07/26/2004 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday, July 26, 2004
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: George Rhine, Beverly Froude, Norm Penner, Marc
Delphine and Janet Zeider
Staff Present: Brian Rager and Twila Willson
Visitors: Henrietta Cochran
1. Call to Order
Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Staff called roll and all members were present
3. Approval of Minutes— May 17, 2004
Commissioner Norm Penner motioned to approve the minutes, Commissioner Beverly
Froude seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously to accept minutes
of June 28, 2004.
4. Visitor Comments
Henrietta Cochran, from King City, (once served on the Task Force Committee)
expressed her desire that recommendations be made to follow the City of Wilsonville's
lead and pursue the Willamette River as a water source.
5. Selection of Officers
The board members discussed the various positions and voted unanimously to fill
positions as follows:
TWD Chair— George Rhine IWB Representative — Norm Penner
TWD Vice-Chair— Marc Delphine IWB Alternate — Janet Zeider
6. Long-Term Water Supply Update— Brian Rager
Peak Water Usage - Brian Rager reported that weekend weather was very hot with
water usage reaching close to peak conditions (Fri. 13.4; Sat.13.1; Sun. 12.5). Last
year the peak was 14 mgd and this year the peak reached 13.6 mgd the week prior to
this one. The Water Division has been pleasantly surprised with water usage under
Tigard Water District Draft Copy July 26, 2004
the extremely hot weather conditions. There was also a water main break during
those extremely hot days. Water conservation is working.
Handouts were distributed:
• ASR Well Site Pump Testing memo from Brian Rager— summarized the
challenges with testing: noise and where to disburse water, discharging to the north,
and working well. Some water was running across a street to go down a drainage
culvert area. An open house was held in advance to notify citizens in the area of the
testing and door hangers were distributed. Several phone calls were received
requesting more information, one about water running over phone control boxes and
another about the swale drainage and possible erosion to property, and both were
satisfactorily resolved.
When the well head improvements are installed, sound dampening devices will be
implemented. The water will be tied into a storm system and on-site detention area.
Winter injection requires some back flushing, which deters blockage of the system.
The consultant will design an on-site detention system.
The unsuccessful well site will be capped off and used as a data logging site and be
helpful for hydro-geologist's testing.
• Invitation to tour the Sain Creek Tunnel intake location site.
• Notice about Bull Mountain Annexation public meeting.
Alberta Rider School/Reservoir— July 12 was the Hearing's Officer meeting. The
issue dealt with building of a public street. The School District is concerned about
safety and cost; they do not want to build a street connection. The Hearing's Officer
now will rule, however the decision could be appealed with City Council. There is not
yet an intergovernmental agreement with the School District and land use issues are
still being worked on. Tigard is at 30% of design and may not be able to meet the
School District's scheduling if they go ahead with a September 2005 finish date.
7. Intergovernmental Water Board Update - None
8. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Penner stated that the alternate would need to attend the IWB meeting
in his place on August 17, 2005.
9. Set next meeting date— October 25, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., Tigard Water
10. Adjournment
Commissioner Janet Zeider motioned to adjourn, Commissioner Marc Delphine
seconded the motion, and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:33 pm.
Tigard Water District Draft Copy July 26, 2004