03/20/2006 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday,March 20,2006
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: George Rhine,Janet Zeider,Marc Delphine, Charles Radley,
Beverly Froude
Staff Present: Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier
Recorder Greer Gaston
Visitors: Madalyn A..Utz, Ray Utz,Phil Decker,LaVelle Haas,Jeff Cameron,
Helen Honse, Patti Fowler, Kinton Fowler,John Carter,Roy
Kindrick,Janice Kindrick,Luciana Lopez, Ken Henschel,Lisa
Hamilton-Thick, Kesmira McVey,Judy Carter,John Barth (sp?),
Wynne Wakkila,Tom Ruyusson (sp?)
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
The Tigard Water District (TWD) meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Commissioner
George Rhine, at 7:04 p.m. and staff called roll.
2. Discussion of the Friends of Bull Mountain's Request to Fund the Comprehensive
Feasibility Study Required for Incorporation
Commissioner Rhine introduced Keshmira McVey,a representative of the Friends of Bull Mountain.
Ms.McVey provided the Commissioners with a map and distributed a handout regarding the group's
request for the Tigard Water District(I'WD) to fund the comprehensive feasibility study.The map and
handout are on file in the TWD record.Ms.McVey read the handout to die Commissioners which
requested the TWD's financial support in funding die economic feasibility study for the Friends of
Bull Mountain in the amount of$34,000. She referred to the newly formed City of Damascus as
The feasibility study is scheduled to be completed by mid-April and then reviewed with county
officials and submitted as part of die petition for incorporation. It would form the basis of the long-
range planning needs and all the urban services that are required,including water, sewer,parks,police,
The costs for the economic feasibility study are based on estimated time and materials compared with
the study the consultant performed for Damascus.
There are over 250 active members of Friends of Bull Mountain.
Commissioner Rhine opened up the meeting for comments from citizens.
Phil Decker, 14540 SW 148"'Place,unincorporated Bull Mountain.
As a former judge pro-temp and licensed attorney,Mr.Decker could not lend his name to die
support of Mr.Radley's report,and he therefore reluctantly resigned from the Steering Committee.
Tigard Water District Draft Copy March 20, 2006
Mr. Decker was in opposition of any loan,grant, or gift to the Friends of Bull Mountain or similar
organization that seeks to obtain public or quasi public funds for their own purposes.
1. Friends of Bull Mountain is a non-profit organization,but not a public, quasi-public,or any type
of government organization.
2. The TWD board does not have legal jurisdiction to write a check to any entity and he advised
the board to obtain a legal opinion.
3. The TWD is not an ATM machine,but an official governmental representative of the water rate
payers and their interests regarding water rates,services and planning. The Board has ample
opportunities within its own resources to obtain information without paying for this study that
others say is needed. The TWD is running the show and does not need Friends of Bull
Mountain to do anything on their behalf unless specifically contracted to do so.
Mr. Decker questioned whether the TWD had the authority to do what was being asked by using rate
payer money to fund the request from Friends of Bull Mountain. He was concerned that Mr.Radley
had a conflict of interest,was biased and prejudice on the issue at hand and should disqualify himself
from discussions and voting on the matter.
Commissioner Radley commented that he also questioned some issues like legal jurisdiction. He said
the report Mr.Decker referred to was a CPO4B governance study that was a team effort where he
acted as chair or facilitator for the committee and wrote a minimal portion of the report that focused
on the option of annexing to King City. It was a gross inaccuracy to refer to the report as his.
Mr.Decker stated that the title page would speak for itself. Commissioner Radley said it was a CPO
report and he applauded the other CPO members that worked on the report.
Commissioner Delphine asked Mr.Decker how the Damascus feasibility study for incorporation
differed from this issue and Mr. Decker responded simply that nobody challenged it in court.Legal
advice was again recommended.
Ken Henschel, 14530 SW 144`''Avenue,unincorporated Bull Mountain.
