11/08/1995 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL< WATER BOARD;MEETING November 8, 1995 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Scheiderich, John Budihas, Beverly Froude, Paul Hunt and Peggy Manning STAFF PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Mike Miller, Randy Volk, Wayne Lowry, Bill Monahan and Kathy Kaatz VISITORS PRESENT: Jack Polans, Steve Feldman 1 . Call to Order The Meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call Roll was taken with all members present. 3. Visitor's Comments Jack Polans stated that he had spoke with Mayor Nicoli and that Mayor Nicoli had stated that the contract with CH2M Hill had been cancelled with another consultant being selected. Mr. Polans referred to the minutes from the October 11 meeting beginning on page 2 #5 (In September of 1995, the City Manager went to the City Council with this information ...). Mr. Polans then questioned whether the needs of the study had been met and/or when will that be accomplished? Mr. Polans stated that he also spoke with Mayor Nicoli regarding water bonds and Obligation bonds versus Revenue Bonds. Mr. Polans continued to say that he had attended a meeting at Lake Oswego and he would like to know the status of the IGA between City of Tigard and Lake Oswego? Mr. Polans continued by reading a portion of a letter which stated that: 1) the City of Lake Oswego does not want to give up water rights to the City of Tigard; 2) City of Lake Oswego needs to expand land and water to update future needs of drinking water; and 3) City of Lake Oswego does not own present drinking water land? Mr. Polans stated that for financial reasons it was his opinion that both Cities should implement the Intergovernmental Water Agreement as soon as possible. Mr. Polans continued to say that he had requested a meeting with the Mayor of the City of Lake Oswego and the City Manager. Mr. Polans then asked Chairperson Schederich if Mr. Lowry could explain to the Board the difference between Obligation and Revenue bonds? Chair Scheiderich stated that he felt that the Board knew the difference and if not, Mr. Lowry could make that distinction at the time of his presentation. 4. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Commissioner Hunt to approve the minutes of the October 11, 1995 meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Manning and voted upon unanimously. 5. Regional Water Supply Plan - Ed Wegner Chair Scheiderich stated that he thought it would be appropriate for Mr. Wegner to address the recent interest in the backing of certain alternatives. Mr. Wegner began by discussing the proposal made by Commissioner Lindberg of Portland (1 .5a) that would throw out the Willamette River as a alternative water source. Mr. Wegner continued by saying that this Board as well, would have the opportunity to make choices and proposals to this plan. Mr. Wegner stated that a group of other water providers have stated that they have had comments/concerns about the Willamette but nothing as strong as the comments/concerns that Mr. Lindberg is referring to. Mr. Wegner stated that studies have been done at Wilsonville that has shown that pure drinking water can be obtained at that site that meets all Federal and State regulations for drinking water. The RWSP Committee has decided at this point to leave 1 .5 on the table. Mr. Wegner stated that a memo was provided that outlined the timetable which reflects that the Tigard City Council will be shown the video and receive the comments/concerns of the IWB at the November 21 meeting and recommendations will be discussed at the December 12 meeting to forward to the Regional Supply Committee for the final draft. Prior to the final draft of the RWSP, all participants will have the opportunity to review (final should be completed by April, 1996). Mr. Wegner stated that he had provided to the Board the RWSP, the Executive Summary, 10 most asked questions, summary of comments that were gathered at the joint meeting in October, comments from the public hearing in September, 1995 at Tualatin Valley Water District, and the clip on with the newsletters. This information will provide a glimpse of what comments have being made within the region. