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10/25/1999 - Packet
FILE COPY TIGARD WATER urs BOARD D of COMMISSIONERS MEETING _ Serving,the Unincorporated Area-- AGENDA Monday; October 25; 1999 6:80 p.m 1. Callao Order 2. Roll Call.and Introductions 3. Approval of minutes a. September 27, 1999 4. Visitors Comments 5. Disclosure and Waiver of Potential Conflict 6. Intergovernmental Water Board Update 7 Utility Manager's Report 8.: Non-Agenda Items 9: Adjournment Executive Session: The Tigard Water District Board may,go into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) (d), (e),& (h)to discuss labor : relations, real property transactions, and current and pending-litigation issues: Alt discussions within this session are confidential; therefore nothing from this : meeting may be_disclosed by those present. Representatives of the news. media are allowed to attend this session, but must not disclose any information:::. discussed during this session. pvaltwdS1O-25.an TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 Members Present George Rhine, David Strauss, Norman Penner, Beverly Froude, Gretchen Buehner Staff Present: Ed Wegner, Mike Miller, Bill Monahan, Kathy Kaatz, Twila Willson, Paul Hunt Visitors Present Patrick Carroll, Roel Lundquist, Jan Drangsholt, Jane Turner, Scott Gilmore, Rick Stallcomp, Drew Bollinger, Tim Sercombe and Jack Polans 1. Call to Order The regular meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners was called to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Introductions Roll call was taken with all members present with the exception of Gretchen Buehner who would be arriving late. (Commissioner Buehner arrived at 7:12 p.m.) Mike Miller made introductions to the new Confidential Executive Assistant, Twila Willson, who would be taking minutes at the TWD meetings. 3. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the June 28 meeting were approved as submitted. The minutes of the August 30 meeting were also approved as submitted with one correction noted on page 2, under#5 Non Agenda Items pertaining to the taking of minutes at TWD meetings. The approval of minutes was voted on and passed unanimously by the four members present. 4. Visitor's Comments Large number of guests acknowledged. Mr. Jack Polans addressed the Board and requested he be heard following the discussion of an item listed further down on the agenda. Commissioner Penner agreed to consider each item as they come to it and will entertain questions from the floor. TWD Meeting Minutes - 1 - September 27, 1999 A considerable dialog followed regarding Mr. Polans' freelance writer associations. It was concluded he is not representing any publication and does not publish anywhere or make money on his writing. 5. Insurance Agent of Record— Drew Bollinger& Loreen Mills Loreen Mills was not present. Mr. Bollinger directed discussion about the coverage carried at present time and whether it is all needed. Mr. Bollinger distributed brief coverage summary packets to each of the Commissioners and gave a summation of his extensive prior experience insuring water districts. Previously he was insuring districts through Safeco until about five years ago when they switched everything over to the Special Districts Insurance Services (SDIS). The pricing is extremely competitive and the coverage is very broad. Discussion ensued pertaining to various areas of coverage. Property coverage section of policy is not needed, as it is included in the City's coverage. Section 2, General Liability also not necessary. Business auto section. Umbrella insurance currently at $2,000,000 with premium at $600.00, could be dropped in half to $1,000,000 and would cut premium in half. The Commissioners decided to keep at the current $2,000,000 level of coverage. Bonds — There is a Highway Permit Bond at $2,000 which is a four-year bond and is required by the City of Tigard. This premium is already paid for and runs to the year 2001. Through discussion it was decided this coverage is now under the City's coverage and would be a duplication so is no longer required. This Highway Permit will be eliminated. Annual Bond (standard fidelity bond) picks up employee dishonesty, i.e., theft of money, securities, or anything. Mr. Wegner indicated that a lot of these items are covered through the City of Tigard. Mr. Wegner will provide verification of the request to eliminate the Highway Permit Bond. Mr. Bollinger will back these decisions up with a letter—he will be eliminating the Property, leave the General Liability where it is, delete the Highway Permit if it is indeed not needed, and the annual bond. Mr. Bollinger will address letter to Commissioner Penner, do Ed Wegner at Public Works. At 7:33 p.m. the Board of Commissioners adjourned into the Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) (d) (e) & (h) to discuss labor relations, real property transactions