Incorporation - September 11, 1961 a dr OCT 3 1361 21t TNi COMP COW OF IM gtA!! F In Omni W Filed: Sept. 10@ 9:43 1 1951 Roger Thomsen., County Clerk J. Angevine, Deputy In dw *Attm ,e! Of lire CTM;W �, I&LM ft=ADm9 ,A, mA„m2ry Washington County, Orogon IN fA R OF INCftpft&j0jj .t AN AUA To U inn As Tin Cl"ti The Setter .W 'dw reemrns of dw elaeztimm held an 't tl day of Septembers,bier, 1 1, wft the ages ber4ia fter dbtsdrumd With respect to the prerve"A "so[rporwd0h Of a. titY to be lamie as TU ARD, Oxfer4 ¢fit t1h replayrly for egnerldeswatIon beferr tlee above entitled Coate on !Alis ,�day *f MVt"ber, 1961, -and those baviag.beft filed herein by the county Clesk of Wasbingtaft County. 8r dt, lite returns of said election, reherdfron it 4"Wait# fhat Of i total of 479 votes cart at said eleat:ioa 149 votes wise least is farce of Incerporation, and m Votes wax tir cast against the ilea► oorpvdrotior, and the Court hiving proceed" to aemmas the stilttrms Of to eleert em and flae#iog Hutt a sr jerity of the. votes cast on tb* pr"itten fay, the tu"t"arttioo of the City of TIGARD9 . U01► 'llii�'ift: lboe' visa by O tetiisishor Nyberg, 400MAed Uy fir+ s sWilem Mid t i ovely passed ley the ty court of the stats Of ► for the county of Washington, IT Is 11 MY ncj�- MxZOD as follows: 1�{E1atAd, • xrjoritY Of the VM*s yeast at the eloatim duly and Weeds tly hold within the follaving described arra& of Wash- iugtieft , . on the filth day of lteptrsnber, 1141, we..* In favOt of tbS lneerrposation 6ff said area as a city to be know as the City of TICARD, . mm !'l11 ►'OCt U lT MM AINRD =M'f AM nCt.AM that by reason of said so jerity of alae votes east to foga of an 166406 posattloa psepotitsien, tlee follsvint described slams be, and *a- FREDERICK A. ANDERSON ATTORNEY At CAW 906 TIGAPD OFRrF BLDG. 11GARD, OREGON iAF 94121 P O. no)( 6d�f C7► •ate i� �!• dodUrid to be incftPwated air tile City of Orme]s rI�A�„ westerly in the center of S.W. thence southerly along said west corner thereof; thence Walnut Street 180 feet, more or State Highway, 480 feet, more along the northerly line of less, to the northeast corner of or less, to the most northerly PALMER ACRES 377.1 feet to the 6182 acre tract of land con- corner of that certain 8.6 acre the northeast corner thereof; veyed to Fred N. Parson by tract conveyed to J. S. Grim- thence S. 85`22%' E. 545.5 feet deed recorded on page 166 in stall et ux by deed recorded on to the northeast corner of the Deed Book 291; thence S. 47'02' page 338 in Book 197 of Wash- tract conveyed to L. W. Christen W. 1031 feet, more or less, to the ington County, Oregon, Deed by deed recorded on page 281 most northerly corner of Lot 10, 'Records; thence following the in Book 309 of said Deed Rec- ROSE TERRACE, a subdivision northerly and easterly boundary ords; thence south 150 feet, more of record; thence S. 59'15' E. of the said Grimstad tract S. or less, to the northwest corner 81.7 feet to the northwest corner 47°43' E. 458 feet; thence south of a tract of land conveyed to of Lot 4 of ROSE TERRACE; 115 feet to the center of Fanno Artice H. Tower et ux by deerl thence S. 0131' W. 138.1 feet to Creek; thence downstream in recorded in Book 258, page 419 the southwest corner of said the center of Fanno Creek 829.5 of said Deed Records; thence Lot 4; thence S. 71'18' E. 178.18 feet to the north line of Edge- east along the north line of the feet to the southeast corner of wood, a subdivision of record; said Tower tract 825 feet, more said Lot 4; thence southeasterly thence east 151.1 feet, more or or less, to the east line of the 85 feet, more or less, to the less, to the northeast corner of Geo. Richardson D.L.C. No. .55; most northerly corner of Lot 2 Edgewood; thence south 1020.7 thence north along the claim of ROSE TERRACE; thence S. feet, more or less, along the line 1550 feet, more or less, m 71'46' E. 254.89 feet to the most east line of Edgewood to the the northerly boundary of S.W. to easterly corner of said Lot 2; re-entrant corner in the south- Pacific (State) Highway; thence Beginning at the northeast thence S. 40°23' W. 176.0 feet to erly boundary of the W.W. southwesterly along said north- corner of the John L. Hickln the 1/4 corner between sections Graham D.L.C. No. 39; thence erly boundary V4 mile, more or D.L.C. No. 54 in Section 35, TIS, 2 and 3, T2S, R1W, W.M.; thenceeast along the south line of the less, to its intersection with the R1W, W.M. and running thence south 400 feet, more or less, to said Graham Claim 1400 feet, northerly line of County Road west along the north line of said the southwest corner of Lot 32 more or less, to the southerly No. 975 known as S.W. Pfaffle Hicklin Claim 1814 feet to the of said NORTH TIGARDVILLE extension of the east line of Street; thence west along the N.E. corner of Lot 2, BOETCH- ADDITION; t h e n c e east 6 that certain tract of land in north line of said S.W. Pfaffle ERS ADDITION TO GREEN- chains to the southeast corner Section i, T2S, R1W, conveyed Street 1760 feet, more or less, BURG HEIGHTS; thence South of said Lot 32; thence S. 