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 2 The Board then began discussion of which key policy values were most important to them in meeting future water needs? The Commissioners rated the policy values in order of priority and their comments were as follows: Commissioner Froude • Quality of water. Number one priority although, not opposed to the Willamette completely. • System Reliability • Cost • Efficient use of water • Environment • Diversity of Sources Commissioner Froude stated she was also interested in exploring the two-tier system (dual pipe system). Gray water used for irrigation and the possible use of Willamette for irrigation purposes. She also stated that the Plan is a good start although she is sad about the lack of public interest. Commissioner Budihas • Cost • Water quality • Efficient use of water • Diversity of sources • System Reliability • Environmental impact Commissioner Budihas stated that the cost is significant to most and also mentioned the lack of public interest. Commissioner Froude mentioned the possibility of mailing out the questionnaire to help measure the interest in this area and to gain more interest. Ms. Froude also stated that when talking about regional issues, the public tends to think that is somewhere or someone else. There is a need to personalize the issue so they can visualize the impact on them. Commissioner Manning • Water quality • Efficient use of water • Cost • Diversity of sources • System reliability • Environmental impact IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 3 Commissioner Manning stated that one source that is not being considered is the young people. A requirement for graduation is the completion of a community service project which could involve the water issues and the impact it will have on them and their families. These young people could conduct interviews. Ms. Manning also mentioned having some focus groups where people would be given an incentive to come discuss some of these issues or to create some marketing incentives. She also mentioned the use of community groups such as Rotary and Kiwannis. Ms. Manning stated the need to take a step by step approach to 2040 Plan and look at in possibly ten year increments to establish credibility. Commissioner Hunt • Quality of water • Costs • System reliability • Diversity of sources • Efficient use of water • Environmental impact Commissioner Hunt stated that there is a need for a clearer definition of these issues. Mr. Hunt questioned when talking of water quality, is that when it comes out of the tap or while in the river? These are the kind of items which need to be clarified. Mr. Hunt discussed that system reliability is not necessarily the optimum amount of water, but the needed amount of water. Mr. Wegner stated that the system reliability would be for drinking water and the essentials, not for filling swimming pools and irrigation needs. Commissioner Manning stated that if the Board was going to be rating these issues collectively, there is a need for a clearer understanding. Ms. Manning stated that she would change her ratings if the system reliability is for drinking water and essentials. Mr. Wegner clarified the perimeters of system reliability to include drinking water and the essentials water service available 365 days per year, but not for filling pools and irrigation purposes. With this clarification Ms. Manning changed her rating to reflect System Reliability to be her number four choice and Diversity of sources to number five. Mr. Budihas also moved his number four choice to be System Reliability and number five to Diversity of sources. Chairperson Scheiderich • Quality of water • Efficient use of water/Environmental impact • Cost • Reliability • Diversity of source IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 4 Chairperson Scheiderich reinforced the importance of water quality. Mr. Scheiderich stated that their is need for more emphasis being placed on the fact that water is a finite resource and that you cannot sacrifice other things in the environment to continue to produce more water for consumption. Mr. Scheiderich stated that he would also like to see more emphasis in the Plan on education of what conservation can do, a rate structure that encourages conservation, and building and plumbing code revisions (gray water for irrigation). Chair Scheiderich continued that costs, which includes the incentives for industrial users and the cost of new capacity should be true costs (SDC's). Mr. Scheiderich talked about the reliability of the system and the effect an earthquake could have on the system as well as the possibility of introduction of parasites into the system. He continued by talking about the diversity of sources and the need to look at all alternatives as a source and the possibility of looking into why some sources have been ruined and how to reverse that situation. Mr. Scheiderich stated that the strategies of the Plan be tighten up or revised with more emphasis being placed on conservation management against projected demand. Chair Scheiderich talked about a formal consortium of water providers and stated that we probably won't see any capital projects of regional value happen without a regional consortium. He continued by saying that it was his opinion that capital projects by way of general bonds, revenue bonds, or raising property taxes would work if the feeling is out there that some of that capacity will be sold downstream to buy it. Mr. Scheiderich stated that there is a need to look at what needs to be done and how we can accomplish those needs. He stated that education with the assistance of the school district would be beneficial. Mike Miller calculated the consensus on objectives as follows: • Quality • Costs • Efficient use • System reliability • Environmental/Diversity of sources Mr. Wegner questioned whether the Board would like their individual ratings to be presented to Council or the combined ratings? The Board stated that they would like the combined ratings presented to Council and to include their individual comments, since all the Board members felt similarly. