07/24/1995 - Minutes 4 a TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING JULY 24, 1995 MEMBERS PRESENT: Beverly Froude, Lou Ane Mortensen, John Haunsperger, Norman Penner, and John Volpe STAFF PRESENT: Mike Miller, Ed Wegner, Kathy Kaatz, and Wendy Hungerford 1. Call to Order The meeting of the Tigard Water District was called to order at 7:01 p.m. on July 24, 1996 by Chairperson Beverly Froude. 2. Oath of Office Commissioners Beverly Froude was sworn into position 5 of the Tigard Water District, Norman Penner position 3, Lou Ane Mortensen position 2, John Volpe position 1, John Haunsperger position 4. Chairperson Froude wanted to welcome John Volpe as a new board member and requested that the Board members introduce themselves. John Haunsperger stated that he has lived within the district for the past 24 years on Bull Mountain (High Tor) and has recently moved to Cabernet Drive. John Volpe stated that he has lived in the Highlands for two years and was born and raised in Oregon, his background is in the field of civil engineering and has worked for Ameron for 35 years which is a supplier for water and sewer industries. Beverly Froude stated that she lives on Bull Mountain and was appointed to this position during the transition of the merger with the City of Tigard. Lou Ane Mortensen who resides on Fonner Street within the Walnut Island. She stated that she has lived in the area for 22 years and was appointed to this position and had recently ran for re-election. Norman Penner stated that has resided on Bull Mountain for under two years where he relocated from California where he retired as a Air Force Colonel. Mr. Penner stated that his background has been in the mental health field with hospital administration. 3. Visitor's Comments Mr. Polans was present and had no comments to make to the Board. 4. Approval of Minutes John Haunsperger made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 26 meeting as written. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Mortensen and passed unanimously. 5a. Election of Officers Mr. Haunsperger nominated Norman Penner for the position of Chairperson for the coming year, which was seconded by Lou Ane Mortensen. With no further discussion, this motion was voted upon and passed unanimously. Mr. Haunsperger then nominated Beverly Froude to be the representative for the Intergovernmental Water Board, which was seconded by Lou Ane Mortensen and passed unanimously. Mr. Haunpserger also commented that Ms. Froude has done an excellent job in that position. Mr. Haunsperger then nominated Lou Ane Mortensen for the position of Secretary/Treasurer which was seconded by Beverly Froude and voted upon unanimously with Mortensen abstention. The Board discussed that this position in the past has also been the budget committee chairperson. 5b. Meeting Schedule Mr. Haunpserger has made a motion that this board begin meeting every other month, the fourth Monday of the month at the same time. This motion was seconded by Norman Penner. Commissioner Haunsperger amended the motion to reflect this change beginning with August. Mr. Penner re-seconded that amendment to the original motion. Mr. Haunpserger stated that his reasoning for making this recommendation was that initially this Board was very busy with the transition and since then some issues have stabilized that would allow the Board the opportunity to meet every other month. Commissioner Penner questioned whether there were any legal issues or concerns with the change in the meeting schedule? Mr. Wegner stated that there were no legal issues at hand and since Beverly Froude is active on the Intergovernmental Water Board she can keep this Board informed of any new developments. Mr. Wegner also stated that Mike Miller can also send out newsletters or memos if the Board needs to be informed of issues. Mr. Haunpserger also encouraged all members of this Board to attend other meetings of the City of Tigard as well as the meetings of the Intergovermental Water Board. Tigard Water District Board Meeting - July 24, 1995 Page 2 Commissioner Froude questioned since the Board would meet again in August and then not until October would there be some issues that the Board would need to be involved in during the fall? Mr. Wegner stated that if there is a need for a meeting on the off month, Mike Miller could call a special meeting during that month. Commissioner Froude questioned whether there would be any concern with the Regional Water Study that would need to be addressed? Mr. Wegner stated that he felt that September would be a better month to begin meeting every other month since the Regional Study probably will not be ready by the August meeting. Mr. Volpe stated that there will be a conflict with the December meeting since the fourth Monday will be the Christmas holiday. Mr. Haunsperger stated that since this motion was still under discussion, he choose to withdraw his initial motion, with no objection from Mr. Penner (seconded motion). Mr. Haunsperger moved that the Board meet bi-monthly beginning