05/09/1989 - Minutes NAMme CITY OF TIGARD 1980-90 BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING — TUESDAY' MAY y' 1989 Members Present: Judy Christensen, Deborah Hinton' George Burgess, Jne Kasten' Valarie Johnson' Carolyn Eadon' Gerry Edwards, Bill Scheiderich Staff Present: Pat Reilly' Wayne Lowry, Ed Murphy' Cliff Scott, Randy Clarno The new committee member Bill Scheiderich was introduced . The minutes of May 2' 1989' were reviewed and approved . Pat began the discussion of Community Development (CD) . He introduced the staff present and commented that CD was the largest department. The proposed budget is a y percent increase over the previous year. At least 68 percent of the proposed budget is personal services . Pat explained that several organizational changes have been implemented making the tracking of some sections history very difficult. Pat directed the Committee' s attention to the CD summary sheet that listed all of the significant changes including new positions, materials and services, and capital . Pat went over each position and briefly explained why they were needed Pat . also mentioned that the Shops Helper position that was approved last year was not included in the proposed budget. The 1 . 3 Development Services positions are related to inspection of Road Bond projects and are funded from that source. After the Road Bond projects are completed, the positions will be eliminated. Ed Murphy' the Community Development Director, began to cover each of the sections in the CD department. Judy questioned training and travel in CD Administration. Carolyn felt training should be dealt with as a single issue. Materials and Services in CD Administration were discussed. Field Operations Admin 2110 — Ed explained the Utility Worker III position that it was previously shown in Streets, but that it was more involved in light engineering 6euign. Valarie discussed overtime. Some of it was for on call . Deborah Hinton commented that next year, it would be helpful to nhmu a column of current year projections to indicate how much of thu current year budget will be spent. Proposed capital included $10'000 for Operations computerization. A study is currently underway to determine exactly what hardware and software is needed. Pat commented on the idea of a mid—year review at which time any new requests may be discussed with the Budget Committee. Deborah thought the Committee should decide. Judy said the Committee would decide at the next meeting. ' Wastewater 2120 — One new FTE proposed, Ed explained the need for three 3 man crews doing different things at the same time. The USA storm drainage and USA agreements changes are not included in the proposal because details are not yet known. Streets 2130 — New position for roadside brushing and trimming program and for increased effort in crack sealing. Crack sealing is a spring and summer program. Valarie suggested part time temporary position for sealing. Gerry asked about contracting out. Judy questioned the need to rent an infared healer for $5,300, Cliff explained it will be used to replace asphalt. Valarie questioned the dump truck. Ed passed out a handout explaining the dump truck use and the hours of work that could be down with a new truck. Joe Kasten asked for a list of all capital items in order to make decisions about capital items priorities . Joe suggested that rather than discuss individual capital items, the Committee should approve a total figure and let Pat choose the priorities, The Committee requested vehicle fleet information. Valarie commented that Council had not discussed the expansion of the brushing and trimming program and that as proposed, it will cost over $60,000. She suggested adding the brushing program to the drop list for further discussion. Deborah asked for a long range capital equipment plan with priorities. Pat agreed that such a thing would be helpful and could be funded through a reserve aooumulation. A list of all proposed capital will be available at the next meeting and a lung range plan will be developed for future years . George suggested contracting for trimming and chipping. Ed responded that the program would recoup its costs over 3.5 years . Parks 2140 — The Committee discussed Civic Center exterior maintenance using park crew versus contract. The effort is labor extensive. A .5 FTE is being requested in seasonal hire during peak park maintenance periods. The rental of a truck during the summer was discussed. The turf sweeper was discussed. Cook Park is currently raked by hand. It takes over 600 hours of community service and City staff time. Shops 2150 — Building maintenance was transferred budgetarily to Property Management 2160. This unit has only two mechanics. The brake lathe will save time on the rack and mechanics time as well as pay for itself over 3 .5 yearn. Valarie suggested staggered schedule for mechanics . � Property Management 2160 — The building maintenance position was moved here from Shops . Also moved were janitorial costs from General Government. The $3'000 repair to 1972 van was questioned . Why not how replace it? Pat responded. ' Development Services Building 2220 — The replacement of one 1986 Chevette was discussed . The vehicle is not suited for building inspection, construction site etc. Planning 2230 — The wetlands inventory of $10'000 was discussed. Ed explained LCDC requirements . Recent park otudy did not include wetlands work. Engineering 2240 — The 1 .3 positions were discussed. They are funded by Road Bonds and will be eliminated when projects are completed. The Committee discussed aerial mapping and GIS. Ed and Randy explained both. The traffic counter was also discussed. Capital Projects — Pat discussed the Senior Center Remodel bids . One hid came in at $240'000. High due to federal money. Council must make some decisions. Operations yard improvements were discussed included $45,000 for gravel and some asphalt for parking area and entry and removal of cement digesters . Improvement in working conditions and relocation of police impound area. This is a policy consideration. The Marine Board grant match was briefly discussed as were Wastewater and Streets CIP' $100,000 has 6uun set aside for overlayy ^ ' The meeting ended at 10: 10 p.m, and was continued to May 16, 1980. ke/0843D