11/24/1997 - Packet PUBLIC COPY — T[GAR©.WATER DISTRICT':::::: BOARD of COMMISSIONERS I FEE 'INN Serving thea ---- .—orated a -NDA >:::::::,:...... Monday,-November , 1 97 00 8 p m Call toOrdcr ... .. 2 . Oath of Office a - Gretchen E Buehner - 3. R--_--_•.---i--_oll Call a:_:.-:---:_:nd-Introduc tions 4 Visitor Comments ---_„-----'.--::--..: -:„--....o---.-----:-7_7-_ cJ Approval©f September , 'i 997 Meeting Minutes 6, Intergovernmental Wet Beard Upd to 7. Operation Mann ger' t a. Reservoir Meaning; b.< Establishment 55tj done - ---:... - - N©n-1 genda Items :_9. Non Agenda Items __:.--_:--,,._.-...-„--_!-.--:.,::_'- 'lit: Adjournment Executive Session: The Tigard Water Distri Boar l;:r ay go into cut ve S sion under the revisions cif ?R 1 2 660 1: d), (e) &.(.h tee rlsa `ss::fabor relations, real._pr©pi rty transactions, and current and pending litigation issues: All discussions within this::session are core ential .thii re nothing fto ;;this. meeting may be disclosed by tl c se prese . Representatives c : die::news media are allowed to attend this session, btu must.not:disclose airy ii fon rtetipn discussed during hissession TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 1997 REVISED Members Present: Bev Froude, John Haunsperger, Norman Penner, David Strauss. Members Absent: Gretchen Buehner. Staff Present: Ed Wegner, Michelle Wareing. Visitors: None Introductions: Ed Wegner introduced Michelle Wareing as the new Recording Secretary. Ed stated that Michelle works at City Hall in the Records Department. 1. Call to Order: The meeting of the Tigard Water Board of Commissioners was called to order by Chair Norman Penner at 7:00 pm. 2. Oath of Office: Ed Wegner stated that David Strauss and Gretchen Buehner needed to be sworn into office. David Strauss was sworn into office by Ed Wegner and signed all necessary paper work. Gretchen Buehner was not sworn into office since she was absent. 3. Roll Call: All members were present at the meeting except for Gretchen Buehner. 4. Visitors Comments: No visitors were present at the meeting. 5. Approval of Minutes: The minutes for the June 23, 1997 meeting were approved with changes. On item three of the minutes, it should read that John Volpes resigned as of June 30, 1997 instead of"this evening" as stated in the minutes. Motioned, seconded, passed. MSP 6. Intergovernmental Water Board Update: The Tigard Water District Board went into executive session at 7:07 pm under the provisions of ORS 192.660 (1) (d) (e) and (h). The Board returned from executive session at 7:45 pm. 7. Director's Report: Ed Wegner gave an update on the construction of the Mentor Reservoir. Ed stated that City of Tigard had a problem with the low bidding company. The Company's subcontractor had incorrectly underestimated its budget by $300,000. The contract stated that the bidder could be released from its bid if the company- - notified the City in writing in a certain amount of time. The low bidding company did not notify the City. Ed stated that the City had thought about making the company do the work for the bid amount, but it was decided to release the company from its contract 1 and go with the second lowest bidder. Ed reported that the second low bidding company had used the same subcontractor, but the company caught the calculation error before turning its bid over to the City. Ward-Henshaw is the company that wilt be building the reservoir. Ed stated that it took about a month to decide what should be done about the bids. Ed stated that construction of the reservoir started about two weeks ago. An open house was held on Saturday, September 20th. A road way has been partially cut through the property. Ed stated the contractor works on Saturdays and may work on Sundays, so drainage pipes can be placed before winter. Ed reported that the budget for the reservoir came in at $3.3 million. Ed expects that construction and landscaping will be completed by October 31, 1998. Ed stated that the City, the contractor and engineer met with a facilitator to develop a partnering agreement that sets ground rules and vision for the construction of the reservoir. A slogan was developed to express to neighbors and citizens the purpose and goal of the reservoir. The slogan is "A partnership committed to enhancing and preserving community values and livability through construction of a state of the art drinking water reservoir within budget and with minimum impact to the neighborhood and to the environment". Ed stated that everyone signed the contract and continues to adhere to the vision by discussing any problems or questions that arise. Commissioner Penner stated that he had attended the open house on Saturday and had talked to a local resident. Commissioner Penner stated that the citizen had contact with the Water Department on several occasions and that the Department had been very prompt in responding