and current and pending litigation issues. It was expected that the TWD meeting reconvene at approximately 8:00 p.m. The Executive Session adjourned at 8:58 p.m. and took a brief break before commencing the regular TWD meeting. TWD Meeting Minutes -2- September 27, 1999 At 9:06 p.m. the Board of Commissioners reconvened the regular session. Commissioner Buehner: The chair moves that we instruct legal council (Mr. Timothy Sercombe) to do further research into the ramifications of the Intergovernmental Agreement as to how a court reviewing of the agreement would interpret the enforceability of the agreement and the ramifications thereof. Also, what changes would need to be made to the agreement to resolve the problems that we have been discussing for the future. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Commissioner Buehner, directing her remarks to legal council, requested he report the findings at the next regular meeting of the TWD on Monday, October 25. She also requested that copies of the report be sent or faxed to the board members prior to that meeting. Ed Wegner suggested the copies be sent to the Public Works Department and he would see that they were faxed or delivered to the members. Commissioners Buehner and Penner decided to make the necessary copies or faxes. All members were present and voted AYE; the motion passed unanimously. 6. Extra Territorial Water Service— SW 131St Avenue Ed Wegner made the presentation of extra territorial water service for Mr. Stallcomp's property, a portion of which is located in Urban Reserve 47. In 1992 the Water District allowed extra territorial water to go across his property to service neighboring properties, but not his property. Mr. Wegner read a portion of the ordinance, which reads, "...when proof is provided that existing source of water is insufficient to sustain reasonable standards of living." The owner cannot drill a well on his property and he has no other way of receiving domestic water. We are currently providing water to the surrounding properties and that a meter for an adjacent property is on Mr. Stallcomp's property. He is outside the water service area, but stated in the resolution he does meet criteria (#2) that allows it. Commissioner Strauss called the vote to include the property in the extra territorial water service. It was moved by Commissioner Rhine to include his property, Commissioner Buehner seconded. The motion to approve the extra territorial water service was voted on; 4 AYE's and 1 abstention. 7. Intergovernmental Water Board Update Commissioner Buehner reviewed her findings at that meeting. Discussions included possible withdrawal by the City from the consortium which is basically being driven by the Portland/Bull Run group. Several partners are not very _. happy and a letter will be forthcoming from the IWB chair stating the intent to withdraw. TWD Meeting Minutes -3- September 27, 1999 Percentage contracts were also discussed to increase the revenue—no definite figure was stated. Discussion followed deciding between 2 or 3%. Commissioner Strauss suggested 2% be approved by the Board, it was seconded. All voted in favor. This would create more revenue. Commissioner Buehner will take this recommendation to the IWB. Commissioner Penner requested an annual meeting of all the boards as per the agreement. 8. Utility Manager's Report Mike Miller presented the Raw Water Monitoring report. He also presented information regarding construction projects. Washington County will be installing 24" water main beginning February 2000 on the north side of Beef Bend Road. Substantial completion would be July 2000. Another construction project scheduled in conjunction with ODOTfor the removal of a portion of 24-inch line under 1-5 by Bonita Road and the addition to the 36 inch casing holding the line. Completion of this project should be before October 22. The 1998 Water Quality Report was presented to the Board. They were very impressed with the quality of the brochures. The brochures are being mailed to all serviced by TWD. The brochure for next year's report is due July 1, 2000. Much of the language included is mandatory and it also contains information pertaining to our crews. We are already gearing up for next year's brochure. It was requested that the regular TWD meetings begin at an earlier time in order to accommodate the staff. The earliest time that would fit into the Board member's schedule is 6:30 p.m. 9. Non Agenda Items There were no non-agenda items for discussion. 