February 27, 1995
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Froude, Commissioners Haunsperger, Mortensen, and
STAFF PRESENT: Ed Wegner, Randy Volk, and Sherrie Burbank
1. Call to Order
The February meeting of the Tigard Water Board was called order by Chair
Froude at 7:05 p.m.
2. Visitor's Agenda
No visitors attended this meeting.
3. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Haunsperger moved and Commissioner Mortensen seconded
approval of the January 10, 1994 minutes as submitted. The minutes were
approved unanimously.
4. Resignation Acceptance -- Appointment to Vacancy
It was noted for the record that George Morgan submitted a letter of resignation
to the Tigard Water Board Commissioners. The effective date of his resignation
was February 1, 1995. Commissioner Pedersen also presented his letter of
resignation for consideration.
Chair Froude informed the commissioners that there were two people running
for George Morgan's vacated seat -- Pamela Moyers and John Volpe. In
addition, Commissioners Mortensen, Froude, and Haunsperger are running
unopposed. Norman Penner is also running unopposed for the seat vacated by
Art Pedersen.
Discussion followed regarding the direction the Board should take to fill the
interim vacancies to assure a quorum is available for the remaining meetings
through June 1995.
Mr. Wegner advised the Board that they have the option of appointing the
Commissioner-elects after the March 28 election. Although the Commissioner-
elects won't officially take office until July 1, 1995, they can be appointed at
the April meeting, to fill the unexpired terms of Morgan and Pedersen.
As a point of clarification, it was announced that ballots will be distributed to
all residents in the water district unincorporated area.
After additional discussion, the Board asked Commissioner Pedersen if he would
be willing to extend his resignation date an additional month to assure a quorum
at the March meeting. Commissioner Pedersen was in agreement.
Since elections will take place on March 28, the Board decided to change their
usual meeting date to Wednesday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. This will provide
them with enough time to find out the results of the election.
Commissioner Haunsperger moved to accept George Morgan's letter of
resignation dated January 24, 1995. He also noted his appreciation for his
service on both this Board and the MB. Commissioner Mortensen seconded
the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
5. Election Update
Refer to Agenda Item #4.
6. Intergovernmental Water Board Update
Chair Froude reported on her first meeting as representative to the IWB. She
acquainted the Commissioners with the other members of the IWB-- Paul Hunt
(City of Tigard Council Member), Bill Scheiderich (Member at large), Peggy
Manning (City of Durham); Violet Yager (City of King City); and herself.
Alternates include: Jan Drangsholt (King City), Commissioner Haunsperger
(TWD), and Bob Rolf (Tigard City Council). She informed the Board that Mr.
Scheiderich was elected Chair and she was elected Vice-Chair for the next year.
She asked Mr. Wegner if he would furnish her with a copy of the IWB bylaws.
As TWD alternate, Commissioner Haunsperger would also like a copy of the
bylaws and would like to receive copies of the minutes. Mr. Wegner assured
each of them that he would take care of this matter.
She then summarized the rate analysis RFP discussion that took place at the
February IWB meeting and indicated that the IWB made a motion to approve the
staff's request to prepare an RFP to solicit bids from vendors to provide this
services. She also noted that during the discussion phase of this agenda item
staff was asked if they could perform this analysis but the Board was informed
that staff did not have the expertise at this time. In fact, one of the objectives
of using outside consultants is to develop a model that staff can use conduct
future rate analyses.
Mr. Wegner interjected that City staff needs assistance to conduct a rate
analysis of this nature because one has not be performed for several years. He
further explained that a computer model will be developed by the consultant
and that this model will then be used by Finance to update rates. He revealed
that we are one of few districts that has not conducted a rate analysis study
for the last five years.
Mr. Wegner further stipulated that the intergovernmental agreement requires
that the IWB approve any rate increase. The IWB will receive a draft copy of
the RFP and will have the opportunity to interview any potential consultant.
Staff has already contacted Hillsboro and Tualatin Valley Water to request a
copy of their models to be used as outlines when preparing the RFP. Mr.