to his requests. The citizen was very pleased with his contact with the Department. Ed stated he would pass the praise on to the Water Department employees. Ed reported that he had met with local neighbors on three different occasions. Ed stated that the City has gone out of its way to make sure that the neighbors are comfortable with the project. It is the City's and the contractor's mission to have minimal impact on the neighborhood. The contractor has built a gravel parking area for the neighbors to use instead of parking on the street since large trucks will be using the road and the contractor does not want to damage any cars. Commissioner Strauss asked how the Menlor neighborhood's water pressure is currently? Ed stated that the pressure is currently better than ever. A local developer had been working with some fire hydrants and caused the main PRV valve to break, thereby, causing residents to have more pressure than what they needed. However, Ed stated that during the summer, residents have less pressure than what they'need. Commissioner Haunsperger asked if the reservoir will have any impact on the rest of Bull Mountain? Will it increase or relieve the pressure? Ed stated that the reservoir will not have an affect on the Bull Mountain area. Ed reported that the next reservoir the 2 City needs to build in the next ten years will help the water pressure in the Bull Mountain area. Ed reported that water sales are down. Ed stated that during the summer an average of 4.5 MGD is used each day. Ed reported that poor sales is due to a decrease in water consumption. Water consumption reached its peak in August with 12 million gallons used each day. Consumption made a quick drop to 7 million then to 5 million gallons. Current consumption is staying consistent with about 5 million gallons used per day. Ed stated that the City is currently running only the Portland water. The City is not buying water from any other sources and has its wells turned off. Ed reported that the Regional Consortium met two weeks ago. Councilor Bob Rohlf represented the City of Tigard since Councilor Hunt was out of town. The Forest Service gave a presentation on the care and feeding of watersheds and the work the City of Portland and Forest Service has done on the Little Sandy River. The purpose of the project was to preserve the watershed and use it as a water source for the City of Sandy. 8. Non-Agenda Items: Ed reported that Mike Miller, the City's Operation Manager for Water, is currently on paternity leave. Mike and his wife had a baby boy the Friday before Labor Day. Mike will be gone for two months. Ed asked the Commissioners if they wanted to get their meeting dates back on schedule and have a meeting in October and then one in December. Ed stated that if the meetings returned to its regular schedule then Commissioner Buehner would be able to make reports from the Intergovernmental Water Board. After much discussion, it was decided to stay off schedule and the next meeting will be held on Monday, November 24. If a major issues comes up that the Board needs to be informed about a meeting will be held in October. Commissioner Strauss asked if there was some way in which the Board could express its appreciation to Diane Kuhn, the previous Recording Secretary. Was it possible for the Board to submit a letter of commendation or certificate to thank her for all her work? Ed stated that the Board could draft a letter. Commissioner Strauss motioned that the Board issue Diane Kuhn a letter or certificate of thanks. MSP 9. Adjournment: The Tigard Water District Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. 3 • p. PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION. 800 NE OREGON ST #16 (STE 540), PORTLAND OR 97232-TEL: 731-4093 FINAL ORDER RE: BOUNDARY CHANGE PROPOSAL NO: 3813 - Annexation of territory to the City of Tigard. Proceedings on Proposal No. 3813 commenced upon receipt by the Boundary Commission of a property owner/registered voter consents from the City on September 16, 1997, requesting that certain property be annexed to the City. The resolution and consents meet the requirements for initiating a proposal set forth in ORS 199.490, particularly Section (2)(a)(B). Upon receipt of the petition the Boundary Commission published and posted notice of the public hearing in accordance with ORS 199.463 and conducted a public hearing on the proposal on October 16, 1997. The Commission also caused a study to be made on this proposal which considered economic, demographic and sociological trends and projections and physical development of the land. The Commission reviewed this proposal in light of the following statutory guidance: "199.410 Policy. (1) The Legislative Assembly finds that: "(a) A fragmented approach has developed to public services provided by local government. Fragmentation results in duplications in