02/25/1997 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
FEBRUARY 25, 1997
Members Present: Chairman Norman Penner, Beverly Froude, David Strauss,
John Haunsperger, John Volpe
Staff Present: Mike Miller, Diane Kuhn
1. Call to Order:
The meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners was called to order at
7:00 p.m. on February 25, 1997, by Chair Penner.
2. Roll Call/Introductions:
All members were present at the meeting
3. Visitors Comments:
No visitors were present at the meeting
4. Approval of the January 27, 1997 Meeting Minutes:
Corrections were made to the minutes. Under Item 5 of the minutes, middle of the last
paragraph. Commissioner Volpe stated "He does not care what the building is used for".
He has no objection to the City of Tigard using the building as they see fit. But he cares
who pays for the building. If the City of Tigard is going to use the building, then they
should pay their share of making the building comply with the ADA, to the extent that
they are using the building. Commissioner Volpe made a motion to approve the minutes
as corrected, and John Haunsperger seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as
5. Discussion of Proposed Newsletter:
Commmissioner Strauss stated that after spending several months of preparation on the
newsletter he feels the letter is ready to be mailed to the customers. Commissioner
Strauss made a motion that the Tigard Water District Board Members names be added to
the bottom of the letter, and have the letter mailed out to the customers. Commissioner
Froude seconded the motion. Motion was opened for discussion. Commissioner Froude
stated that she feels the letter has very important information, it will also be available at
the Senate Bill 122 meetings in April, as Tigard Water Districts contribution. Chair
Penner stated the letter brings out many interesting points about the Tigard Water District
Board of Commissioners. Motion was voted on and approved
Tigard Water District Board Meeting-February 25, 1997
6. Operations Manager Report:
Commissioner Haunsperger asked Mike if he had any new information about any of the
water sources? Mike stated that he did not. Mike stated that Michael Denton, the
customer in Barrington Heights with low pressure, the problem was related to a
malfunction in the pressure regulator. It has been repaired, and he is satisfied. A
gentleman from G. C. Systems, in Seattle came down and set it so that it opens and closes
much faster. During the demand period, pressure increased, and came back down when
the demand dropped off.
On the Menlor property where we are going to build the 3.5 million gallon reservoir, one
concern that the engineers have is that the rock is shallower, and closer to the surface than
we thought originally, bringing the cost up, but there is money to cover the cost. Jerry
Cach who owns the property to the South, is in the process of negotiating with
Washington County. Washington County is interested in purchasing a portion of the
Cach property for Green space. Jerry Cash has been approached, and we are looking at
purchasing some of the remnant property, and also at a half acre which is within the 520 to
550 ft. elevation, which would be ideal for another reservoir. The original capitol
improvement plan called for two reservoirs being built on the Menlor property, one at 410
ft. which is currently in planning, and will be constructed, and another one at 470 ft.
While Murray Smith was looking at transmission facilities for other sources. They also
looked at that zone (470) and the fact that we already had a 550 ft. zone on the South side
of the mountain. So the idea is to establish the 550 ft. zone on the North side, if property
is available. The Cach property may be available, so we are looking at going ahead with
that new zone. It will create a better efficiency of pumping, to transfer water from 410 ft
up to 550 ft, and gravity feed down, instead of going from 410 ft to 470 ft
7. Commissioner comments:
Commissioner Froude brought up the IWB meeting in March. She wanted to clarify
before attending the meeting where the money will come from for the ADA consultant.
Money will come from the water general fund to keep the Tigard Water Building in good
repair and working order. Commissioner Haunsperger asked for discussion on the matter,
Commissioner Haunsperger stated that if the city were using the property for other than
water purposes, they should pay the bills, and improvements. Chair Penner stated that, if
the Tigard Water Building were still under our jurisdiction, District, Tigard Water District
would have to go along with the ADA to modify the building. Commissioner Froude
stated that since we have not come up with an actual way to fund this yet, and this is just
the beginning, the message to be taken back to the IWB is that there are no problems if it
comes out of the water funds. Commissioner Haunsperger stated that the bottom line is,
that we would have to comply with the ADA regardless.
8. Non Agenda Items:
Tigard Water District Board Meeting-February 25, 1997
Commissioner Froude asked if we need to get a budget committee together?
Commissioner Haunsperger stated that he is the Budget Committee Chair, and that he
will call the people on last years Budget Committee. Commissioner Froude stated that he
should call Lou Anne Mortensen first. Mike stated we can wait until April for the first
budget meeting.
8. Adjournment:
Commissioner Haunsperger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by
Commissioner Froude. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 P.m.
The next meeting will be held on April 28, 1997, at 7:00 P.M., at the Tigard Water
Tigard Water District Board Meeting-February 25, 1997