Scheiderich asked staff to also contact Beaverton since they just completed this
Chair Froude also reported that the IWB handled a "Variance of Hardship"
request. She explained that the intergovernmental agreement specifies that the
IWB can grant a variance for a financial hardship due to a water line break. Mr.
Wegner further explained the particular circumstances surrounding this request.
Chair Froude disclosed that after discussion regarding setting a precedence they
voted to grant the hardship relieve noting that it was not a unanimous vote.
Since the rest of the items would be presented under Agenda Item #7, Chair
Froude concluded her report.
7. Director's Report
a. Interim Water Plan -- Murray Smith & Associates is working with TVWD to
draft and intergovernmental agreement to provide interim water for the
Tigard area effective June 1, 1995. It is anticipated that the draft will be
completed within the next week and submitted to IWB by their meeting on
March 22, 1995. Consumption could be as high as 6 million gpd. Staff
has received estimates (approximately $70,000) for the Baylor Street
connection tie-in with TVWD. There is still only a verbal commitment from
Lake Oswego but we are still getting water.
b. Long Range Supply Plan -- Mayor Nicoli and City Administrator, Monahan
have met with mayor and city administrator from Lake Oswego. Lake
Oswego will be meeting in an Executive Session with their Council
tomorrow night to discuss the agreement between Tigard and Lake
Oswego. If they concur with the proposal, then we will move forward.
Basically the agreement will assign the water rights to a, new agency
(named differently than the City of Tigard) for an estimated 42 million gpd.
This is Phase 1 of the process. Phase 2 is the composition of the board
(Lake Oswego wants a 3 to 2 composition; Tigard wants 2-2-1 which is
similar to the composition of our other boards), operating procedures,
responsibility for leading the operations, and establishing technical
committees so staff can communicate directly with specific people.
Tigard City Council instructed staff to proceed on applying for water rights
on the Willamette near Wilsonville and the TVWD plants. The application
is ready for City Council approval. Mr. Wegner forewarned the Board that
Tigard will be very far down the list. The purpose for submitting the
application is to make sure that Tigard gets their name on the list based on
the regional issues that will be taking place over the next several years.
d. Phase 2 of the Regional Water Study -- A preliminary draft of the plan
should be completed by July. It is anticipated that a joint meeting will be
coordinated to include IWB, Tigard City Council, TWD Board, and the public
to hear the presentation. It will be IWB's responsibility to make a
recommendation to approve the plan. This recommendation should be
presented to the Tigard City Council in November at which time the IWB
will ask for final adoption by the Council.
As an overview, the plan will address issues relating to buying water
regionally, subagreements, storage, etc. Mr. Wegner believes that this plan
will not address some of the specific issues such as physical facilities.
Once the plan is presented to the City, each participating agency will need
to meet to discuss how to implement the plan. There is some uncertainty
as to whether or not these deadlines can be met -- can 27 agencies get the
preliminary plans in July and get full agreement by November?
e. Wells -- Staff is getting quotes to test pumps #2 an #3 in order to bring
them on line. However, the State has some concerns regarding the issue
of critical ground water on Bull Mountain. It will also be necessary to run
and conduct flow tests on well #4 by September.
The City was going to try to transfer the pumping rights on well #4, but
the State doesn't want the City to do this yet based on the location of the
pump -- they believe it may be better to leave it there and try to find a
more efficient way to pump it. Part of the problems is that the water has
a large iron content which will require intensive maintenances. Staff is
currently reviewing the situation. Further, the State wants the City to
review the pumping requirements before applying to move the wells to
another location. If new technology is available, then the well would be
okay and it would give us a better draw for the area.
f. Packets of Information for Review
- Letter to Commissioner Mortensen from Wayne Lowry (Finance
Director) regarding the 1995/96 budget process.
- Monthly Water report for January. Mr. Wegner noted that the figures
have been updated to reflect the current month.
- Income statement which illustrates there is still quite a bit of money.
