03/29/1995 - Minutes 6 �
March 29, 1995
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Froude, Commissioners Haunsperger,
Mortensen, Pedersen, and Penner
STAFF PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Randy Volk, and Kathy Kaatz
VISITORS: Jack Polans
1. Call to Order
The meeting of the Tigard Water District Board was called to
order by Chair Froude at 7: 03 p.m.
2 . Visitor' s Comments
Mr. Jack Polans questioned whether Mr. Wegner would be in
attendance. It was stated that he would be late and Mr.
Polans said he would talk with him later. Mr. Polans
discussed the RFP for rate study and the necessity of hiring
a consultant .
3 . Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Haunsperger moved and Commissioner Mortensen
seconded approval of the February 27, 1995 minutes as
submitted. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Resignation and Appointment of Commissioners
Chair Froude stated that the Board would not be appointing new
Commissioners at this meeting since the Elections Division has
not completed the vote count. After a discussion by the
Board, it was decided that they would appoint Mr. Penner at
the end of the meeting for the interim position.
5. Information on Policies for Emergency and After Hour Calls
Mr. Volk stated that the Water crew has six employees that
rotate on a weekly basis that are on call twenty-four hours a
day. After 5 : 00 p.m. the phones in the main office are
switched to the answering service in Beaverton (Calls
Unlimited) . The service will then reach the on call person
via a pager or cellular phone. Mr. Volk stated that if the
caller wants to speak directly to the employee that is also
possible. Mr. Volk stated that this system works `all the
r i
6. Intergovernmental Water Board Update - Froude
Chair Froude stated that the Intergovernmental Water Board met
twice during the month of March (8th and 22nd) . Ms . Froude
stated that she had some information available that was
provided to the IWB (Draft of the City of Tigard, Rules, Rates
and Regulations, Draft of 1995/96 budget) . The IWB approved
to go before City Council the proposal for water rate study,
which the City Council passed and it will then be advertised.
At the March 22nd meeting, Mike Miller made a presentation on
pulling the wells #2 and #3 with costs ranging from $29, 000 to
$40, 000 . The IWB recommended to accept the bid from Mather
and Sons .
Commissioner Haunsperger questioned the age of the wells . Mr.
Miller stated that well #3 (South of Walnut/135th) was drilled
in 1958 and #2 (SW Gaarde/119th) was drilled in 1940.
Mr. Miller stated that this cost involves pulling and
reinstallation of the pump, and the repair costs which have
been estimated since what repairs are needed is unknown until
the pumps are pulled.
The IWB also discussed the interim water supply and the Baylor
Street intertie connection at the cost of $91, 000 . This will
include a water main, 650 feet of 12" main, a valve vault and
a 1596 contingency and Tigard' s share of the Florence Street
meter replacement. This will allow the supply of water from
the Tualatin Valley Water District through this intertie with
a capacity of 2 mgd which is based upon a study completed by
CH2mHill . Chair Froude shared a matrix of the available
funding for these projects.
Commissioner Haunsperger questioned the need for the Menlor
Reservoir? Mr. Wegner stated that funds had been placed in
the budget to complete site work and preliminary design work.
It was decided that before working on another reservoir, we
are in need of a supply. Mr. Wegner stated that since we will
not be spending all the Menlor Site improvement funds, they
will be used for the pulling of the wells.
Chair Froude stated that the IWB was also provided a copy of
a draft agreement between the City of Tigard and Tualatin
Valley Water District for the interim water supply. Chair
Froude stated that the IWB made some significant corrections
which are not reflected in this draft copy. Mr. Wegner stated
that one of the significant recommendations was the assessment
of liability throughout the contract (prior to the intertie
belongs to Tualatin Valley, after the intertie bel9ngs to
Tigard) page 10 . Also on page 5, a change will be made that
will outline water quality and who the responsible party will
be. Mr. Wegner stated that these changes have been submitted
Tigard Water District Board Meeting - March 29, 1995 Page 2
to the City attorney and the new draft will be submitted to
Tualatin Valley Water District and will be back hopefully
before the Tigard City Council on April 11th.
Commissioner Haunsperger questioned how the rate of . 78 per
100 cf was determined? Mr. Wegner stated that there is a
breakdown of the cost on page 6 and 7 of this draft agreement .
Commissioner Pedersen questioned the rate we are currently
paying for surplus water? Mr. Wegner stated that Portland is
currently charging us 54.9 which is going to go up to 1.26
which may not be a final cost. Lake Oswego is currently
charging us .57 and the cost in the future is unknown.
Chair Froude stated that it was important to look at page 2
item 1 (a) that discusses the understanding that this is an
interim measure until the City can secure a permanent source.
Ms. Froude stated that the a final draft will go before the
City Council on April 11th and the next IWB meeting will be
April 19th.
Mr. Wegner stated that the RFP will determine the rates for
future costs. At this point we do not anticipate a cost
increase due to these rates.
Commissioner Mortensen questioned if there was any discussion
regarding termination for one year (page 11) ? Mr. Wegner
stated that this would give both parties some flexibility if
Commissioner Haunsperger noted that the rate of . 78 per 100 cf
is for less than 10% of the peak needs .
