04/04/1994 - Minutes y /
April 4, 1994
Board Members Present: Chair Haunsperger; Commissioners Froude,
Morgan, Mortensen and Pedersen
Staff Present: Leslee Gemmill, Randy Volk and Ed Wegner
Visitor: Jack Polans
1. Call to Order
Chair Haunsperger brought the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
2. Request for Proposals for Asset/Liability Allocation
The Board discussed at length the proposals and presentations for
Asset/Liability Allocation by Economic Engineering Services, Inc.
and Black and Veatch.
Chair Haunsperger moved to accept the proposal from Economic
Engineering Services, Inc. to perform the Asset/Liability
Allocation. Commissioner Froude seconded the motion.
Director Wegner addressed Commissioner Morgan's concern about
whether or not staff received any input regarding the proposals
from the parties to the Intergovernmental Agreement. Ed Wegner
informed the Board that after checking references, staff felt
comfortable with either firm. Ed Wegner continued saying it may be
beneficial to have a contract with provisions up to and including
Task 6 as Phase I and another including Task 7 - GIS (Phase II)
before the initial project meeting.
A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Morgan moved that a contract be prepared with the
following primary conditions:
a. ) Based on the proposal as submitted, to be refined by further
discussion with staff and the Intergovernmental Water Board.
b. ) The contract document be approved as to content and design and
a staff person be designated as the contact person for the
c. ) Monthly reports will be prepared and a presentation made by
the EES Project Manager at the next Tigard Water District
Board Meeting. In addition, written updates are to be
included with the agenda for discussion at each of the Board's
regular monthly meetings. Commissioner Morgan agreed to keep
the Intergovernmental Water Board current with the information
d. ) The contract document should provide for a "not to exceed"
amount to be determined by staff negotiations with EES after
refinement of the proposal for "Phase I" and "Phase II".
e. ) EES should be provided a copy of the Intergovernmental
Commissioner Mortensen seconded the motion.
The Board and staff briefly discussed the motion. Ed Wegner agreed
to meet with Mr. Meigs and Randy Volk to outline the proposal as
discussed tonight. The draft will include a provision for future
inclusion of Phase II. The draft proposal will be sent to Chair
Haunsperger and the Board for review hopefully by the end of the
A voice vote was called for and the motion passed unanimously.
3. Budget Update
Budget Officer Mortensen informed the Board that as of this date,
there has been no response to the advertisement for individuals
interested in serving on the Budget Committee. The draft budget
should be available by the May 2, 1994 Board meeting.
Commissioner Morgan expressed his concern about the Tigard Water
District's and this Board's obligation to the indebtedness. George
Morgan suggested the total amount be included in the 1994-1995
budget with a notation that the Board expects it will be serviced
by all parties to the Intergovernmental Agreement.
Ed Wegner responded to Commissioner Morgan's concern about the
reasonable expenses and overhead costs as determined by the City of
Tigard for Tigard Water District. Director Wegner mentioned' that
a designated support staff was keeping track of time spent solely
on Tigard Water District matters and was unsure of what will become
of this record.
Chair Haunsperger asked about the separate tracking of System
Development fees. Director Wegner informed the Board that the
Cities of King City and Durham have yet to adopt SDC methodology
and it was on each of this month's city meeting agenda.
The Board continued its discussion on the Budget and expressed a
concern that enough money should be allotted for legal and
engineering services.
4. Director's Report
Ed Wegner, in response to the Board's request on the status of the
provisions outlined in the Intergovernmental Agreement reported
a. ) The City's insurance carrier cannot insure another Board and
this Board's existing insurance coverage will continue until
July 1, 1994. The renewal amount of $300 will then be due to
extend the coverage beyond the expiration date.
Art Pedersen asked about the insurance coverage. Director
Wegner said he'd get a copy of the insurance policy and have
an answer about coverage to and from meetings.
Commissioner Morgan asked whether the Intergovernmental Water
Board was covered under the City of Tigard's insurance policy.
Ed Wegner will look into this question, will discuss the
insurance issues with the City's Risk Manager and report back
to the Board at the next meeting.
b. ) System Development Charges is on the April 6 King City agenda
and Durham's agenda April 26, 1994. John Acker will be at
these meetings to answer questions. City of Tigard has
requested each city follow the same format as the City of
Tigard. Randy Volk assured the Board that in the meantime,
fees are being collected.
c. ) Ed Wegner reported that one of the outstanding issues still
remaining as an issue to the water employees transferred to
the City is the status of their retirement funds. The
employees voted to withdraw from Ameritas and join ICMA
(International City Managers Association) . The two companies
are trying to resolve the issue of funds still remaining with
Also, the water employees voted to not be represented by the
union. Only two employees have been shuffled - Leslee Gemmill
will soon be moving to Maintenance Services to work on water
issues and maintenance matters and Lorry Christian is
splitting her day working in Human Resources and the Library.
d. ) Update on hand-held meter reading - Director Wegner reported
that a position will soon be open for a meter reader.
Employees are currently receiving training on the hand-held
meter reading equipment.
e. ) A new report format for the previous month's water activities
will be presented to the Intergovernmental Water Board at the
first meeting of each month. The report will summarize sales,
expenditures, installations and major work accomplished by
each area.
• Chair Haunsperger asked about the City Parks Department
and if under the water budget, the Department was going
to take of the water sites/reservoirs. Ed Wegner
reported that there was funding for two employees as
summer help to take care of water sites, both within and
outside city limits, and the individuals will work for
the Parks Department at Cook Park on the weekends.
• Commissioner Froude questioned staff about ,the water
flowing down Royalty Parkway over the weekend. Randy
Volk advised her there was a pipe break and i't` *as taken
care of by the person on duty.
• Commissioner Mortensen asked about the status of the
Boundary Commission's letter dated February 22, 1994.
The letter informed the Tigard Water District Board of
the Boundary Commission's intent to levy an assessment
against TWD for the 1994-1995 fiscal year as authorized
by ORS 199.457.
Ed Wegner responded that Wayne Lowry, Finance Director,
followed up to the Boundary Commission regardint the
letter but hadn't heard back. Ed Wegner agreed to follow
up with Wayne Lowry and will report back to the Board.
He also informed the Board that money Is available and
will be paid when due and money is in next year's budget.
• The Board reviewed briefly the March 3, 1994 statement
from Davis Wright Tremaine and Chair Haunsperger approved
the statement for payment.
5. Approve March 14, 1994 Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Morgan moved to approve the meeting minutes as
submitted and Commissioner Froude seconded the motion. A voice
vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
6. Set Next Meeting Agenda
• EES Update
• TWD Budget
7. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.