04/19/1995 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD 'MEETING MINIITES April 19, 1995, BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Scheiderich, Paul Hunt, Beverly Froude, and John Budihas STAFF PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Bill Monahan, Randy Volk, Mike Miller, and Kathy Kaatz VISITORS PRESENT: Jack Polans and John Haunsperger 1. Call to Order The meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5 : 30 p.m. 2 . Roll Call Roll call was taken and all members were present with the exception of Peggy Manning. Mr. Budihas stated that he was the newly appointed member of the IWB representing the City of King City. Commissioner Yager is leaving the area and the alternate Ms . Drangsholt is not available. Mr. Budihas stated that he was a small businessman for thirty-five years in Portland and had moved to King City approximately one year ago. He stated that he is currently a Councilman for the City of King City. 3 . Visitor' s Comments Mr. Jack Polans distributed a document which he wrote and sent to the City of Lake Oswego. Mr. Polans read the first part of paragraph one from the document and stated there was a correction made by the Mayor of Lake Oswego in which she stated that the water rights would not change. There was another correction in regards to the - 42 gpd which was corrected to 50 gpd. Bill Monahan stated that Mr. Polans was raising some issues relating to the minutes of the last meeting that are a part of the on-going negotiations with Lake Oswego. Mr. Monahan stated that he would rather not comment on the accuracy or inaccuracy of those comments since the terms of the negotiations are confidential at this point . 4 . Approval of Minutes Commissioner Hunt motioned that the minutes of the March 22 , 1995 minutes be approved as written which was seconded by Commissioner Froude. A voice vote was taken and the results were unanimous . 5 . Fiscal Year 1995/96 Budget Review Mr. Wegner stated that in the packet the Commissioners were provided an updated copy of the budget . The first page consisted of a program narrative which outlined goals of 1994/95 and future goals . The second page consisted of a recap of the budget that will be submitted to the Tigard City Council . The total budget reflects a 151 increase. Mr. Wegner highlighted the following areas of the budget : a. 501. 000 and 502 . 000 There was a reduction of 741 in salaries and management since one year ago all Water employees were in the management category with none of the employees being represented employees . During the merger these employees have become represented employees . The account has not actually been reduced by 741, but have just readjusted those funds . b. 551. 000 Workers Compensation. This item is reduced due to the Water employees merging with City employees which has reduced our overall level . C. 601. 000 This account reflects a 338. increase which is due to the funds for Murray Smith to continue their negotiations into the next fiscal year. This will also include the $25 , 000 for the rate study as well as a seismic and stress test on some of the reservoir sites . d. 602 . 000 Some of this is a transfer of funds from one category to another as we progressed through the first year of the merger to get funds into the right place in the budget. ..1 e. 700 .000 Mr. Wegner also distributed a Capital Improvement request for 1995/96 . These are projects that were discussed at the last meeting. We will be spending some funds on Fall Protection due to OSHA regulations at the reservoir sites , Menlor Reservoir site preparation, the chlorination building which will be located at 10 mg site, Well #4 maintenance, pipeline replacements (Beef Bend Road) due to the widening project by the County, Durham Road project, meter replacements, meter installations and water services based upon new construction, regulator installation (within the system) , pipeline extensions (North Dakota finish up) . f . The next page included SDC fund. There was a -correction noted on that page from Beef Bend Road at 173rd to Beef Bend Road at 137th. This will also include the Greenburg Road extension. The balance of funds are set aside for the Menlor Reservoir site. Mr. Wegner stated there is also a reserve fund which had to be designated other than contingency and has been placed in the Menlor Reservoir site. Mr. Wegner stated that these are the recommendations that will be passed along to the Tigard City Council and Budget Committee unless the Board has further recommendations . Commissioner Hunt questioned under Capital Improvements and water service installations, since there is no income statement, he questioned whether, a certain amount of this was offset by income? Mr. Wegner stated that this was correct and Mr. Miller stated that when meter feF— IWB Meeting - April 19 , 1995 Page 2 are set up a portion of that cost covers the installation of the water •.