07/28/2003 - Packet PUBLIC COPY
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday, July 28, 2003
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Introductions
3. Approval of Minutes— May 28, 2003, and June 23, 2003
4. Visitor Comments
5. Oath of Office for Board Members
6. Water Supply Update— Dennis Koellermeier
7. IWB Update— Norm Penner
8. Non-Agenda Items
9. Set next meeting date—October 27, 2003, at 7:00 p.m.
10. Adjournment
Executive Session:
The Tigard Water District Board may go into Executive Session under the provisions of
ORS 192.660(1)(d),(e), & (h) to discuss labor relations, real property transactions, and
current and pending litigation issues. All discussions within this session are confidential;
therefore, nothing from this meeting may be disclosed by those present. Representatives
of the news media are allowed to attend this session, but must not disclose any information
discussed during this session.
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Members Present: George Rhine, Beverly Froude, and Norm Penner
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier and Twila Willson
Visitors Present Janet Zeider, Marc Delphine, and Charlie Stalzer
1. Call to Order
Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
2. Roll Call and introductions
Commissioner Rhine called roll and all members were present. He introduced Janet
Zeider, who was a write-in candidate for a seat on the Tigard Water District Board of
Commissioners, and Marc Delphine who ran for position #4 on the TWD. Charlie
Stalzer, chair of the Budget Committee was also in attendance.
3. Approval of Minutes—April 28, 2003
Commissioner Norm Penner motioned to approve the minutes of the April 28, 2003,
meeting and Commissioner Beverly Froude seconded the motion. The vote to accept
the minutes was unanimous.
4. Visitor's Comments
Marc Delphine introduced himself and stated he was present at the meeting to get to
know the board members better and was eager to hear input or feedback.
5. Election Update
A handout of the unofficial election results was distributed. The election division will
send letters in about two weeks (after June 9th)to the write-in candidates, who must
either accept or reject the nomination before the results become official.
Tigard Water District Minutes - 1 - May 28,2003
6. Water Supply Update- Dennis Koellermeier
Water demands have increased with the warmer weather. Mr. Koellermeier briefly
explained that the Tigard Water Service Area, which includes the Tigard Water District
(TWD), Cities of Durham, King City, and Tigard, operates under the Intergovernmental
Water Board (IWB). The water sources for those communities (of approximately 47,000
people) includes a wholesale contract with the City of Portland, a purchase agreement
with the (JWC) Joint Water Commission (which is a consortium of Hillsboro, Forest
Grove, Beaverton and Tualatin Valley Water District), two groundwater wells, and one
ASR well (aquifer storage and recovery). The Tigard Water Service Area's only real
water source is about 1 mgd from the two wells and all other water is purchased from
other sources, which puts us at the mercy of their pricing markets. During the winter
months the water demands are 4-5 mgd and summer months about 10 mgd with peak
days at about 13 mgd.
The current agreement with the City of Portland is a minimum purchase contract which
means our purchase must be at least as much water as was purchased the previous
calendar year. If the purchase amount drops below that amount, we must still pay for
the same amount of water (rolling average). We are trying to decrease purchases from
Our current purchases are approximately 4 mgd from the JWC through the Beaverton
intertie and 1.5 mgd from the City of Portland.
The current status of the Portland reservoirs and JWC reservoirs is that they are full.
Our ASR well injections began in February 2003 at a rate of 775 per minute and now
total 145 mg of water stored in the ASR well. When water demands go up in June or
July, the injection will stop and we will start using the water.
We, along with the other wholesale contractors, are currently negotiating the wholesale
contract with the City of Portland. The restructuring contract process started 2-3 weeks
ago and is anticipated to be about a six month process.
Negotiations are also in process with the JWC seeking membership with that consortium
and current indications are that we will be successful.
The water source from Portland is not filtered, however JWC water is filtered and will
soon be fluoridated as well.
We are also reopening discussions with Lake Oswego. Presently we have an
emergency agreement with them, but have not taped that source for several years. Staff
is discussing whether to purchase surplus water from them.
Water Rate Purchase Predictions — Portland earlier stated they would be increasing
rates 24% (from current$.91 fee to $1.15), but after their methodology was challenged
they revised the rate to 17% ($1.09). JWC rates will increase from $.66 to $.70 per
hundred gallons.
Water Supply Plan — Staff pre-plans decisions for use during the heavy usage summer
months and the published plan will be presented to the IWB on June 11.
Tigard Water District Minutes -2- May 28, 2003
There was a brief discussion about Tigard's water sources and previous purchasing
patterns. Commissioner Froude suggested holding a public work session to further
discuss the history of Tigard's water needs.
7. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Rhine presented the possibility of appointing the two newly elected board
members to the current vacant seats.
Commissioner Penner made the motion to appoint Janet Zeider and Marc Delphine to
the unexpired terms of Positions #1 and#2 and Commissioner Froude seconded the
motion. The vote to accept the motion was unanimous pending investigation of the
8. Set next meeting date
The next scheduled meeting date is June 23, 2003, 7:00 pm., and topics will include the
adoption of the budget and a discussion of TWD history.
9. Adjournment
Commissioner Penner moved to adjourn the TWD meeting, Commissioner Froude
seconded the motion, and the vote to adjourn was unanimous.
