05/13/2002 - Minutes City of Tigard, Oregon Budget Committee Meeting Minutes May 13, 2002 Members Present: Jim Griffith, Brian Moore, Sydney Sherwood, Craig Dirksen, Mike Benner, Ken Scheckla, and George Burgess. Members Absent: Joyce Patton, Irene Moszer and Greg Zuffrea. Staff Present: Bill Monahan, Craig Prosser, Heather Block, Michelle Wareing, Jim Hendryx, Chief Ron Goodpastor, Gus Duenas, Rob Harburg, and Rick Rhodes. Visitors: Chris Aicher and Paul Owen. Call to Order: George Burgess called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM. Salary Adjustments: Craig Prosser presented the Committee with a schedule of salary adjustments in the budget. The schedule included COLA, Retirement, Health Insurance, and Life Insurance allowance for OPEU, TPOA, Police Management, and other management. Two adjustments are needed in the Proposed Budget. An addition of $62,199 for Police Management PERS pick up and $2,149 for Department Directors and Chief insurance allowance. Craig also presented the Committee with an update on Property and Liability Insurance costs. The Proposed Budget was based on an assumption of a 10%to 40% increase in General Liability Insurance. It has now been determined that the City will be looking at an approximate 200% increase. This could be a potential increase of$100,560 for the budget. In conjunction, property coverage will no longer include coverage for terrorism, mold, and computer virus damage. There will also be a reduced coverage for floods and earthquakes. Police: The Police Department is comprised of three divisions: Administration, Operations, and Support Services. The overall budget for the Police Department is up 2.28%. In the Administration Division the total budget is down 12.25%. Materials and Services are.down 56.55%. This is primarily due to moving city attorney costs to the City Attorney budget unit and a grant match that was removed pending the receipt of the grant. Should the grant be received mid-year, a budget amendment will be required. Total budget for Police Operations is down 1.7%. The removal of the photo radar program eliminated .5 FTE and decreased expenses in Materials and Services. The Division has also postponed the K-9 program. Capital Outlay is also down 55.1%. This is due to the removal of thermal imaging equipment and trained dogs for the K-9 program that no longer needs to be purchased. ,,w The Support Services Division has an overall increase of 11.51%. Personal Services increased 12.4% due to negotiated salary and benefit adjustments. Materials and Services are also up by 11.1%. Chief Ron Goodpastor highlighted some of the goals for the Department for next fiscal year. The Administrative Department is working on an accreditation program, greater community visibility, an increase in neighborhood watch programs, and the addition of cable programming. Once the Division has filled the vacancies for Captain, they will begin to work on a five-year strategic plan. The Operations Division will continue to keep their response time to less than four minutes, are increasing the number of community policing projects for the next fiscal year from 24 to 30, and they will continue to increase the number of community issues resolved. The Support Services Division is working on finding ways to properly dispose of or destroy property/evidence when it is no longer needed as required by state statute. They are prioritizing investigations in crimes directed towards the elderly and will continue to maintain high levels of clearance rates of crimes and recovered property. Jim Griffith asked if the Proposed Budget includes any costs related to the Cogan study? Ron Goodpastor replied that the Cogan study did not have any related costs involved. The study is a concept of working together with other municipalities to achieve common goals. Jim also asked what possible effects could King City's policing issues have on the budget? Ron responded that he has spoken with King City and suggested that they work with Washington County Sheriff's Department to resolve their needs. George Burgess commented on the high number of false alarms and asked if there was a fee or fine for false alarms? Ron replied that the City of Tigard has and ordinance in place that allows not only a fine, but also the elimination of response to repeat offenders. Community Development: The Community Development Department is comprised of CD Administration, Building Inspection, Current Planning, and Long Range Planning. The overall budget for the Community Development Department is down 3.36%. CD Administration is down 9.48%. This is primarily due to a decrease in Materials and Services from moving city attorney fees to the City Attorney budget and eliminating temporary part-time assistance and vacation buy-out. The Building Inspection Division is down 7.70%. There is a decrease in Materials and Services of 58.74%. This decrease is the result of moving attorney fees to City Attorney budget and moving $10,000 for"Emergency Housing"to the Social Services Division. It is also the effect of making the final payment on the building modular, minimizing use of outside inspection services, and a more accurate reflection of credit card use by customers. Current Planning had an overall increase of 3.98%. There was a decrease in Materials and Services of 29.50% due primarily to a one-time software upgrade in FY 2001-02. There were no FTE changes. The Long Range Planning Division has an overall increase of 1.86%. However, there was a decrease in Materials and Services of 17.63% due to one-time consulting fees budgeted in FY 2001-02 that will not occur in FY 2002-03. Jim Hendryx, Community Development Director, updated the Committee on current projects the Department has been