03/28/2005 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday, March 28, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: George Rhine, Beverly Froude, and Janet Zeider
Members Absent: Marc Delphine and Norm Penner (excused)
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier, Michelle Wareing, Tom lmdieke,
and Twila Willson
Visitors: None
1. Call to Order
Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Norm Penner was out of town and Commissioner Marc Delphine asked to
be excused because of a previous commitment.
3. Approval of Minutes— February 28, 2005
Commissioner Beverly Froude motioned to approve the minutes, Commissioner Janet
Zeider seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to approve the minutes as
presented for the February 28, 2005, meeting.
4. Visitor's Comments— None
5. Budget Calendar—Tom lmdieke
Tom lmdieke introduced Michelle Wareing to the board members. She will be working
with the TWD during the budget process. Mr. lmdieke's interim assignment as the
Finance Department Manager will require him to work with the city's budget process
over the same period of time..
Mr. lmdieke provided notification of the budget calendar and prepared a proposed
budget for review by the board.
6. Initial Input for FY '05-06 Budget—Tom lmdieke
Mr. lmdieke used the same direction that was given last year to create the proposed
budget, allowing the opportunity to access all funds during the fiscal year without having
to go through major budget amendments.
Commissioner Froude questioned how the budget would be impacted as the Bull
Mountain area was annexed. Mr. Imdieke responded that there would be a potential
base decrease, but consumption in other areas will outpace that amount.
April 25, 2005, is the next meeting in the budget process when the board will select a
budget officer, appoint the budget committee members and discuss the proposed budget
Appointed budget committee members will need to attend the May 23 meeting to review
the proposed budget and make recommendations.
7. Long-Term Water Supply Update— Dennis Koellermeier
Drought- Mr. Koellermeier reported that it was too early to tell if there would be drought
problems. Drought planning begins in April and 90-day forecasts are used to base that
information. Currently, reservoirs are full. Bull Run is rain dependent, not snow
dependent. Spring rain is what is needed. Power at Bonneville and Columbia system
does not impact our water supply. Mr. Koellermeier has secured 114% of our water
needs, however it is too early to see how that will affect Tigard financially. Staff will keep
board updated as time goes on. Currently there is an adequate water supply.
Bend area is snow based for their water needs. Hagg Lake will not be full this time of
year since space is needed to avoid flooding of the Tualatin River when the snow melts.
Lake Oswego negotiations have been reopened. Tigard will take water from them this
year and will use as much as possible while still meeting minimum purchase agreement
with Portland. Lake Oswego negotiations will require amending the old contract.
JWC -A decision will need to be made about the Hagg Lake dam raise project very soon.
Tigard continues meeting with the Willamette River Coalition as water rights are
affected. There has been a major push to clean the water.
Portland Contract-Wholesalers have taken issue with Mayor Potter's approach to the
reservoir/filter/treatment plant issue. They felt he ignored his largest customers, the
wholesale group. Improvement will run $60m for the cheapest project and $190m for the
most expensive. Currently it is hard to project our rates as we are still unsure if we will
be under contract with Portland, so it may or may not affect us. There are still too many
variables. There will be rate increases and we will pay our share.
Water Rate Increase —Tigard is in the last of the 3-year schedule for water rate
increases. Staff is in the process of studying whether another rate increase will be
required. Water revenue bond sales will be needed in the future. Staff is working with
the Finance Dept. on a multi-year plan for increases at approximately 7% per year.
Future capital drives Tigard's needs. Tigard is now building a base so we won't need to
go into as much debt later.
Quarterly Water Supply Update - On April 12, 2005, staff will make a presentation
(approximately 50 minutes)to the City Council and Intergovernmental Water Board
which will be televised to the public. TWD members are invited to attend. This will put
into effect a major education process beginning with the history of water issues. Press
releases will be following too and include printed information every week throughout the
8. Non-Agenda Items
A future agenda item will include discussing the use of Water District property at the
Canterbury site for possible development of a park (1.5 acres approx.). Staff is looking
into water needs at the site, but is hopeful to have that information soon to present to the
board. The board suggested looking at all the properties for possible park use. Mr.
Koellermeier said the Clute property was also being looked at for a possible park.
Twila Willson presented an updated election report. Incumbent, George Rhine is
seeking position #1 and Charles Radley is seeking position #2. The election is May 17.
9. Set next meeting —April 25, 2005 at 7:00 p.m., Tigard Water Auditorium
10. Adjournment
Commissioner Zeider motioned to adjourn, Commissioner Froude seconded the motion,
and the vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.