services, unequal tax bases and resistance to cooperation and is a barrier to planning implementation. Such an approach has limited the orderly development and growth of Oregon's urban areas to the detriment of the citizens of this state. "(b) The programs and growth of each unit of local government affect not only that particular unit but also activities and programs of a variety of other units within each urban area. "(c) As local programs become increasingly intergovernmental, the state has a responsibility to insure orderly determination and adjustment of local government boundaries to best meet the needs of the people. "(d) Local comprehensive plans define local land uses but may not specify which units of local government are to provide public services when those services are required. "(e) Urban population densities and intensive development require a broad spectrum and high level of community services and controls. When areas become urbanized and require the full range of community services, priorities are required regarding the type and levels of services that the residents need and desire. Community service priorities need to be established by weighing the total service needs against the total financial resources available for securing services. Those service priorities are required to reflect local circumstances, conditions and limited financial Final Order - Page 1 • 1 resources. A single governmental agency, rather than several governmental agencies is in most cases better able to assess the financial resources and therefore is the best mechanism for establishing community service priorities. "(2) It is the intent of the Legislative Assembly that each boundary commission establish policies and exercise its powers under this chapter in order to create a governmental structure that promotes efficiency and economy in providing the widest range of necessary services in a manner that encourages and provides planned, well- ordered and efficient development patterns. "(3) The purposes of ORS 199.410 to 199.534 are to: "(a) Provide a method for guiding the creation and growth of cities and special service districts in Oregon in order to prevent illogical extensions of local government boundaries and to encourage the reorganization of overlapping governmental agencies; "(b) Assure adequate quality and quantity of public services and the financial integrity of each unit of local government; "(c) Provide an impartial forum for the resolution of local government jurisdictional questions; " (d) Provide that boundary determinations are consistent with acknowledged local comprehensive plans and are in conformance with state-wide planning goals. In making boundary determinations the commission shall first consider the acknowledged comprehensive plan for consistency of its action. Only when the acknowledged local comprehensive plan provides inadequate policy direction shall the commission consider the statewide planning goals. The commission shall consider the timing, phasing and availability of services in making a boundary determination; and "(e) Reduce the fragmented approach to service delivery by encouraging single agency service delivery over service delivery by several agencies. "199.462 Standards for review of changes; territory which may not be included in certain changes. (1) In order to carry out the purposes described by ORS 199.410 when reviewing a petition for a boundary change or application under ORS 199.464, a boundary commission shall consider local comprehensive planning for the area, economic, demographic and sociological trends and projections pertinent to the proposal, past and prospective physical development of land that would directly or indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change or application under ORS 199.464 and the goals adopted under ORS 197.225." "(2) Subject to any provision to the contrary in the principal Act of the affected district or city and subject to the process of transfer of territory: "(a) Territory within a city may not be included within or annexed to a district without the consent of the city council; "(b) Territory within a city may not be included within or annexed to another city; and Final Order - Page 2 I r "(c) Territory within a district may not be included within or annexed to another district subject to the same principal Act." The Commission also considered its policies adopted under Administrative Procedures Act (specifically 193-05-000 to 193-05-015), historical trends of boundary commission operations and decisions and past direct and indirect instructions of the State Legislature in arriving at its decision. FINDINGS (See Findings in Exhibit "A" attached hereto). REASONS FOR DECISION (See Reasons for Decision in Exhibit "A" attached hereto.) ORDER On the basis of the Findings and Reasons for Decision listed in Exhibit "A", the Boundary