02/26/1996 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 1996 MEMBERS PRESENT: Beverly Froude, John Volpe, Norman Penner, Lou Anne Lou Anne Mortensen, John Haunsperger STAFF PRESENT: Mike Miller, Wendy Hungerford 1. Call to Order/Roll Call The meeting of the Tigard Water District was called to order at 7:06pm on February 26, 1996 by Commissioner Penner. All members present. 2. Visitors Comments No visitors were present at this meeting. 3. Approval of January 22, 1996 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Froude moved to accept the minutes of the January 22, 1995 meeting. Norman Penner seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 4. Facility Use Update Norm Penner reminded the board that they were once again re-visiting this issue that has been on the agenda for several of the past meetings. Commissioner Haunsperger believe that the board would be selling the water patrons short if the building is used for non-water purposes. Haunsperger would like to see a study committee involved between the parties involved with the ownership of the water building to study the issue of the Water building lease. Norm Penner questioned if that included Durham and King City. Commissioner Haunsperger stated yes that they are patrons of the district, they also helped pay for the Water Building. Beverly Froude stated that there are several options available to them: 1-COT buying the building from the District, 2- Leasing the Water Building on a long-term basis. John Haunsperger raised concerns that that is no what the patrons of the Water District intended the building to be used for and that they actually paid for this building. He asked that a 3rd option be available and that be to do nothing, maintain it as originally intended. Norm Penner stated that the unincorporated area is 20% of the amount of sales of water in the district, Tigard is 72%, King City is 5% and Durham is 2.6%. John Haunsperger asked that a study committee be formed to discuss the use of the building with potential lease/sale of the building. Froude asked the board how a study committee would be formed. Durham has already voted for the COT to lease the building and King City has not voted yet. Bev asked the board if this issue should be placed on the agenda next time. John Tigard Water District Board Meeting - February 26, 1996 r ' Haunsperger stated that he believes it should be on the agenda for the IWB. Bev then asked the TWD board to be present at the IWB meeting when this is posted on the agenda. John also believes that the IWB board should be contacted and let them know that TWB was interested in studying this question further. Norm asked could we resolve the question of this boards preference over leasing the building to the COT or selling the building outright. Bev said that they cannot form a decision unless John clarification is made. John H. made a motion that TWD notify the other members of the IWB that the board would like to discuss the leasing option of the building and the form in which that might take. Bev seconded the motion. All in favor with one opposition from John Volpe. Bev would propose the forum to discuss be in the IWB March 13 meeting. Beverly stated that she would call tomorrow and get it placed on the agenda. Lou Anne Mortensen asked the location of the IWB meeting. Beverly stated that they were meeting in the Water Building Auditorium. Norm Penner then asked the board if he should call Mr. Monahan to discuss the decision the board had come up with. Beverly and John H. agreed that Norm should call Bill and give him the groups concern. Beverly stated that he needs to know the third option, don't sell or lease but maintain it as originally intended that the primary use should be the water department. Bev also stated that COT needs to be asked that this proposition needs to be brought up with the other entities involved with the Water Building and how far have they gone to ask about their own patrons or is the decision being made solely by COT. Lou Anne proposed what if COT came back with another option based on the percentage of uses throughout the district, what is King City and Durham going to do turn over their acquisitions? Norm summarized the boards concern that if the COT did lease the building that immediately or eventually they would move all the water employees to other locations and denigrate the capacity of the water department to deliver the services. Beverly stated that their really is no water department employees it has been combined into Maintenance Services. 5. Adoption of Resolution #96-001 Beverly Froude stated that they looked at this at the IWB meeting and they are asking each entity to vote on this. The IWB thought that they might need government assistance for the flood damage in the area and that this is the resolution that allows that to happen. John Volpe moved that the board approve resolution#96-001. Motion was seconded by Beverly Froude. The board agreed unanimously. 