10. Adjournment The regular meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners adjourned at 9:44 p.m. TWD Meeting Minutes -4- September 27, 1999 • •Sep 24 (1999 15:811:811 Via/Fax -> Mr. Michael Miller Page 882 Of 8HZ X134_, 1! i f Y r3 September 24, 1999 Utility briefs Kentucky River Authority to keep the company's storage WILSONVILLE,ORE.R9ilsonville residents this Pool full,flows are at their lowest levels in 44 years. week voted 54 percent to 46 percent to authorize a$25SAN GABRIEL VALLEY.EPA this week million revenue bond to build a plant to began treating announced a deal that will have 11 companies in Willamette Paver water by spring 2003.Voters in nearby Southern California's San Gabriel Valley ante up$200 Tigard.meanwhile,voted 84 percent to 16 percent to million to clean up the valley'souidwater,a major amend the city charter to require voter approval to use the supply of drinkingwater for valley residents that has rives as a source of drinking water,which city councilbeen contaminated with volatile organic chemicals and members agreed to do earlier this year.Wilsonville,which perchlorate.After years of negotiations under federal has experienced regular groundwater shortages that forced Superfund taws that left EPA on the verge of issuing a longstanding moratorium on development,is hoping cleanup orders,the companies.which include GenCorp several other area suppliers,including Tigard,will support Aerolet and Mobil Corp.,agreed on terms to build an its project but is prepared to move ahead on its own.The $85 million treatment facility within two and a half years Tualatin`alley Water District has already committed and cover annual operating costs for 30 years.EPA and $16.2 million to help build the plant,and decisions are also the companies must next finalize project specifics, pending in Sherwood and Tualatin(Ilualatin council including who gets the plant's treated water.In related members are scheduled to vote next week on whether to developments,the San Gabriel BasinWater Quality join the project').Wilsonville says its bond will be enough Authority recently dedicated a South El Monte treatment to build a 5-mgd plant to meet its own needs or provide a plant designed to stop the flow contaminated San Gabriel Basin groundwater into the Central Basin,and sizable share of an estimated$92 million,35-entad facility the La Puente Valley County Water District is nearing that would serve the other potential partners. completion of a plant that will be among the first to CHEYENNE,WYO.Construction has begun on a new conventional water treatment plant that will replace remove perchlorate.For details,check the Web at a 25-year-old,15-mgd direct filter plant and a 86-year- wwwdeltanet.com/sgvw or wJwrw.w=aterrnaster.org old,8-md conventional plant and double Cheyenne's MILWAUKEE.After scrutinizing three proposals g water treatment capacity.The city's Board of Public for taking over customer service,meter reading,and billing,the Utilities awarded Ohio-based Danis EnvironmentalMilwaukee'Water Works has decided to retain Industries a $29.8 million contract to build the plant, its business operations because costs in each proposal which along with expenditures for equipment will cost were similar to its own to provide enhanced customer just over$35 million.Construction of the facility,which service(relational database for customer service system, will feature mune and chloramines disinfection and automated meter reading,and integrated voice response). preoxidation for manganese control,is expected to be MWW officials said they have realized efficiencies in the complete by fall of 2001.Funding came in the form of a utility's business operations in the two years since a $28 million loan from the state's mineral trust fund,a$4 competitiveness study was conducted. million loan from the state Drinking Water Revolving MISSOURI RIVER.Water utilities that rely on the Fund and$4 million set aside by the city,which expects Missouri River stand to benefit from a new plan developed to raise rates from$211,000 gallons to about$2.44/1,000 by the eight basin states and Missouri River Basin Association,which includes Indian interests,that will gallons over four years to pay off the loans. change the way the river's flow is managed.Key issues for KENTUCKY-AMERICAN.While hurricane rains the basin states of Missouri,Kansas,Iowa.Nebraska, have relieved drought conditions in many eastern Wi seaboard states,the Kentucky-American Water Co.was �Ong'Mortara,North Dakota,and South Dakota forced Sept. 7 to reinstate a full water-shortage alert in were protection of endangered species and distribution of Louisville that remains in effect through September.First water for municipal,industrial and commercial uses, includinissued in early August when drought severely diminished navigation service.The plan,in the form of Kentucky River flows but partially lifted at month's end, recommendations to the US Amoy Corps of Engineers, the alert includes mandatory water-use limits.Although calls for more water to be stored in reservoirs,at the valves in a series of dams along the river have allowed the expense of shipping activities,to better prepare for a potential drought. WATERWEEK is published weekly by the American Water Works Association, 6666 W. Quincy Ave., Denver CO 80235. Copyright© 1999 by AWWA Distribution limited to recipient facility. Editor: Mark Scharfenaker. Phone: 303-347-6263. Fax: 303-794-7310. E-mail: mscharfeeawwa.org. Associate Editor: Steve Peralta_ E-mail: speraltac tlawwa_org..Tr subscribe call 303-347-6167.Internet site: http://www.awwa_orgMwaterweek Expanded reporting of selected stories in AWWA MAINSTREAM. 