with the fourth Monday in September and if any needs arise a special meeting will be called by determination of the Chairperson,IWB representative or Water District administration. This motion was seconded by Norman Penner. Mr. Haunsperger stated that if a special meeting would be called, he would like to ensure that the proper notice will be provided. Mr. Wegner stated that we would keep this meeting room reserved for each fourth Monday in case a special meeting will be called. The Board discussed that the proper notification will be made with this meeting schedule change. A voice vote was taken and it passed unanimously. Mr. Haunsperger made a motion to nominate Mr. Penner to the alternate for the Intergovernmental Water Board, which was seconded by Lou Ane Mortensen and voted upon unanimously. 5. Intergovernmental Water Board Update - Beverly Froude (Misnumbered agenda item number) Commissioner Froude stated that the last meeting of the Intergovermental Water Board had been cancelled. 6. Operation Manager's Report - Mike Miller Mike Miller introduced Wendy Hungerford who will be attending the meetings, beginning with the September meeting and transcribing the minutes. Mr. Miller stated that Ms. Hungerford is the Human Resource Assistant for the City of Tigard. Tigard Water District Board Meeting - July 24, 1995 Page 3 Mr. Miller stated that the Lake Oswego negotiations are continuing to move forward and the City Managers will be meeting in the next two weeks. The well #2 (reservoir site at SW Gaarde St and 119) has been online since June 28 and is producing a little over .5 mgd. Well #1 should be online beginning tomorrow (summit of Little Bull Mtn at 103/Canterbury). Well #3 (135 South of Walnut Street) should be ready to go back online end of July or the first part of August. Baylor Street intertie is currently online and have adjusted the flow and is currently at 1.79 mgd. Initially the flow was at 800-900 gpm at 50 psi and the pressure was adjusted down to 48-50 psi. Commissioner Haunsperger questioned the size of the pump. Mr. Miller stated that this is gravity fed and is regulated by a cla-val (pressure sustained in flow regulator). Mr. Miller stated that the Beef Bend Road project of Washington County and that our portion of the relocation efforts are complete and we are waiting for the Contractor to raise the road before relocating the 12" water line. Mr. Miller stated that the month of June water usage showed a marked increase with the average daily demand being 6.65 mgd with a peak of 11.42 mgd. Mr. Miller stated that he did not have the July consumption numbers yet. Commissioner Haunpserger questioned the consumption use from Portland? Mr. Miller stated that we did not purchase water all weekend from Portland since Lake Oswego was able to sustain our main reservoirs. Commissioner Haunsperger then asked Mr. Wegner if he had any additional comments for the Board? Mr. Wegner stated that he had received a bill from the Boundary Commission for the quarterly dues or assessment in the amount of $792.00. He did pass that along to Wayne Lowry for processing. Mr. Wegner stated that the Water Division has lost one employee (Ed Wyant) and will be advertising for that position in next weeks paper. Commissioner Haunsperger questioned how the telemetry system is functioning? Mr. Miller stated that all sites are online with the exception of the Baylor site. Commissioner Froude requested that if items come up on the Urban Reserve area enlargement proposal for Bull Mountain that they be placed on the agenda. Mr. Wegner stated that according to Jim Hendryx, City of Tigard's Community Service Director, this will be a part of the 2040 Regional Plan which will be adopted in phases and this will not be adopted until the first of the year. The discussions will start in August or September. Mr. Wegner stated that he had ordered maps (scaled down versions). Tigard Water District Board Meeting - July 24, 1995 Page 4 Commissioner Mortensen questioned the property in Wilsonville? Mr. Wegner stated that Tualatin Valley Water District had bid on that property which was being reviewed. 7. Non Agenda Items Commissioner Penner questioned a tour with Board members of all the various facilities and sites. Mr. Wegner suggested that we also include the IWB Board Members as well. Commissioner Froude suggested that we attempt to do this while the weather is still good (before November). Mr. Wegner stated that this could be done on a Saturday morning and could include the Lake Oswego plant, well sites, major reservoirs, and the SCADA system. 8. Commissioner's Comments Commissioner Mortensen congratulated all the Board members on their new appointments. Commissioner Froude stated that the next meeting of the Tigard Water District Board will be September 25, 1995 with the next IWB meeting being held on August 16. 10. Adjournment The meeting of the Tigard Water District was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. kathy\twd\7-24mtg.min Tigard Water District Board Meeting - July 24, 1995 Page 5