07/27/1998 - Packet TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the.Unincorporated Area
Monday, July 27, 1998
_:. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Introductions
3. Visitor Comments
4. Approval of June 1, 19<98 Meeting Minutes _
5_ Intergovernmental Water Board Update
6 Utility Manager Report
Non:Agenda Items
8: Commissioners Comments
9. Set Next Meeting Agenda
10: Adjournment-
Executive Session The Tigard.Water District Board may go into Executive
Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660_(1) (d), (e), &(h)to discuss labor
relations, real property transactions, and.current and'pending litigation iss€es:
Alt discussions within this session are confidential,, therefore.nothing from this
meeting may be disclosed by those present. Representatives of the nevus..
media are allowed to attend this-session, but must not disclose any information
discussed during this session:
28a � .
JUNE 1, 1998
Commissioner John Haunsperger called the meeting of the Tigard Water Board of Commissioners to
order at 7:00 p.m. on June 1, 1998.
Members Present: David Strauss, John Haunsperger, Beverly Froude,Norm Penner, Gretchen
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Mike Miller
3. Approval of April 27, 1998, minutes
Commissioner Strauss noted that Betty Thatcher, a new member of the Budget Committee, did
attend the April 27, 1998, meeting, though she was late.
Commissioner Froude moved to accept the April 27, 1998, Budget meeting minutes as
corrected with the regular meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Penner seconded the
motion. All members present voting AYE, the motion passed unanimously.
4. Public Hearing- 1998/99 Proposed Budget
Commissioner Haunsperger opened the public hearing on the 1998/99 proposed budget. There was
no public testimony.
Commissioner Strauss moved to accept the 1998/99 proposed budget as submitted by the
Budget Committee. Commissioner Penner seconded the motion. All members present voting
AYE, the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Haunsperger closed the public hearing.
6. Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)Updates
Commissioner Froude reported that the IWB received two letters requesting help with water bills
because of water leaks. She reviewed the situation in which a water bill was high because a large
truck ran over the water meter at a residence near SW 113th and Fisher, and the meter ran all day.
She mentioned that the most probable culprit was the garbage truck. She said that the Board agreed
to split the $100 balance with the property manager.
Commissioner Haunsperger asked if this would set a precedent. Commissioner Froude said that this
was not discussed as setting a precedent, the Board intended to correct a discrepancy. In-addition,
the water meter was moved further back from the street. She mentioned that Councilor Paul Hunt
Tigard Water District Board - June 1, 1998 Page 1 of 4
had been adamant that, even with an adjustment policy, people had the right to come to the IWB.
She stated that they would continue to look at each case individually.
Commissioner Haunsperger asked for Mr. Miller's opinion. Mike Miller, Staff, commented that
the City had to keep the meters in the public right-of-way, they could not go onto private property.
He noted that SW 130 was a narrow street with little shoulder on which to site the meter.
Commissioner Buehner suggested providing PRIDE with a map of meter locations so they could
better train their drivers.
Commissioner Froude reported that the studies on a long term water supply from the Willamette
were continuing with no firm decision expected until December 2. She noted the purchase of two
parcels of land by Wilsonville, Tigard, and the Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD)by the end of
June for the treatment plant. If these parcels were not used, the land would be resold.
Commissioner Froude reported that it cost between $5000 to $6000 to mail out the newsletter to all
District members. She reviewed the public relations efforts of the various jurisdictions in promoting
the Willamette River as a water supply. She mentioned that Tigard would take the lead in the raw
water monitoring project on the Willamette River beginning in June. Mr. Miller noted that he, Rich
Sattler and Montgomery Watson would handle that project.
Commissioner Froude reported on the water forum held at the high school. Mr. Miller confirmed
that approximately 120 people (including staff) attended the meeting with about 30 of those being
Tigard residents. Commissioner Penner said that the other 80 attendees included people from
Portland and the Oregon Environmental Council. He held that it was a"set-up" meeting.
Commissioner Buehner mentioned that her Letter to the Editor on this matter, which she submitted
to the Oregonian, was rejected on the grounds that she was a Tigard Water District Board member,
and her letter was inappropriate. The Board discussed the issue, concluding that they had as much
right as the Oregon Environmental Council to have their say.
Commissioner Penner commented that he saw the Oregonian article as a misleading and biased
account of the meeting. Commissioner Froude noted that Tigard staff was speaking to civic and
other groups to present the other side of the story. She quoted statements made by Ed Wegner,
Public Works Director, at the meeting, in which he pointed out that Tigard has been getting treated
and filtered water from the Clackamas River for 20 out of the past 23 years - a fundamental
principle that people were not understanding.