Commission approved Boundary Change Proposal No. 3813 on October 16, 1997. NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED THAT the territory described in Exhibit "B" and depicted on the attached map, be annexed to the City of Tigard as of October 16, 1997. PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION DATE: / 7co 97 BY: /G,�a/C.g. Wce Chair ATTEST: i_ Final Order - Page 3 Exhibit A Proposal No. 3813 FINDINGS Based on the study and public hearing, the Commission found: 1 . The territory to be annexed is located generally in the west part of the City, on the north edge of SW Fonner Street, west edge of SW 115th Avenue, and south of SW Carmen Street. The territory contains 3.69 acres, is vacant, and evaluated at $184,680. 2. The property owners desire City services to facilitate single family residential development. 3. The Boundary Commission has three adopted policies. The first of these policies states that the Commission generally sees cities as the primary providers of urban services. Recognizing that growth of cities may cause financial problems for the districts, the Commission states in the second policy that the Commission will help find solutions to the problems. The third policy states that the Commission may approve illogical boundaries in the short term if these lead to logical service arrangements in the long term. 4. The property owner whose property is entirely surrounded by this annexation is not interested in annexing his property at this time. The Commission could not modify the proposal to include this lot without violating the double-majority requirements of the law. 5. The parcel contains trees and vegetation, and slopes in a northeasterly direction. There is a steep slope of 20% or greater along a swale traversing the northwest corner of the site. 6. The territory is within the regional Urban Growth Boundary and the boundary of Metro. 7. The territory is located within the County's West Tigard Community Planning area. The West Tigard Plan states: The West Tigard Planning Area has been identified as part of the City of Tigard 'Active Planning Area.' Under the active planning concept, a City accepts planning responsibilities for areas outside of its corporate limits because the City feels the area will ultimately have to annex in order to receive urban services for development. Although most of the West Tigard Planning Area will have to rely on the City for urban services, some portions may be able to obtain the services for urban development required by the County urban growth management policies through service districts other than the City. Because of this possibility for develop- ment in both the City and the County, Washington County has agreed to adopt a plan for the area which is consistent with the comprehensive plan developed and adopted by the City of Tigard. The County Plan designates the site as R-5, 5 units per acre. 8. Washington County reviewed its role in service provision in its County 2000 program. In this document, the County adopted a policy of supporting a service delivery system.which distinguishes between municipal and county-wide services to achieve tax fairness and Final Order - Page 4 Exhibit A Proposal No. 3813 expenditure equity in the provision of public services. The County policy states that municipal services should be provided either by cities or special districts. 9. The City of Tigard and Washington County have entered into an Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA) which is a part of both the County's and Tigard's adopted Comprehensive Plans. The UPAA sets out an "Active Planning Area" within which the City assumes responsibility for land use planning, and an "Area of Interest" in which the County agrees to coordinate its planning because of the potential impacts on Tigard. The subject property falls within the "Active Planning Area" as designated in the UPAA. The following pertinent provisions are from Section A, "Active Planning Area" portion of the UPAA: A. Active Planning Area 1 . Definition Active Planning Area means the incorporated area and certain unincorporated areas contiguous to the incorporated area for which the CITY conducts comprehensive planning and seeks to regulate development activities to the greatest extent possible 2. The CITY shall be responsible for comprehensive planning within the Active Planning Area. 3. The CITY is responsible for the preparation, adoption and amendment of the public facility plan required by OAR 660-1 1 within the Active Planning Area. 4. The COUNTY shall not approve land divisions within the Active Planning Area which would create lots less than 10 acres in size, unless public sewer and water service are available to the property. 