01/10/1996 - Minutes INTERGOVERNMENTAL WATER BOARD MEETING January 10, 1996 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Scheiderich, John Budihas, Beverly Froude, Paul Hunt and Peggy Manning STAFF PRESENT: Bill Monahan, Ed Wegner, Mike Miller, Randy Volk and Kathy Kaatz VISITORS PRESENT: Jack Polans, Steve Feldman, Eric Rothstein and Bob Tomlinson 1. Call to Order The meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5 : 30 p.m. 2 . Roll Call Roll call was taken and all members were present with the exception of Beverly Froude who arrived at 5 : 35 p.m. 3 . Approval of November 8, 1995 Minutes The minutes of the November 8, 1995 Intergovernmental Water Board were approved as written. A motion was made by John Budihas and was seconded by Paul Hunt and a voice vote passed unanimously. 4. Executive Session - Bill Monahan A motion was made by Paul Hunt which was seconded by Peggy Manning to convene the Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192 . 660 to discuss issues of property negotiations . 5 . Rate Study Update Eric Rothstein, Senior Economist with CH2M Hill presented a status report of the Rate Study (handout presented to Board) . The areas covered included revenue requirement developments (operations and maintenance budget and the capital improvement plan) which have been reviewed by staff . Also covered the cost allocation process which included review of all of the modeling although they are waiting on some data from staff to complete this analysis . The final major step of the cost of service work is to take the costs that are allocated to the individual customer classes and design rates that will recover the costs allocated to those classes which is pending at this time. Mr. Rothstein stated that the technical work at this time is pretty well complete since the rate design portion of the project is not as time consuming. Mr. Rothstein continued to state that relative to the schedule the rate design and reporting should be completed in `- approximately two weeks . Mr. Rothstein continued by discussing some of the rate design options available: a. Adjust the current rates with quantity allowance; b. Minimum charge and uniform volume by class; C. Irrigation and residential conservation rates; and d. Surcharges (pumping, outside district, meter size) . Chair Scheiderich questioned the system development charges and Mr. Rothstein stated that these charges fall outside the scope of this rate study. Commissioner Manning questioned whether CH2M Hill would present examples of different types of modeling (with and without surcharges) ? Mr. Rothstein stated that would be provided. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether the data Mr. Rothstein' s firm is waiting for is ,from our Finance Department and Mr. Rothstein agreed. Mr. Wegner clarified that the data requested was not readily available and some research was involved to collect the needed data. Commissioner Budihas questioned whether this data would be available by next month and would it be presented at the next meeting? Mr. Rothstein stated that they are anticipating being completed by next month and the information will be presented at the next meeting and the Board will then have time to review the information. Commissioner Hunt questioned whether the determination needed to be made at this time in regards to pumping? Mr. Rothstein stated that prior to making a final rate is when the decision would need to be made on pumping. 6 . Director' s Report - Ed Wegner Mr. Wegner stated that since the December meeting was cancelled, included in the packet of information distributed was the December written report from CH2M Hill, utility billing memo from Wayne Lowry which includes the changes, a copy of memo to Lorna Stickel on the Regional Water Supply Plan outlining the comments incorporated from the IWB and the Tigard City Council, monthly water use reports from October, November and December. Mr. Wegner stated that we will provide the Board with the annual water use summary. Commissioner Froude questioned whether they were any storm related water problems? Mr. Wegner stated that even though there was a power outage, we did not experience any interruptions of water service. Mr. Wegner continued to say that there was a slight problem at the High Tor site (1-1-96) which involved a malfunction with the SCADA system which overflowed the reservoir causing some minor damage to some residences . Mike Miller is currently investigating this problem for future prevention. IWB Meeting Minutes - January 10, 1996 Page 2 7 . Non Agenda Items Chairperson Schederich questioned the election of new officers and it was stated that the Board made the decision to elect new officers the first meeting in February to accommodate new members appointed in other areas . This will be completed on the February agenda. Visitor' s Comments Mr. Jack Polans from King City, questioned after hearing the presentation of CH2M Hill , the cost to consumers? Mr. Polans continued to say that it was his understanding that in February CH2M Hill would make a presentation on final water rate model . Mr. Polans stated that another part that needs to be included in this rate are Lake Oswego and Tigard- getting together, which would include a 190 intergovernmental agreement between Tigard and Lake Oswego. He alsosstated that another possibility is an agreement of Tigard, Lake Oswego and the Willamette River (1/3 , 1/3/, 1/3) . Mr. Polans shared his concern with the rates being double the current rates, which would have an effect on the residents of King City, who live on limited incomes . Mr. Polans stated that he did not know what the model work being performed by CH2M Hill consists of and questioned how they can come up with rate. Mr. Polans stated his concern with the length of time Lake Oswego and Tigard have been working on an agreement . 8. Adjournment The following items were noted for the next meeting: follow up to the Executive Session held tonight, discussion of a capital improvement plan, rate study and election of new officers . A motion was made by Commissioner Hunt to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Commissioner Budihas and voted upon unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6 : 20 p.m. kathy\iwb\1-10iwb.mtg IWB Meeting Minutes - January 10, 1996 Page 3