1:1 PRESTON GATES & ELLIS L L P A T T O R N E l S T I M O T H l" J SERCOMBE DIREC T L INE I S 0 3 ) _ 2 5 - 5 7 2 6 September 28, 1999 Norman R. Penner COPY c/o Ed Wagner City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Disclosure and Waiver of Potential Conflict Dear Mr. Penner: The purpose of this letter is to seek a waiver of any potential conflict of interest in connection with the work we have been asked to do for the Tigard Water District in the City of Tigard. Because we represent the City of Tigard (the "City") on other unrelated matters, your consent is needed to waive this potential conflict of interest. Under the Oregon Code of Professional Responsibility Disciplinary Rules ("DR"), an attorney may not represent clients whose "objective personal, business or property interests...are adverse." DR 5-105(A)(2). Also, under the Disciplinary Rules, an attorney may not oppose a current client, even on an unrelated matter, without full disclosure and consent. DR 10- 101(B) provides: "'Full disclosure' means an explanation sufficient to apprise the recipient of the potential adverse impact on the recipient, of the matter to which the recipient is asked to consent. "* ** '[F]ull disclosure' shall also include a recommendation that the recipient seek independent legal advice to determine if consent. should be given. Full disclosure shall be contemporaneously confirmed in writing." Preston Gates & Ellis LLP presently represents the City of Tigard on municipal finance issues and has given finance advice in the past on the intergovernmental agreements currently at issue. Oregon DR 7-101 requires us to zealously represent the Tigard Water District to the best of our ability, notwithstanding our relationship with the City of Tigard. A LIMITED LIABILITI PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING OTHER !_I\111 is I ' ANCHORAGE • COEUR D"ALENE • HONG KONG • Los ANGELES • ORANGE COUNTY • Po RI l \U I • 222 SW COLUMBIA STREET SUITE 1400 PORTLAND. OREGON 97201-6032 sfl'- '- ,]"'' - .• -'" " • 0.G tle•.lungeIe,"cum PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLP Norman R. Penner September 28, 1999 Page 2 Oregon DR 10-101(B)(2) requires that I recommend you seek independent counsel to aid you in determining if consent should be given in this instance. Whether or not you do so is e If th r District wishes to waive this conflict, I would appreciate it if you would sign this letter in the space below and return it to me. Please let me know if you need further information on this. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLP Timothy J. :erc mbe On behalf of the Tigard Water District, I waive any conflict of interest in the representation of the Tigard Water District by Preston Gates & Ellis LLP in connection with Preston's representation of the City of Tigard. Norman R. Penner TJS:jlj H:\XJLJ\CONFLICTWAIVER NPENNER RE TIGARD WATER.DOC B01,1_,IGI _ft & SONS INC. 41"."-'''„ 4A,,;,;. P.O.BOX 14130 PORTLAND,ORE.97293-0130 October 8, 1999 Tigard Water District 13125 S W Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 Attn: Mr. Norm Penner,Chairmen RE: Insurance Review Dear Norm, I enjoyed meeting with you and the board September 27, 1999 ; thanks again for getting me in and out fairly quickly. In review of what we discussed it is my understanding that : 1.)We are to delete all property coverages. 2.)The general liability, including Directors & Officers' coverage you wish to remain at $2,500,000. 3.)Lastly, the board would like both the Highway Permit & Faithful Performance Bonds canceled. As I mentioned at the meeting, deleting these items is not a problem, however, to eliminate existing coverage I need a letter from you folks instructing us to do so. An agency envelope is enclosed for your convenience. y questions please give us a call. Be' Regards, J A.Drew Bolliger :olliger& Sons Inc. JAB: mg IF YOU DON'T KNOW INSURANCE, KNOW YOUR AGENT 4iisisrOf PHONE:503/232-9141 1-800-488-4153 FAX:503/233-3040 bolliger@juno.com A6■ September 30, 1999 _ The Times • TT If you can't beat 'em' a.t the polls, beat 'em in court (Editor's Hatt:Soapboxes are SOAPBOX riers to proceeding with the Wilms., within the original district,ignoring by their respective areas to bring outside of the Tigard city limits— guest opinions from our readers, lamette option.Should Tigard fail to city boundaries"(Page 8 D 1). back to the city of Tigard council in King City,Durham and the unin- and anyone is welcome to write one. Jim Hansen proceed with the Willamette option, The