5. The COUNTY shall not approve a development in the Active Planning Area if the proposal would not provide for, nor be conditioned to provide for, an enforceable plan for redevelopment to urban densities consistent with CITY's Comprehensive Plan in the future upon annexation to the CITY as indicated by the CITY Comprehensive Plan. 6. Approval of the development actions in the Active Planning area shall be contingent upon provision of adequate urban services including sewer, water, storm drainage, streets, and police and fire protection. 7. The COUNTY shall not oppose annexation to the CITY within the CITY's Active Planning Area. 10. The City of Tigard has a "city limits" plan. The County's plan and ordinances remain applicable unless the City takes other action after the annexation is effective. The Tigard Comprehensive Plan Polices relevant to this case are provided here: Final Order - Page 5 Exhibit A Proposal No. 3813 7.2.1 a. A site development study be submitted for development in areas subject to poor drainage, ground instability or flooding which shows that the development is safe and will not create adverse off-site impacts; b. Natural drainage ways be maintained unless submitted studies show that alternative drainage solutions can solve on-site drainage problems and will ensure no adverse off-site impacts; c. All drainage can be handled on-site or there is an alternative solution which will not increase the off-site impact; * * * e. Erosion control techniques be included as a part of the site development plan. * * 10.1.1 Prior to the annexation of land to the City of Tigard: a. The city shall review each of the following services as to adequate capacity, or such services to be made available, to serve the parcel if developed to the most intense use allowed, and will not significantly reduce the level of services available to developed and undeveloped land within the City of Tigard. The services are: 1. water; 2. sewer; 3. drainage; 4. streets; 5. police; and 6. fire protection. b. If required by an adopted capital improvements program ordinance, the applicant shall sign and record with Washington County a nonremonstrance agreement regarding the following: 1. The formation of a local improvement district (L.I.D.) for any of the following services that could be provided through such a district. The extension or improvement of the following: a) water; b) sewer; c) drainage; and d) streets. * * * Final Order - Page 6 Exhibit A Proposal No. 3813 10.1.2 Approval of proposed annexations of land by the city shall be based on findings with respect to the following: a. The annexation eliminates an existing "pocket" or "island" of unincorporated territory; or b. The annexation will not create an irregular boundary that makes it difficult for the police in an emergency situation to determine whether the parcel is within or outside the city; c. The police department has commented upon the annexation; d. The land is located within the Tigard urban planning area and is contiguous to the city boundary; e. The annexation can be accommodated by the services listed in 10.1.1(a). 10.1.3 Upon annexation of land into the city which carries a Washington County zoning designation, the City of Tigard shall assign the City of Tigard zoning district designation which most closely conforms to the county zoning designation. The City conducted a zone change proceeding concurrent with reviewing the annexation and approved a zoning designation of R-4.5 to be effective upon annexation. The development is proposed to be developed as a Planned Development, with the natural drainage area dedicated as open space. The Tigard Municipal Code allows for a residential density transfer limited to the number of units which would have been allowed on 25% of the unbuildable area. 11 . An 8-inch City sewer line in SW 116th Ave., which abuts the northern edge of the parcel, can be extended to provide service to the site. The territory is within the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County as is the City. The Unified Sewerage Agency has a standard agreement between the Agency and the large cities within the Agency (Beaverton, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Tigard, Tualatin and Sherwood). In that agreement the Cities agree to: 1) comply with the Agency's construction and maintenance standards for sanitary and storm water sewer facilities, 2) follow and accomplish the Agency's work program for storm and surface water, 3) obtain the Agency's consent before issuing construction permits within wetlands, floodways and floodplains. The agreement provides that the city owns and is responsible for sanitary sewer lines under 24 inches in diameter within the City limits and for storm water facilities within the City limits as identified on a map (virtually all facilities). The Unified Sewerage Agency is'responsible for all industrial waste discharges, both in and out of cities. The Unified Sewerage Agency agrees not to extend sanitary sewer service to areas outside the City within the City's Urban Planning Area (as identified in the City-County UPAA) unless the City approves. The City is responsible for billing the customers after service is installed and for collecting sanitary and storm sewer connection fees. If the City imposes the same connection fees and user charges as U.S.A., it simply passes these monies on to U.S.A. to pay for the.co,sts of treatment and transmission of the sewage or storm water. The City may impose higher costs than U.S.A. charges and keep the difference to offset City costs. Final Order - Page 7 Exhibit A Proposal No. 3813 Monthly sanitary sewer user charges are $14.55 per month plus a consumption charge of $1.