- Letter to Loreen Edin (Risk Manager) regarding TWD insurance
coverage. The City's Agent of Record has completed their review and
has indicated there are no areas of concern.
- Letter from TVWD regarding the Willamette River study project. It was
noted that there may be some problems with the Wilsonville tract in
that TVWD may be looking at purchasing some farm land. It doesn't
look like they will be able to work something out with the State.
TVWD doesn't have a partner. Also the State doesn't want to sell the
land -- they prefer to lease it. TVWD attorneys indicated that the
various bonding authorities they have talked to are hesitant to lease.
Chair Froude added that this particular piece of property appears to be
highly controversial.
Mr. Wegner also told the Commissioners that there appears to be a
great deal of interest but no one has submitted a proposal to State
Lands at this time.
- Progress Report of the Participants Committee (Regional Water Supply
Plan) dated February 21, 1995.
Chair Froude asked Mr. Wegner if there was a possibility of acquiring
a copy of the informational slide show that the Participants Committee
has designed for educational purposes. She thought this would be
helpful in providing background information to new board members
(both TWD and IWB) since this is the committee that is producing the
Regional Water Supply Plan that will be discussed in July. Her concern
surrounded the possibility that some of the new members done have
a background of this nature so they are at a disadvantage and this
might help get them up-to-speed.
Mr. Wegner suggested that staff review the slide show again to see if
it is applicable to the Board. His recollection was that the show
consisted of slides that had to be narrated and that it was actually
designed for the general public who has little knowledge of the water
issues. Mr. Wegner also proposed scheduling a time to show the
slides on the same night as an IWB meeting and issuing an open
invitation to anyone interested in attending.
Commissioner Haunsperger also reported there are other documents
available for the new members to review and he remembers an
informational packet regarding conducting public meetings.
Some discussion ensued regarding helpful information for new
members. Commissioner Pedersen suggested an organizational chart.
He also stated that this information could be useful to other
organizations to increase their understanding of the roles of the various
Chair Froude commented that she thought Mayor Nicoli wrote a good
article in the Cityscape which outlined the IWB and TWD boards
direction. She wondered if this information could be distributed to the
public outside the City of Tigard -- perhaps through water bills. It
would be a good public relations approach.
Mr. Wegner told the Board that any water-related articles authored
within the City is routed to King City and Durham for inclusion in their
Chair Froude expressed her opinion of including a copy of Mayor
Nicoli's article in the various jurisdictions' local newspapers.
Mr. Wegner implied the information might be received better by the
citizens if the various city representatives rewrote and signed off on
the information rather than Tigard's mayor. He will make this
recommendation to the board representatives. He will also ask Mayor
Nicoli if he has any objection to distributing this article as a,water bill
insert so citizens will get additional exposure. ,
8. Non-Agenda Items
Mr. Wegner notified the Board that they received a settlement award in the
amount of $322.96 as a result of the Petroleum Products Antitrust Litigation
which was filed in 1992. The City's legal department has reviewed the final
court order and is in agreement with the proposed settlement.
Commissioner Pedersen moved to accept the settlement for $322.96;
Commissioner Haunsperger seconded the motion. Mr. Wegner advised the
Board that they should probably include authorization for the Chair to sign the
necessary paperwork on behalf of the TWD Board. Both Commissioners agreed
to amend their motion and second to include this point. The motion was
passed unanimously.
9. Commissioner's Comments
Commissioner Mortenson asked for any budget ideas or concerns. She will try
to have a draft prepared for the next meeting. A brief discussion regarding
bonds, insurance, and capital improvements followed. Commissioner
Mortenson will contact last year's budget representatives and other people who
expressed an interest in assisting in the budget process.
Mr. Wegner informed the Board that he has requested staff to submit their time,
printing costs, etc. for the last 6 months for charge-back to TWD.
Commissioner Haunsperger thanked staff for a "job well done" in keeping the
Board informed.
10. Next Meeting
The next meeting has been changed from 3/27/95 to 3/29/95. Chair Froude
will contact the other board members by telephone prior to remind them of the
meeting and to assure there is a quorum.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.