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 5 Commissioner Budihas clarified his vote for cost as number one objective since it was his assumption that all the water being provided would be quality water. Mr. Wegner stated that all water supply is required to meet Federal and State standards. Mr. Wegner asked the Board what their feelings were on the five strategies in this plan (Figure ES-2, page ES-28 of the Executive Summary)? Mr. Wegner stated that all sequences included conservation. Sequence 1 .5 which was the staff's recommendation included outdoor conservation, South-East (50 mgd) transmission lines, aquifer storage and recovery, utilization of the Clackamas, utilization of the Willamette in two phases and South-West transmission. In the timetable it makes the assumptions that the Barney Reservoir will be brought on as well as the well fields for Portland being used in the summertime and that critical needs remediation is taken care of. These phases are progressing with the construction of the Barney Reservoir, and remediation of well fields to help meet capacity. The dates shown are based upon the population data that Metro supplied (new figures from two months ago). Mr. Wegner discussed the rapid growth in areas such as Tigard, Wilsonville, Canby, Damascus will skew these figures because these were averages for the three county areas. Mr. Wegner discussed how Metro will become involved with the Plan. Metro was not initially involved in the Plan although they came in at no cost since they provided the data for the study. Mr. Wegner stated that there has been a lot of debate on what role Metro will play in the Plan (conservation). Chair Scheiderich commented on SB 122 in which Cities and Counties are required to provide a consortium to come up 15-20 year annexations plans and provider plans. Mr. Wegner stated that through their Charter Metro has been given the mandate to set up a water supply plan as well as a transportation plan, 2040 plan, although the water providers have stated that they have already begun the process. Chair Scheiderich questioned whether Sequence 1 .5 was the staff recommendation? Mr. Wegner stated that was correct (see Table ES-1 1 , page ES-33). Mr. Scheiderich stated that his recommendation would be 1 .1 . Commissioner Manning stated that she appreciated the involvement of Mr. Wegner and Mr. Miller in this process. Mr. Scheiderich stated that he would like to see some more of where we are headed from here. Chair Scheiderich stated that he would be out of town on November 18 and would be unable to attend the tour of water facilities. The remainder of the Board members stated that they would be able to attend. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 6 Mr. Polans questioned whether Mr. Monahan would discuss which direction the plan should be headed? Mr. Scheiderich stated that since this item was not on the agenda it could be covered by Mr. Polans or the Board Members at another time. Mr. Polans then questioned whether Mr. Scheiderich had ever been a member of RUGGO? Chair Scheiderich stated that he was aware of the goals and objectives and does approved what goes to the City Council. 6. Utility Billing Process - Wayne Lowry Mr. Lowry began by discussing the memo that was provided to the Board regarding proposed changes to the Tigard Municipal Code. As background, the City has always billed for sewer and storm drainage with Unified Sewerage Agency ordinances and the Tigard Water District was separately billing for water usage, this process was merged in July of 1994. After combining these billings for the past year, the Finance Department would like to adopt some changes to the rules and policies effecting the billing process. The Tigard Municipal Code section 12.08 includes the City's old collection process which included turning delinquent sewer accounts to the County Assessors office for collection. In addition Tigard Municipal Code section 12.10 includes the Water system Rules, Rates and Regulations, some of which deal with collection of utility charges. The draft ordinance would repeal TMC section 12.08, amend TMC 12.10 and establish a new section 12.03 to deal specifically with the billing and collection of the combined utility charges. The City of Tigard is currently an agent of Unified Sewerage Agency and in the Code would like to adopt USA's Ordinances and Resolutions that deal with the relationship