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used by the customer. These City charges are the same as those charged by U.S.A.. 12. An 8-inch water line located in SW 116th Ave. can be extended to serve the site, and an 8- inch line SW Fonner St. is adjacent to the southern edge of the parcel. The territory is within the boundary of the Tigard Water District. The City of Tigard, which used to be served by the District, has withdrawn incorporated territory from the District and established a Tigard Water Department. The Tigard Water District contracts with the City to service customers within the Water District boundaries. The City intends to withdraw the territory from the District pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement between the two entities. The City of Tigard/Tigard Water District water rates begin at a flat rate of $18.62 for 800 cubic feet, charged bi-monthly. Properties outside of the City and District pay an additional $5.50 bi-monthly charge. Additional water use over 800 cf. is charged $1 .32/100 cf. for territories both within and outside of the City/District boundaries. 13. Upon annexation to the City, the territory will be automatically withdrawn from the Washington County Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District and the District's $ .7481 per thousand property tax will no longer be levied against the territory. The County Service District provides a level of service of .51 officers per 1000 population which in addition to the general County level of .43 officers per 1000 population means that the current level is .94 officer per 1000 population. Subsequent to annexation, the Tigard Police Department will provide police protection to the territory. Tigard provides a service level of 1.3 officers per thousand population. Emergency response in Tigard is under five minutes. 14. The territory is within the Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue District. Annexation will not affect this service because the City is in the District. 15. The Washington County Transportation Plan designates SW Fonner St. as a collector. The City staff has indicated that initial plans for development include extending 116th Ave. through the subject parcel. The territory is within the boundary of the Washington County Urban Road Maintenance District. Upon annexation the territory will be automatically withdrawn from the District and the District's levy of $.2886 per $1000 assessed value will no longer apply to the property. 16. The site naturally drains into the swale along the northwest corner of the site, which flows into a wetland area in the southeast corner of the northern adjacent parcel. The applicant has indicated that the site will be developed with open space to preserve the naturalAtate of the existing drainageway, and that Final Order - Page 8 Exhibit A Proposal No. 3813 storm drainage for the area is currently at capacity. Any future development of the site will require a downstream storm drainage analysis to determine the extent of water quality and/or water detention that may be necessary. City staff has indicated that within this area storm drainage is a problem, which is exacerbated by the limited sanitary sewer service. The developer will be required to manage storm water drainage in compliance with City ordinances. The Unified Sewerage Agency levies an annual assessment for storm drainage services of $36 per dwelling unit of which $24 goes to the City. 17. The territory is within the Washington County Service District #1 for street lights. The District provides services to areas within its boundary which request street lighting services. The District uses local improvement districts to finance the service. Upon annexation it will be automatically withdrawn from the District. The City provides street lighting service out of its Street fund which receives State shared gasoline tax revenues as its primary revenue source. Street lights are required by the City in residential subdivisions. Upon installation of street lights by a developer to City standards, the City accepts dedication of the street lights and takes on ongoing operation and maintenance costs. 