03/17/1982 - Minutes • i Minutes - NPO 3 - March 17 1. the minutes were read and accepted with one correction. Number 2 now reads " . . . and several others on form #611 . Form #6 was resubmitted to the Planning Commission with corrections . 2. Discussion of the City Council and Planning Commissionmeetings . a) Two bids for improvements on 72nd street are being considered b) There was not an NPO 3 member at the meeting on the fourth Monday c) The Planning Commission discussed the High School roof during the February meeting d) The March meeting of the Planning Commission concerns : 1. Tri Met transfer center 2. Conditional use standards 3. sewer line by USA on Katherine and Tiedman to Katherine and 121. 3 . Comprehensive Draft Plan- According to Jeremy Courselle it needs implementation measures . Otherwise it is fine . The Tigard Housing Plan was passed to members and will be discussed next month. 4. The Comprehensive street plan will be discussed next month. 5. The workshop held the Saturday before the NPO 3 meeting was described . 6. The revised Conditional Use Standards were passed out to members . The process was explained. It was mentioned that the code was revised to minimize interpretation problems . 7. The Zoning Code was given to members 8. Discussion of an application for a Zone Change on Bull Mt Rd. The application by M. Robuck requests a change from R-2U to A-10. The NPO voted to recommend disapproval because the proposed change would be incompatible with existing neighborhoods . The vote was unanimous .