Tigard Water District Minutes -3- May 28,2003
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Members Present: George Rhine, Norm Penner, and Beverly Froude
Budget Committee
Members: Doreen Hames, Janet Zeider, and Charlie Stalzer
(Mel Jonely- excused)
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier, Twila Willson, and Tom Imdieke
Visitors Present: Mrs. Stalzer
1. Call to Order
Commissioner Beverly Froude, acting as the Budget Officer, called the meeting to order
at 6:35 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Froude called roll, introduced staff members and Budget Committee
3. Budget Message and Proposed Budget
Tom Imdieke presented the budget as it was proposed from a prior workshop session.
The budget contains suggested flexibility for the next fiscal year and includes much
higher than usual proposed amounts for attorney fees, consultant services,
miscellaneous expenditures, and public relations.
Dennis Koellermeier had nothing further to add and there were no questions regarding
the proposed budget amounts or categories by any of the Budget Committee Members.
4. 2003/2004 Fiscal Year Budget Discussion
Commissioner Froude opened the meeting up for discussion by the Budget Committee
Members. Charlie Stalzer was selected to chair the Budget Committee discussion. He
stated that in reviewing the minutes and materials from the previous TWD meeting it was
rather self explanatory as to the dissolution contingency. Mr. Stalzer asked for an
explanation as to what would happen to the remaining funds should the TWD be
dissolved and Mr. Imdieke explained that that issue would be part of the dissolution plan.
Tigard Water District
Budget Committee Meeting Minutes - 1 - May 28, 2003
Commissioner Froude questioned the estimated amounts for expenses during the
current fiscal year and Tom lmdieke explained that those estimated expenditures were
set high in case they were to grow. Dennis Koellermeier stated he was glad the
distributed material explained the strategy and philosophy behind the budget.
5. Public Hearing and Discussion
The Budget Committee discussion was closed and a public hearing was opened. There
was no public discussion and the public hearing was closed.
6. Budget Recommendation and Approval
The Budget Committee approved the proposed budget unanimously. On June 23, 2003,
the Tigard Water District is scheduled to consider the adoption of the budget. Mr.
Imdieke stated he would advertise the meeting in the Tigard Times along with a recap of
the approved budget.
7. Adjournment
Commissioner Froude thanked the budget committee members for their participation
and the Tigard Water District Budget Meeting adjourned at 6:49 pm.
Tigard Water District
Budget Committee Meeting Minutes -2 - May 28, 2003
Monday, June 23, 2003
Members Present: George Rhine, Beverly Froude, and Norm Penner
Staff Present: Tom Imdieke and Twila Willson
Visitors Present: Janet Zeider, Marc Delphine, and Richard Burke
1. Call to Order
Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Rhine called roll and all members were present.
3. Approval of Minutes— May 28, 2003
Transcription of the May 28, 2003 meeting will be completed for review and approval at
the July meeting.
4. Visitor's Comments
Richard Burke, President of the Tualatin Valley Water District, commented on the lovely
building and thanked the board for their hospitality.
5. Oath of Office for Appointed Board Members
Twila Willson administered the Oath of Office to Janet Zeider and Marc Delphine and
had each of them sign the Oath of Commissioner.
Commissioner Froude recounted seeing the former Commissioner, Bruce Stobbe. She
said he had experienced a miracle, he was doing very well and was in remission. He
had been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, but had received a miracle. He wanted her to
pass on to the other board members how much he appreciated their cards and well
wishes and how much he enjoyed serving with them on the board.
6. Adoption of FY 03/04 Budget
Commissioner Rhine opened the session to public hearing and then to further discussion
by the board, but received no further input from either group. Commissioner Norm
Penner motioned to adopt the FY 03/04 Budget, Commissioner Froude seconded the
motion, and the vote was unanimous to adopt the budget.
Tom lmdieke acquired signatures from the board members on the Resolution to Adopt the
Budget, which he would be forwarding to the State of Oregon.
Tigard Water District Minutes - I - June 23,2003
7. Review of Election Results
Twila Willson distributed the election results from the Washington County Elections Division
for review by the board members. Following review and discussion the form was signed by
the chair, Commissioner George Rhine, and would be returned to the County.
8. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Marc Delphine stated that he was going to move and requested information
about residency requirements in order to remain on the TWD.
Commissioner Norm Penner reported that at the last IWB meeting there was a report from
the Wilsonville Water Treatment Plant staff. He gave a brief history of the construction
process for the $48,000,000 plant and reported that there would be a grand opening on
June 28th and invited them to attend. He went on to report on the plant's capacity and
expansion statistics along with costs of operation. Wilsonville reported that they had not
received any complaints from water users and the only complaints received were from
people living outside their water district. Wilsonville set higher standards than the EPA
making their water of higher quality than the City of Portland.
Commissioner Penner then gave a brief history of the attempts to make the Willamette
River a water source for the Tigard Water System and the resulting vote by Tigard City
citizens not to pursue the Willamette River as a water source.
Commissioner Penner shared a comparison of the EPA standards and Wilsonville's test
results, which were far above the requirements.
The IWB plans to educate citizens by providing a quarterly report that will list comparative
test results of drinking water in the area.
The next IWB meeting will be combined with the City Council on Tuesday, July 15, and is
open to the public.
, Commissioner Froude suggested the new board members tour the Tigard water facilities.
Twila Willson would be compiling and sending packets to send to the new board members,
which would include minutes from the previous calendar year, providing a history for
Commissioner Marc Delphine initiated a discussion about fluoride in the water.
Commissioner Froude stated there was a very good article about fluoride in the
newspaper, but the City of Tigard had received no citizen complaints regarding fluoride.
9. Set next meeting date
The next meeting date is scheduled on July 28, 2003, at 7:00 pm.
10. Adjournment
The board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting.
Tigard Water District Minutes -2 - June 23, 2003