of sewer maintenance collection and fee structure. Mr. Lowry summarized by saying that they would propose to repeal Tigard Municipal Code 12.08, amend the Rules, Rates and Regulations Section 12.10 and adopt USA's Ordinances and Resolutions that deal with sewer maintenance collection and fee structure with the development of section 12.03. Chair Scheiderich questioned whether there are any areas of the City that as result of annexation, that would result in Tigard billing for some utilities and not others? Mr. Lowry stated that the Northeast section of the City is billed for water by Tualatin Valley Water District and King City, Durham and the unincorporated outside the City limits are not billed for sewer. Mr. Lowry stated that they have a separate section of delinquent collection for sewer/storm only billings (2200 accounts)• Mr. Lowry stated the future possibility of billing sewer and water for the entire Water District boundaries and continue to do sewer only for those users within other water districts. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 7 Mr. Lowry then displayed a combined utility timeline as follows: COMBINED UTILITY TIMELINE CURRENT (days) PROPOSED (days) METERS READ 1-3 1-3 BILLS PRINTED 4 4 BILLS MAILED 5 5 DUE DATE 21 21 REMINDERS 42 35 SHUT OFF 57 56 SERVICE DISCONNECT 58 58 The board briefly discussed monthly versus every other month, utility billing which seems to have become an insignificant issue. Mr. Lowry stated that they still have been discussing the possibility of reading our own meters versus contracting these services out. Commissioner Manning stated that the current process does allow a user to pay their bill in two separate payments. Commissioner Hunt discussed some comments that he has gotten concerning the wording on the shut off notices. Commissioner Manning stated the importance for users to allow the proper amount of time for mailing bills. Mr. Lowry distributed copies of a sample billing and shut off notice to Board members. Mr. Lowry discussed the procedures of the billing cycle. Regular bills are mailed on day 4/5, then if the bill has not been paid on day 42 a "friendly reminder" is sent out. Currently once a shut off notice is posted at the residence, a customer has only 24 hours to pay prior to their service being disconnected. Commissioner Budihas commented on placing wording on the "friendly reminder" billing which states the due date of the bill. Mr. Lowry stated that what they have proposed is to change the language on the reminder bills to include "to avoid further collection effort or future termination of your water service...", and also to send out the reminders a little earlier and to include a 48 hour period prior to shut off. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 8 - Mr. Volk stated that on that 57th day the Water Division may have a crew hang as many as 50 door hangers (shut off notices) and may only shut off 10-12 users, which takes additional employee time. Commissioner Manning stated that the responsibility is on the user/ratepayer to pay for the water they have consumed. The Board briefly discussed the liability of shutting off water to a home that has children in the home. Commissioner Manning also suggested having alternative information available to provide to users that are in need of assistance. Mr. Lowry stated that on 12.03 030 Collection Procedures, the change will reflect a 48 hour shut off notice, the additional language that discussed the shut off procedure and that staff will check mail receipts the day of shut off, and crew members will note the time the meter is locked or shut off. Mr. Lowry stated in response to a question from Commissioner Hunt that payment drop off sites are responsible for getting those payments into the City office. It was also discussed that the new language will discuss a reconnection charge being $20.00 with the addition of multi family housing collection procedures. Mr. Scheiderich questioned the lack of delinquent payment charge. Mr. Lowry stated they do not charge any interest. Mr. Lowry stated that there is no charge to turn a users service off, although there is a charge for service reconnection. In the past there has been no language that discusses the collection procedures for users that do not have water services (storm/sewer only). The new language will state that a delinquent account can be turned over to a collection agency, court action can be taken, the account turned over to the County Assessor's office, or disconnection of service. The new language will allow the City the authority to address these collection issues. SEWER/STORM USA ORDINANCE IWB/COUNCIL RECONNECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS $20.00 AFTER HOURS $30.00 METER DISCONNECTION - BROKEN LOCK $10.00 REMOVAL/RE-INSTALL ACTUAL COSTS TURNOFF FEES 3% - RETURNED CHECK $15.00 IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 9 Mr. Lowry discussed