02/23/1994 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 23, 1994 Board Members Present: Paul Hunt, Lynda Jenkins, Peggy Manning and George Morgan Staff Present: Leslee Gemmill, Wayne Lowry, Patrick Reilly, Randy Volk and Ed Wegner Guests Present: Michael Brewin, Jack Polans and Bill Scheiderich 1. Call to Order City Administrator, Patrick Reilly, welcomed those present and at 5:30 p.m. brought the meeting to order. 2. Approve February 9, 1994 Meeting Minutes George Morgan motioned to approve the meeting minutes as submitted and Paul Hunt seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Selection of At Large Member Patrick Reilly informed the Board that candidate Steven Dietrich withdrew his application for fifth member of the Intergovernmental Water Board. At this time, the Board discussed the process for the panel interview of the two candidates present tonight, Michael Brewin and Bill Scheiderich. Applicant Clarence Nicoli is currently out of the country and unavailable to interview at this time. The Board recessed from 5:40 to 5:45 p.m. The Board reconvened -and Patrick Reilly asked the two candidates to introduce themselves and briefly present to the Board their background. Bill Scheiderich is a resident of Tigard and an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Beaverton. He also serves as advisor to the Engineering and Public Works Departments of the City of Beaverton and appointed as the city representative on the Joint Water Commission. Bill has worked with local and regional water supply issues including drafting of agreements and legislation from 1988 to the present. Page Two Intergovernmental Water Board February 23, 1994 Michael Brewin is a resident of Tigard and was previously elected by the people of Tigard, King City and Durham to serve as commissioner of the Tigard Water District. He indicated he has continued to maintain an interest in water issues and has experience in serving on 5-6 government agency boards. Each member of the Board asked each individual the same four questions in a panel interview format. At the conclusion of the interviews, the Board decided that in fairness to Clarence Nicoli, the third applicant for the fifth member, a special meeting should be scheduled to interview Mr. Nicoli. The special meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 28, 1994 at 5:30 p.m. It should be anticipated that a decision be made at this special meeting. 4. Update on Joint Billing Wayne Lowry, City of Tigard, Finance Director, updated the Board on the status of the consolidation of utility billings. The City of Tigard Finance Department is ready to move forward with the consolidation of water and sewer utility billing operations. At this time, this change would only affect approximately 8,000 customers common to the water system and the City of Tigard. In March, a complete presentation will be made to the Tigard City Council. Following a question and answer period there was a general discussion regarding the methods of informing the public regarding the joint billing proposal and associated concerns. Wayne Lowry informed the Board about the water district's tax levy issue. He indicated there has been numerous conversations lately regarding the debt service on the remaining two years of the TWD general obligation bond. The assessor had a problem with our (City of Tigard) assumption that it could be levied and paid. The assessor asked for our attorney's opinion regarding the issue. City Attorney,Jim Coleman, has drafted a response that proves legally that each city should be able to levy its proportionate share of the remaining two years of the tax bond. The draft document, is currently being circulated to Tigard Water District Attorney, George Mardikes, City of Tigard, and will be routed to the King City and Durham City Attorneys. Each city and the District will have to complete an LB-50 form and the tax levy needs to be in each budget. Patrick.Reilly offered City of Tigard support and materials. 5. Non Agenda Items Patrick Reilly informed the board that the Tigard City Council at its meeting February 22, 1994, adopted SDCs (System Development Charge) for water and reminded the cities of King City and Durham that this needed to be done by their councils in the near future. Page Three Intergovernmental Water Board February 23, 1994 George Morgan talked briefly about the roundtable meeting he recently attended regarding regional water supply plan. Due to the Tigard Water District's limited participation in long term water supply, George indicated it is evident there is a need for positive, aggressive action as early in the process as possible. Ed Wegner, City of Tigard's Maintenance Services Director, distributed materials to the Board that were distributed at the meeting George Morgan talked about. George Morgan also brought to the Board's attention a letter from the City of Beaverton dated February 17, 1994 addressed to CPO and CCI Chairs. Specifically, the letter outlines that a Tualatin River Watershed Council is being formed to serve as an information forum for groups and agencies currently working to improve the water quality in the Tualatin River Watershed basin and seeking representation from a variety of citizen organizations. Patrick Reilly indicated he agrees with the notion that all water resources ought to be tied together in some degree and perhaps City of Beaverton is trying to pull together a diverse group of people who have never been represented before, particularly the agriculture industry. The Area City Managers have appointed a lead person(Hillsboro's City Manager) to follow this and an orientation meeting has been scheduled for the third week of April. It's still in the early formative stage and he said there is federal legislation in place that calls for the coordination of water resources within watershed areas. Patrick Reilly will report back to the Board on this matter. 6. Visitors Jack Polans commented to the Board regarding the process and guidelines used for the interviews of the fifth member. Mr. Polans is of the opinion that an individual with a legal or engineering background could offer valuable input to this Board. Mr. Polans also voiced his concern about the lack of public participation at these meetings. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.