25°10' to Willamina Clay Products Co. to the northerly extension of the 5.98 chains to the S.E. corner of E. 70 feet, more or less, to the by deed recorded on page 408 east line of the tract conveyed said Lot 2; thence West 3.345 most westerly corner of Lot 33, in Book 284 of said Deed Rec- to J. C. Peterson et ux by deed chains to the S.W. corner of said NORTH TIGARDVILLE ADDI-lords; thence North 200 feet,Ito recorded in Book 142, ag Lot 2; thence North along the TION; thence N. 45' E. 6v2 more or less, to the southeastsaid Deed Records; thence Sf west line of said Lot 2 a dis- chains to the most northerlylcorner of said Willamina Clay13`20' E. 484 feet, more or less, tance of 75 feet; thence West, corner of said Lot 33; thence S. Products Co. tract; thence north the southeast corner of the parallel with the South line of 45° E. 3.16 chains, more or less, 1085.6 feet to the northeast said Peterson tract; thence Lot 1 of said BOETCHERS ADD, to the most easterly corner ofcorner of said Willamina Clay westerly 634.26 feet to the re- 220.77 feet to a point on the West said Lot 33; thence N. 45' E. Products tract; thence north entrant corner on the west line line thereof; thence south 1671.5, along the northwesterly line of 11430 feet, more or less, to the of said Geo. Richardson D.L.C. more or less, to the S.W. corner the Geo. Richardson D.L.C. Northwest corner of the tract No. 55; thence north 129 feet to of said BOETCHERS ADDI- No. 38 a distance of 870 feet, conveyed to Sam R. Jost et ux the southeast corner of Lot 21, TION; thence West along the more or less, to the most west- by deed recorded on page 534 Block 0, METZGER ACRE south line of GREENBURG erly corner of Lot 2 FREWING'S in Deed Book 336 in the center TRACTS; thence West 600 feet, HEIGHTS 323.4 feet, more or ORCHARD TRACTS; thence S. of S.W. Hunziker Street- thence more or less, to the S.W. corner less, to the easterly boundary 43°47' E. 11 chains to the most southeasterly in the center of of Lot 22 of said Block 0, of the Southern Pacific R.R., southerly corner of said Lot 2• S.W. Hunziker Street 345.5 feet, thence north along the west line thence southeasterly along said thence N. 54^26' E. 10.2 chains more or less to the southeast of the Thomas Stott D.L.C. R.R. boundary 330 feet, more or to the most easterly corner of corner of the lands conveyed to No. 53, 220 feet, more or less, less, to the northerly extension Lot 1, FREWING'S ORCHARD R. H. Hunziker by deed recorded to the S.E. corner of the tract of the West line of Lot 59, TRACTS; thence S. 43°47' E. on pe 35 ; of land conveyed to R. A. AMENDED PLAT OF NORTH 17.4 chains to the most easterly the ce nor hlalonnge the east liook ne Reynolds by deed recorded n TIGARDVILLE A D D I T 10 N; corner of Lot 5 FREWING'S of the said Hunziker land 1400 Book 278, page 283 of said Deed thence S. 16°12' W. to the south- ORCHARD TRACTS; thence N. feet more or less, to the north- Records; thence N. 88°W. to the west corner of said lot 59 in the 42'05' E. 1487.1 feet to the most east corner thereof on the south S.W. corner of said Reynolds center of Fanno Creek; thence easterly corner of Lot 6 in the line of the George Richardson tract; thence contin Westerly and upstream n uing N. the center of S.W. Burnham Street; D.L.C. No. 38- thence west along 881W. 40 feet, more in less, tocenter of said creek to the east thence southeasterly along the said claim line 610 feet, more the east line of the said John line of Lot 1 of said AMENDED center of S.W. Burnham Street or less, to the southwest corner Hicklin D.L.C. No. 54; thence PLAT OF NORTH TIGARD- 527 feet, more or less, to its of PALMER ACRES, a subdivi- N. 2`33' E. 468 feet, more or VILLE ADDITION; t h e n e e intersection with the centerline sion of record; thence north less, to the N.E. corner of the south 17.5 chains to the south- of County Road No. 227, now along the west line of PALMER said Hicklin Claim and the place east corner of said Lot 1; thence known as State Highway 217: ACRES 1962.4 feet to the north- of beginning. order a OOZE = That tbis order of proolmation and aammos be ant**W to the journal of this Court and @ball be oon- elu sive trtidtnae of the facts bersinabowe stated with roRwat to the Satteto barrsiresbovie aft fortb. ' a L OMMSM That the Clark of this Court be, an he is l or*y, &r"Wrised to repay to petitioners! *Wt. Thomas bran Ct, ate►' rejAintsm from the deposit here tof ore made by potitioneft t o defray tbo' costs of said election after deducting tim"fr6a so such of the stoney as required to defray the costs of tbo oleaftba, Oatlad this, _13th dap of Sept4Mb*r, 1961, at 8illAoro, t�regets►. cow" Cow d! WAUMa1`t C Wail Joe A. Jaross oe . cross, vuaty Judge e : Clayton Nyberg .. [ , Clayton ' t J Barbara A. TRilox �J Y r,�°"'d E: STATE 01 OREGON, � h r„ (`.aunty C'1ork anal tha C ountV nun+� of Order recording, .. . ... . . .................._ ..canvass of Ballots_, ---- Proclaiming a Majority 1.n Palror of-incar^^r^ of an are: to .be kriotan as tYie City of Tigard ed the.seal of UUi.)NI (MnRK 3 - Order NRY '"�-r•..,�OF STA r