- service and the price of the meter. Mr. Hunt stated that a portion of these capital costs will be absorbed and a portion of them will have offsetting income . Mr. Hunt questioned which part of this $639 , 000 will have to be absorbed and which part will have offsetting income? Mr. Wegner asked Commissioner Hunt for clarification on the word absorbed? Commissioner Hunt stated that some of these will not have an offsetting income. Chair Scheiderich stated that a one page summary of revenues would be appropriate for the next meeting. Commissioner Hunt then questioned that expenses increasing by 150-. which is in part justified but would like that outlined. Ed Wegner stated that water costs are going up 270 (Portland will go up substantially, Lake Oswego will also increase) , also it is anticipated that we will buy up to 6mgd from Tualatin Valley as well . Some of these costs go up .25 to 1. 00 . Commissioner Hunt questioned whether there was an anticipation of fee increase for next year? Mr. Wegner stated that Mr. Lowry does not expect an increase for next year. Mr. Wegner stated that the rate study will clarify these issues, since there is no guarantee that there will be no increase. Commissioner Budihas questioned the age of the meters that are being replaced and the life span of the newly installed meters? Mike Miller stated that the manufacturer' s warranty is for five years. . Mr. Miller stated that by replacing some of the larger meters (industry and commercial users) it will be likely that we can pick up the increased revenues to cover the cost of the new installations . Randy Volk stated that we are replacing 29 meters ranging in size from 3 " to 1211 , eight of the 29 at the last calibration were not repairable and have been in for twenty years . All of these meters are also in vaults and will be revamped to prevent the meter reader from entering the vault for the read. 6 . Water Conservation Mr. Wegner distributed blue sheet flyer that we will be placing in various City Halls and Libraries . Mr. Wegner stated that he also distributed a copy of Tap Talk which covers a wide range of articles and will be placed in the next billings . Mike Miller is also working with a couple of local businesses and drafting a letter asking for their cooperation in conserving water. Mr. Wegner stated that he had checked into the water conservation workshops that are being offered by the Portland Water Bureau and the workshops costs to put on are $6 , 000. Board discussed the flyers being stuffed into the billings and it was noted that there will be no additional postage needed, but will involve approximately (during the eight week billing cycle) a total of twelve additional manhours . Chair Scheiderich stated that it would be IWB Meeting - April 19 , 1995 Page 3 beneficial to point out how to measure one inch of water (cup and ruler,-- tuna can) . Commissioner Froude thanked the staff for pursuing this mucl needed material . Chair Scheiderich questioned whether a conservation revenue loss to be figured into the revenue projections for the budget? The Board discussed the inverted block and stated that the rate study will consider. 7 . Director' s Report Mr. Wegner stated that the Tigard City Administrator had received a letter from the Lake Oswego City Administrator authorizing and extension of the present agreement to purchase surplus water through May 1, 1995 . He also stated that the schedule for the rate study is as follows : The proposals are due by April 21, at the May 10th meeting they will ask two or three consultants to come make a presentation to the Board and hopefully by May 23rd the selected consultant will go before the Tigard City Council . Mr. Wegner stated that each consultant will make a twenty minute presentation. Mr. Wegner stated that the City Council did authorize us to proceed with the well work on well #2 and #3 and the Baylor intertie. Gelco has been on the reservoir site this week working on the repair work to that site. Mr. Wegner stated that he provided in the packet the Regional Water,` Supply progress report from the Participants meeting and the Marc monthly report . Mr. Wegner stated that with Lorry Christian leaving the organization, her position was placed into the Maintenance Services budget as an Utility Worker position. Commissioner Froude questioned in the Regional Participants progress report it discussed the future public information involvement activity and she questioned whether we would be on the list to receive a presentation? Mr. Wegner stated that the slide show will be shown hopefully in May and when the draft is ready, we will host a meeting with the City of Tigard, King City, Durham and the unincorporated area (June or July) with another meeting possibly in November with the final draft . 8. Non Agenda Items The Board discussed setting the next meeting for May 10th. 9 . Adjournment Commissioner Hunt motioned for adjournment of the regular session with a second by Commissioner Frcude at 6 : 05 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Hunt to convene Executive Session and a second by Commissioner Froude for discussion of real property transactions . A voice vote was taken which passed unanimously. IWB Meeting - April 19 , 1995 Page 4