when there is a meter placed for new construction and it is destroyed, it will be charged to the contractor. Chair Scheiderich brought up selling the meters to the Contractor to cover this issue. The Board discussed billing adjustment process (12.03.060) and the addition of new language that would allow the following authority to adjust billings. BILLING;ADJUSTMENTS (12.03.060) AUTHORITY DOLLAR AMOUNT UP TO Finance Director $ 50.00 City Administrator 250.00 IWB Board >250.00 The addition of the new language would also state that these waiver could be granted upon written requests from users and for good cause. This language is separate from the Rules, Rates and Regulation language that covers leak adjustments. Section 12.070, Customer Appeal Process will cover the process in the case of the user dissatisfaction with the appeal. Commissioner Budihas questioned the code that addresses disconnection of service to a user that could cause health problems or there is small children in the house. Mr. Wegner stated that the City attorney's office makes sure that the language in this is not in conflict with language in any other codes, and some of these become health and family services issue not a billing issue. Mr. Lowry stated that it is his goal to take these recommendations before the Tigard City Council within the next month or two. Commissioner Hunt questioned item (d) under 12.03.060 which states that the Finance Director may enter into a payment agreement with a customer to facilitate the payment of delinquent charges up to $10,000. Mr. Lowry stated this would be in the case of a industrial user and a possible bankruptcy action and would not waive any fees but only allow for collection of the debt. Commissioner Manning questioned whether this should be change to reflect this be accomplished by a joint agreement between the Finance Director and the City Administrator. It was decided this would be left as is. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 10 The Board continued by discussing the collection of a security deposit after a shutoff or meter removal, and whether a deposit is required for bad payment history or a prior bankruptcy user. Chair Scheiderich recommended that the authority be granted to require deposits with the discretion of the Finance Director. Mr. Lowry stated that a credit history check is not done at this time. Chair Schederich had the following recommendations: • Recommended the addition of an allowance for requirement of a security deposit; • a written record be kept of any written waivers that are granted; • delete the wording that addresses the users obligation to mail within five days of reading; and • add dis-incentives for delinquent payments over 10 days. Commissioner Froude questioned whether users would be notified of these changes. Mr. Lowry stated that any new charges would be addressed on the billing. Commissioner Budihas questioned the returned check charge increased to $25.00. Chair Scheiderich stated that Ballot Measure 5 states that the charge cannot exceed the actual costs of providing the service. It was recommended that Mr. Lowry find out the actual costs on a returned check. A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Manning and was seconded by Commissioner Hunt and voted upon unanimously. The next meeting of the IWB will be scheduled for December 13, 1995 and if not needed will be put off until the first of the year. 6. Director's Report Mr. Scheiderich stated that there was another issue before the Board for discussion with the report on preliminary use of the building. Mr. Wegner stated that this report was furnished as an intermediate report since the agenda was full. Chair Scheiderich requested some progress on this issue at the next meeting. Chair Scheiderich questioned whether a decision needed to be made on the use of the building for a shelter? Mr. Wegner stated that the Board had given their approval at the last meeting for this purpose, although the City has prepared a draft contract, the contract has not been signed at this time. IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 11 Commissioner Manning questioned whether Interfaith would be charged to use the shelter. Mr. Wegner stated that Interfaith had stated previously that they would be charging users. The Contract does state that if Interfaith charges the City will receive 50% of the collected charges to offset costs. Commissioner Hunt clarified this issue by saying that this was not to be a charge, but a request for donation. Mr. Wegner stated that included in the information distributed to the Board was a status report from CH2M Hill. Mr. Wegner also clarified that CH2M Hill is still the consultant of record since the IWB interviewed them at the last meeting and agreed to continue their services. The meeting was adjourned. Kathy\iwb\1 1-8mtg.min IWB MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 8, 1995 PAGE 12