04/19/1989 - Minutes April 19, 190.) NPO#7 Meeting Minutes The Meeting was called to order by James Boylan, Chairperson at 7: 30 PM, A quorum was present and due notice was given for the meeting. Members Present were: James Boylan, Brenda Gilpin, Rick Kronewitter, Larry Mc Glinchy, Julie McKee, Nancy Robbins, Blake Wiland Members Excused: Frank Becker Russel Head Members Absent : Lee Cunningham Members Resigning: Doug Pettitt Minutes from the previous meeting were not available for approval . Members of the Cotswald Neighborhood attended the meeting to voice concern over the Woodside Village Apartment complex which is presently under review by the City of Tigard. A statement made by Brenda Gilpin on behalf of the attending residents was submitted for NPO review. A Motion by Rick Kronewitter that the NPO give it ' s endorsement to this statement unless modified by subsequent action was seconded by Blake Wiland, and approved by 6 board members, with board member Boylan abstaining. A resident of Hindon Ct . was also present to request the assistance of the NPO in acquiring a solution to a drainage problem in their neighborhood. At 10: 30 PM a motion to adjourn was made by Rick Kronewitter , seconded by Blake Wiland and approved by all members present . Next meeting scheduled for third wednesday of May. Total Volunteer Hours: 24 James Boylan NPO#7-TWair