agreement also states that and staff what your constituents corporated areas served by the Jim Hansen is a founding member ofthe TWD will initiate legal action "long term water supply contracts believe from your respective areas. Tigard Water System—to voice Tigard Citizens for Safe Water,the against the city,to protect its shall be entered into in accord with Mr.Wegner reiterated the reason for their opinion by indicating their group behind the measure to require their popular votes being challenged ratepayers from the results of the the best interests of water customers the election of the members of this preference of either the continued a citizen vote before going to the in courts of law. city of Tigard's default. within the original district"(Page 10 board was to represent the people in use of Bull Run,or switching to the Willamette River as a source of At the Aug. 10 Tigard City The Tigard Citizens for Safe E). the respective areas. Willamette River. water.) Council meeting,Tigard Water Water presented their legal counsel The intergovernmental agreement Regarding the above,if the inter- Over 280 residents mailed their Board Chairman Norman Penner with Mr.Penner's letter.Their states that the IWB members shall governmental board has ever polled surveys to CFSW and over 97 per- On Sept.21,Measure 34-8 was presented a letter to the Tigard City response was brief:"This is make recommendations to the the people in their respective areas cent preferred Bull Run. approved by 84 percent of the city Council,stating that if the Citizens ridiculous." Tigard City Council in water service to determine their water source So here's the bottom line.Ballot of Tigard voters.The overwhelming for Safe Water Ballot Measure 34-8 In December 1993 the city of issues(Page 3 E).The Tigard City preference,they have not revealed Measure 34.8 has been approved. 6-1 approval of this measure now passes and Tigard does not force the Tigard signed an Intergovernmental Council has the sole and final the results. and if the city of Tigard decides to requires that the Tigard city charter citizens to drink Willamette river Agreement with King City,Durham authority to decide on future capital The end of July 1999 Citizens foi stop its pursuit of the Willamette be changed to require a future vote water,it would put the city of and the unincorporated areas served improvements.The IWB can only Safe Water placed an insert in The River,nothing will change in Mr. of the citizens before the Willamette Tigard in default under the inter- by the Tigard water system.The make recommendations. Regal Courier,askingthose residing River can be used as a drinking governmental agreement.(The agreement became effective Jan. I, This was clarified at the Dec.9, 8 ■See HANSEN,Page A8 water source. Tigard Water Board represents the 1994.The term of the agreement is 1998,Intergovernmental Water A month ago I told a writer for Tigard Water District,which is the until Dec.31,2018,unless sooner Board meeting.I would suggest you I he I Imes• I 1 this paper that I predicted the vote small unincorporated area outside of terminated by one Dr both of the par- go to the Tigard Library and read would be over 80 percent,even the Tigard city limits which receives ties,with 10 years'notice. the minutes of this meeting.Here is t though I thought we would lose water from the Tigard water sys- Under the terms of the agree- an excerpt from those minutes:IWB Hansen: People know vv h at s right about 10 percent of the vote to those tem.) ment,an"Intergovernmental Water Commissioner Bev Froude ques- III ContinuedPage Ti who were confused and would vote Penner's letter further stated that Board"was established,with one tioned the legality of the Citizens for from A6 Tigard City Council.It is indeed un- who against the measure thinking that Tigard's failure to participate in the representative each from Tigard, Safe Water Initiative,saying that it Penner's(unincorporated)water fortunate,because it will only cost they were voting against the Wil- purchase of the Wilsonville property King City,Durham,the"unincor- would disenfranchise the other area,nor in King City nor Durham. the taxpayers additional thousands lamette river. and construction of the water treat- porated area"and one member at members of the Tigard Water ser- They will continue to get their con- of dollars in legal costs,and there is However the word on the street ment plant,transmission lines and large,who is selected by the other vice area.Tigard Public Utilities traded water from Tigard,as before. absolutely no legal basis for his ar- (and from the news reporters who operation of the plant would result members of the board. Director Ed Wegner explained that The city of Tigard can continue gument. - have been calling me)is that the city in damages in excess of$25 million Before filing the initiative peti- since the others have contracted to get its