Joint Resolution of Intent '41m. JOINT RESOLUTION OF INTENTION The Tigard Water District Board and the Mayor and Council of the City of Tigard hereby affirm their intention to cooperate and to: 1 . Hold periodic joint meetings so that channels of communication can be realized to the fullest extent. 2. Jointly, as much as possible, investigate future water re- sources and financing. 3. Initiate planning to provide water to unserved residents within the Tigard City Limits . 4. Provide, when possible, for joint use of equipment. 5. Investigate the possibility of joint purchase of materials and supplies . 6. Provide additional communication to the respective govern - *W ments concerning Land Use, future residential, commercial and industrial developments, and growth patterns . 7 . In addition, the City of Tigard affirms its intention to cooperate with Tigard Water District in acquiring Federal Planning and Construction Grant assistance. Adopted by City of Tigard and Tigard Water District October 17, 1966, at a joint meeting. Nor