18. The territory is within the boundary of the Washington County Vector Control District. Tigard is not a part of the District. Upon annexation, the territory will be automatically withdrawn from the unfunded Washington County Vector Control District. REASONS FOR DECISION Based on the Findings, the Commission determined: 1 . The proposal is consistent with City, County, and Regional planning for the area. 2. Subsequent to annexation an adequate quantity and quality of public services will be available to the area as required by ORS 199.410(3)(b). 3. The proposal is consistent with the Boundary Commission Policy On Incorporated Status (OAR 193-05-005)and the Policy On Long Term/Long Range Governmental Structure (OAR 193-05- 015.) Final Order - Page 9 Exhibit B Proposal No. 3813 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION TO City of Tigard A tract of land located in the Southeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the initial point of the plat CARMEN PARK; thence S 00°46' W a distance of 492.34 feet to the north right-of-way of SW Fonner Street; thence N 89°57' E a distance of 401 feet to the west right-of-way of County Road 495; thence N 00°46' E a distance of 100 feet; thence Westerly a distance of 205 feet; thence N 00°46' E a distance of 194 feet; thence Easterly 205 feet to the west right-of-way of County Rd. 495; thence N 00°46 E, 168.80 feet, more or less; thence N 87°46' E a distance of 20.00 feet; thence N 00°46' E a distance of 34.54 feet; thence S 89°57' W a distance of 421 feet to a point on the east line of Lot 8, CARMEN PARK; thence S 00°46' W a distance of 17.34 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: Beginning at the initial point of the plat CARMEN PARK; thence S 00°46' W a distance of 492.34 feet to the north right-of-way of SW Fonner Street and the True Point of Beginning; thence S 00°46' W a distance of 40.00 feet to the southerly right-of-way of SW Fonner Street; thence N 89°57' E, along said south right-of-way, a distance of 441 .00 feet to the east right-of-way of County Rd 495; thence N 00°46' E along said east right-of-way a distance of 504.33 feet to the north right-of-way of County Rd 495; thence S 87°46' W along said north line, a distance of 40.05 feet to the west line of said County Rd.; thence S 00°46' W along said west right-of-way, a distance of 462.80 feet to the north right-of-way of SW Fonner Street; thence S 89°46' W, along said north line, a distance of 401 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Final Order - Page 10 I < PROPOSAL SE 1/4 NW 1/4 SECTION 3 T2S R 1 W W.M. 2S 1 3BD Washington County sTR� � • p, Scale: 1" = 200' '_.n ,u• W AL- 4•a - 00 s w -724; \.... �•, 200 i .a 07 sr. 'J J 9: .00 z�<<; 602 so<r- t • �� 1 c,00 YJ sr I r .500 .;.\1 �M�. I J].r- 11 xx1 .. °;<. .�—'; ., -'71:: g; TIGARD 1 V 1- -a • ' 41 .. 4.. 11 J0a 1-1 - s.m. // a . 1 F - 120 . r cit: a : ; 23 -78No ,.� 200s,, �' - 7// "'PITT e ,r2;0 / , c ,\ A �; S f lly r, I .31--‘t, _ s N. — 'S WCARMEN STREET 1 2 ' ' 23N-2 taco i 2700 2600 12500 2 4C i1{( 2300 . q. i 1 i R ; I l ri. _.. mac. i-.:,' i`=i:_:::: =::=: �=:::::': =: '°iL�isrA Ja !_ ,_ti3"_�__ME..: �• :.:.•i - 2.. - - - .3200 * ..I.rlc;•,nMT_/ ';:::::: : tyOOi:;;:; '•:i:: :;;:; Z:%> �_a s<:. .. Sv<r 3500 :•F'. = ze. AREA TO BE 33°;-:., 300 .,, _ - ANNEXED - >> i-iii 1_- 3ii 1. i _ 1t ,. - SMS et.._°�t 3500•' 1 `600 r 2..,5800 1 I i e:Ct 4 <20C I• <`00 - S-Rr-- r14. 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MAP 2S t 3C / rc PROPOSAL NO,, 3813 /44.11 ,{e( CITY OF TIGARD T7 f9.i- ANNEXATION s a TIGARD WATER DISTRICT INCOME STATEMENT & BALANCE SHEET As of July 31, 1997 INCOME STATEMENT Accounts 1 I FY BUDGET 1 I Prior Y-T- 0 1 I Monthly I j Y-T - D , REVENUES 1% PY Water Sales Revenue 8,300.00 0.00 Interest Earned 1,800.00 70.46 70.46 Recovered Expenditures 0.00 Total Revenues 10,100.00 0.00 70.46 70.46 EXPENDITURES Professional Services 3,580.00 0.00 Contractual Services 5,000.00 0.00 Special Department Expense 1,300.00 0.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 0.00 Advertising & Elections 4,300.00 0.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,010.00 0.00 Travel/Food & Lodging 650.00 0.00 Education &Training 400.00 0.00 Insurance 1,800.00 478.05 478.05 Contingency/Reserve 0.00 Total Expenditures 18,040.00 0.00 478.05 478.05 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash & Investments 31,403.40 (407.59) 30,995.81 Net Fixed Assets 0.00 0.00 Total Assets 0.00 31,403.40 (407.59) 30,995.81 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts Payable 0.00 0.00 Due Other Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance 29,000.00 28,869.58 0.00, . 28,869.58 Excess of Rev/(Exp.) (16,140.00) 2,533.82 (407.59) 2,126.23 Total Ending Fund Balance 12,860.00 31,403.40 (407.59) 30,995.81 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 12,860.00 31,403.40 (407.59) 30,995.81 g.