6. Rate Study Update Mike Miller stated that they are still gathering data for CH2M Hill should be finished collecting by the end of the week. The information is to be presented to them by Thursday, February 26. Mike Miller stated CH2M Hill should have some type of model by the end of March to present Beverly Froude asked what the term model meant, if it meant raising the rates. Mike stated that they should have some idea of a rough rate and specific questions to propose back to COT like how you want the rate to be set up based on a fixed charge, or a Tigard Water District Board Meeting - February 26, 1996 smaller unit charge or a larger unit charge. Beverly Froude stated that she thinks other entities should have some time to talk about this issue. Beverly felt the input should come from TWB board, Durham, Tigard City Council. Mike Miller rebutted by saying that the concept is to bounce back the issues to all entities involved so there is an opportunity to discuss the options and questions involved. Mike proposed the final rate might be available in June, depending on the progression of the process and the public hearings involved. John Haunsperger asked Mike Miller if CH2M Hill will have the report ready by March 13, 1996. Mike Miller stated yes they should have the preliminary report completed by then. Beverly asked Mike Miller in the packet that was provided at the meeting, where is the income statement for our total revenues? Mike stated the location in the packet and the line item where it was located on the bottom of the January 1996 form. Norm Penner proposed the board proceed to item agenda 8. The board agreed. 7. Board Members Discussion a. Board Meeting Discussion Beverly Froude asked the board if the meeting time they currently have is agreeable with everyone. The board agreed it was amicable. Commissioner Froude also requested board members who could not attend please call her in advance of meeting and let her know if attendance was not possible. b. Out of District Area Meeting Attendance Norm Penner reminded the board he had asked this to be placed on this meetings agenda. He posed a question to Beverly Froude as to what meetings should he/the board be attending? Beverly suggested Norm let all board members know of up coming meeting and see if their is any interest to attend. The board agreed unanimously. 8. Intergovernmental Water Board Update Beverly Froude stated that the majority of the meeting met under Executive Session. Ms. Froude summarized the discussion for the Board members. Beverly encouraged all TWB members to attend the March 13, 1996 IWB meeting and there will be another update. 9. Operations Manager's Report Mike Miller referred to the letter in the board members packet: response to Ms. Stacy Warren of Land Development Consultant on Bull Mountain request for service at 16880 SW Bull Mountain. He stated the parcel of land is being. served by the Tigard Water District. The owner is sub-dividing the parcel;the new piece of property (lot)will have a new house and take over the old well that is on the property. Mike stated the letter confirms that the COT will continue to Tigard Water District Board Meeting - February 26, 1996 4 provide water service to the existing residence, and also state that no water service will be provided by the COT to the newly created parcel. Mike referred the TWB to review the Water Situation Status letter dated February 12, 1996 that was made available to them in the agenda. Mike stated this outlines the situations that COT was facing with the restrictions in water use during the flood. Mike Miller also referred to the agenda packet for the portions of the handouts which included all the annexations that have taken place as late. Mike also stated included in the packet was the most current income statements and balance sheets from October-January 31, 1996. Mike turned the meeting back to Chairperson Norm Penner. Norm Penner directed the board to move back to agenda item 7. 10. Non Agenda Items Beverly Froude informed the board that she had received Lou Anne Mortensen resignation in writing and made a motion to accept her resignation. Beverly stated that now that shehas the resignation in writing, Kathy Kaatz told her the position can be advertised. Beverly Froude told the board that the process would now be started to re-elect a new chairperson. Beverly stated she did attend the CIT meetings and there was one person in the Walnut Island who was interested in applying. Norm Penner posed the question to Beverly asking her does there need to be a specific date of resignation. Beverly stated no, that this would be acceptable because that leaves it open and Lou Anne is still serving until someone is accepted as her replacement. John Volpe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 11. Commissioner's Comments Beverly Froude mentioned the Water-Wise Landscape Seminar workshop available on April 13, 1996 at 9:00-1:OOpm at the World Forestry Center. Mike Miller passed out the flyers to all the board members and stated they would also be inserted in the utility billings. Chairperson Penner brought up the fact that their was not enough water conservation news in our area in regards to the recent flooding. The board concurred. 12. Set Next Meeting Agenda Chairperson Penner stated the TWB will all try to make it to the IWB meeting on March 13, 1996. The next TWB meeting will be March 25, 1996 @ 7:00pm. Tigard Water District Board Meeting - February 26, 1996 9. Adjournment Chairperson Penner made a motion to adjourned the TWB meeting. This was seconded by Lou Anne Mortensen. The meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm. I:\CITYWIDE\TWD 226.MTG Tigard Water District Board Meeting - February 26, 1996