08/20/1987 - Minutes MEETING OF CITY CENTER TASK FORCE AUGUST 20, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Stuart at 7:09 p.m. Present: Stuart Cohen, Michael Marr, Pam Juarez, Jerry Coursolle, and Jolynn Ash Absent: Don Pinkerton and Chris Defferding Also Present: Peggy Byrd, Liz Newton, and Bob Jean A motion was made by Mike Marr to approve the minutes of August 6, 1987, with the correction of the spelling of Peggy Byrd's name. Jolynn seconded the motion. The motion passed. Liz reported on recent Land Use Action as follows: 1. Stash Teas has not yet made a decision regarding the Crow site 2. Wash. Circle - grading under way 3. Pac Trust - staff is reviewing a 2,2200 square foot building 4: Portland Fixture - Site Design Review approval 5: Moyer Theater construction is under way Peggy commented that the Board of Directors from the Chamber of Commerce is sending Stash Tea a letter encouraging their relocation to Tigard. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: Traffic Don and Mike met with Bill about setting up a meeting with the State Highway Supervisor to discuss the viaduct. Mike asked if the state would be receptive to working out a joint funding effort. Liz said that she felt they would be willing to discuss any possible solution. Zoning In Chris's absence, Jerry handed out a letter summarizing Chris's meeting with Keith Liden on the current parking and landscape code provisions for the City and downtown area. The committee discussed the parking problems of the downtown and the possible future problems that might occur with the kiss and ride Tri Met station. Bob Jean informed us that Tri Met might be interested in a joint venture regarding parking. Bob suggested that Mayor Brian could provide more information. Parks Mike and Pam reported on the Parks. They attended the Park Board meeting on August 19, 1987. Mike gave a presentation on what the City Center Committee is looking at for Fanno Creek Park. He said that we would like to form a subcommittee to assist them in getting Fanno Creek Park going. Liz said that Mike Schwartz is going to be on the subcommittee from the Park board. The Park Board has a plan for bike paths throughout the area, The Park Board is talking about going to the Council to request funds to update the master plan. The plan was completed in 1980. It needs to be updated to include modifications of the parks. Liz indicated that the update needs to get started to have it completed by January. Staff has not been able to contact the original architects to determine how much the update might cost. Bob Jean pointed out that the City Center Plan is number two on the City's ten goals for the year. The Parks are number nine. He said that the downtown is a critical part of the City's Financial Strategies. Jolynn reported on the Citizen's Breakfast. It was agreed that the invitation would be kept simple and friendly. The invitation should include a list of topics to be included in the presentation. We will have a brief question and answer period. Pam, Mike, and Jolynn will meet to finalize the wording of the invitations, taking into account the comments from the committee. We have the mailing list: All board members together with Peggy will contact business and landowners to invite them to the breakfast. The invitations will be mailed out the first of September, and we will begin calling in the second week of September. The Marketing Consultant was discussed: Duane wrote to all the property owners to see if they would be interested in participating in the market study. Sea First and Albertsons were interested. Other calls he received from the property owners were positive but they did not commit. It is still questionable if the committee wants to request funds at this time for a consultant. The consensus was that the Marketing Consultant option would have the most creditability. Bob said that he feels that we still need the study, but we should have more of a plan together first. Liz reported on the Action Area Zones Designation. The City Planner said that it would be difficult to apply the action plan to developers: He felt that the plans needs to be more defined on some of the requirements. He is concerned that the plan will discourage business from locating downtown. Liz is going to meet with Bill and review the action plan. The plan can still be modified. Stuart feels that we must be careful not to send out the message that we are difficult to deal with. OTHER BUSINESS: Mike questioned whether the City owns all the necessary property for the Fanno Creek Park. Mike feels we need to proceed with developing a land acquisition program. Liz said that they have already identified who owns the property and the value. Bob Jean indicated that the budget committee is talking about a park levy. They are meeting in September and November. Peggy brought up the street sweeping schedule for downtown. A memo from Bill giving the schedule was handed out. A motion was made to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Respectfullv submitted, Pam Juarez sb/0752D