Commissioner Froude mentioned Mr. Wegner's comment that Tigard was not asking Portland or
Gresham to tie into the proposed new system, therefore it was not their problem; yet they talked as
though they were part of the solution. She noted another comment in which Mr. Wegner explained
that today Tigard got a water"blend" of untreated water that is chloraminated water(Bull Run) as
opposed to 90% Clackamas River water that they got five years ago. Mr. Miller noted that a
"blend" of 50/50 or 60/40 had taste and odor problems. Commissioner Haunsperger pointed out
that the build up of chlorine ammonia on the sides of pipes that have not carried it before tame off
and got into the water.
Tigard Water District Board -June 1, 1998 Page 2 of 4
Commissioner Froude reported that the Menlor Reservoir site was on schedule for enclosure on
August 1 and completion on August 31. Mr. Miller explained the staff work scheduled to replace
the failed valves in the Tiedeman water vault(at North Dakota)with butterfly valves remotely
controlled by a SCADA system.
The Board discussed the situation with Portland Commissioner Sten's proposal. Commissioner
Buettner commented that she felt that the Oregonian article degraded the proposal. Mr. Miller
mentioned Commissioner Sten's meeting with Wilsonville tonight.
Commissioner Buehner noted that the City of Portland's long term policy has been to use the
revenues from non-residents to fund all their capital improvements, an agenda which they were
continuing to pursue. She commented that most people were not aware of this hidden agenda of
Portland that lay behind their refusal to give water ownership rights to the other jurisdictions.
Commissioner Froude said that she saw a philosophical decision in this situation: pay for good
water from Portland or pay for not so good water from the Willamette. Commissioner Haunsperger
pointed out that the hydraulics of the system would not allow Willamette River water to flow back
into the Portland system, as feared by the"not in my pipes" organizations
Commissioner Haunsperger reported that the water coming into the Willamette from the creek
above Newberg (but below the Yamhill)was influenced by the landfill which Portland had been
involved with. He pointed out that they did not know what was leeching out of the landfill and into
the creek, as the landfill was abandoned and never sealed. He said that he was trying to convince
Doug Delano, a well driller from Newberg, to talk with Tigard staff and the Willamette Water
Supply Agency about the water in the area.
Commissioner Strauss asked if the concern was that this negative water flow came into the
Willamette or that it came from Portland in the first place. Commissioner Haunsperger contended
that the water intake for the treatment plant should be above that creek. He suggested drilling test
wells also to find out if the landfill was leaking into the creek.
The Board discussed the lack of adequate and unbiased coverage of Tigard issues by the Oregonian
which was the paper read by the majority of people. Commissioner Froude noted that the majority
of suburban coverage went to Lake Oswego and Oregon City. She suggested inviting the managing
editor of the Oregonian's Tigard office to a meeting to discuss how the paper covered Tigard in
The Board discussed the issue of Commissioner Buehner's Letter to the Editor. Commissioner
Froude spoke to at the very least getting a written account of the Oregonian's reasoning in rejecting
a letter from a Board member when Letters to the Editor, by their very nature, presented a biased
opinion on an issue.
Commissioner Penner moved to direct Commissioner Buehner to pursue the publication of
her Letter to the Editor in the Oregonian. Commissioner Froude seconded the motion. All
members present voting AYE, the motion passed unanimously. ' -
Tigard Water District Board - June 1, 1998 Page 3 oro
7. Operation Manager's Report
Mr. Miller reported that there would be a presentation on the Willamette River water issue at the
general session of the CIT Thursday night meeting. He noted this was the third breakout session on
the issue also.
Mr. Miller reported on water usage in May, noting that it was lower than usual because of rain
(beginning at 5.9 mgd and decreasing).
Mr. Miller noted the status report on the Mentor project.
Mr. Miller confirmed that the next NVB meeting was scheduled for July 8 at 5:30 p.m.
8. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Penner presented pictures of the water system in Istanbul, Turkey. He mentioned
that during the time of the Roman emperor Constantine a huge water reservoir was built under the
city but then forgotten as the centuries passed. He said that within the past 15 years it was
rediscovered and turned into a tourist attraction. He noted that huge hollow columns in the Blue
Mosque also served as water reservoirs (with a spigot at the bottom).
Commissioner Strauss raised the issue of Budget Committee procedures, contending that according
to the Oregon Revised Statutes, they were out of compliance with state statutes. He said that the
Budget Committee was supposed to be a standing committee with rotating three year terms. The
Board discussed the matter and agreed that the situation needed to be corrected. Commissioner
Buehner volunteered to contact the Board attorney for the most recent information on how a special
district should handle its Budget Committee.
9. Adjournment
Commissioner Haunsperger adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
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