He stated he was the Chair of CPO4B. The CPO represents the unincorporated Bull Mountain and
part of Tigard and recently completed a study of governance options;it was an unbiased report with
five different governance possibilities. Mr.Radley was one of ten volunteers who helped with the
report. The report is available in the Tigard Public Library.
Commissioner Radley distributed a handout containing minutes from the Sunrise Water Authority
(SWA). The handout is on file in the TWD records. He stated he had met with the Sunrise Water
Authority to find out what they had done for Damascus. He said there were differences in the
organizations and this may not be applicable to this situation. ORS 279 has been amended since the
formation of Damascus. Sunrise Water Authority was organized under ORS 450 which is different.
He agreed there should be legal review.
Commissioner Froude recommended hearing from Mr. Koellerneier the history of why SWA was
different than this situation. Commissioner Radley stated there was a memorandum of understanding
(MOD) that was created made up of Clackamas County entities,including the fire district and SWA.
The discussion continued with.Commissioner Delphine indicating that the Board represented the
residents of the district, 90%of which reside on Bull Mountain, and considered it the Board's
responsibility to these people to see the feasibility study through. Commissioner Rhine stated the
Tigard Water District Draft Copy March 20, 2006
Board's purview was water,not governance. The issue of precedence set by Damascus was further
discussed and the major portion of the Board considered it would not be wise to use SWA as an
example since they may or may not have acted within legal bounds.Legal advice would be required
before making any decision.
Lisa Hamilton-Treik—13565 SW Beef Bend Road,unincorporated area.
She is a Director of Friends of Bull Mountain. She was surprised by Mr.Decker's comments as he
was a strong supporter of Friends of Bull Mountain,testified at the state offices,then abruptly
resigned from the Steering Committee. She considered Mr.Decker's negative comments biased by
personal feelings about Commissioner Radley. The Friends of Bull Mountain is not asking the Board
to do something outside their authority,but would appreciate support.
Commissioner Fronde stated that Mr. Decker's comments were in no way solicited, die Board had no
prior contact with him,and Mr.Decker was entitled to his viewpoints on the issue.
Winne Wakkila- 15522 SW 141x`,unincorporated area.
This long process began over two years ago. She hoped the TWD would support them.
Public comment was closed.
Mr. Koelleuneier explained what his research on the issue found.No staff recommendation would be
made,but he would express questions,issues,and concerns staff thought the board should consider
before making and determination:
• Very little known about the study
• Obtain scope,schedule and author's credentials
• Contract between author and owner
• Legal status of owner and can they accept public funding
• Obtain written statement from owner explaining in detail how the study would benefit the
TWD. How can 100% of the value of the study be attributed to the TWD when they did not
commission the study?Partial funding may be considered.
• Tigard Community Development Director,Tom Coffee,who is familiar with the contents of
an economic feasibility study,said he did not believe die study would be beneficial or valuable
to the TWD.
• Mr. Coffee also said the county intends to do planning in areas 63&64 and this information
would be available to die TWD free-of-charge.
• Areas 63, 64,and entire TWD boundary has already been studied in a master plan
■ Total cash assets of the TWD = $104,481
• Income to TWD = $14,666 annually(1%of retail sales and interest earned on balance)
• Current request from Friends of Bull Mountain= 32.5%total cash assets
• Board has no adopted policy in place regarding donations
• Who would the board be providing funds to,Friends of Bull Mountain,the consultant?
■ Has a contract been prepared?
• What guarantees are there that die study will be completed?
• Would a donation to Friends of Bull Mountain be deemed a legal expense per state law?If
determined an illegal expense,it is possible die board and its members could be held
personally liable to reimburse the funds.
• Recommended the Board get legal advice before proceeding.
• Any resident within the district can challenge an expenditure.