\Excel\TWD\Monthly\94-5 isbs.xls TIGARD WATER DISTRICT INCOME STATEMENT & BALANCE SHEET As of August 31, 1997 INCOME STATEMENT Accounts I I FY BUDGET I ( Prior Y - T - D I I Monthly I I Y -T- D REVENUES 1% PY Water Sales Revenue 8,300.00 0.00 Interest Earned 1,800.00 70.46 178.14 248.60 Recovered Expenditures 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues 10,100.00 70.46 178.14 248.60 EXPENDITURES Professional Services 3,580.00 0.00 0.00 Contractual Services 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Special Department Expense 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 Advertising & Elections 4,300.00 0.00 0.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,010.00 0.00 1,010.00 1,010.00 Travel/Food & Lodging 650.00 0.00 0.00 Education & Training 400.00 0.00 0.00 Insurance 1,800.00 478.05 9.00 487.05 Contingency/Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 18,040.00 478.05 1,019.00 1,497.05 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash & Investments 30,995.81 (840.86) 30,154.95 Net Fixed Assets 0.00 Total Assets 0.00 30,995.81 (840.86) 30,154.95 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts Payable 0.00 0.00 0.00 Due Other Funds 0.00 Total Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance 29,000.00 28,869.58 0.00' 28,869.58 Excess of(Revenues)/Expenditures (16,140.00) 2,126.23 (840.86) 1,285.37 Total Fund Balance 12,860.00 30,995.81 (840.86) 30,154.95 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 12,860.00 30,995.81 (840.86) 30,154.95 g:\Excel\TWD\Monthly\94-5isbs.xls TIGARD WATER DISTRICT INCOME STATEMENT & BALANCE SHEET As of September 30, 1997 INCOME STATEMENT I Accounts I I FY BUDGET 1 I Prior Y -T - DI I Monthly I I Y -T - D I REVENUES 1% PY Water Sales Revenue 8,300.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Earned 1,800.00 248.60 163.68 412.28 Recovered Expenditures 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues 10,100.00 248.60 163.68 412.28 EXPENDITURES Professional Services 3,580.00 0.00 49.00 49.00 Contractual Services 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Special Department Expense 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 Advertising & Elections 4,300.00 0.00 0.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,010.00 1,010.00 1,010.00 Travel/Food & Lodging 650.00 0.00 0.00 Education & Training 400.00 0.00 0.00 Insurance 1,800.00 487.05 487.05 Contingency/Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 18,040.00 1,497.05 49.00 1,546.05 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash & Investments 30,154.95 114.68 30,269.63 Net Fixed Assets 0.00 0.00 Total Assets 0.00 30,154.95 114.68 30,269.63 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Liabilities 0.00 Accounts Payable 0.00 0.00 Due Other Funds 0.00 0.00 Total Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance 29,000.00 28,869.58 0.00 28,869.58 Excess of Revenues/(Expenditures) (29,000.00) 1,285.37 114.68` LL 1,400.05 Total Fund Balance 0.00 30,154.95 114.68 30,269.63 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 0.00 30,154.95 114.68 30,269.63 g:\Excel\TWD\Monthly\94-5isbs.xls `; TIGARD WATER DISTRICT INCOME STATEMENT & BALANCE SHEET As of October 31, 1997 INCOME STATEMENT I Accounts I I FY BUDGET M I Prior Y - T-D I I Monthly I I Y -T- D I REVENUES 1% PY Water Sales Revenue 8,300.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Earned 1,800.00 412.28 226.01 638.29 Recovered Expenditures 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues 10,100.00 412.28 226.01 638.29 EXPENDITURES Professional Services 3,580.00 49.00 49.00 Contractual Services 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Special Department Expenses 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 Office Supplies & Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 Advertising & Elections 4,300.00 0.00 0.00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,010.00 1,010.00 1,010.00 Travel Food & Lodging 650.00 0.00 0.00 Education &Training 400.00 0.00 0.00 Insurance 1,800.00 487.05 487.05 Contingency/Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 18,040.00 1,546.05 0.00 1,546.05 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash & Investments 30,269.63 226.01 30,495.64 Net Fixed Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Assets 0.00 30,269.63 226.01 30,495.64 LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts Payable 0.00 0.00 0.00 Due Other Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Liabilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund Balance Fund Balance 29,000.00 28,869.58 0.00. - . 28,869.58 Excess of Rev/(Exp.) (29,000.00) 1,400.05 226.01 1,626.06 Total Fund Balance 0.00 30,269.63 226.01 30,495.64 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 0.00 30,269.63 226.01 30,495.64 g:\Excel\T W D\Mondily\94-5 i sbs.xl s