06/26/1995 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING June 26, 1995 Members Present: Lou Ane Mortensen, John Haunsperger, and Beverly Froude Staff Present: Wayne Lowry, Ed Wegner, Mike Miller, and Sherrie Burbank 1. Call To Order The June meeting of the Tigard Water District was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Bev Froude. 2. Visitor Comments No visitors were present. 3. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Mortensen moved to approve the May 22, 1995 Budget Committee minutes. Commissioner Haunsperger seconded the motion. The motion to approve the May 22, 1995 Budget Committee minutes was passed. Chair Froude informed those present that she had received a call from Commissioner Penner notifying her of his absence from tonight's meeting. 4. Resolution to Adopt 1995/96 Budget Finance Director Lowry informed the Board that a resolution and copy of the approved operating budget for the Board was included in their agenda packets. He further stated that it would be necessary for the Board to pass a motion to enact a resolution that would adopt the 1995/96 budget. Upon approval of the resolution, Mr. Lowry would then notify the State and County of this action and forward the necessary paperwork. Mr. Lowry further advised the Board that a public hearing must be conducted in this situation to allow any visitors their right to be heard. Chair Froude opened the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. and called for discussion. No discussion ensued. Commissioner Haunsperger moved to adopt Resolution No. 95-01 to Adopt the 1995/96 operating budget for the Tigard Water District. Commissioner Mortensen seconded the motion and the motion pas$ed with a unanimous vote of the Board. The public hearing closed at 7:05 p.m. Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners Meeting - 6/26/95 Page 1 5. Right-of-Way Acquisition Mike Miller advised the Board that the State of Oregon wants to purchase some land at the current Water Building site for alignment as part of their widening project of Hall Boulevard. The State needs about 390 square feet at the corner of the property by the railroad signal tender house. Mr. Miller apprised the Board that this acquisition would not affect the property value or the ability to add to the property in the future. It would allow the State to extend the existing sidewalk. Staff is requesting the Board's verbal agreement for the acquisition, but IWB and the Tigard City Council will also have to grant approval. Mr. Miller informed the Board that this would require a motion indicating they concurred with the easement since the land is in TWD's name. Commissioner Haunsperger moved that the Board approve the State's request for land acquisition (File #R6237.017) for the property described in the file. Commissioner Mortensen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. 6. Intergovernmental Water Board Update Chair Froude indicated that she had copies of the Draft Rules and Regulations available for anyone who wanted to review them. These rules and regulations will be discussed at the next Board meeting and the Board will act on them at that time. Ed Wegner pointed out that the draft is the same one they saw approximately three months ago -- there have not been any changes to date. Chair Froude reported that the Oreaonian recently reported that Tigard had some water violations. As a result of this article Mr. Miller composed a follow-up memo to Mr. Wegner which is included in the agenda packet that stated he contacted the manager of the Oregon Health Division's Drinking Water Program and discovered that the only noted violation was due to some confusion with the population base of our service area. Apparently, the Health Division's records indicated that the population base was higher than we reported and consequently the number of water samples taken in December fell two samples short. He further stipulated that the violation in no way indicated that the quality of our drinking water failed to meet Safe Drinking Water Act standards. Chair Froude also communicated that IWB passed their budget. In addition, Chair Froude notified the Board that CH2M was awarded the contract for the rate study to begin July 1, 1995. Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners Meeting - 6/26/95 Page 2 7. Director's Report Rate Study -- Approved by the Tigard City Council effective July 1, 1995. Final presentation and adoption is scheduled for September. Well Maintenance Program -- Well #2 is on board and working; samples were taken today. Well #3 is slightly behind schedule due to some unexpected work that had to be performed but staff is hopeful that the work will be completed within the next 10 days. Due to this unexpected work, the cost will be higher than initially anticipated; however, the cost will still be within the overall budget. Contract for Water Services -- The City of Tigard and Tualatin Valley Water District have agreed on a contract which gives the City the ability to buy 6 million gallons per day. This will be a 10 year contract with the option to terminate the agreement upon proving a year's notice of either party. The Baylor Street inter-tie was also approved which will allow us to bring in the water. The project is currently under construction with an anticipated completion date of July 6, 1995. Mr. Wegner informed the Board that a blasting permit is required and staff is requesting that the 48 hour notice regulations will be waived so the blasting can take place on Wednesday. There was also a problem acquiring the necessary meter but Mr. Miller believes he can acquire one from the City of Portland with the understanding that we will replenish their meter when ours is delivered. Mr. Miller indicated that we would only be using a quarter stick of dynamite in each hole. Beef Bend Road Project -- The preliminary work (moving fire hydrants) that in- house crew were responsible for has been finished. The general contractor for the road project will lay the pipe so we'll only have to do the tie-ins and temporary services. This project is funded under the Capital Improvement program. Regional Water Supply Plan -- Last Thursday evening Chair Froude and Mr. Wegner attended a public hearing on the Regional Supply Plan. Mr. Wegner told the Board that Chair Froude has copies of the material that was distributed at the hearing. Mr. Wegner further informed the Board that after the workshops are over he will assemble informational notebooks that will include scenarios of how the region can work together to resolve the water supply issues, participant committee's input and how the committee believes the process should proceed, and long and short range options. This information will be disbursed to both IWB and the TWD Board. Mr. Wegner stated that it appears that all the committee participants recognize that these issues must be reviewed for an interim period as well as long range. The preliminary plan will be developed in July or August and Mr. Wegner will forward the Board copies as soon as he receives the information. Commissioner Haunsperger asked Mr. Wegner's opinion on how concrete the plan appeared to be in relation to the options that were being explored. Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners Meeting - 6/26/95 Page 3 Mr. Wegner responded that the plan is fairly general in nature. There will be about six options to be reviewed by the 27 different agencies over the next 50 years. Commissioner Haunsperger stated that somebody will need to develop a plan for long tern usage. Mr. Wegner agreed that the scenarios will include an emphasis on developing the long range plan and how to go about developing such a plan. He also discussed the fact that this process has provided an opportunity to mend some past problems and perceptions and that some of the other communities are beginning to recognize that they can't do it alone. It is anticipated that in November or December the committee will ask the 27 participating agencies to adopt the plan. Chair Froude promoted the concept of a general plan because she thinks it is objective and will outline several scenarios to assist the participants in attaining the results outlined in the plan. Mr. Wegner further stated that when the time comes to build Bull Run #3 there will be some communities willing to be partners thus making it more of a metropolitan water source. It is recognized that Portland is still a very big player in the overall picture but there are 26 other agencies willing to work together to implement the necessary changes to assure that water supply distribution is successful. He believes that we will see some major regional sources surface through this process. Chair Froude asked how citizens will be advised of the plan and the issues surrounding the water supply. She also voiced a concern that people are not really interested in or concerned about this issue right now. Mr. Wegner updated the Board on the negotiations between the City of Tigard and the City of Lake Oswego. 8. Commissioners' Comments Commissioner Haunsperger complimented Mr. Wegner on the good job that staff was doing. Commissioner Mortensen asked if thank you letters had been sent to the individuals who assisted her on the TWD budget. Mr. Wegner agreed to check on the matter. Commissioner Mortensen then suggested if the letters had not been sent it would be fitting to notify the committee that the budget had been approved. 10. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for July 24, 1995. All commissioners will be sworn into office at that time. Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners Meeting - 6/26/95 Page 4 It was decided that election of new officers would be held during the August board meeting. Chair Froude inquired about the length of terms for the IWB representative. Mr. Wegner explained that the representative's terms expire on an alternating basis. 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. sb\twd626 Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners Meeting - 6/26/95 Page 5