• Substantial differences between a water district(PWD) and a water authority(SWA) and are
formed under two different laws.Water authority cannot be taken over by a city but can exist
Tigard Water District Draft Copy March 20, 2006
1 if it so chooses;with a district,a city could form and withdraw territory from the district, or a
district could reside within a city for a long time and dissolve when territory is withdrawn
■ Political issues affected the Damascus situation according to the SWA general manager,but
the major determining factor was to keep Clackamas River water in the Clackamas basin and
keep Multnomah County and Gresham from infringing upon them.
• If the board funds the request and the action is challenged,the board will incur the cost to
defend itself.
• If the Board was interested in pursuing the request,he recommends they seek legal advice and
answers to these questions and concerns.
Commissioner Delphine asked if the TWD would dissolve if Bull Mountain were incorporated or
annexed by Tigard. Mr.Koellermeier responded that if Tigard annexed Bull Mountain,there is a
process the city follows to withdraw areas from the district and place in the city. There could be an
arrangement where a district continues to operate within a city and the Tualatin Valley Water District
is a good example of that.There are areas in the TWD that fall outside the Bull Mountain study area
and those customers would still need some type of representation.The Board could continue to
operate or could turn the function over to the county to operate on behalf of those customers.
Another aspect that affects the decision would be the existing agreement between the TWD,city and
the 1WB which requires a 10-year notice to terminate the contract on either side.
Commissioner Radley expressed his thanks to his fellow Commissioners for participating in this
sperial meeting.He felt obligated to bring the issue before the public.
Ms.McVey commented that the study was underway and scheduled to be completed in mid-April.
Costs are being incurred and are payable 30 days following the completion of the study,therefore,
time is of the essence. Commissioner Radley commented on the issue of IGA&MOU and reported
that one other district in the area has been contacted regarding funding of the study.
Commissioner Rhine summa rived the two issues at hand: obtaining legal opinion of the Board's
ability to make such a decision and whether the TWD has the desire and would it benefit them to
spend 32% of the total revenues to fund the study.
There was some discussion about the timeline for Friends of Bull Mountain and Commissioner
Delphine suggested expediting things by talking with an attorney right away. Commissioner Froude
said the next meeting is scheduled for April 24th.
Commissioner Radley commented on spending the 32% of cash on hand for this study,considered it a
bad idea for any public agency to be sitting on money and not doing anything with it. Commissioner
Rhine said that source of water was a very important subject and it was important to examine how
spending the money now could perhaps deprive the TWD of participating in water related studies in
the next twenty or fifty years.
Commissioner Rhine terminated the discussion on the Friends of Bull Mountain proposal,stating the
Board would take the request seriously,but it was a new issue with no prior policy. He understood the
urgency on behalf of the Friends of Bull Mountain,but was not inclined to make that the District's
sense of urgency. The Board needed to figure out what to do and get legal advice.
Commissioner Radley made a motion for the Board to engage legal counsel to determine if
the Board has the authority to entertain the Friends of Bull Mountain's request to fund the
comprehensive feasibility study. Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion. The motion
was approved by unanimous vote.
Tigard Water District Draft Copy March 20, 2006
Commissioner Rhine was not sure if Clark Balfour was available to represent this issue,but advised
staff to contact Mr.Balfour to find out if he would expand his scope to include this issue. Ms.
Hamilton-Treik expressed her concern about using Mr. Balfour as representation. Commissioner
Rhine stated that Mr.Koellermeier has had no contact with the attorney,but has taken direction from
the Chairman of the Board.
Ms.Hamilton-Treik stressed the need for unbiased legal counsel, asked for clarity of duties and
responsibilities with clear boundaries for the attorney representing the interests of water district rate
payers. Commissioner Delphine said he received calls from residents questioning the involvement and
interests of the attorney.
3. Discussion of the Bylaws and Bylaw Modifications
Commissioner Rhin commented that the bylaws were out-of-date and were done when the TWD
operated as its own entity before the NVB agreement. He thought there should be new bylaws,but
was not sure what legal process to follow for adopting a new set. Staff research suggests consulting
the Board's attorney.