working on. The Washington Square Regional Plan has been a major endeavor over the last several years. The Department continues to work on the annexation study for Bull Mountain and will be conducting a survey of the area residents. This year there will also be additional work completed on the study of the Hwy 217 Corridor Plan. Jim Griffith asked why there was no budget for vehicles within the Department? Jim Hendryx responded that the Department has not purchased a vehicle in the last few years. Engineering: The Engineering Department includes Engineering and Street Lights & Signals. The overall budget is up 0.42%, and there are no changes in FTE. The Engineering Division has an overall increase of 3.06%. There is a decrease in Materials and Services of 8.07%. This is primarily due to a more accurate reflection of actual use of credit cards by customers and movement of attorney fees to the City Attorney budget. Street Lights & Signals overall budget is down 5.94% from FY 2001-02. This is mainly due to the completion of the replacement of deteriorating poles in the Summerfield area and adjusting the utilities budget to reflect current usage. Gus Duenas informed the Committee that he would be making a couple of changes in Effectiveness Measures for the Proposed Budget. The area of pavement overlay applied would be increased from 15,000 square yards to 25,000 square yards. Gus will also be increasing the number of sanitary sewer extensions from three to five and the number of sewer service laterals provided from 65 to 130. Capital Improvements: Gus Duenas distributed a memo of capital improvement projects for FY 2002-03 and reviewed them with the Committee. The Facilities System CIP includes $3.75 million for the new library construction. Gus discussed with the Committee the need to increase the proposed amount of the ..r Greenburg road project from $676,000 to $745,000 to complete the project. Bill Monahan informed the Committee that Public Works would be presenting their budget at the next meeting and additional information in regards to park and sewer projects could be obtained from Ed Wegner. Tom Imdieke informed the Committee that he had heard from the League of Oregon Cities that gas tax revenue would be $81,271 less than what is in the Proposed Budget. In response to these current findings, Tom proposes changing the ending fund balance to $0 and reducing the contingency to $293,946. Debt Service: Craig Prosser presented the Committee with a debt service schedule for General Obligation Bonds, Bancroft Bonds, and Parks CIP. General Obligation Bonds includes a final payment of$256,638 for the 1993 Series A Advance refunding bonds. There is also a$1,067,500 estimated debt service for the Library General Obligation Bonds. If the voters do not approve the bond on May 21, Craig suggests this amount should be removed from the budget. The Bancroft Bond includes $387,388 to pay debt service on existing Bancroft Improvement Bonds, $1,715,000 to pay off interim financing for the 69th Ave. LID, and $2,000 to pay off interim financing for the Martin portion of the Dartmouth LID. The Parks CIP needs to be added to the FY 2002-03 budget. This item pays the first installment due on the loan from the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department for the Cook Park improvements. Finance: Michelle Wareing presented the Committee with the Finance Department budget. The Finance Department is comprised of Administration, Financial Operations, Office Services, Records, and Municipal Court. The overall budget is down 1.34% and 1.00 FTE. The Administration Division is down 9.66%. This is primarily due to moving attorney fees to the City Attorney budget. Craig Prosser discussed the PGE audit results with the Committee. The City of Tigard received $310,746 from the audit. Craig proposes that $20,000 be added to the Administration Proposed budget for a utility franchise audit, and $25,000 for a right-of-way study. Financial Operations has an overall increase of 2.60%. This increase is primarily due to the reclassification of a Senior Accounting Assistant position to a Buyer position. Materials and Services are down 9.78% due to one-time furniture expenditure in FY 01- 02. The Office Services Division has an overall increase of 6.06%. Personal Services are up 6.87% due to salary merit increases and medical and dental insurance increases. Materials and Services are up 4.62% for an anticipated postage increase of$.01 in January 2003. The Records Division has an overall increase of 12.91%. There is a one time expenditure of$15,000 budgeted in Capital Outlay for the replacement of the microfilm reader/printer, which is fifteen years old. Municipal Court has an overall decrease of 21.27% in their budget. There is a reduction of 12.75% in Personal Services and 41.43% in Material and Services due to the postponement of the photo radar program. There is also the reduction of 1.0 FTE. Craig Prosser updated the Committee on the projected goals for FY 2002-03. The Finance Department will be implementing GASB 34 in this year's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. They have also completed a Resolution that will update and help manage all fees and charges. The Records Division has had a drastic increase in records in the last few years due to retention schedules. The Department is looking at the possibility of having to obtain additional storage space. Municipal Court will be taking on the juvenile case load and continue to work with English-as-a-second-language customers in the next fiscal year. Approval of Minutes: The meeting minutes of May 6, 2002 were approved. MSP Public Comment: There was no public comment. The Budget Committee recessed at 8:48 PM until May 20, 2002. MSP