07/07/2021 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes July 7, 2021 Members Present: Carine Arendes, George Brandt,David Burke,Alan Eckert, Carl Fisher, Ruth Harshfield (Chair),Michael Hendrickson (alternate), and Holly Koontz. Members Absent: Richard Keast (Vice Chair), Serge Killingsworth,Lonnie Martinez, and Lindsey Wise. Staff Present: Sr. Transportation Planner Dave Roth, and Sr.Administrative Specialist Joe Patton. Others Present: TTAC Council Liaison John Goodhouse. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Harshfield called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The meeting was held remotely using MS Teams with a call-in number provided for the public. 2. INTRODUCTIONS 3. CONSIDER MINUTES The June 2, 2021 meeting Minutes were unanimously approved. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT / TTAC MEMBER ITEMS Alan had two items;Michael had one. 5. DEBRIEF TRANSPORTATION EQUITY PANEL Members shared their feedback and appreciation for the diversity of speakers. Dave noted that long range transportation planning needs to include multimodal options for both those that live close to their employment and those that need to travel further. If there is interest, future speaker panel events can be held. 6. TSP UPDATE PROJECT UPDATE The TSP engage website had 206 survey responses with some feedback it was too lengthy. Demographic data was not collected. Dave briefly reviewed the slides included with the Agenda packet,including: Key plan components,Building on the 2010 TSP, Significant planning and visioning since 2010,Transportation System Goals, a recap of the engage website, Completing our streets to serve everyone,Breaking barriers: OR-217 Crossings, Continuing to invest in our trail system, Fixing alignment and bottleneck issues, Partnering on regional mobility solutions. 7. STREETS FOR PEOPLE 2021 CHECK-IN Dave noted the program feedback is overwhelmingly positive. There have been a few emails/survey responses with negative feedback,predominately regarding Fern St.,included the social distancing messaging since restrictions have been lifted and not encouraging pedestrians to walk in the street. The signs at Fern St. are repeatedly vandalized.When the program ends Dave will have a report to share back with TTAC and City Council. Page 1 of 2 TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 7, 2021 8. 2021 TTAC CALENDAR Dave, Ruth, and Richard will meet to discuss upcoming topics and assign specific dates for discussion. They include public feedback regarding the TSP and Streets For People projects, Downtown Reimagined,Boards and Committees policy and recruitment,Tigard MADE project, and a standing TSP Update. 9. TTAC MEMBER ITEMS / UPDATES A. Alan noted the Tigard Art Walk starts July 12. He also said the intersection of Omara, and Edgewood continues to be an issue and needs restriping. B. Michael said that the Hunziker and 72"intersection has been backing up and may be related to the new signal timing. Dave will talk to Engineering about it. C. Dave stated that Tigard is applying for a grant to establish an electric vehicle strategy. The grant is due at the end of the month and a TTAC letter of support would be beneficial. Ruth will provide a letter. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Joe Patton,TTAC Meeting Secretary Ruth Harshfield, Chair Page 2of2