Commissioner Radley said two sections seemed to conflict with each other and suggested creating
bylaws that would reconcile the conflicting sections. It was suggested that other water districts be
contacted that may have similar structure to the TWD and review their bylaws. Commissioner
Radley said the current bylaws were not bad and thought they were typical of water district bylaws.
Commissioner Rhine said there were some areas they have not been conforming to and some
areas that were not applicable. Commissioner Radley noted the provision states the Board must
meet monthly.
Wynne Wakkila suggested using the phrase"in accordance with state law"in policy and procedures
manuals, etc., then when state law changes the core is still in place.
Ken Henschel said he was appalled the Board was not intimately familiar with the bylaws. He
received a copy of the bylaws and can see areas where the Board is not complying with die bylaws.
He recommends the Board thoroughly study and know the operating procedures.
Commissioner Rhine explained that this TWD Board of Commissioners is far different than when
these bylaws were created and pointed out that this was done before the agreement with Tigard. The
current board has used the bylaws where it seems to fit and with these new developments,it does not
fit well. Commissioner Froude stated that the TWD was an independent board in one way,but they
were part of the larger organization of the IWB and decisions for the entire area have been made by
the IWB representatives. Commissioner Rhine said it was clear they needed to revise the bylaws and
operating procedures.
Mr. Koellermeier recommended that this issue should also be referred to legal counseL He further
suggested the Board of Commissioners review the bylaws and work on what needs to be changed. He
will look for similar bylaws in similar agencies. Commissioner Rhine asked oilier board members to
review and mark up bylaws and bring those suggested changes to the next meeting.He will contact
their attorney and discuss what procedures to take to make the changes.
Commissioner Radley made a motion for the board to contact an attorney in order to
determine the process to change the bylaws,taking into account updates in the law, and to
consider the effect that the 1993 intergovernmental agreement has on the bylaws.
Tigard Water District Draft Copy March 20, 2006
Commissioner Delphine seconded the motion.The motion was approved by unanimous
Mr.Koelleuneier touched on the issue about whether he could be unbiased. Depending on board
direction,which has been far more active on various issues over the last six months,he may not be
able to represent the TWD and the city. Consider,along with the bylaws and rules,the context of the
budget and if city staff cannot represent at this level of activity. If city staff removes themselves from
Board representation,the replacement would be a substantially higher cost as compared to city.It is
possible that the Board and City will have a conflict of interest.Another issue is the volume of work,
as an example,he received 27 emails in the last month and a half,which is about 20 more than he has
received from the entire board over the last five years. So there is a definite change in volume.
Commissioner Froude said that was a good discussion point and they needed to understand that this
has been an interim board from1993 until now. This issue is part of the larger picture. Perhaps the
Board should discuss why the TWD should have the City of Tigard as administrative staff.
Commissioner Rhine said that under the circumstances may at some point be appropriate to
terminate and hire someone else,but recognize it will be at a higher rate to have that done.
Wynne Wakk ila policies set aside from operating procedures.
Commissioner Froude asked if they could be provided a defining map,past and present, depicted
the district and how the creation of a new city might impact the district. Mr. Koellermeier said the
last one he knew of was done in the mid-80s. He will arrange for an updated map of the district
Mr. Koellermeier commented that the next major piece of work to be formulated was the budget
for next year. He suggested more guidance in the budget process than has been in the past.
4. Discussion of Section 2.02C of the Bylaws Related to the Chairperson's Term of Office
The current bylaws say the chair serves only one consecutive term. Past practice has not been in
compliance with this section.
Staff reported that ORS 264 no longer contains regulations limiting terms of office.
Commissioner Delphine moved we table this motion until they could consult with an attorney.
No second and the motion died. However, discussion continued and the Board decided to leave
the issue until later.
5. Adjournment
At 8:41 p.m. Commissioner Delphine motioned to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Froude
seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
k-i > UU SDI f tLti/
Twila Willson,TWD Recording Secretary
Date: 4///4/6/o
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Tigard Water District Draft Copy March 20, 2006