also be referred to as a storm drain or storm sewer. u. Stormwater as defined by 40 CFR§122.26(b)(13)means stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. v. Surface Water means all water naturally open to the atmosphere(for example,rivers,lakes, reservoirs,ponds,streams,impoundments,oceans, estuaries,springs,etc.). w. Total Maximum Daily Load or TMDL means a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet state water quality standards. It is the sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources. Percentages of the TMDL are allocated by DEQ to the various pollutant sources. x. Turbidity means the optical condition of waters caused by suspended or dissolved particles or colloids that scatter and absorb light rays instead of transmitting light in straight lines through the water column. Turbidity may be expressed as nephelometric turbidity units(NTUs)measured with a calibrated turbidity meter. y. Underground Injection Control means any system, structure,or activity that is created to place fluid below the ground or sub-surface(for example,sumps,infiltration galleries,drywells,trench drains,drill holes, etc.) z. Water or Waters of the State as defined by ORS 468B.005(8)means lakes,bays,ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs,wells,rivers, streams,creeks, estuaries,marshes,inlets,canals, the Pacific Ocean within the territorial limits of the State of Oregon and all other bodies of surface or underground waters,natural or artificial,inland or coastal,fresh or salt,public or private(except those private waters which do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters),which are wholly or partially within or bordering the state or within its jurisdiction.