water from the Portland The Tigard City Council may of Tigard and those promoting the to Tigard Water District ratepayers tion,Citizens for Safe Water had our with the city of Tigard to provide Bull Run system,or any other water have a theory that it can wear the Willamette River treatment plant are for separation of the systems. legal counsel carefully study the in- water service they have given up system they choose with the excep- citizens down by legal challenges to not going to let a popular vote of the He further states that it is the tergovernmental agreement.The that right. tion of the Willamette River.If the OVer higher courts(as they did the I citizens stop them,and that there opinion of their legal council that agreement clearly states that"capital Commissioner Froude continued Tigard City Council wishes to pur- Dolan family,which they fought all now may be a legal challenge to the there arc a number of flaws in the projects shall be implemented in ac- by saying that no matter what the sue the Willamette option it will the way to the U.S.Supreme Court validity of our ballot measure.These proposed initiative,which would cord with a long-range capital im- outcome the other members should have to have another vote(as re- on a land taking issue and lost,cost- people in pursuit of the Willamette make it unenforceable.The TWD provement program supported by have the right to vote.Mr.Wegner quired by Measure 34-8,which ing the Tigard taxpayers almost$2 are relentless.And the citizens in requested that the city of Tigard take sound engineering analysis,in the stated that this board was set up to could occur as early as March 2000) million). this state are getting fed up with all necessary steps to stop any bar- best interests of water customers allow the members that were elected before the city can change to Wil- But this time,the City Council is lamette water. not fighting just one family,but over If this vote passes,it means that 90 percent of the citizens in town. Penner's district,along with Tigard, If this council fails to properly King City and Durham,will be defend this measure it may force the receiving Willamette River water citizens to recall the entire City from Tigard. Council and replace them with a It appears that Penner is the pawn group of individuals who will listen in the beginning of the Tigard City to the people.I hope it does not - Council's maneuvering for a legal come to this.But if it does,maybe - challenge of Measure 34-8.It is dif- some day,someone will say to their ficult for me to believe that Penner child,"You can fight City Hall." would have acted on his own(and Those wanting more information on behalf of the residents in his dis- can call Citizens for Safe Water at trtct,who are against the Wil- 590-2818,or visit our website at lamette)without the approval of the www.hevanet.com/safewater. Declare conflict of interest over water Re:The article: "On the water front:All eyes on Tigard." Citizens of Tigard voted in es- sence to take the decision from the City Council to a vote of the people. Or at least to have the right to say "yes"or"no"to drinking water from the Willamette River. But the real issue has not been handled to this day.Is there anyone who is not involved either through ego or financial gain who hired those who performed the analysis on the fitness of the quality of the Wil- lamette as a source of drinking water? needs to do—again. lamette River as a future water Isn't there a governmental source It seems that the issue here is source should step forward and that should be involved here?I politically and/or financial interest declare their conflict of interest. know even that is shaky ground in getting in the way of facts as to the Who else might profit from the , the area of trust.But maybe the safety/quality of the water source. stated communities accepting or citizens of Tigard should have a If there is such a problem,then rejecting the plan to use the Wil- ' town meeting to form a plan if they the City Council of Tigard needs to lamette as a water source? do not trust their mayor and City be digging out the facts of who is Council to work on their behalf. "poisoning the issue."Cool, If the community leaders will If the council is seen as not thoughtful actions are needed at this look for this answer and back up publishing adequate information on point.What is at risk or benefit is their findings,it will go a long way the analysis of the quality of the the future of communities. toward settling this issue once and water nor providing background on Anyone who holds public office, for all. those who've made the analysis, owns land or a business who will in NORMAN ANDERSON then maybe that's what the council any way profit from use of the Wil- Tigard Sign-in Sheet for Tigard Water District October 25, 1999 Name (Please Print) Would you like to speak to the Board? 1 k PoLm c- f(), o GP/ >/ ?S , 1 J