06/23/1997 - Packetwill be an annexation that will need to go before the IWB. Gretchen stated that there is allowance, that
once the area is within the urban reserve that the land owner can individually apply to come inside. Mr.
Wegner stated that if he wants to apply to come in to the urban growth area. he may do so. But, he is only
applying to get water. Commissioner Strauss asked if they need to be contingent to apply? Commissioner
Froude stated no, only in the reserve. Commissioner Froude stated that it is her understanding that urban
reserve vote isn't final. Their land is being looked at and is designated as coming into the urban reserves
when and if that is a final order at some point. Mike stated that it is only for infonnation, and that he
would follow up. The policy has not been changed.
6.IWB Update:
At the last IWB meeting, Ed Wegner talked about the Portland Water. how much we will need to buy, and
the change in the water purchases. Up until the last three years we bought 95% of our water from Lake
Oswego. We have been trying to negotiate with them in long term contact to buy into the water plant. or
to buy more than surplus water. We have been unsuccessful in doing so. Starting last year, we started
buying more Bull Run water. at a million gallons. Starting July l,1997 we will be buying 4 million
gallons per day on the average from the City of Portland. That will allow us to take up to 5 to 6 million
gallons per day without a peaking charge. We ended up peaking one day at the cost of 6 cents per JOO.
What will 4 million gallons of water do for us? That will about take care of our needs right now in the off
season. We now take about 4.2 million gallons, and when it gets warm. it will jump to 5 or 6 million. In
the winter we will buy almost 100 percent of our water from the city of Portland We will still continue to
buy up to 2 million gallons of water a day from Tualatin Valley Water District. They have the same water
source as Portland, so that will give us 6 million gallo�1s per day of Bull Run water. We will continue to
get 1.2 million gallons from our own wells daily. and will buy our peak water from Lake Oswego. It
looks like the average daily demand from Lake Oswego will be a little more than a half million gallons of
water per day, if they can sell it to us. That is over 365 days, and our buying time from Lake Os,vego, will
basically be in the summer. Lake Oswego has been notified. In changing over the water, we will also
need to change our maintenance practices. and watch our water quality. Mike and his staff has been
working very hard with Portland for the past 2-3 months on the pH. lead and copper rules. We are now
included in Portland's program due to the amount of water we buy. As Tualatin Valley buys more
Barney Reservoir water, this will open up more water for us to buy. We will probably sub-contract with
Tualatin Valley. It a win situation. We get water at no capitol cost, Tualatin Valley gets the credit, and it
won't affect Portland's production costs.
Commissioner Haunsperger asked if Tualatin Valleys demand goes up. will they dive into our supply? Ed
stated not for about 7 to IO years, and that buys us time to look at other sources. We will have time to
evaluate our best options for a long term source will be. Our long term source with Lake Oswego will never happen.
Ed stated that we have come a long ways with Portland. and will have do some internal changes. hydrant
flushing program, and working with DEQ. It will be a good constant source of water for us. Portland
water will always be there. We are trying not to buy on the peak day. or the peak hour. We are trying to
bring the price down to the $.60 category within a year or so, and stabilize it. We will not be getting our
water from the Barney Reservoir, strictly from Portland.
7.Pro1losed 7 Year Water Carlita! Im1)rovement Program:
Included in your packet is the 7 year water capital improvement projects. The biggest improvement plan
is the 3. 5 million gallon reservoir at the Menlor site. There are a number of new pipe line constructions
contingent upon timing with the county projects. 1998-99 to install the 24-inch transmission II}ain along
SW Walnut Street from l2Ist & Fonner to SW 135th Avenue. It would be nice if that could be done at
the same time that the county is approving Walnut Street. When the new reservoir goes on line'. we are
looking at the possibility of having that line go in to provide more capacity out to the west end. Another
project that is contingent upon tl1e county is the pipeline construction along Beef Bend Road. If we can
get in when the county does it's improvements. it will cut down on our costs. and we will get it in the right
Tigard Water District Board Meeting-April 28. 1997
location. Commissioner Froude asked if there is talk of building another reservoir on the Menlor site, or
purchasing more land? Mike stated it is on the South side of the Menlor property, if the property becomes
available, we will purchase it probably within 24 hours. Gretchen Buehner questioned with the Measure
4 7 delays under current USA plans they will be building a major pipeline off Beef Bend Road, through
King City to the Tualatin River in 1999. Could that be a back-up plan to do some of the work between
King Arthur and 13 lst? Mike stated that it all depends on the kind of construction they will be doing, and
would be coordinated through Washington County. Commissioner Haunsperger asked if that will extend
the line along Beef Bend Road? Gretchen stated it is to come down through King City on !28th to the
river. Ed Wegner stated that all these projects will be put on hold until legislatures decide what is going
to happen with Measure 47 At the present time. Washington County has put the road construction on
hold. He feels that everyone will be doing their projects together.
8.Operations Manager Report:
An update on the PH from Portland. Portland is adjusting the ph to the water to comply with lead copper
rulings. By doing so, it makes the water not as soft. The ph in Bull Run water usually runs 6.8, now is
7.3-7.4. This will make the water less chorosive. Portland has been able to do enough adjustment on the
ph that the lead and copper present in homes, isn't leaching out to homeowners pipelines. On some of the
older homes that have lead paint, they are educating the homeowners to remove the lead paint from their
homes. The feel this would be less costly, and more beneficial than building a treatment plant.
9.Commissioners Comments:
Chair Penner asked for commissioners comments.
Commissioner Haunsperger asked if formal action should be taken to the IWB our desire for the Water
Building to become the Public Works Building? Commissioner Froude asked if the Water Building were
to be used for a Public Works Facility, etc .. could the auditorium still be used as is today? Ed Wegner
stated that there would need to be modifications. yes it could. The auditorium is a very well used facility.
It has been modified for the emergency operations center. In case of an emergency, this building and the
police department have back-up generators.
Commissioner Haunsperger made a motion to bring these ideas up to the IWB. Chair Penner stated that
Bev can bring to IWB that the TWD board has had a discussion about our feelings about the use of the
Water Building, and that we as the committee that any future plans for the use of the building be directed
towards Public Works activities.
Commissioner Froude asked if Bill Monahan will come back to the IWB and give a report on the changes.
Ed Wegner stated that he feels that unless something happens with the modular, and the people use this
building for four months, he will not need to come back. Ed stated that either he or Bill Monahan will
Commissioner Froude asked if the Farmers Market will be using the Water Building parking lot this year?
Mr. Wegner stated that he has not heard.
The Tigard Water District Board Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Tigard Water District Board Meeting-April 28. 1997