02/28/2000 - Packet TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday, February 28, 2000
6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Introductions
3. Approval of minutes—January 24, 2000
4. Visitor's Comments
5. Intergovernmental Water Board Update
6. Utility Manager's Report
7. Non-Agenda Items
8. Set next meeting date
9. Adjournment
Executive Session: The Tigard Water District Board may go into Executive Session
under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1)(d),(e), & (h) to discuss labor
relations, real property transactions, and current and pending litigation issues.
All discussions within this session are confidential; therefore, nothing from this
meeting may be disclosed by those present. Representatives of the news
media are allowed to attend this session, but must not disclose any
information discussed during this session.
January 24, 2000
Members Present: Norm Penner, Beverly Froude and Gretchen Buehner
Staff Present: Mike Miller, Twila Willson
Visitors Present: None
1. Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners was
called to order by Commissioner Norm Penner at 7:04 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Penner called the roll. Excused are Commissioner George Rhine
due to illness and Commissioner David Strauss who was unable to attend
because of a prior commitment.
3. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Gretchen Buehner moved that the minutes of the December 13,
1999, meeting be approved and accepted. Commissioner Beverly Froude
seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to accept the minutes. A
quorum consisted of Commissioners Penner, Froude and Buehner.
4. Visitor's Comments— None present
5. Intergovernmental Water Board Update
Commissioner Buehner reported on the recent Intergovernmental Water Board
Meeting. At the meeting they were given a preliminary presentation of the Water
Rate Study. This year the costs will be approximately $1.1 million over revenue
due to the increase by the City of Portland ($.66 to $1.23 rate change). That
should go down this next year, but they would like to raise the rate sufficient that
it will be stable for a few years. There was a discussion whether the capital fund
for general work (for building pipes and reservoirs, etc) should be raised. Also
whether the IWB should create a reserve to reduce the amount of the debt
service on any potential long term water. There would be two different potential
capital funds. Another presentation will be made in February with several
TWD Meeting Minutes - 1 - January 24,2000
different rate scenarios directed more towards responding to the questions the
IWB asked.
Kim Swan, Water Conservation Specialist for the City of Tigard, made a
presentation on the school programs. She also presented a water conservation
package that has been assembled for homeowners and explained that this
information will be circulated through Cityscape. Commissioner Buehner
requested Kim provide her with some packs so it could be presented at the CPO
meeting. If people want to do some analysis of their own water usage, they can.
There was also a brief discussion by Ed Wegner about the meeting with West
Linn and the South Fork group about looking at the Clackamas River as another
source of water. Commissioner Penner indicated this was all in the preliminary
stages. The study results are to be presented at the February meeting. He has
uneasy feelings because the public is not being well informed by the Tigard
Times. He has concerns that the public will react adversely because of this lack
of information.
Mike Miller informed the board members that Paul Hunt has prepared a
preliminary statement to be circulated to all water patrons. Commissioner
Froude brought a copy of the draft from Paul Hunt.
Commissioner Buehner suggested circulating a letter to the Tigard Water District
ratepayers to bring them up to date. Mr. Miller recommended the letter be sent
after Councilman Hunt's letter was distributed. Commissioner Penner agreed the
letter should follow the Paul Hunt letter in order to explain its importance.
Commissioner Froude requested the letter be thoroughly read and studied by all
Tigard Water Board members before a final decision is made regarding the letter
from the Tigard Water District. Mr. Miller stated that the draft of Paul Hunt's letter
would be discussed at the February IWB meeting.
A brief discussion followed pertaining to the potential Sherwood moratorium and
compared it to the Wilsonville issue.
The next IWB meeting will be held February 9th and suggestions will be passed
on to Commissioner Buehner to bring up in that meeting. The IWB meeting to
follow that meeting will be February 28th and may pre-empt the TWD meeting.
6. Utility Manager's Report
Mr. Miller proceeded to update the Board Members on various projects.
Beef Bend Road water line project started January 19. The water line portion
should be completed in six to eight weeks. The road will be closed in order to
tear up both sides of the road. The road will be raised with this project.
TWD Meeting Minutes -2- January 24,2000
Bonita Road project is wrapping up. This involved extending the casing at 1-5
and Bonita for the ODOT project. Several snags were encountered with ODOT's
18-inch storm line on top of our 24-inch line where the casing needed to go,
which required some redesigning. Across the street on the east side the same
situation was also found with their smaller storm line laid over the water main.
The many shut downs and delays due to conflicts with ODOT have made this a
long, drawn-out project.
CH2M Hill Rate Study scenarios will be available for the IWB meeting on
February 9t"
Public Works is meeting with South Fork to talk about a small engineering scope
of services contract to look at what it will take to get water from South Fork to
Tigard. This is in combination with the City of Lake Oswego, because we would
be wheeling water through Lake Oswego to get it to us. He speculates that
South Fork, in order to expand their treatment plant, is now interested, since
West Linn has no money and is limited on the amount they can raise through
their rates, and therefore they are looking for a partner. Three years ago there
was no interest.
Commissioner Froude suggested board members talk with Paul Hunt as he is a
good source for information on this issue and he is happy to share the
The insurance bill ($1,200.00) was included in the packets for the meeting.
Recently Mr. Miller received notification from the insurance company that the
bonds have been repealed effective in February (unsure of exact date).
Commissioner Penner questioned whether the TWD's lawyer had been paid. Mr.
Miller responded in the affirmative.
Commissioner Buehner asked for more information on the proposed reservoir
construction on Cooper Mountain that Ed Wegner talked about previously. Mr.
Miller informed the board members that Economic and Engineering Services, Inc.
is doing a study for the Joint Water Commission. They are looking at facilities
allocation costs and then the master plan of what they need to make the system
work for the next 40 years. One of the items is a new 50-mg reservoir on the
northwest flank of Cooper Mountain and is mostly to serve the City of Hillsboro.
Beaverton and Tualatin Valley currently have reservoirs on Cooper Mountain.
We would like to have the reservoir placed so that we could drive water into the
10-mg reservoir.
The Cach property and the school district property are also being considered for
TWD Meeting Minutes -3 - January 24,2000
The discussion continued on future expansion of reservoirs.
7. Non-Agenda Items - None
8. Next Meeting Date
Tentative schedule for the next meeting is February 28, 2000. This is contingent
upon the decision made at the IWB meeting. Commissioner Buehner will notify
Commissioner Penner of that decision. The TWD may meet the hour before the
joint IWB/TWD meeting.
9. Adjournment
Commissioner Gretchen Buehner moved for adjournment of the meeting, which
was seconded by Commissioner Beverly Froude. The vote to adjourn was
unanimous. The regular meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of
Commissioners adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
TWD Meeting Minutes -4- January 24,2000