7 . Update of Water Conservation
Mr. Wegner stated that we will be doing a newsletter (insert)
for the April/May billings. This newsletter will include the
Mayor' s letter and a letter by Mike Miller on water
conservation in yards and around the home. We are also in the
process of picking up through the Regional Supply Plan, two
brochures as an insert on water conservation as well as the
timetable on the Regional Plan. Mike Miller is currently
drafting a letter to the local businesses regarding wise
watering and will also have available staff for consulting
Chair Froude stated discussed an article in "This Week" on
gardening workshops which are being held at PCC. Discussed
the possibility of providing these workshops for the, service
Tigard Water District Board Meeting - March 29, 1995 Page 3
Randy Volk stated that he is a member of the Water Coalition
and they are considering the possibility of grocery sacks with
water conservation messages, and also the possibility of
publicizing at the Tigard Cinema in regards to water
conservation. The next meeting of the Water Coalition will be
April 13th.
Visitor, Pamela Moyers stated that some areas advertise in the
newspaper, residents who abuse the use of water. The Board
discussed the inverted rate structure which is currently being
done by Tualatin Valley, Hillsboro and Portland.
Mr. Wegner mentioned that the involvement for the NW Gas
conservation program was quite successful . Tigard sent out
6,000 offers with 4, 102 households requesting packages with
7, 000 showerheads being installed within the service area.
Mr. Wegner stated that the Regional Participants met yesterday
and discussed their public involvement program which will
include newsletter, stuffers for all twenty-seven agencies via
billing, targeted interest groups, pubic forums, tv spots,
cable video production. The City of Tigard will have a slide
show at the Intergovernmental Water Board meeting (4-19-95)
and will invite elected officials from the four entities to
preview as well as the public. The Regional Plan Draft will
be available to the IWB in June and hopefully in November will
be approving the final copy.
Visitor, Norman Penner stated the importance of getting a
couple of the major news stations interested in featuring the
issues of water.
8. Director's Report
Mr. Wegner stated that we are moving ahead with the wells, the
Baylor Street intertie, and work on the large reservoir. Mr.
Wegner stated that we did receive a letter from the City of
Lake Oswego which stated it was the second extension. The
first extension expired March 7th and this extension will go
through May 15th.
Mr. Wegner stated that last evening, Murray Smith and
Associates met with City Council in Executive Session to
discuss some of the stumbling stones being incurred in
negotiations with Lake Oswego and how to deal with those
areas . The City Council will meet again on April 11th with
Murray Smith to work out some language and some feasibilities
to proceed with Lake Oswego. Mr. Monahan did go into
Executive Session with the IWB. .
Tigard Water District Board Meeting - March 29, 1995 Page 4
It was requested by Commissioner Haunsperger that the notice
of Executive Session be placed on all future agendas .
Visitor, Jack Polans questioned on page 4 on the minutes
(2-27-95) it states that the agreement will assign water
rights to a new agency. Could this new agency be referred to
as a shell with no police powers? Mr. Wegner stated no. Mr.
Polans questioned when this new agency would come into
position? Mr. Wegner stated that the two phases mentioned in
those minutes were two areas of concerns. He stated that the
first phase of concerns have not been agreed upon as yet . Mr.
Wegner stated that this new agency will only be in existence
when a final document is arrived at between the two parties .
Mr. Wegner stated that he had provided the Board with the
monthly report on revenues and expenditures and working within
the department, income statement for February and the progress
report of the Participants Committee, and the Regional Water
Supply Plan.
9 . Non Agenda Items
Commissioner Mortensen stated that she had received a letter
from Wayne Lowry regarding the remaining payoff of the debt
for July 1 of 1995 and the principal amount being due January
1 of 1996 (bond indebtedness) .
Commissioner Haunsperger made a motion to accept the
resignation of Art Pedersen and was seconded by Commissioner
Mortensen and passed unanimously. Chair Froude thanked Mr.
Pedersen for his service on the Board. Mr. Pedersen stated
that he has enjoyed his association with the Board and that he
felt that the staff was doing a very good job.
Commissioner Haunsperger made a motion to appoint Norman
Penner for an interim Commissioner position to fulfill the
position created by Art Pedersen' s resignation until the Board
is sworn in June. This motion was seconded by Commissioner
Pedersen and a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Penner was then
sworn into office.
Chair Froude stated that the next meeting date will be April
24, 1995 with the IWB meeting set for April 19th.
Mr. Polans questioned the reference of the City of Tigard' s
need for a huge study that would require a scientific
engineering constructive study which includes a program. Mr.
Wegner stated that it is called a model and it has a matrix
used by a lot of people with figures that are relative to the
study they do regarding Tigard' s water system. Mr. Polans
questioned this study running over ten million dollars? Mr.
Wegner stated that this study will cost $25, 000 which will
Tigard Water District Board Meeting - March 29, 1995 Page 5
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include the rate study and provide a computer model. Each
year we will be able to insert new financial data and project
what the rates should be for the coming year.
Mr. Polans questioned the City' s need for a consultant to
complete this study. Mr. Wegner stated that Mr. Polans could
speak with Mr. Monahan. Chair Froude stated that this has
already been passed by the City Council .
Commissioner Mortensen questioned seeing the resolution that
was passed by the City Council on annexation. Mr. Wegner
stated that this resolution was passed the previous night by
the City Council (3-1) to rescind the ordinance on island
annexation. Mr. Wegner stated that he would provide the Board
with a copy of that resolution.
Commissioner Haunsperger questioned receiving a copy of the
budget which Mr. Wegner stated he would provide.
The meeting was adjourned.
Tigard Water District Board Meeting - March 29, 1995 Page 6